Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 74 Acting like a baby in the arms of the chief eunuch

Chapter 74 Acting like a baby in the arms of the chief eunuch (12)

"Oh..." Lian Qiao curled her lips and didn't ask any more questions, staying by Master Jiu's side obediently and being a little transparent.

In the Mid-Autumn Festival, Osmanthus osmanthus is fragrant.

In the middle of the palace banquet, the empress, noble concubine and others invited the female relatives to go for a walk in the back garden.

"Miss Shen, why don't you go with me?" It was Li Concubine, the birth mother of the seventh and eighth princes, who spoke.

Lian Qiao glanced at Master Jiu.

To be honest, she really didn't want to go.

Jiu Ye still took a sip of tea unhurriedly, "Go if you want to go, don't go if you don't want to go."

This is done according to the routine, and the female relatives invited by the concubines of the harem will definitely go.

But in the next second, Lian Qiao shook her head, threw her head into Master Jiu's arms, wrapped her arms around his waist, and said softly, "No, I'm afraid..."

Lipin's smile froze on her face.

Master Jiu shook his hand and almost spilled the tea.

Not far away, the prince's cup was almost crushed again.

Lian Qiao raised her head slightly, revealing a pair of big wet eyes.

How about the original owner's appearance is too deceptive, limp like a frightened little white rabbit.

Everyone looked at them, Master Jiu could only show an awkward yet polite smile. "Since that's the case, I can only disappoint my mother's kindness."

In fact, Li Pin's thoughts are well known to everyone, but she just wants to catch up with Master Jiu through Lian Qiao.At that time, her eyes were slightly wet, and she said directly: "Master Jiu, Xi'er was really wronged..."

The minister next to him covered his ears: I won't listen, I won't listen!
When Concubine Li spoke, Master Jiu felt that the little thing in his arms was restless.

Are you that interested in his body?
Master Jiu chuckled, and casually touched Lian Qiao's sleeping point.

Lian Qiao who fell asleep: I am not reconciled! !

I almost touched it! !

After Lian Qiao became honest, Master Jiu said: "Your Majesty, I have already reached a consensus with the emperor, and I don't care about the prince's affairs."

Besides, if he thoroughly investigates the affairs between the princes, it is estimated that none of the princes will be able to leave Dongchang cleanly.

You hurt me and I hurt you, no one is more noble than anyone else.

In other words, if one general succeeds in ten thousand bones, the winner will be the king and lose the bandit.

"Jiuye..." Li Pin hesitated to speak.

"Mother, the dew is heavy in the middle of the night, and it's easy to catch a cold when you fall asleep, so Ben Du took the little things and went back first." Master Jiu got up with Lian Qiao in his arms, and said, "Retire."

A Minister: Liar!It's obviously you who ordered them to fall asleep!We've all seen it!
Other ministers: Ah no, we didn't see...

A certain minister: Well, well, I didn’t see it either.


Jiang Hai still dutifully waited in the carriage, and when he saw Master Jiu coming, he immediately opened the curtain.

At this moment, the prince who came trotting all the way panted slightly: "Jiuye!"

Master Jiu turned his head, but there was no expression on his face.

The prince took a deep breath, summoned up his courage and said, "Master Jiu, it's good that you are rich and powerful, but if you don't love Aqiao, you can't give her happiness."

As he spoke, his voice was slightly hoarse: "Although I can't give her happiness, but... I beg Master Jiu to let her leave Dongchang! I will prepare a new identity for her. After changing her name and surname, she will marry an ordinary family , It's better to live this life in a mediocre way than in this situation now. Master Jiu, you don't love her, if you keep her by your side as a plaything, it's not fair to her!"

Master Jiu hugged Lian Qiao, and the girl in his arms slept more soundly because she was pressed into a sleeping hole.

"Fair? What is fair?" Master Jiu was not angry at what the prince said, but said: "The seventh prince is imprisoned, the Shen family is implicated, and she is a weak woman who acts as an official slave and lives in a brothel. What were you doing at that time?" ?Even if you are in Yanjing, what can you do for her.

Your Royal Highness, there is no absolute fairness in this world. The only thing that remains unchanged is the distinction between the strong and the weak.

Today, the governor can clearly tell you that even if the governor regards her as a plaything, even if everyone in the world blames the governor, the governor can still keep her in Dongchang and no one can resist.This is fair! "


(End of this chapter)

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