Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 818 The imperial concubine walked sideways in the palace

Chapter 818 The imperial concubine walked sideways in the palace (36)

Lian Qiao suddenly felt something was wrong, "What are you doing? What did my father say?"

Isn't this a mess of mandarin ducks! !

Feng Su hummed, then held her hand, and smiled deeper: "I said I have a girl I like, and then your father said...that girl is really blessed."

Lian Qiao: "???"

Minato shameless.

The lucky Lian Qiao angrily put the white jade paste back into the box.

Why angry, do not know duck.

Anyway, just a little angry.

Feng Su was in a hurry to leave, but now that the medicine was applied, he was suddenly not in a hurry.

Xuelian said that it can cure Concubine Yu's disease, but the disease on the body is easy to cure, but the disease on the heart is difficult to heal.So Concubine Yu was unwilling to leave the palace for a day, Feng Su's heart had to be concerned about the palace all the time.

In the past, Concubine Yu was the only one, but now there is Lian Qiao in the palace.

Lian Qiao glanced at the sky outside, it was indeed getting late. "Do you want to stay tonight? If you don't worry about Yishou Palace."

When Feng Su returned to the palace, Lian Qiao was at the drafting site.Knowing that she was not in Fengluan Palace, Feng Su went to Yishou Palace in advance.

There is nothing wrong with Yishou Palace right now, and it is not impossible to stay in Fengluan Palace.

It's just that Feng Su's gaze swept across Lian Qiao's bedroom, except for the bed, there was only a soft couch.He thought for a while, "Why don't I go to the side hall?"

Lian Qiao shook her head, "Sleep here, why are you going to the side hall?"

"Then I'll sleep on the couch."

Lian Qiao still shook her head. "You don't sleep there."


"The emperor slept."

Feng Su: "..."

It turns out that the emperor only slept on the soft couch when he came to Fengluan Palace...

Lian Qiao ordered Qi Yuaner to bring the dinner directly into the house, the candles were shaking, and the dishes were exquisite.

It was the first time for Feng Su to stay overnight in Fengluan Palace, so while eating, he was thinking that things in the world are changing rapidly, and he really never knows what will happen until the end.

It's like when he sneaked into Fengluan Palace for the first time, he questioned Lian Qiao's love letter with a dagger.But now he has subconsciously put Lian Qiao into his protection circle.

Be it Zhou Yuncheng or Xiao Yan, they are just passers-by in Lian Qiao's life.The so-called passer-by means passing by in a hurry and drifting away.

"My mother..." Feng Su thought for a while, and said, "My mother is Princess Yan, but she is different from you. She was taken away since she was a child, and later became the daughter of my father Feng Ting by accident. Child bride. Later, when my father passed away, she met the first emperor who was privately patrolling in micro-services, entered the palace, and favored the sixth palace.

Two years ago, the old emperor of Yan State came to me and said that my mother was his sister who had been missing for many years.Princess Yan, the old lady of Fenghuatang, including the current Concubine Yu..."

Feng Su's eyes were deep, "My mother's life can be regarded as ups and downs."

Lian Qiao never took the initiative to ask about Concubine Yu, firstly because of her elders, secondly because most of the royal secrets were bitter history, Feng Su might not be willing to talk about it.

Now hearing him bring it up, Lian Qiao suddenly understood why Feng Su agreed to take her away at the beginning.

"So you want me to leave the palace, don't you?"

Feng Su tapped the table with his fingertips. "I can take you away only if you are willing to go."

If he didn't want to, why would he bother to make himself sentimental.

In Lian Qiao's life, he has appeared very late.If Lian Qiao loved Zhou Yuncheng deeply, there would be no such thing as his wind.He will not take a step into Fengluan Palace, let alone take her away.

Feng Su never believed in fate, but regarding Lian Qiao, he hoped that fate would arrange him to be her final destination.


(End of this chapter)

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