Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 753 The Villain He Reported Himself

Chapter 753 The villain, he reported himself (6)

"Dead, just never come back."

Nie Kui clearly remembered how Chang Zhiguo died, because Chang Zhiguo died at his hands.After being tortured alive for more than ten days, life would be worse than death.

Nie Kui put Lian Qiao's little hand in his palm and said, "My brother's mother passed away after giving birth to my brother, so my brother has no mother for a long time."

What Nie Kui said is the background of the original owner and Nie Kui.It was not in the original plot, and the system could not find the information.

When Nie Kui didn't speak for a long time, Lian Qiao couldn't help but wrote on the paper: Where's your father?
Nie Kui raised his eyebrows, "Dead."

Still died by his hands.

Nie Kui knew that he was not a good person, but even if he had to go to the [-]th floor of hell, he would not regret taking the lives of these two bastards.

But Chang Zhiguo died, Nie Lei died, they died thousands of times, and Zhou Zhou couldn't come back.

Nie Kui touched He Lianqiao's eyebrows, and asked softly, "Qiaoqiao, can you tell brother why you jumped off the building this morning? If you jump down, Qiaoqiao will die, and brother will never see Qiaoqiao again." .Brother will be heartbroken, very painful."

Lian Qiao didn't know how to answer, and she didn't write for a long time.

Seeing this, Nie Kui said, "It's okay, Qiaoqiao won't say anything if she doesn't want to. After that, Qiaoqiao will be obedient and don't make my brother feel bad, okay?"

Lian Qiao nodded.

Nie Kui hugged Lianqiao, his eyes darkened slightly. "Your mother is my stepmother. Although I never called her mother, she was indeed the only person who cared about me in the past so many years. Qiaoqiao, since you are Zhou Zhou's daughter, you are my sister."

Nie Kui changed Lian Qiao's surname to Zhou, which was originally not Chang.

But he has selfish intentions, the surname Zhou cannot protect Lian Qiao, so he can take the surname Nie.When he dies, those people can also protect Lianqiao for his sake...

Seeing that Lian Qiao was in good spirits, Nie Kui took her to a nearby shopping mall to buy things.

The little skirt on Lian Qiao seemed to have been worn for a long time. Nie Kui led her into a women's clothing store, and the shopping guide with a sign and a smile greeted her immediately.

"Hi sir, may I help you?"

Nie Kui pointed at Lianqiao, "Help me get some clothes that a girl of this age can wear."

Nie Kui didn't plan to buy too much, after all, he will return to Linshui City in a few days, so it's not easy to take away if he bought too much.When he arrived in Linshui City, he would prepare everything he needed to buy.

"Okay sir, wait a moment."

The shopping guide picked out two skirts, one white and one pink.The two skirts are very textured, and the details are also very design.

Nie Kui thought it was pretty good, so he asked Lian Qiao: "Do you like these two clothes? If you like them, can this sister take you in and try them on for you?"

Lian Qiao shook her head.

"do not like?"

Lian Qiao still shook her head.

According to the plot, she should have autism, and the character design cannot be collapsed!
The shopping guide lady smiled, "Sir, the girl may not want my help."

Nie Kui understood, and asked again: "Can Qiaoqiao try on clothes by herself?"

Lian Qiao still shook her head, and slightly tightened her grip on his sleeve.

Nie Kui pursed her lips, Lian Qiao was a girl after all, so it was inconvenient for him.

"Well, sir, you can buy the clothes first. If you don't think it fits after you go back and try it on, you can return it within three days with a receipt." The shopping guide looked at Lianqiao and smiled: "By the way, sir, The little girl doesn't look too young anymore, besides the skirt, some close-fitting clothes also need to be changed frequently. If you need it, I'll get it for you."


(End of this chapter)

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