spooky invasion

Chapter 457

Chapter 457
Sure enough, Liu Yunqian didn't know anything about what happened afterwards, and thought he was in the days when Huang Xianman went back to his hometown to sweep the grave?

Seeing Jiang Yue and Luo Chu's strange expressions, Liu Yunqian couldn't help but ask, "What are you trying to say? Why are you hesitating?"

Jiang Yue was helpless, took out his mobile phone, called up the time and date, and handed it over.

Liu Yunqian was taken aback at first, not understanding what Jiang Yue meant.But she is a smart person, seeing the date on the big screen is May 5th.

Liu Yunqian's body trembled violently, and there was an unbelievable look in her eyes.

"What... what does this mean?"

"It's literally." Jiang Yue said calmly.

Liu Yunqian seemed to have thought of something terrible, fixed her eyes on the screen, and murmured: "You mean, today is May 5th? This...how is this possible?"

Jiang Yue said lightly: "Then look at this place in front of you, are you familiar with it? Look at your clothes, is it yours?"

Only then did Liu Yunqian suddenly realize that she looked down at her clothes, and her complexion changed drastically again.The blue and white striped hospital gown on his body looked so dazzling and piercing.

"This is a hospital?" Liu Yunqian was shocked, jumped up, walked to the bed and looked out, but only saw the pitch black night outside.

This time, she really panicked.

"Why am I here? Who sent me here? How did I stay here for so long? Why can't I remember anything?"

Neither Jiang Yue nor Luo Chu could answer who sent her here.Perhaps the mental hospital will have files, and there will be information and contact information of the patient's family members.

But obviously can't get these now.

"You... Did you all join forces to lie to me?" Liu Yunqian suddenly thought of a possibility, and looked at Jiang Yue and Luo Chu with suspicion.

Judging by her expression, she was obviously a little more wary.

Jiang Yue smiled wryly: "Ms. Liu, from your point of view, it's understandable to think we've been fooled by you. But think about it again, why did we climb over the wall and enter the mental hospital in the middle of the night to fool you, an irrelevant person? ? Do you have anything worthy of our concern?"

Liu Yunqian thought to herself that she was pretty, but the other two obviously didn't covet her beauty.

If she had some money, she wasn't considered a wealthy class.

It seems a bit unreasonable to be rich in earth and color.

She stared at Jiang Yue's phone suddenly, and said, "Lend me your phone."

Jiang Yue originally wanted to tell her that the mobile phone is just a decoration now, and there is no communication signal.

But then he asked calmly, "Who are you going to call?"

"Of course it's my husband. I must figure out what's going on."

Jiang Yue nodded and handed over the phone.

Liu Yunqian tremblingly dialed a number, then brought the phone to her ear.

beep beep...

Can't get through?
Liu Yunqian continued to dial again, but still couldn't get through.

"Is your mobile phone in arrears? Why is there no signal?" When Liu Yunqian called for the third time, she found that there was no sign of a communication signal on the phone.

Jiang Yue took the phone and looked at an unfamiliar number left on it.

Smiled: "The phone has lost signal for a long time."

"What... what do you mean?" Liu Yunqian was puzzled.

"It's a long story to tell..."

At present, Luo Chu selectively picked out some of the weird events that happened after the Ching Ming Festival, and told Liu Yunqian.

Liu Yunqian was in a daze, as if she was listening to a story.

"You... are you making a short video to trick me on purpose?" Liu Yunqian even thought of this possibility.

Luo Chu didn't refute, took out his phone, turned out pictures of weird events, and showed them to her one by one.

Of course, the focus is on what happened last night in this hospital, this floor, and this corridor.

Liu Yunqian was completely dumbfounded, the layout of these wards was exactly the same as the ward she was currently living in.

"These people... are all dead?"

"Yes, on the same floor as you, in the same corridor, there are a total of sixteen patients. Except for you, all of them committed suicide. Only two are still being rescued, and the others are all dead."

Liu Yunqian's mind went blank, the astonishing information was completely beyond her cognition, and she didn't know how to digest it for a while.

"So, in fact, you are here to investigate me, do you suspect that I am the murderer of these patients?" Liu Yunqian asked bitterly.

She is not stupid, on the contrary she is a smart person.

Knowing the current situation, this logical possibility came to mind.

