Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 789 The imperial concubine walked sideways in the palace

Chapter 789 The imperial concubine walked sideways in the palace (7)

Lian Qiao raised her eyebrows, "Why?"

"The servant wants the master to have a child of his own."

But Qi Yuan'er followed the original owner, knowing that the imperial concubine was just a superficial beauty, but she never served her in bed.Every time the emperor comes, he either just sits and leaves, or sleeps on a soft couch.

Qi Yuan'er often wondered if her princess hadn't met the injured third prince back then, hadn't fallen in love with him, hadn't helped him ascend the throne, and hadn't married far away to Zhou Guo, would she have been able to marry the right man, and her love and love would never have changed.

It's just that if there is no if, she knows that her princess likes Emperor Zhou Guo, so she can't say this.She could only sigh with emotion, saying that she hoped that the master would also have her own child.

Lian Qiao took a sip of her tea and said nothing.

Because the original owner was unable to obtain the blessing of his children until his death.

When Zhou Yuncheng and Su Jiu came to Fengluan Palace together, the first thing he said was: "Imperial concubine, the empress is the middle palace, it's better for you to entrust the child to her to raise."

She just wanted a child, Lian Qiao really felt sad for the original owner.She hooked her lips: "What if the concubine doesn't give it?"

Su Jiu had already dealt with the doctor and Mrs. Wen last night, and Lian Qiao didn't investigate further.To be honest, she didn't expect to bring down the queen either.

Protect the person you want to protect, and live happily in this palace.As for the harmony between the empress and the empress, whether there is a rift or not, it has nothing to do with her.

Even the meaning in the witticism is very clear, that is, he does not want to hand over the child.

Zhou Yuncheng frowned slightly, "It's not appropriate. You are in a high position. The Song nobleman gave birth to a princess and a prince. The middle palace has not yet had any children, so this is a matter of reason and reason. I can't even promise to hand over the prince to you." You bring up.

Concubine, if you really want to raise a child, I can keep the princess by your side, but the prince absolutely cannot. "

Lian Qiao can actually understand Zhou Yuncheng's thoughts, after all, the relationship in the harem is also related to the peace of the former dynasty.She is a noble concubine, so it is really a shame to take the lead in raising a prince.But... why would she want to be that obedient and considerate imperial concubine?

Lian Qiao took a look at Zhou Yuncheng and said, "Your Majesty, since a pair of sons and daughters of Song Guiren have entered the gate of my Fengluan Palace, no one can take them away. There is no heir in the Zhonggong Palace, so you should work hard and go every now and then. A visit to Fengyi Palace is all right.

If you are still not satisfied, the nobleman of Jin and Song Dynasties will be Song Concubine.At that time, the concubine would naturally be willing to return the child to Concubine Song.Taking a step back, not everyone wants concubines.When the child An promised is born in the future, the concubine may not even be happy to take a look at it. "

These words not only showed their attitude, but also seemed watertight.And when Lian Qiao asked Zhou Yuncheng to go to Fengyi Palace every now and then, he was already a little surprised.She actually... pushed him away?

Su Jiu still wanted to fight for it again, but Zhou Yuncheng had already said, "Then don't fight anymore. According to my decree, Song Guiren gave birth to a prince and deserved merit, and he will be promoted to the concubine with the title Xi from now on. Return the prince and princess to Concubine Xi's upbringing." .”

"Your Majesty, Concubine Xi is still weak just after giving birth, how about..."

"The body is weak, and the child will stay in Fengluan Palace to take care of it." Lian Qiao glanced at Su Jiu, "It's too hard for the empress to take care of the six palaces and serve the emperor. My concubine is here to wish the empress a speedy Spreading branches and leaves for the royal family will also save you from being suspicious all day long and feeling that the seat in the middle palace is not secure."

"You!" Concerned that Zhou Yuncheng was still here, Su Jiu finally swallowed this breath.

At that time, Zhou Yuncheng's eyes were slightly dark, and his thoughts were unclear.


(End of this chapter)

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