Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 754 The Villain He Reported Himself

Chapter 754 The villain, he reported himself (7)

Of course Nie Kui understood what the shopping guide was talking about, so he pretended to be calm and said, "Yes, you can just take what you need."

The shopping guide was very fast. She guessed that there might not be any female elders around Lianqiao. After picking out a few close-fitting clothes, she smiled and reminded: "Sir, the sanitary products that the little girl may use... ..."

Nie Kui's eyelids twitched, "Buy."

"Okay, sir."

At that time, Lian Qiao was shocked. For a moment, she didn't know whether to say that the shopping guide was enthusiastic, or that the store sold everything.

After the shopping guide packed everything, he handed several bags to Nie Kui.

After paying, Nie Kui pulled Lian Qiao out of the store.It was also at this time that he deeply realized that his care for Lian Qiao must not be meticulous.If it wasn't for the shopping guide's reminder, he wouldn't even remember to buy these if he was killed.

Nie Kui's original idea was to observe Lian Qiao's state again, and then leave Linshui City when she stabilized.Fortunately, Lian Qiao seemed to be in good condition, so three days later in the morning, Nie Kui completed all the formalities and left the city with Lian Qiao.

Lin'an can be regarded as his hometown, but Nie Kui didn't feel any nostalgia when he left.

In his past, Lin'an had the pain of his native family, and Linshui had the pain of his desperate struggle.People also become numb when they are in so much pain that they are unconscious.

The past ten years have been devastated.


When he arrived in Linshui City, Nie Kui didn't dare to leave Lian Qiao at home alone.So in the next few days, Nie Kui was almost inseparable from her.

Lian Qiao rested her chin on her hands, feeling that Nie Kui was working too hard.Just about to write something on the paper, he heard him say: "Qiaoqiao, brother is going to take you to see a doctor. Qiaoqiao needs to get better soon, so that brother can rest assured."

Lian Qiao nodded, and wrote down a sentence like this on the paper: I listen to my brother.

Nie Kui smiled, "You're so cute."

Lian Qiao seldom saw Nie Kui smile, or even see other expressions on his face.

Except for the day when she was about to jump off a building in Lin'an City, and when she learned that Sanjie had gambled, Nie Kui was a little agitated, but at other times she was almost indifferent.

It was as if nothing could make him happy and nothing could make him too sad.

People like this who are neither sad nor happy, either really have a dull temper, or... their hearts are dead, they no longer have expectations for worldly affairs, and they are lifeless like a dying old man.

As for Nie Kui, Lian Qiao thought it was the latter.

After Nie Kui smiled, he realized something was wrong belatedly.How long has he not smiled, so long that he can hardly remember.

He touched Lianqiao's head, "When Qiaoqiao gets better, you can go to school and meet new friends."

To live a normal life, ordinary and happy.


In addition to sending Lian Qiao to the hospital for a physical examination, Nie Kui also contacted a psychiatrist.

The psychiatrist is very young, with light makeup, and when he smiles, his brows and eyes are curved, very gentle.Wearing the white coat on her body, not only did she not feel cold, but it seemed to give off a sense of gracefulness.

Seeing Nie Kui walk in, Tang Yunuo was stunned for a moment, and then smiled, but there was a sadness in her tone that she didn't even realize: "Mr. Nie, I thought I would never see you again .”

Nie Kui glanced at her, nodded his head, and then introduced Lianqiao: "This is my sister Nie Lianqiao. I have already told Dr. Tang about the situation. Please take a look for her."

Tang Yunuo greeted the two to sit down, and then poured two glasses of water. "Don't worry, Mr. Nie, this is my job, and I will do my best."


(End of this chapter)

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