Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 75 Acting like a baby in the arms of the chief eunuch

Chapter 75 Acting like a baby in the arms of the chief eunuch (13)

The prince's body shook.

The cool night wind blew up his clothes, and under the cool moonlight, a look of pain suddenly appeared in his eyes.

In this life, he can't promise his beloved a home. Could it be that he can't even win her final freedom?
"Master Jiu, why are you bothering, you don't like her..."

Why bother.

Master Jiu was afraid of the cold, and had already stood in the cool wind for a long time, so he didn't want to say any more, and stepped into the carriage.

Besides, whether he likes little things or not, what has he to do with the prince?

"Jiuye..." On the way back to Dongchang, Jiang Hai, who was driving, also asked the doubts in his heart. "Why? Why is she again?"

At that time Master Jiu stroked Lian Qiao's palm and said, "Just follow fate."

The only time he let go, the woman he got was Shen Lianqiao.

It's just that he didn't expect the little girl sent by the fourth prince to be so troublesome.

I knew so...

Forget it, I've had a much happier life, and it's not impossible to find trouble to play with.Master Jiu thought to himself.

As for whether the prince said love or not, he didn't think about it at all.A eunuch, so what if he loves her?

The next day, Lian Qiao woke up and lay on the bed recalling what happened last night.

It's just a little bit away... I touched it!
What a pity.

The sun outside the house was just right, and what made people feel even more joyful was that Master Jiu finally showed mercy and prepared clothes for her!Although the color is a little pink, it still looks much better than the little eunuch's clothes.

So Lian Qiao wore new clothes and walked happily in the East Factory.Unexpectedly, he bumped into Master Jiu in the courtyard.

I saw Master Jiu holding white chess in one hand, playing chess with the man opposite.

The man was dressed in a black brocade robe, with the corners of his lips slightly pursed, looking serious and calm.

System: [That is the hero, the second prince Huangfu Jin! ]

Lian Qiao: [...Little brat, you finally dare to come out!I thought you wouldn't come out of the whole plane! ]
System: [It's better to be conscientious!what!snake!Ah I'm dead! ]
Lian Qiao: […]
What about doing your best?Shut down in the next second? ?


Not far away, Xiaohua really crawled towards Lianqiao at an extremely fast speed.

In the next second, Lian Qiao's legs went limp, and she collapsed on the snake.

It was impossible to crush Xiao Hua, but Lian Qiao's distressed appearance was seen by the ninth master and the second prince.

"It seems that Miss Shen and Xiaohua get along very well." The second prince dropped a sunspot and said with a smile.

Jiu Ye glanced at the powder dumpling that fell on the snake, dropped the white ball, and then began to chase people away: "The second prince lost, so I won't give it away."

Second Prince: "..."

Could it be more obvious to drive people away?

After the second prince left, Lian Qiao patted her buttocks and stood up. Just as she was about to speak, she saw a woman descending from the sky, dressed in white, with outstanding temperament.

A woman who can fly.

The next second, the woman burst into tears, "I'm pregnant."

Lian Qiao frowned: "!"

Strong accusatory gazes fell on him, the corners of Master Jiu's mouth twitched slightly, and he waved at Lianqiao.

Lian Qiao walked over and was hit hard on the head. "Think about it, can the child belong to Ben Du?"

Lian Qiao pouted, "Who knows."

What if it was a fake eunuch?

Master Jiu: "..."

He knew that Lian Qiao's heart was not dead, and he wanted to touch his body whenever he saw an opportunity.

Sighing softly, he raised his eyes to look at the woman in white: "Who's child is going to find someone, and what to do with Ben Du."

"Master Jiu...I want to keep this child."

Master Jiu: "..." Those who didn't know what he said, really thought the child belonged to him.

Sure enough, Lian Qiao's gaze became even more aggrieved, as if Jin Doudou could fall off in the next second.


(End of this chapter)

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