spooky invasion

Chapter 446 Old Hong's Desperate Situation

Chapter 446 Old Hong's Desperate Situation

Sandwich biscuits are not enough to describe Lao Hong's situation.

Chen Yinxing asked Lao Hong to cooperate with her, provide all the information Lao Hong had, and then defected to her.

On the side of Cang Hai, he asked Lao Hong to approach Chen Yinxing and get her details.

Either of these two sides is actually a point of no return, and one mistake will cause you to be smashed to pieces.

In such a comparison, Jiang Yue was not so harsh on Lao Hong.

For a while, Jiang Yue fell into deep thought, and did not express his opinion in a hurry.

"Old Hong, are you in trouble?"

Big Boss Canghai asked lightly.

The reason why Jiang Yue didn't answer in a hurry was because he considered Lao Hong's character and how he would deal with this situation.

Immediately, he said bravely: "No matter how difficult the task arranged by the organization is, I, Lao Hong, will definitely take it on. However, that woman is more cunning than a fox. If I fool her, I'm afraid it will be difficult to get her details. I I implore the big boss Canghai to give me some pointers, what can I do with my authority, and what boundaries can I cross? I have a bottom line in my heart, so I can deal with her."

If you don't talk about any conditions, but agree to it with a pat on the chest, Meng Lang, with Lao Hong's steady personality, probably won't do so.

Sure enough, Master Canghai smiled and nodded.

Obviously, if Jiang Yue had agreed without frowning just now, he must have felt that this was perfunctory, and would have wondered if Lao Hong had already voted for Chen Yinxing?

Jiang Yue bargained a lot, but it made the big boss Canghai feel relieved a lot.

He was still willing to bargain and asked for specific authority standards, which showed that Lao Hong was afraid of making mistakes. Since he was afraid of making mistakes, he obviously still had his heart on the organization.

Otherwise, you can agree in a perfunctory manner, and you can't find out the details to make it perfunctory.

After all, it was not Lao Hong's job to get in touch with Chen Yinxing and dig out her details.Even if he didn't do well and didn't gain anything, it was impossible to punish him for it.

"Old Hong, you are worthy of it. You are stable and stable, which is your greatest advantage. Okay, then I will give you a promise. You can agree to all her requests, even if she wants to inquire about the secrets you have, you are the same. It can be leaked to her. This is authorized by me, and you don’t need to bear any responsibility for the consequences.”

Lao Hong is just one of the dozens of backbones of Canghai Boss, and the secrets he has are only a few corners of the big chessboard. Even if some leaks, it is not enough to affect the overall situation.

This sacrifice is still worth paying.

"However, you have to perform this play well, try to get out Chen Yinxing's details, and see what her intentions are."

"Okay, I'll do my best."

Big Boss Canghai saw his official statement, and he was quite expecting: "Okay, I am still assured of your old Hong's ability to handle things. Go ahead and do it boldly. Come here, and send Lao Hong back first."

For a moment, Jiang Yue had a thought, whether to take action at this moment to detain the big boss Canghai and force a confession.

But after all, this crazy idea was dismissed.

Not to mention that there are Lao Yang and Lao Ren here, the personal bodyguards of Mr. Canghai alone are probably not so easy to deal with.

Once a move is made, under the entanglement of these bodyguards, even if there is a few seconds, the big brother Canghai can completely escape.

What's more, as a five-star boss, Cang Hai's personal strength is probably not bad.

Jiang Yue thought to himself, in this case, the probability of success would not exceed [-]%.

And even if it succeeds, so many people at the scene have to silence them one by one.As long as one escapes, the matter will naturally be leaked.

As long as the matter is leaked, what's the use of taking Canghai and extracting all the information?

When this information is collected, and when enough people are mobilized on the ruling side, the people there may have already moved without a trace.Star City is so big, it is impossible to break it into pieces and escape.

Therefore, although the plan to win Canghai is good, it must be based on a major premise, that is, to keep it secret.Must not be exposed.

Once exposed, there is a time difference, and most of the meaning of this plan will be lost, and the strategic value that can be created will also be greatly reduced.

After Jiang Yue left, Master Canghai snorted coldly, and glanced coldly at Lao Yang and Lao Ren.

