spooky invasion

Chapter 447 Countermeasures

Chapter 447 Countermeasures
Jiang Yue could tell from Lao Hong's attitude that this old bastard was not stupid, he acted like this on purpose, but in fact he did it on purpose.

Use this method to get closer to Jiang Yue.

At the same time, Jiang Yue could also see that the old boy was probably thinking of putting down the challenger because he saw the current situation was difficult.

To put it bluntly, Lao Hong was initially imprisoned by Jiang Yue and pretended to be by Jiang Yue. He was helpless and unable to change, and he was probably unwilling in his heart.

But right now, his mentality is obviously starting to be like an ostrich, and he shrank his head and ignored it. Anyway, Jiang Yue is pretending to be him now, so let Jiang Yue go to work.

His old Hong's abilities were clearly unable to cope with the current complicated situation.

Of course, this is also where Lao Hong is really smart.

Even if he doesn't do that now, it's up to him.

Jiang Yue took the initiative, and he had already planned what to do, and Lao Hong's attitude could not influence Jiang Yue's decision at all.

Lao Hong cooperated so much because he wanted to tell Jiang Yue that he was very obedient...

Although he had the advice of the boss Canghai, when it came to meeting Chen Yinxing, Jiang Yue was not at ease.

The monitoring ability of this organization is obviously much stronger than what Lao Hong imagined.

Lao Hong thought that meeting with Chen Yinxing in private was very safe and would not leak it, but it was not the case.

Therefore, when going to see Chen Yinxing on this trip, not only must beware of Chen Yinxing, but also the eyeliner of this organization.

Of course, no matter how strong the penetration of this organization is, it is impossible to infiltrate them. What they talked about and what they did in the meeting, the organization obviously cannot grasp such a detailed level.

Afterwards, Jiang Yue went back to Lao Hong's home.

With the experience of these days, he is no longer as uncomfortable as the first day, and he can handle it with ease.

Lao Hong's daughter-in-law is gentle and gracious, even if she feels aggrieved by being left out in her heart, she doesn't show it on her face, she still goes about her business in a gentle and considerate manner.

Seeing "my man" coming home, his face was still full of happiness.

Perhaps, in her eyes, as long as a man is willing to go home, the family is safe and well-fed, and the years are peaceful, then he has nothing else to think about, and nothing else matters.

Of course, the last time Lao Hong asked Jiang Yue to convey the contents of the safe, the woman was somewhat frightened, knowing that what her man did was a thunderstorm, and if he was not careful, he might be blown to pieces.

"Husband, our family doesn't have to worry about food and clothing now. You work so hard every day, and my daughter and I love you very much. How about we take it easy? Even if the days are poor, we can always live on." I'm so worried every day, I'm afraid that one day you won't come home, what about us orphans and widows?" The woman hugged Jiang Yue's neck from behind, and pressed her cheek on Jiang Yue's head, her movements were so intimate that Jiang Yue Yue felt a little guilty.

This is the daughter-in-law of someone else's family.

But if he resists too much and is obviously too ostentatious, it will inevitably arouse suspicion.

Immediately patted the back of the woman's hand: "Don't worry, I will be careful. Those are just leaving behind, but it doesn't mean that something will happen. In this world, who doesn't leave behind?"

"But I see you so busy every day, and I'm always worried. My daughter actually cares about you very much. Husband, can we really not quit? With our current conditions, even if we resign, we won't be able to survive, right?"

"Hey, resignation is easier said than done? Don't look at us as if we are living a good life now, it is all based on this job. Once I resign, I am nothing. Whether or not I can keep everything in front of me is another matter. .”

The woman didn't mess around, but her eyes were silently red.


Leaving Lao Hong's house, Jiang Yue felt very complicated.

For a person like Lao Hong, no matter how much retribution he receives, he deserves it.But his wife and children are indeed very innocent.

Of course, these emotions were quickly cleared up by Jiang Yue, because he was going to meet Chen Yinxing on this trip.

This woman is not simple. In front of her, if something is wrong, it is easy to show flaws.You must have 120 points of energy to deal with this woman.

Jiang Yue also kept an eye out all the way, whether he was being followed or someone was spying on him secretly.

There are naturally people lurking in the street buildings along the way.After all, the total population of Star City is so large, and no large-scale deaths have occurred so far, so the population density of Star City should not have dropped too much.

