Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 83 Acting like a baby in the arms of the chief eunuch

Chapter 83 Acting like a baby in the arms of the chief eunuch (21)

In the early morning of the next day, when the first ray of sunlight entered the room, Lian Qiao opened her eyes, and was surprised to find that Master Jiu was still there!
His eyelashes are long and his nose is high.His appearance is so good, like someone favored by God.

So when Master Jiu woke up, he saw Lian Qiao propping his head with one hand, and then staring at him.His eyes darkened slightly, and his big palm directly pressed Lian Qiao's head into his arms. "What are you looking at? Is it so beautiful?"

Lian Qiao didn't say anything, she just stretched out her hand to draw circles on Master Jiu's clothes.

After a while, Master Jiu held her mischievous little hand.

Lian Qiao was slightly taken aback, and Qiao asked lively: "Does Jiu Ye feel the same in the morning?"

This comes from the torture of the soul.

"Why not." Master Jiu let go of Lian Qiao, then rolled over and got off the bed.

Otherwise, why did those eunuchs pair up with the court ladies?

Jiu Ye was still dressed in white, he turned his back to straighten his belt, and then said: "I remember that you haven't reached Ji?"

So who told her the nonsense about feeling something in the morning? ?
Lian Qiao hummed, she had already prepared for this question. "Did Master Jiu forget something? After all, I once lived in a brothel."

Master Jiu: "..."

Lian Qiao turned over and turned her back to Master Jiu.

How pitiful is that little back!
Master Jiu's heart softened in an instant, and his tone softened a little. "It's the governor's fault, don't ask next time."

Lian Qiao snorted a little, like a poor little girl who has opinions but dares not speak out.

Jiu Ye sat back on the bed again, reached out and rubbed her head. "Okay, isn't it all over? Next month, the crown prince of Nanyue Kingdom will bring envoys to Yanjing. If you want, you can go with the governor."

"Will Song Zheng go too?" Lian Qiao looked back at him eagerly.

"Want to see him?" Master Jiu raised his eyebrows, and then said lightly: "Maybe not, Wei Qi put him in confinement."

Lian Qiao: "..."

Brother, why are you so dishonest! !

In the next second, Lian Qiao hugged Master Jiu's arm and rubbed and rubbed, "But I want to see him, he promised to give me sweet-scented osmanthus wine last time!"

Master Jiu thought for a while, "That's fine."

He can just say it.

With a sip, Lian Qiao kissed Master Jiu on the cheek. "Thank you Jiu Ye!"

Frowning in disgust, Master Jiu suddenly found that his heart was not as calm as usual.


In the study, Lian Qiao is still practicing calligraphy.

It's just that today is no longer stunning and brilliant, Master Jiu picked up a pen and wrote three words on the white paper. "your name."

Shen Lianqiao.

Lian Qiao tilted her head and wrote stroke by stroke.After writing for a while, she smiled and asked, "What's the name of Master Jiu?"

After coming to this plane for so long, except for the emperor who called him Xiao Aiqing, other princes and ministers respectfully called him Jiu Ye.

"It's just a name, it's been useless for a long time, and I almost forgot it."

Master Jiu's tone was indifferent, and he couldn't hear any emotion.

Only then did Lian Qiao realize that there were too many stories about the man in front of her.She had never participated in those years that had passed away.

When she was with Su Sui, Lian Qiao would stand side by side with him.

When she was with Shen Zhao, Lian Qiao could redeem each other with him.

Only Master Jiu, Lian Qiao felt that he was too perfect to be real.

So perfect that she couldn't walk into his heart.

She was thinking, what had he gone through to become the person who overlooked the world.

Master Jiu hadn't heard Lian Qiao's voice for a long time. He tilted his head and was surprised to find her eyes were moist. "What's the matter, it's just a name, why is it here?"

Lian Qiao lowered her head, "To Master Jiu, it's just a name, but to me it's Master Jiu's past."


(End of this chapter)

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