Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 817 The imperial concubine walked sideways in the palace

Chapter 817 The imperial concubine walked sideways in the palace (35)

Feng Su waved his hand, "It's okay, I'll go back first."

It's really painful, it seems that the wound is oozing blood.

The next second, Lian Qiao grabbed his sleeve. "What are you in a hurry to go back to? I have the best white jade ointment here, which is made from snow lotus. It has obvious effects on external and internal injuries."

Lian Qiao brought a box from the cabinet, which contained many bottles and cans.The moment the box was opened, a faint medicinal fragrance rushed over.

She put the box on the table and said to Fengsu, "You take it off yourself, or should I take it off for you?"

Feng Su: "..."

There were words engraved on the bottles and cans, and when Lian Qiao found the white jade paste, Feng Su had just taken off his coat.

Feng Su glanced at the white jade ointment in Lian Qiao's hand, and asked, "How many snow lotuses do you need to make a bottle of white jade ointment?"

Lian Qiao thought for a while, "Several plants, anyway, this thing is quite expensive. Father let me save some, don't waste it all at once."

Feng Su's inner emotions were a little complicated, "I think...it's a waste of using this white jade ointment on my body. I can just keep it for two days, so I don't need to use this."

Lian Qiao grabbed his arm, "Is there something you are hiding from me? Why is it so weird today?"

While Feng Su hesitated, Lian Qiao had already taken off his underwear.

When she saw the deep and shallow scars on his body that looked hideous, she froze for a moment: "Injuries are indeed very common in Jianghu, but where are you injured?"

Lian Qiao raised her eyes and glanced at Feng Su, her eyes were complicated: "You were beaten while standing still? Otherwise, how could you do this?"

She said she was beaten, but Lian Qiao didn't feel like it. "Feng Su, why does this wound look so tortured?"

Lian Qiao's speculation was getting closer and closer to the truth, Feng Su wanted to put on his clothes, but Lian Qiao had already applied white jade ointment to his wound.

The moment the white jade ointment was applied to the wound, it was a severe pain at first, and then slowly turned into a cool and comfortable feeling.

Lian Qiao carefully applied medicine to his wound, "Feng Su, what did you do?"

Although she didn't know exactly what Feng Su's identity was, but just now he claimed to be the master of Fenghua Hall.Being able to prevent Concubine Yu from being buried with his own efforts can make Zhou Yuncheng, the emperor of a country, afraid. No matter what point of view he is, he is not a man who can be manipulated by others.

But this injury...

Feng Su understood the emotion in Lian Qiao's eyes, he was puzzled and distressed.

"I went to Qi Country." He finally spoke.

"Qi Guo?" Lian Qiao was stunned for a moment, "It can't be my father..."

Feng Su put on his clothes, and said: "If mother's illness is cured, a snow lotus plant is needed as a medicine, and snow lotus is only available to the royal family of Qi State. So I went to meet your father, as the head of Fenghua Hall."

Lian Qiao suddenly felt that the white jade ointment in her hand was hot. "You hurt yourself all over because of a snow lotus?"

Lian Qiao laughed angrily, "Do you know who I am? I'm Princess Qi, do I want a lot of snow lotus? Just tell me, it's that simple."

Feng Su shook his head firmly, "I have to stand in front of your father like a man. I can't make him feel that I approach you just for a snow lotus."

Lian Qiao suddenly felt a little emotional.

As long as Zhou Yuncheng had the slightest awareness of the wind, the original owner would not have ended up like this.

Feng Su chuckled lightly: "You have to thank me, your father has already asked people to improve the punishment of the Ministry of Criminal Justice. The punishment has not changed for decades, don't you think I am very good?"

Lian Qiao: "..."

For Feng Su, talking to Lian Qiao can indeed get all the resources of Qi State without any effort, but he wants to have a few tricks with the old emperor of Qi State.

"By the way, I heard that you have a concubine named Qi Yue who is waiting to be married?"


(End of this chapter)

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