Elf life

Chapter 87, Dusty History

Chapter 87, Dusty History
Is it such a coincidence?
"The Legend of the Nine Tails" happened to be borrowed!
Since I can't read The Legend of the Nine-Tails this time, let's take the time to read the remaining 5 books.

first book,
The second book,
The third book,
fourth book,

The 5 books are tightly locked by superpowers like the last time, and it is obvious that everything is still up to the superpower Miaomiao.

The era of free reading is long over, and in order to read these 5 books, Little Fire Dragon and Pikachu must pay the relevant amount.

Or guild contribution.

The little fire dragon is ready: "I am willing to pay with all the guild contribution points, so I can watch it?"

[Ding, the Starry Night Expedition Team has handed over all the Contribution Degrees of the Fat Keding Guild, and showed their disciple status to Super Miaomiao. 】

Super Miaomiao first carefully reviewed it, but still shook his head regretfully.

What, still can't see it, how can it be!
In fact, this time, you can read it completely, but all the guild degrees of the two little ones are only enough to read 2 books.

Including [disciple] status, you can read an additional book.

That is to say, read at most 3 books.

That said,

The first 5 books in the 3 books slowly opened the first page, but the last 2 books were still locked, Xiao Huolong couldn't think so.

I finally came here. If I save enough gold coins to come back next time, I don’t know when it will be.

So this time, you must successfully read 5 books to find the clues to your life experience to the greatest extent.

"Super Miao Meow, please let us read the other two books, please!"

Pikachu also put on a "really please" look, waiting for the final release of the big librarian.

Super Miaomiao was silent for 1 second,
3 seconds,
5 second……

Neither of the two little ones dared to raise their heads, maintaining a reverently pleasing gesture, waiting for Super Miao Miao's response with anticipation.

As a result, this Night Super Miao Miao is not so strict compared with Bai Ye Super Miao Miao, and the management of books in the big library has always been semi-liberal.

In addition to borrowing books that must be returned within the specified time limit, there is room for negotiation if you read on the spot.

"Well, if you two are only reading in front of me, I can make an exception to unlock the last two books for you all at once."

Little Fire Dragon + Pikachu: "Wow, thank you!"



So far, the five histories have all been opened by super power fluctuations, and the dense texts in them began to appear in front of the little fire dragon and Pikachu.

It doesn't matter whether the key clues recorded in it are the key clues, just read it and it's over!
"Pikachu, the last two will be handed over to you. I will look at the three on the left first."

Pikachu looked serious: "Okay!"

"As soon as there are any clues to events related to 11 years ago, or related memorabilia, remember to tell me all of them as soon as possible!"

So Little Fire Dragon and Pikachu read it attentively.

At this point in time, no other elves visited the Great Library. The entire library was silent, but the cool night breeze blowing in from the Gothic glazed windows was still stirring the candles.

It's quiet all around,

The throbbing flame of the candle,

Accompanied by the little fire dragon, Pikachu's two little salsa sounds quickly flipping through ancient books, forming a wonderful summer night together.

Super Miaomiao's little ears moved again, and this time she simply dragged a small wooden chair from the utility room of the big library.

He even brought a set of milk cups and so on, all of which were held up in front of him by super power fluctuations. In the end, he also held an ancient book and drank hot milk with relish while waiting for the two boys to finish the book.

The smouldering of hot milk is bubbling up,

10 minutes,
Two 10 minutes,

35 minutes,
The amount of information in the ancient books made Little Fire Dragon and Pikachu too focused on reading, and they couldn't even feel the clock ticking.

————Clue dividing line————

11 years ago,

In the East China Sea opposite the Treasure Continent, there is an island called "Fuyuki Island" by explorers.

Fuyuki Island has four distinct seasons.
There are few elves on weekdays, and a unique natural climate has been formed.

Not only that, the spiritual veins of this island first appeared that day, which led to the arrival of all kinds of gods and beasts, and a fierce competition for the Holy Grail began on this island.

History is called the 8th Holy Grail War.

About the record of the 8th Holy Grail War, 5 out of 3 books can find some clues.

Due to the fierceness of the Holy Grail War, Fuyuki Island ended up in ruins.

The winner above the ruins is Dialga, the god of time.

(The following is supplementary information, titled Disappearing Heroic Spirits):

According to clergy records,
In this Holy Grail War, in addition to the participation of the seven mythical beasts, there were originally a pair of dark horse heroes and MASTER.

Just as the gods fought fiercely for several days and the Holy Grail War was about to heat up, the pair of dark horse heroes disappeared in a mysterious storm.

that great storm,

Let the Holy Grail battle ferment in an increasingly harsh environment, and when the seven mythical beasts finally clashed, the sky near Fuyuki Island almost collapsed and the sky was torn apart.

After that, no one saw the dark horse heroic spirit and MASTER again.

The reason why the clerics remembered this history is because of the rare uncertainty in the call of the Holy Grail.

That is the pair of dark horses.

Little Fire Dragon has found more and more key clues, including his painful memories of drowning in a storm that night, and now they're all right!
"That's right, Pikachu!"

"I found the record of the storm. If I say that, I must have accidentally crossed into this world on the day when the Holy Grail War was in a mess!"

Pikachu is shocked:
"Hey, that's it, but the timeline doesn't match up."


"This big storm obviously happened 11 years ago, and it was the 8th Holy Grail War."

"And when I meet you now, it's already 11 years later~"

Due to being too excited, Little Fire Dragon almost didn't figure out the timeline, but Pikachu was right. According to the history books, the timeline was confusing enough.

Isn't it that I completed the journey on that stormy night in 11 years,
And then floated at sea for 11 years?
"No, there should be more clues!"

The little fire dragon said to himself:
"The historical records on my side just now mentioned that pair of dark horses and heroic spirits!"

"Pikachu, are there any detailed records of Heroic Spirits about the 8th Holy Grail War in your two books?"

Heroic Spirit,

If you record in detail...

Pikachu read it super carefully, and sure enough, the hard work paid off. At the end of the last history book, the list of heroes who participated in the war was recorded!
—— Heroic Spirit + MASTER Partial List——

Dialga + Machado (win the Holy Grail)
Rift Block + Snow Rice (Failure)
Luna Yala + Kapoor Die Die (failure)




Forest Lizard + Celebi (Dark Horse Group, whereabouts unknown)
 Ahem, a chapter with a huge amount of information has appeared, and the dark horse heroic spirits in the Holy Grail War have appeared!
(End of this chapter)

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