It is also very normal for people to hide in the buildings along the way.

It is also hard to say whether these people are the eyeliner of that organization.

Regardless of him, anyway, he is Lao Hong now, and nothing else matters.

Not long after, Jiang Yue came to the private courtyard where he saw Chen Yinxing last time.

Originally, Jiang Yue was worried that if he came without warning, he might miss out.

Unexpectedly, Chen Yinxing was there, as if he had expected him to visit today, waiting for a long time.

"Old Hong, I didn't expect you to be quite calm. I thought you should have come two days earlier."

Chen Yinxing is still dressed in a feminine attire, sexy and charming but not too enchanting. There is a different kind of style in every gesture, which makes people unable to help but think wildly, wondering whether this woman is implying something, whether something interesting can happen s story?

All in all, this is a woman who is easy to fantasize about.

Jiang Yue did not sit opposite Chen Yinxing this time, but walked to her side, pulled up a chair roughly, and sat down.

And he put his feet on the table very presumptuously, as if he was deliberately going against Chen Yinxing.

Chen Yinxing looked at Jiang Yue with a pair of wonderful eyes and a smile, but he didn't feel annoyed, as if he wanted to decipher some deep meaning from Jiang Yue's series of actions.

But looking at the angry "Lao Hong", Chen Yinxing didn't see why for a while.

"What's the matter? Is this the rhythm of falling out with me?" Chen Yinxing giggled, joking.

Jiang Yue pushed away the wine glass she handed over: "Chen Yinxing, don't do this. I, Lao Hong, am I being polite to you? I haven't done anything wrong to you, right? Why are you Want to trick me?"

This time Chen Yinxing was really confused.

Is this anger coming a bit late?
Didn't you know about cheating on you last time?I've never seen you make such a big fuss, huh?Isn't it a bit inexplicable to get angry at this time?What is this old guy crazy about?

"Old Hong, don't you think that if you lose your temper and say a few angry words, you can save the situation?" Chen Yinxing asked with a faint smile.

"Excuse me, don't think I don't know. You were arranged by the organization to deliberately give me this trick to test whether I am loyal to the organization. If I am fooled and give you the secret, the next step will be big Are you moldy? Tell me, what good does it do you if you trick me like this? "

Chen Yinxing was stunned.

So far, this old Hong still has such a stupid point of view?I was ordered by the organization to do this?
Could it be that what I said last time was not clear enough?
"Old Hong, calm down first. Who told you that I was instructed by the organization? You won't tell me that you didn't understand what I said before, right?"

"Hmph, don't pretend. Today, Big Boss Canghai called me over and asked me a lot. He already knew about my private drink appointment with you. If you keep pretending, I will really lose my face."

In fact, Jiang Yue knew that Chen Yinxing was definitely not arranged by the organization. The reason why he did this was to disrupt Chen Yinxing's position and disrupt the other party's rhythm.

He doesn't want to keep negotiating at the opponent's pace.

Only by disrupting the opponent's position can they have a chance to win in chaos.

Chen Yinxing was really in a daze, and her brows were slightly frowned. Obviously, the appointment of the boss Canghai to meet Lao Hong was a new piece of information that she did not have.

Could it be that the higher-ups really became suspicious?
"Boss Canghai called you over, what else did you say?"

"I said Ginkgo, can you still have a good chat if you keep pretending? Cang Hai is obviously beating me, telling me not to be half-hearted. You have achieved your intention of beating me, why bother to pretend again?"

Chen Yinxing frowned, showing some annoyance.

"Old Hong, let me reiterate again that I am not instigated by the organization. If you insist on thinking this way, then you will mistake the side effect of mutation in your body and become a monster that everyone shouts to beat. The result will be irreversible." Chen Yinxing explained coldly with.

Jiang Yue frowned and asked, "Is it really not a test ordered by the organization?"

Chen Yinxing sneered, "I'm not interested in explaining to you again and again."

Jiang Yue sighed: "Then you're done, Mr. Canghai definitely suspected you. He also asked Lao Yang and Lao Ren specifically if they had any private contacts with you."

Chen Yinxing's face changed suddenly: "What did he say? How did Lao Yang and Lao Ren answer?"

"Lao Yang looked down on you at all in his speech, and Lao Ren sternly disregarded you. But I think at least one of them has a private relationship with you."

