Elf life

Chapter 86, Another Librarian

Chapter 86, Another Librarian
A super-powered meow with dark blue fur and drooping kitten ears is singing an ancient and sacred nocturne.

"Goddess of Sorrow, Standing in Eternal Happiness"

"Love will end sooner or later, and life will come to an end, if so,"

"At the same time, please sever the fetters of fate"

"The desire of the gods engulfs the sound of the waves"

"Pure wolf, struggling to endure loneliness"

"The dream will wake up sooner or later, and the night will soon move towards dawn,"

"Before that, turn the compass,"

"Turning to another world—"

The prayer is over.

When the toes of the night elf tapped lightly, as if the mysterious power that once again held him up appeared again, it remained silent.


Remember that the great librarians are divided into white night elves and dark night elves.

The super-powerful cat that I saw this time is different from the one I saw for the first time in terms of coat color, body shape, and temperament. It is obviously another super-powerful cat in the form of night!
Admin Super Miaomiao·Night Form

"Two, it's just my handover time with her, welcome to the big library after midnight."

After talking again, Charmander can finally conclude that there was a clear and steady male Pokémon voice just now, including the caroling voice.

This super-powerful cat in the night is a male, and it specializes in taking over the big library after 12 o'clock in the middle of the night.

The two super-powerful cats take turns alternately.

In terms of singing, no one is inferior to the other. In short, they all carry the mystery of holiness and purification of the soul.

Just listening to the song made Pikachu intoxicated, and Xiao Huolong just listened to it very carefully, but the profound lyrics made it impossible for him to analyze it.

There are many allegories in it,
There are even words like goddess, life, compass, etc.

If it were in the human world, it would probably be a Nordic-style mythology chanting, and the fusion of these lyrics is particularly Nordic mythology.

Anyway, Charmander can resonate with the singing super-powerful Miaomiao every time.

This time is no exception,

Super Miaomiao's small ears suddenly stood up:

"The one on the left, you seem to have resonated with my chant, did you hear anything?"

Pikachu looked puzzled, and the Charmander standing beside him obviously didn't do anything, and didn't say a word, so why did he resonate with Super Miaomiao's singing.

I obviously listened to it simply because it was very pleasant to listen to, and I used to come here often to listen to Super Miaomiao's singing.

But it's the first time I've seen something that resonates repeatedly.

To be precise, Charmander not only heard Super Miaomiao's singing just now, but also seemed to hear a female harmony voice a little bit like the goddess Xanadu in the background sound.

Charmander: "Ah, I did hear that!"

"The voice of the harmony part is very similar to the voice of Xanadu that I meet in my dreams every night!!"

"It's so strange, it's not just one super meow singing, but I hear two harmonies!!!"

Super Miao Miao gently closed her eyes and said casually:

"That's natural."

"Those who do not resonate with the singing will only be purified after listening to my chants."

"Those who resonate strongly with the song will hear more information that the song wants to convey, just like you just felt."

Pikachu didn't hear it, curious:
"Nah, nah!"

"Little Fire Dragon, what else did you hear in the song, I'm super curious."

More information is just the accompaniment of the goddess.

Xiaohuolong said that he did not explain clearly, because he was not very clear about the origin and source of this song, until Chao Neng Miao Miao made it public.

"What I just sang was the carol of the fairy myth, it was the seventh movement of "Legend of the Nine Tails: Finale: Fairy Nocturne"."

【!!!】Little Fire Dragon + Pikachu: "It's the Legend of the Nine Tails again!!!"

Seeing the surprised expressions of the two little ones, Super Miaomiao opened his eyes instantly, and he had already felt the spiritual fluctuations of Charmander and Pikachu.

Followed by the conclusion:

"You two, what I wanted to read just now is also this ancient mythical book called "Legend of the Nine Tails". Your words of heart have already conveyed the message to my heart."

Pikachu scratched his head embarrassedly:
"Actually, that's what I said, because it's been a long time since I read ancient legends, and it would be even better if I had the chance to read the Nine-Tails Legend again."

"But today I still want to investigate my friend's life experience, and I have to consult a lot of historical and ancient books!"

(Pikachu's little face is getting redder and redder, because all his small thoughts of wanting to read a book have been captured by Super Miaomiao.)
Super Miaomiao nodded, then turned to Charmander and asked:
"how about you?"

"Your state of mind is much more complicated than his. I can feel it. Which books are you going to read this time?"

Little Fire Dragon straight to the point.

Because during the last visit, Hebaiye Super Neng Miaomiao had already mentioned the search keyword 11 years ago.

Bai Ye Chao Neng Miao Miao finally successfully selected 5 ancient books for Xiao Huolong that he most wanted to read.

It's just that he couldn't read it for a while because he didn't have enough guild contribution. On the contrary, Bai Ye's superpower Miaomiao locked all the books in an instant and returned disappointed.

next moment,
Hei Ye Super Power Miao Miao closed his eyes lightly again:

"I understand."

"Since you already have the answer in your heart, let me retrieve the five books you most want to read one by one and bring them to you."

Say it's too late, then it's fast,

Layers of deep purple superpower fluctuations covered the entire library in an instant, and the night superpower Miaomiao silently searched for books. The whole process was even more spectacular than the white night superpower Miaomiao.

Because the candle spirits are very active at night,
just for a split second,

All the candlesticks swayed violently, not only that, but also the sound of pages turning from the bottom of the book:
"Swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe—"

The two little ones couldn't help poking their heads to look down, but because the deepest part of the big library was impossible to reach, they probably could only see about 20 floors below with the help of bright candlelight.

I have seen many books open and close.
While retrieving, the page was turned by waves of super power fluctuations.

Little Fire Dragon is in doubt:

"Wait, I said there are thousands of books here."

"The 5 books she found from the book sea last time, can you still find one this time?"

"Of course, the administrator of the big library is super super powerful!" Pikachu said:

"Don't say that you can find 5 books out of tens of millions, you can find 500 books~"

So strong, this ability is already at the level of an artificial intelligence big data computing robot!
Brush brush brush brush brush brush brush --

Swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe——

brush brush brush brush --

brush brush --

【!】Retrieval completed!
5 books that are exactly the same as before, and finally floated in front of the little fire dragon. Those 5 books are really exactly the same as when they first came.

Of course, next to the five books, there was a space for one book, which was obviously for "The Legend of the Nine Tails".

The night superpower Miaomiao finally said:

"I'm very sorry, you are a little late today."

"The only copy of "Legend of the Nine Tails" in the collection was lent out yesterday afternoon."

hey hey hey hey!
 Which Super Miao Meow do you like? Personally, I still prefer the white one. Hehehe. Finally, I am very grateful to the readers. At the same time, I ask the readers for tickets, rewards, collections, and investments. This chapter talks about it. ~
(End of this chapter)

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