Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 82 Acting like a baby in the arms of the chief eunuch

Chapter 82 Acting like a baby in the arms of the chief eunuch (20)

After running around for several days, Master Jiu thought it was funny to be treated so graciously by Lian Qiao as soon as he came back. "There is nothing to be courteous about. Those who don't know think that you have pierced the sky when the governor is away."

"No way." Lian Qiao curled her lips.

"No, no, you go to bed early, and I will come back after Bendu takes a bath."

It is true that he came to Lian Qiao's place as soon as he returned to Dongchang.

Hearing the word bathing, Lian Qiao's eyes lit up. "Does Master Jiu need my help?"

I can't ask for it!

"Do you think that Ben Du can't take care of himself, or that Ben Du didn't take a bath before you came to Dongchang? I really need your help." Master Jiu didn't break her mind, just smiled and said: "By the way, Do you practice calligraphy these days?"

Lian Qiao was surprised.

Of course... no, no!

"Make it up tomorrow."

Master Jiu pinched her earlobe and walked out of the room.

Alas, which pot is not opened and which pot is to be lifted, Lian Qiao feels a little headache when she thinks of the four characters Jingcaiyanyan, and even more aggrieved when she thinks of Jiang Hai's daily ridicule.

When Master Jiu came back to the room again, the night was getting darker.

Lian Qiao likes to wear pajamas when she sleeps, and Master Jiu also wears underwear.But Master Jiu likes to wear clothes by himself, but he doesn't like her to wear clothes.So in the next second, Master Jiu stripped her clean again.


In the previous few nights when they shared the same bed, Lian Qiao was basically forced to sleep.After waiting for a long time tonight, Master Jiu didn't move. She felt that something was missing in her heart.

Tsk, habit is a terrible thing.

Doesn't she owe something, shame on her!

"Why don't you sleep?" After running around for a few times, Master Jiu's voice became low and a little lazy due to fatigue.It tickled Lianqiao's heart like a feather.

"I miss you, I can't sleep."

At that time Lian Qiao was lying on her side, and the two of them almost fell asleep hugging each other.

In fact, sometimes, missing you can express love more than I like you.

I miss you, because I miss you, because I have you in my heart, because I want to see you soon, and when I can't see you, I wait shyly.

Sweet, bitter, with a little sour grievance.

Master Jiu's expression was hidden in the darkness, he patted Lian Qiao's back a few times, and comforted him: "I'm not busy recently, so I don't think I need to leave Dongchang."

Rounding up equals, I am free recently and can be with you.

"Master Jiu..." The girl's voice was soft and waxy.


"When can you kiss me?"

Master Jiu's throat tightened, "Bendu said before..."

There is nothing else but good clothes and good food, and a safe life.

"I know." Lian Qiao interrupted Master Jiu. "I can kiss you without you giving it to me."

This is from me, you don't have to do anything, you don't even have to respond.

This is what I like about you. I want to be selfish and say that this has nothing to do with you.

If you don't refuse, that is my greatest joy.

In the next second, Lian Qiao raised her head slightly, and kissed Master Jiu's thin lips lightly.

"Go to sleep, good night." She was very good tonight, she closed her eyes and soon fell asleep.Like a child who got candy, so satisfied and so comfortable.

It's just that the kiss that night messed up Master Jiu's heart.

He never thought that a girl would treat him like this.

He gradually believed that... Lian Qiao really liked him a little bit.

However, Master Jiu still felt that he could not respond to Lian Qiao's feelings.

At least for now, he still can't convince himself.


(End of this chapter)

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