Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 94 Acting like a baby in the arms of the chief eunuch

Chapter 94 Acting like a baby in the arms of the chief eunuch (32)

Master Jiu took a sip of his tea, which was already cold. "Forget about the famous doctor in the south of the Yangtze River. The governor himself knows his own body, so there is no need to worry about it. Fang Hua entrusted it to the second prince. After the governor leaves, he will transfer all the power built up over the years to her, and Jiang Hai will also For her use. In short, the second prince must not betray her, it has not been easy for her these years."

With his power and Jiang Hai's assistance, plus Fang Fanghua, a womanizer like Fang Hua, it would be difficult for the second prince not to be emperor.

The second prince took a deep breath, stood up and bowed solemnly to him. "Does Master Jiu have any other instructions?"

"Probably gone." Master Jiu raised his eyebrows, "I think that although Fang Hua is a woman, she may not be much worse than your second prince. If she is a man, I don't know if this governor will help her to take the position. It's a pity, now But you were locked up with a child."

Speaking of this, the second prince's ears turned red.

His little thought really couldn't hide it from Master Jiu.

What kind of drunken woman took the love potion and got pregnant by accident?It was obvious that he had planned it for a long time.

Fang Hua has a cold temper, and Master Jiu is probably more important than him in her heart.

In desperation, the second prince had no choice but to use some despicable methods.

Amidst the embarrassment, the second prince could only say one serious thing: "If news of disharmony between the emperor and empress spreads in the future, I... that's all, I won't."

"Okay, let's go, Ben Du still has to pack his things, and wait for a message by the way."

The news of the lonely assassination.

Really speaking, Cang Mo can be considered clever but was mistaken by cleverness.He thought he would be fearless after leaving Yanjing?

He was afraid that he might have misunderstood Master Jiu's strength.

It's a good time to leave Yanjing, and Daqi won't be blamed if he dies.

After the second prince left, Master Jiu wanted to go back to his room, but on the way, Jiang Haichang knelt down.On closer inspection, the eye sockets seemed to be a little red.

Master Jiu has a headache.

It was him who was leaving, why did they all have sad faces, as if they couldn't see the sun tomorrow?
"Don't cry, there's another one in the room who might have been crying so hard, I don't have the energy to coax you."

Master Jiu wanted to support Jiang Hai, but Jiang Hai couldn't afford it.He raised his head and looked at Master Jiu with a forbearing and stubborn expression: "Can Master Jiu take Jiang Hai with him? Jiang Hai doesn't want to stay in Yanjing, Jiang Hai wants to go with Master Jiu!"

He met Jiu Ye after entering the palace for purification.

In all these years, no one knows better than him the pain and suffering that Master Jiu has suffered.

Jiu Ye is to him, the sky and the earth are the reliance that will never fall.

"Get up." Master Jiu helped him up again with a smile. "After the governor leaves, you will be the new manager of the East Factory. The governor believes in your strength, not to mention that there will be a queen to protect you in the future, and life will not be bad."

Although he told the second prince just now that he would transfer all the power to Fang Hua, that was just lip service, and the ninth master naturally left some underground power to Jiang Hai.

Jiang Hai and Fang Hua are the two people he really protects.

"You stay in Yanjing with peace of mind. If there is a chance in the future, the governor will come back to see you. When the time comes, don't close the door and deny talent."

Jiang Hai's face turned red: "Master Jiu, why did you say that, Jiang Hai wished he could go with Master Jiu, how could he do such a stupid thing!"

"The governor believes you. By the way, if you are not sure about something and you don't want to ask Fang Hua, you can go to Jinyiwei to find Wei Qi. If you can't find Wei Qi, kidnap Song Zheng. Received the food and drink from Dongchang and put him under house arrest, in short, Wei Qi will not stand by and watch your affairs."

Jiang Hai wiped away his tears, "Jiang Hai wrote it down."

Song Zheng: "???"


 2 chapters will be updated first, and the remaining 2 chapters will be later~
(End of this chapter)

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