Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 81 Acting like a baby in the arms of the chief eunuch

Chapter 81 Acting like a baby in the arms of the chief eunuch (19)

"Miss Shen, where is this?" The eunuch smiled even more. "Red embroidered shoes, playing the pipa, stakes, fingers, sticks, skinning, tongues, spines, fingers, and hearts are all useless. After all, Jin Yiwei also has these things. If you don't believe me, just ask." Guard Commander?"

Dongchang and Jinyiwei are not good places, Lian Qiao naturally knows it.


She still remembered Song Zheng's instructions!

At this moment, Wei Qi frowned, and said: "Miss Shen, go out, they have a sense of proportion, and they use the most common punishment, don't worry..."

Lian Qiao was still about to say something, but Wei Qi said again: "Miss Shen probably doesn't know what Ah Zheng has done, if Master Jiu hadn't stopped him in time, they would have already poisoned the emperor..."

Colluding with the imperial physician to poison the emperor, even though Song Zheng was involved innocently, and in the end he was used as a gunman for no reason, but if he did it, he did it, as long as the Dong Chuang incident happened, he would die!
"Except for Ah Zheng, none of those people survived the night in the prison in Dongchang, and this matter did not spread. It was Master Jiu who suppressed the matter. Miss Shen, Master Jiu kept Ah Zheng for a while. I would be willing to exchange my life for another life."

After hearing this, Lian Qiao's emotions became more and more complicated.

It turned out that everything was under Master Jiu's control, from Song Zheng to Wei Qi, none escaped from his grasp.

Lian Qiao is still struggling here, while the eunuch is already waiting anxiously. "Miss Shen, will you let me go? If you don't let our family go to do other things, whimpering, like a girl, annoying silver ヽ('⌒メ)ノ"

After speaking, the eunuch left!


Lian Qiao: "..."

To put it mildly, she was originally a woman.

Wei Qi coughed, dragging the pain from the wound on his body. "Miss Shen, have you seen it? Master Jiu knew that you would come to the prison, so the needle punishment was not planned in the first place."

Lian Qiao: "..." Oh.

excuse me.

On the day Wei Qi was released from prison, Song Zheng waited outside Dongchang early.

Lian Qiao saw worry and guilt in his eyes. After being silent, Wei Qi finally said to Lian Qiao: "Thank you Miss Shen for the past few days. When Master Jiu comes back, Miss Shen will also thank Master Jiu for me. .”

Lian Qiao nodded hurriedly.

On the way back, Song Zheng carefully supported Wei Qi.

He had lost weight, and the clothes that would have fitted him seemed a little hollow.

"Does it hurt..."

"Then will you be obedient in the future?"

Song Zheng looked down at the road, not wanting the man next to him to see his red eyes. "I know, I won't trust others casually in the future."

The whipping punishment fell on Wei Qi, in fact, it was more unforgettable than it fell on him.Wei Qi is the elder brother he respects the most in his life, so nothing can happen to him because of him.

Wei Qi hummed, and took Song Zheng back to Jinyiwei.

After the two of them left, Lian Qiao returned to her room.

Master Jiu was not in Dongchang these days, and even Jiang Hai was nowhere to be seen.Although Dongchang was still as calm as usual, Lian Qiao always felt that something big had happened outside.

The nine sons seized the throne, and the seventh prince has already been imprisoned.The crown prince is about to marry Shangguan Nongyu, who is in the camp of the eighth prince, and the fetus in the womb of the fourth concubine does not know who it is.There is also the calm and serious second prince, and the heroine who claimed to be pregnant that day...

Outside the East Factory, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a battlefield without gunpowder smoke.

When Master Jiu came back, he saw Lian Qiao sitting on the bed with her arms around her pillow, a small ball, and she didn't know what she was thinking about.

"What are you thinking about?" Jiuye just wanted to pour himself a cup of hot tea as usual, when Lian Qiao ran down from the bed to help him pour water.

"What about the shoes?"

Lian Qiao ran back to put on her shoes again.

Master Jiu: "..."


(End of this chapter)

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