But Lao Yang said: "This old Hong is the most cunning. You trust him so much, Mr. Canghai. I think he may not be able to handle this matter well. He may not even put his heart into it. Don't keep stepping on two boats, in the end But it’s not good to fool the organization.”

But Lao Ren said: "Old Yang, don't keep biting others, you haven't explained your own affairs clearly yet."

"That's enough, shut up! I'll give you two three days to call all parties involved and confront them face-to-face. I will judge for myself at that time!"


Sitting in the leaving car, Jiang Yue kept replaying this part of the previous conversation in his mind, deducing every detail repeatedly in his mind.

"Looking at it now, Mr. Canghai obviously has some doubts about Lao Hong, but this suspicion is only suspicion, and there is no real evidence, so this request is to test Lao Hong and see if Lao Hong is firm enough, or whether he is on the wall. Grass... The current situation is very delicate, any step not taken well will put the situation in a very disadvantageous position."

From the bottom of his heart, Jiang Yue didn't want Lao Hong to collapse.

Lao Hong's downfall meant that Jiang Yue lost the most important line in the organization, and Lao Hong's fall from favor meant that this line was broken.

The current value of this line is extremely high.

Therefore, between this organization and Chen Yinxing, Jiang Yue chose this organization instead of Chen Yinxing for Lao Hong.

Investing in Chen Yinxing would not do any good for Jiang Yue.

Although the power behind Chen Yinxing is equally mysterious, what kind of power is behind her, at least for now, is not the most prominent contradiction in Star City.

As usual, Jiang Yue was open and honest, and had to talk to Lao Hong himself first.

When Jiang Yue saw Lao Hong again, Lao Hong almost shed tears as if he saw his own parents.

"I thought you forgot about me." Lao Hong's tone was rather sad.

"Am I such a heartless person? It's not easy for me. Your wife needs to be coaxed, your mistresses have to be coaxed, and you have to deal with all kinds of things. I was called by the big boss today Go over. Just tell me if I'm busy!"

"Boss Canghai is looking for me?" Lao Hong was surprised.

"Old Hong, you think you are a smart person, and you are flirting with Chen Yinxing in private. Let me tell you this, the masters of your affairs have long known about your deeds. Call me today and beat me for a while. There is also an old man Yang, an old man, didn't save face in front of the two of them. Especially that old Yang, he was crazy about throwing stones at you. You old boy, have you ever slept with his wife?"

"How is it possible? At his age, his wife isn't that young either. I don't have that much appetite, okay? Old Yang's grandson, what did he say about me?"

"He said that you were dating Chen Yinxing in private, but you didn't report it to the organization. It must be selfish, and you want to keep stepping on two boats."

"I... the eighteenth generation ancestor of Lao Yang, I have no grudges or enmities with him, and he actually insulted my innocence."

"It doesn't mean he's insulting your innocence? Aren't you flirting with Chen Yinxing? You really stepped on two boats."

"I..." Lao Hong thought about it carefully, and it seemed that he really meant it.In fact, I am more than stepping on two boats now?There are currently three ships that can be counted.

"You...what did you say?" Lao Hong became a little nervous.If he didn't answer well, it would mean that he died in the organization.

The consequences of this are quite serious.

"What can I say? I can only tell the truth. I made a quick decision and admitted that I had a private date with Chen Yinxing, and I also admitted that you slandered her."

"Okay, well admitted!" Lao Hong not only did not blame, but praised excitedly, "Brother, you are smart. If you refuse to admit it stubbornly, or make all kinds of sophistry, the boss will be angry, and even more suspicious Do I have two minds. Boss Canghai is most jealous of his subordinates playing tricks in front of him. If you admit it directly and have a sincere attitude, Boss Canghai will feel relieved."

This was really what Lao Hong said.

"Old Hong, it seems that you know the big brother Canghai very well. After I admit it, the attitude of big brother Canghai is obviously much more kind. But don't think you have passed the test. He has already sent a message, asking you to talk to Chen Yin Xingxu and Wei Snake can cross the line when necessary, and we must find out Chen Yinxing's depth and background."

Lao Hong's face that had just stretched out turned back to a bitter face.

This is hard work.

Leaving aside the high risk of this mission, how can Chen Yinxing, that vixen, be so easy to fool?Find out about her?
Lao Hong felt that with his little knowledge, he couldn't compete with Chen Yinxing at all.

