Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 93 Acting like a baby in the arms of the chief eunuch

Chapter 93 Acting like a baby in the arms of the chief eunuch (31)

The past years have been sober and painful.

From the prince to the eunuch, from Xiao Qingyou to Xiao Anjiu, Master Jiu was not without sadness, he was also lost and confused.

Later, he took control of Dongchang, and the people's lives gradually got on the right track. Master Jiu suddenly felt that this was the end of his life, and there should be no troubles in the rest of his life.

Until...a certain powder dumpling appeared.

She was like a bright color, leaving an amazing mark in his pure white life.

It amazed his years and disturbed his time.

So for the sake of Lian Qiao, Master Jiu got angry once in a while.

Rarely confused.

He probably... likes her, so he undid her clothes lightly, brought her joy, and watched her bloom.

He must like her, otherwise, how could he selfishly want her even though he knew that he was physically handicapped.

"Okay, you can go back. Don't come here again, you are no longer a former princess. Fight for yourself, maybe you can play as a queen."

Only by forgetting the past can Fang Hua have a brighter tomorrow.

"Jiuye arranged the future for me, so where is Jiuye's future?"

The current crisis is still not resolved, and Jiuye may become the target of public criticism at any time.

"The future of Ben Du..." is probably in the hands of a fan.

But Master Jiu didn't say the second half of the sentence, he just flicked his sleeves, "Okay, don't worry about Bendu one by one, it's just a Nanyue prince, and Bendu hasn't taken it to heart yet."

What did that note say?

Trade Shen Lianqiao for the prince to keep the secret forever?

Master Jiu's eyes darkened slightly. In this world, only the dead can keep secrets forever.

Burn together?Fish dead and net broken?
Sorry, loneliness is not worthy.

Even if he dies, he will not die in Cang Lone's hands.

Not long after Fang Hua left Dongchang, the second prince Huangfu Jin came to Dongchang.

Master Jiu sighed softly, thinking that these two couples are really interesting, they will always look for him one after the other, those who don't know would think that he used some magic tricks to destroy the relationship between the two.

The second prince's mood was much more stable than Fang Hua's, as if he was just playing chess with Jiu Ye as usual today.

No regrets, the chess game is over.

The second prince said in a low voice: "In all these years, he has never won against Lord Jiu."

"What if you win, what if you lose."

Jiu Ye got up, against the light, his brows and eyes were picturesque and handsome.

He was still dressed in white, spotless.

"Master Jiu is in better health. There is a famous doctor in Jiangnan who may help Master Jiu."

Fang Hua persuaded him to leave, while the second prince asked him to leave.

The so-called famous doctors are all a cover, and both of them know it well.

Master Jiu chuckled, "It's time for the governor to thank the second prince."

Just let him go, did not take his life.

"Are you surprised? I'm surprised too." The second prince's eyes darkened slightly, "Actually, Master Jiu shouldn't be alive. You're dead, and the grievances and grievances of the previous generation will be settled."

What is Jiuye to him?
Good teacher and helpful friend.

What is Jiuye Yu Daqi?
An extremely devout guardian.

"I'd rather you harbor hatred, rebel, and target the Huangfu family like crazy!" The second prince clenched his fists as he spoke. "If you were like that, I wouldn't be so entangled."

But Master Jiu was not, even if he became a eunuch, he was still so noble that people would willingly submit to him.

It was late autumn at that time, a fallen leaf quietly fell from the top of the tree and landed at Jiu Ye's feet, looking rather bleak.


(End of this chapter)

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