Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 96 Acting like a baby in the arms of the chief eunuch

Chapter 96 Acting like a baby in the arms of the chief eunuch (34)

"I was born in Yanjing, and my family was destroyed in Yanjing. Later, when I met you, it was also Yanjing."

Lian Qiao quietly grabbed Jiu Ye's sleeve, she smiled: "Jiu Ye's past has been so ups and downs, but I am not. The most important thing in my life is to meet Jiu Ye."

The most important person is also Master Jiu.

Since it was early in the morning and there were no people on the street, Lord Jiu didn't intend to ask anyone to send them away, so he rejected Fang Hua, Jiang Hai and even Wei Qi's idea of ​​sending him off.

However, there are always fish that slip through the net.

For example... Song Zheng.

At that time Song Zheng was holding a box, and Wei Qi stood behind him with an indifferent face.

"Little boy, this is the sweet-scented osmanthus cake. It's still hot. You and Master Jiu will take it on the road to eat." Song Zheng said while stuffing another bag to Lian Qiao, and then quietly told her: "This is my cake. The wife's book that I have saved for so many years has been exchanged into convenient silver notes. Although I know that Jiuye's family property is scattered all over the place, these things are not enough to look at in front of him, but it is my heart as a cousin. Take it!"

Hearing Song Zheng's words, Lian Qiao first glanced at Master Jiu suspiciously, and then glanced at Wei Qi guiltily.Jiu Ye's family property spread all over the place?Then he lied to her before that he would live a poor life, hum.

Finally, Lian Qiao whispered: "No way, this is your wife, Ben."

Song Zheng smiled and said, "It's okay, Wei Qi can't bear to see that I have no money to marry a wife!"

Lian Qiao: "..." Brother Guomin.

The two of them quietly chatted like thieves, but they didn't know that Wei Qi and Jiu Ye, who had profound skills, could hear them clearly.

The two looked at each other, a little embarrassed, and quickly looked away.

After Song Zheng gave all the things to Lian Qiao, he lowered his voice and said, "Little boy, I already knew that you are not my cousin. I searched for eighteen generations of ancestors, but I couldn't find a relative named Shen, so... "

The corners of Lian Qiao's mouth twitched slightly, thinking that it's a bit late for you to ask questions now?
Besides, there are fewer scrolling upwards, how can the eighteen generations of ancestors be enough, it is only necessary to scroll to the previous plane!

"So maybe I remembered it wrong." Lian Qiao blinked her eyes innocently, with an innocent look.

Master Jiu left without Xiaohua, Xiaobai, and Jiang Hai.

He only brought a box, a piano, and the chessboard that he often played against the second prince.

Looking at the back of the carriage drifting away, Song Zheng didn't know if he would still see that lonely white and that gorgeous red in this life.

"Who would have thought that she would be by Master Jiu's side in the end?"

A woman, a girl to be exact.

A fan who looks obedient and cute, and occasionally barks her teeth.

Wei Qi pursed his lips, and after a while, finally said: "I always feel that she is here for Master Jiu."

Without her, Master Jiu might have fallen.

It was her who gave meaning to Master Jiu's second half of his life.

As the carriage got farther and farther away from Yanjing, Lian Qiao suddenly noticed the box.

"I remember it, it seems to be a box in the study. Master Jiu, is there any valuable thing in it?"

"Well, something that makes people feel amazing."

Lian Qiao: "..."

No...it wouldn't be the one she thought of, would it? ?
Lian Qiao reached out and opened the box under Master Jiu's gaze.

Lian Qiao: "..."

Why should the male supporting role embarrass the female supporting role, why should she bring out her ugly brush calligraphy? Hey! !

 Originally, I wanted to abuse him at the end, but I didn't want to. Master Jiu had already suffered a lot. From a prince to a eunuch, I really didn't want to let him experience Lian Qiao's death again.So, the ending is good.

  In short, for now, Master Jiu is still the white moonlight in my heart~
  Another: 4 chapters today~
(End of this chapter)

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