Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 97 Acting like a baby in the arms of the chief eunuch

Chapter 97 Acting like a baby in the arms of the chief eunuch (End)

Master Jiu and Lian Qiao went to a place far away from Yanjing.

There are beautiful mountains and clear waters, like a paradise.

The people in the town are very kind, no one knows the identity of Master Jiu and Lian Qiao, they only saw people living in a big house that was originally vacant, and bought a few servants and maids, so they vaguely guessed that it was someone The rich family brought their wives here to live in seclusion.

Master Jiu did not continue to use the name Xiao Qingyou, but took Lian Qiao's surname Shen, and used the word An Jiu given to him by the old eunuch back then.

Shen Anjiu.

Forget what should be forgotten, remember what should be remembered, and life will be complete.

In this town, Master Jiu set up a school when he had nothing to do.

Preach and teach, or take the children to learn the piano, and take the children to learn to play chess.

After going back and forth, Shen's mansion has become the busiest place in the town.

Where there are children, there is life.

The children not only liked Master Jiu, but were also a little afraid of him.I like his knowledge, as if he knows everything, and I feel that such a noble person is too perfect to be real.

Compared with Mr. Shen, the children like this Mrs. Shen even more.

Mrs. Shen was young, beautiful and delicate, even with women's makeup and hair, she was still pretty.But although she is delicate, she has a good temper, and every day she will prepare snacks for the children that they have never seen before.

In the third year since she came to the town, Lian Qiao has gotten along well with the big girls and daughter-in-laws in the town.

It's been a long time, and the relationship has become closer, so she urged her with some enthusiasm: "Mrs. Shen, I see that you and Mr. Shen have been here for almost three years. Why haven't you seen any movement in your stomach?"

"That's right, you and Mr. Shen are not moved when you see the children in the town fall to the ground one by one?"

Lian Qiao smiled.

She never thought that Master Jiu liked little brats.

She brushed the broken hair around her ears, and said with a smile: "Both of us, my husband and I, don't like children, so we found a clean place to spend our days in order to avoid the nagging of the elders in the family. Fortunately, there are other brothers and sisters at home, nephews There are nieces, nephews and nieces, even if he and I have no heirs, it doesn't affect anything."

"So that's the case, no wonder you don't worry if you don't have children." The woman suddenly realized.After a while, she said again: "But you don't like children and set up a school? It's hard for Mr. Shen."

"It's not good if the days are too clean, you have to find something to do."

After that day, no one asked about Lian Qiao's childbirth.What's more interesting is that the children studying in Shen's mansion became more and more well-behaved, and even the naughty and mischievous ones stood respectfully behind Master Jiu.

Master Jiu was quite surprised, "Why are you so obedient today?"

The chubby little boy curled his lips, "Mother beat me up yesterday, saying that Mr. Shen doesn't like children the most. If I continue to be disobedient and make him angry, there will be nowhere to study in the future!"

As he spoke, the little fat man lowered his head. "Sir, don't blame me. I know I was wrong. Although I am a bit naughty, I really want to study with Mr. Mr. He is the most amazing scholar I have ever met. I hope Mr. Sir will have a lot of people..."

Hearing this, Master Jiu thought about it for a while and realized that Lian Qiao prevaricated those women with dislike of children.

With a chuckle, he said: "It's okay, just study hard."

At night, Master Jiu and Lian Qiao still slept on the same pillow.

Under the flickering candlelight, her face became more and more graceful.

Jiu Ye hugged her into his arms and asked softly: "Have you ever regretted it? No matter what, I will never be able to give you another child in this life."

Before meeting her, I only felt that I was incomplete, but after I met her, I realized that it was a regret stuck in my heart.

Lian Qiao shook her head, "Master Jiu never hid it from me, I already knew."

Master Jiu smiled, lowered his head slightly and kissed her forehead, "If there is an afterlife, I will go to you wholeheartedly."

"You are here."

It's just you.

System: […] Remember this sentence, you have to take the exam.


 The next chapter is a new plane, there are 3 chapters that will be updated a little later today, but there will definitely be!
(End of this chapter)

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