"Old Hong, you'd better not worry about things that have nothing to do with you. Let me ask again, what did Master Canghai tell you?"

"He asked me to investigate your details."

"I was given a piece of stuff, and I couldn't understand what it was."

"What?" Chen Yinxing was very curious, how could the master Canghai personally give things to Lao Hong?Lao Hong's status is not that important, is it?

Could it be that Master Canghai has really suspected me?
Or is this old Hong trying to scare me and bluff me?

There was a flash of light in her mind, and she didn't believe Jiang Yue's words, but she didn't dare to take it lightly.

If Big Brother Canghai is alarmed, it means that it will be difficult for her to continue with the things she has done in private.Once exposed, it is death in sight.

Jiang Yue slowly took out a thin piece of paper from his pocket, spread it in the palm of his hand, and handed it to Chen Yinxing.

"That's it. I don't know what it is. Boss Canghai said that there is a chance that it will be useful. Are you here to appraise it?"

Chen Yinxing's eyes lingered in Jiang Yue's hand, seeing that the thin piece of paper seemed to have some strange patterns drawn on it, which looked a little strange, like a magic talisman?

Just when she was appreciating it in surprise, Jiang Yue's palm suddenly flipped, and the magic talisman sparked a beam of light, hitting her face directly.

The speed is as fast as a ray of light pouring into the sky.

The next moment, Jiang Yue giggled, and his body had already slid several meters away with the chair.

Chen Yinxing snapped his fingers, and the glass in front of him shattered instantly, and three glass awls appeared, like three sharp daggers, ready to shoot at Jiang Yue at any time.

"What did you do to me?" Chen Yinxing, a woman, has always been calm and peaceful, maintaining that graceful sense of superiority.

But at this moment, she broke through.

Her horrified face and anxious tone fully proved this point.

Obviously, she realized that the ray of light pouring into her celestial spirit cover just now must be what Lao Hong did to her.

Also, it's 100% not a good thing.

Jiang Yue seemed to be ignoring the three glass awls, and took a moment to say: "Actually, it's nothing, it's just a little respect from you to me."

Looking at Jiang Yue's nonchalant tone, Chen Yinxing felt as sick as if she had eaten a fly.

This damned greasy man actually pretended to be calm in front of her at this time?

He does too!
Chen Yinxing's heart was broken, but she realized sadly that no matter whether he was worthy or not before, she is really worthy now!

The panic in her heart was quickly suppressed, and she giggled: "Old Hong, ah, Lao Hong, it seems that I really underestimated you. There are so many underlings in Cang Hai, and I have made more than half of them. My way. But among these people, you are the first one who can counter me. I really didn't expect that Lao Hong, who has always been wretched and oily, would hide his secrets and play with me. Disrespect, disrespect .”

Chen Yinxing's tone was unpredictable, and he didn't know whether he was really disrespectful or procrastinating.

But Jiang Yue didn't care.

"Sister Gingko, I have to remind you. It was a magic talisman just now. I spent hundreds of millions to get it. I didn't expect it to come in handy so soon. Now, we are even. So , I advise you to put away all your small thoughts. I, Lao Hong, is just like you said, a wretched and greasy man. If you exchange one with you at the limit, you must think it is a loss-making deal, and it is not worth it at all, right? "

"Hehe, Lao Hong, why have you reached the limit of exchanging one for one? The relationship between us is completely a cooperative relationship. What I did to you before was to help you after all. I help you become stronger. This is Even the body quenching medicinal liquid can't help you. Do we have to tear our skins apart like this? It's not good for anyone, right? I think there are very few differences between us, and there is a lot of room for cooperation. Especially It is you, Lao Hong, who has this ability and this city, which makes me feel that you are qualified to sit on an equal footing with me and discuss cooperation."

Jiang Yue shook his head: "It's still sweet words, let's have some dry goods."

"What do you think is dry goods? Don't you, Old Hong, not want to become stronger?"

"In this world, grandson doesn't want to become stronger."

"Isn't that right?"

"That's right! I want to become stronger, but I don't want to become stronger under your control, and I don't want to strap a time bomb to my body, and I don't want this button to be controlled by you. So, now I also have a button. I just want one thought , Sister Gingko, with your delicate and good figure, it will be like an infinitely inflated balloon, bang, it exploded!"

(End of this chapter)

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