Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 788 The imperial concubine walked sideways in the palace

Chapter 788 The imperial concubine walked sideways in the palace (6)

Song Guiren is still giving birth inside, and this Taohong has already considered the future for her.

Lian Qiao took a sip of her tea, "You are only thinking of Mrs. Song."

"The maidservant and younger sister Liu Lu were treated coldly in other palaces before, only Master Song treated us sincerely, and even called us to work as servants in Changchun Palace. Madam, our master is a good person, but he was not treated because he was too much like the empress. See.

Concubine, please take pity on our master. "

Tao Hong burst into tears, and Lian Qiao sighed softly, "Okay, after the baby is born, someone will send it to Fengluan Palace."

She didn't know why she had to worry about it, but from Tao Hong's description, Song Gui was a nice person, and life in this palace was not easy.Forget it, just do a good deed every day.

After Lian Qiao let go, Tao Hong couldn't help being overjoyed. "Great, our master finally has something to rely on!"

As soon as Tao Hong finished speaking, there was the sound of crying in the room.The loud cry made people feel a little emotional.

This is the birth of new life.

Hearing from Mrs. Chen that everything is fine with Mrs. Song and that the second child will be born soon, Lian Qiao simply waited a little longer.

It is said that they are twins, but they are actually twins.

Lian Qiao glanced at the two children, one was crying and the other was eating her little hand.

"I will take the child to Fengluan Palace, so that you Song nobles can take good care of it. After the confinement is over, you can come and see the child at any time."

Lian Qiao was just helping to take care of the twins, not trying to take the children for herself.To be honest, she didn't want to rely on her children to compete for favor.

Although Song Guiren was weak after giving birth, she knew what Chen said in her ear. "Thank you, Concubine Gui, for your help. The child is in Fengluan Palace, so I can't be more at ease..."

She carefully conceived in October, if it wasn't for the help of the imperial concubine when she was about to give birth, both mother and child might have died at this moment.

The imperial concubine went to the Changchun Palace, and the Song nobleman in the Changchun Palace gave birth to dragon and phoenix twins, and the imperial concubine took two children with her.The three pieces of news spread throughout the harem, and one stone caused a thousand waves.

The Changchun Palace was so busy taking care of Song Guiren that they forgot to send someone to announce the good news to Zhou Yuncheng in the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

The next morning, Su Jiu went to inform him.

Zhou Yuncheng was naturally happy.Just about to go and have a look, Su Jiu said softly: "Your Majesty, to tell you the truth, my concubine has something to ask."

Zhou Yuncheng was happy, "What's the matter with the queen?"

Su Jiu blessed his body, and a look of sadness flashed across his eyes. "The concubine is blessed, and has not been able to give birth to an heir for the emperor so far. Now that the nobleman of Song Dynasty has given birth to a dragon and phoenix fetus, it is reasonable to send it to Yaohua Garden. But the concubine thinks, it is better to put the child in Fengyi Palace The emperor can come to see the child at any time, and Song nobles can also come to Fengyi Palace from time to time."

Zhou Yuncheng thought it was reasonable, and just about to nod, he heard Su Jiu say again: "Your Majesty, the concubine is the middle palace after all, if the concubine is bypassed and the child is raised in Fengluan Palace, it will not sound good to spread the word."

Suddenly mentioning Fengluan Palace, Zhou Yuncheng was stunned. "I didn't intend to give it to the noble concubine."

"But Concubine Qi already picked up the child last night."

Zhou Yuncheng: "..."


Although the two children are in Fengluan Palace, Lian Qiao doesn't have to worry too much.A large group of nuns took care of them, all of them were quick, experienced and careful.

"Master, don't worry, the nurse has plenty of milk, and she will surely raise the little prince and princess to a healthy and healthy state." Qi Yuan'er suddenly felt a little emotional as she spoke. "Master, this servant is a little sad."

(End of this chapter)

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