"Brother, you have also met that woman, Chen Yinxing. Do you think I can beat her with my level of knowledge? Still digging out her details? Don't worry about my little details being dug out by her instead."

"That's right, Boss Canghai has spoken. When necessary, you can let her know your details, and you can leak the secrets you have to her to win her trust. This is the privilege given to you by Boss Canghai. If you cause any consequences, You don't need to be responsible."

"Well, that's what I said, but why do I feel that this matter is so close? It's not easy to get information from this woman."

"Old Hong, since you have no choice, why don't you choose."

"It's easy not to choose, but the problem is, if I don't do anything, the boss of Canghai will definitely be dissatisfied with me, and even suspect me. I'm having trouble doing both ends now, and I'm not human at both ends. Damn Chen Yinxing, this woman is too hateful Why did you want to find me?"

"Isn't that because you have a weakness and have been taken advantage of by others? If you don't flirt with others normally, she may not necessarily come to you."

Although the truth is ugly, it is true.

Lao Hong was powerless to argue, and said dejectedly: "Brother, what do you think I should do? Now you are forcing me from three sides, why do I feel that I have no life at all?"

"It's still the same sentence, leave it to me." Jiang Yue said with a smile, "You will find out sooner or later that I am your biggest backer."

Old Hong smiled wryly, "What are you going to do?"

"According to the original plan, as long as you can counter Chen Yinxing, the situation on your side will be stable. Properly present some information to the big boss Canghai to gain his trust."

"Hey, when will this day be the end? Brother, I am determined to hang out with you now, and I listen to your arrangements. You can't cross the river and tear down the bridge."

Lao Hong found sadly that the organization and Chen Yinxing, no matter which side he chose, the result was very pessimistic.

Only the third party, Jiang Yue, was equally dangerous, but at least there was a subtle way to survive.

"Old Hong, haven't you thought about it? If I want to tear down the bridge, I can do it now. What can you do to me?"

Old Hong was taken aback when he heard the words, and after thinking about it carefully, he also smiled wryly.

It seems so.

Now he has completely infiltrated into his life, playing his role as Old Hong is completely seamless.

None of his family, his friends, and everyone behind him could find anything wrong.

Then his real body, whether he is present or not, does not seem to be that important.

People want to cross the river and demolish the bridge, and it can be demolished now.

"Brother, I... I know that your official people are different from us and Chen Yinxing. They are more principled in doing things. I am very grateful. So I will definitely cooperate well. No matter what, I still have some use value. You see, have I been very cooperative with you all this time?"

"If you don't cooperate with me, do you think I will be so polite to you?" Jiang Yue smiled lightly.

"By the way, that little Wang..."

Jiang Yue told the story of Wang Leyuan and his sister again.

"This is the right and wrong you caused, what do you say!"

Old Hong laughed strangely and said, "You don't even need to ask? That girl needs to have good looks and a good figure. It's rare that she has such a strong personality. It must be very exciting to train. If you have advantages or not, it's your grandson. I, Old Hong, are so rich now." It’s inconvenient, if you can’t do it yourself, it’s hard to do it for you brother.”

God, please support me.

Lao Hong talks a lot.

"It's just right, didn't the boss of Canghai give her a mobile quota? You can just give her one. As for the traders, you have to pick a thorn. Which trader can't find a problem? There are too many excuses for changing people. This point You don’t need me, Lao Hong, to teach you the operation, right? Which one of the managers of traders like Wang Leyuan is clean? It is the will of your superiors to shirk. If you hadn't begged him to hold him back, it would not be as simple as dismissal. You can let the one who doesn't like you get rolled down, and let the girl stand on top. In the end, not only will you not complain, but the other party I will still be grateful to you, Dade, believe it or not?"

This organization is strictly disciplined, and whether corruption is a big or small thing depends entirely on the will of the higher-ups.If the problem is deliberately made serious, it must be a fluke for the dismissed person to escape to death, and it is naturally impossible to complain.

"Hey, thinking about that girl, I really feel a little bit reluctant." Old Hong sighed.

Even though he was imprisoned and had a lot of troubles, when Lao Hong talked about this topic, he was still elated and spitting.

(End of this chapter)

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