Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 696 If You Do Military Training, It Will Be Sunny

Chapter 696 If You Are In Military Training, It Will Be Sunny (6)

When the student representative Xia Yue finished reading the rest of the speech step by step, the host said a few more words, and the opening ceremony of the military training was over.According to the military training schedule, after the opening ceremony, the counselors of each class should hold a class meeting, and then ask some safety issues.

Chu Zhou asked monitor Geng Zhe to take everyone back to the classroom. About 10 minutes later, he stood on the podium, his indifferent eyes swept over everyone.

Chu Zhou has always been known for his strict military training.The training time is longer than others, the intensity is greater than others, the speed is faster than others, and I have learned more than others.

It can be said that when other majors were still practicing military posture, the students led by Chu Zhou had already walked quite beautifully.Other majors have practiced walking in unison. The students led by Chu Zhou have already learned a whole set of military boxing. If Chu Zhou is in a good mood, he will teach self-defense and fighting skills.

Of course, the premise is that students are willing to learn.

Chu Zhou glanced around the classroom, and he knew that there were two classes of computer majors, a total of 62 students, and there was no shortage of them.

"Before your teacher Liu went to the hospital, did you arrange for a temporary person in charge of military training?" Chu Zhou asked.

Geng Zhe raised his hand, and then said: "Instructor Chu, I am the only one of us who is the class monitor. Other majors may have a girl in charge and a boy in charge, but our major..."

Just a girl, the position of a girl in charge seems to be a bit of self-entertainment.

Chu Zhou understood Geng Zhe's meaning and nodded: "Well, during the military training period, you are in charge of 31 boys in class one. Cheng Yu, you are in charge of thirty boys in class two. Don't worry about Shan Lianqiao, I will arrange it separately. .”

Lian Qiao: "..."

Faced with such an arrangement, other boys also think it is okay.

Seeing that everyone had no objections, Chu Zhou said formally: "This is the first time I meet you, so let me introduce myself first. I am Chu Zhou, the most special instructor, and the students I lead are also the most special group of people. Next In half a month, you will experience a kind of sublimation from body to soul. The specific effect varies from person to person, please refer to the statement of your senior sister for details."

When Chu Zhou was speaking, Cheng Yu was already very excited down below.

Who doesn't know how beautiful Chu Zhou was before he retired?Who didn't know that Cheng Yu's wish since childhood was to go to a military academy?
It's a pity that God's wishes didn't come true, and he was admitted to the computer major of Hua'an University by mistake.

Some people say that the charm of the college entrance examination lies in the mistakes, because there are people you are worth meeting.At this moment, Cheng Yu really felt that his luck had exploded.To be able to train under Chu Zhou for half a month is one of his dreams.In the future, when I write codes until my head is bald, I can still feel that he was crazy when I recalled the half month of military training.

At this time, Chu Zhou said again: "Of course, considering that you are only students, I will not force anyone. During the training process, you can give up at any time, leave my team, and then join the team of Instructor Zhang, who majored in civil engineering next door." inside.

Although Instructor Zhang was a little more serious, the content of the training was the most basic, and it was enough to walk in unison.But a friendly reminder, he likes to make people stand in a military posture. "

Before training, Chu Zhou always likes to break up the words and make them clear.

Whether it is military training or being drilled under him, safety is the first principle and personal interest is the premise of everything.

A twisted melon can't quench your thirst, Chu Zhou doesn't know, Chu Zhou only knows it's not sweet.

Coincidentally, he likes to eat melons.


(End of this chapter)

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