Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 92 Acting like a baby in the arms of the chief eunuch

Chapter 92 Acting like a baby in the arms of the chief eunuch (30)

Now it is Daqi, the dynasty belonging to Xiao Qingyou has passed!

Da Qi can't tolerate Xiao Qingyou!

Master Jiu took a sip of his tea and didn't say to leave, nor did he say no to leaving.He just handed a note to Fang Hua, and it was written on the note: Exchange Shen Lianqiao for the prince to keep the secret forever, Jiuye wish?

After the palace banquet that day, Fang Hua learned about Lonely's intentions from the second prince.She pinched her brows and asked Jiuye: "What is Jiuye's plan? Shen Lianqiao is just a woman, if she is abandoned, she can protect Jiuye, then..."

It's better to let her go!
"Send her to Nanyue." Master Jiu shook his head, "The governor has already made a decision that day, and he will definitely not change it."

"But Master Jiu, Cang Mo knows your identity, and may reveal it at any time!"

Now Xiao Qingyou is only the former prince, the next step may be that Xiao Qingyou is the ninth master!

Master Jiu was silent, Fang Hua understood what he meant.

After a while, she gritted her teeth: "Since Master Jiu is unwilling to give up on Shen Lianqiao, there is only one way to go."

Turning against Daqi, let Master Jiu become the emperor of this country again!

Looking at Fang Hua's expression of resignation to death, Master Jiu smiled.

"You're willing to, don't you like the second prince, aren't you pregnant with his flesh and blood?"

Fang Hua pursed her lips, and immediately knelt down in front of Master Jiu. "But Fang Hua is the same as Jiuye. Jiuye is the former prince, and Fang Hua is the former princess. Back then, the imperial family was a wolf, and my father made me swear before he died. I will definitely assist Jiuye in this life. !"

As he spoke, a line of tears ran across Fang Hua's beautiful face.

She choked up for a moment, and continued: "But Fang Hua didn't protect Jiuye well, so Jiuye entered the palace by accident, and... this is one of them.

Second, Fang Hua shouldn't like members of Huangfu's family, let alone conceive his child.In this way, Fang Hua's crime is unforgivable! "

The previous dynasty had been lost in the torrent of time, and only she and Master Jiu survived.

But what if he survived!
Fang Hua and the second prince, one is the princess of the former dynasty, and the other is the second prince of the current dynasty.In a sense, their love is always cutting things off.

At that time, Master Jiu sighed softly, and stretched out his hand to help Fang Hua get up. "Don't kneel when you're still pregnant. Do you remember how much harm the Huangfu family rebelled and caused to the people?"

Not only the turmoil in Yanjing, but also several surrounding countries swarmed up, and the people suffered from internal and external troubles.

Fang Hua was still choked with sobs, "Why don't you remember? The change of dynasty will definitely hurt your vitality. The trauma caused by that turmoil has never healed, and the current emperor is actually incapable of dealing with internal and external troubles. To be eaten away by neighboring countries, in the end it was Master Jiu who took control of the East Factory and helped the emperor a lot, both openly and secretly."

Master Jiu is more than just a lone wolf guarding Daqi?He is a merciful god who protects the people.

It's just that Master Jiu has done so much, who knows.

"Since you remember the turmoil back then, you should know that if there is a rebellion, the people will definitely experience suffering again."

This is what Master Jiu doesn't want to see.

"Besides, the second prince, Huangfu Jinhui, is a good emperor. If the country is entrusted to him, the governor can rest assured."

At this time, Fang Hua was already sobbing. "Master Jiu has the world in mind, but have you ever thought about yourself?"

Jiuye has the world in mind, but the world can't tolerate him anymore.

Master Jiu suddenly thought of the fan dumpling who was so frightened by Xiaohua that he burst into tears, and chuckled lightly: "Why didn't I think about it, maybe it was just being willful once."


 Chapter 4 today~
(End of this chapter)

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