"We suspected you at first, but now we judge that you should not be the murderer. But this matter may not have nothing to do with you."

"What do you mean? Isn't that still suspicious of me?"

"No, there are some relationships, you may not even know it yourself."

"What is that?" Liu Yunqian was puzzled.

"Like, what happened to these patients? Why did they kill themselves? If there was a trigger, why didn't it work for you?"

"Yeah, why didn't I commit suicide? Is it because I have no memory?"

"The preliminary judgment may be that your spiritual world is actively isolated from the outside world, and you are indulging in your own world, which has saved your life. Of course, this is just my current speculation."

Liu Yunqian was silent, then thought of her daughter again, and couldn't help sobbing again.

He asked sadly: "You said before that my daughter..."

"That's true. Your daughter has been killed, and she was tortured and killed by cruel methods...not only hid the body in a potted plant, but also suppressed her soul with vicious spells, making her soul We cannot do without that abandoned building. Otherwise, her soul would have found here long ago. The little girl is very strong and has a deep attachment to you."

Liu Yunqian was sobbing, her emotions collapsed again.

"Ms. Liu, if you want to give your daughter an explanation, you must cheer up and find out the real culprit."

Liu Yunqian tried her best to hold back her tears, suppressing her sadness and said: "Yes, yes! I cooperate with you, and I will definitely cooperate. I will never let the real culprit who killed my daughter go."

"Do you remember a picture?"

"Which one?" Liu Yunqian usually loves to take pictures, and there are countless photos.

Jiang Yue pulled over Luo, and the two posed in a pose in the photo.

Jiang Yue then described the outfits of the two in the photo.

Liu Yunqian suddenly remembered: "Oh, it's that photo, I know, it was taken in the park. That photo was originally placed on my bedside table, but Xianman took it away, and he said he would put it in the office."

"It's in that abandoned building, and it's full of needle holes. If the person who got the needles hadn't had a great hatred for the people in the photo, he would never have done this."

"Huh? Where is the abandoned building you speak of? Which street?"

"Do you know about Yangfan Middle School? It's not far from Yangfan Middle School."

Liu Yunqian suddenly remembered something, and his complexion suddenly became ugly: "Is it the Xinghe Building to be demolished?"

"Yes. There is still a photo album there, but there are no more photos in it. By the way, I found some air tickets and train tickets in an office in that building. There are your information and Huang Xianman's information in it. Or How can I find you?"

"Is it on the twelfth floor?" Liu Yunqian murmured.

"That's right, it's the twelfth floor."

Liu Yunqian's lips trembled again, and her complexion became pale.

"Impossible, impossible! He would never do that!"

"Is that Huang Xianman's office?" Jiang Yue asked lightly.

Although Liu Yunqian didn't believe it, she still nodded miserably: "It's his office, yes, but he would never do that. He usually doesn't speak loudly to Shino, how could he do such a thing?"

Jiang Yue sighed, and asked in a strange tone: "Then have you been to his office?"

"Of course I have, I remember it was a year ago. At that time, their unit was going to move to a new office building, and I went to help him pack his things."

"You help him pack his things, you know there are a lot of books in the cabinet, right?"

"Yes, I gave him some of those books."

"There is also a big potted plant, do you remember?"

This is the second time Jiang Yue mentioned potted plants. Liu Yunqian hadn't recovered from the previous one.

When hearing these two words for the second time, Liu Yunqian felt his eyes go dark, as if his whole body suddenly collapsed again, and his body collapsed limply beside the bed.

"I... my Shino, you just said that my Shino was..."

"Yes, she was brutally buried in a potted plant and sealed with a layer of wax. The whole body was rolled up and put in."

"Ah!" Liu Yunqian screamed, covered her mouth with her hands, and retched.

Obviously, the scene Jiang Yue described made her completely unacceptable, and she couldn't stop vomiting.

Jiang Yue himself felt cruel when describing this kind of silkworm room in front of a mother.

But now, it doesn't make any sense to keep it a secret.

"No, no, how could it be him? Why would he do this? He usually loves Shi Nuo more than anyone else. He can't be so vicious!"

Liu Yunqian still couldn't convince herself that Huang Xianman did such evil things.

But all the details Jiang Yue stated point to this cruel fact.

You know, that huge potted plant was given to Huang Xianman by Liu Yunqian back then.

At that time, the two fell in love not long ago, and it was the most sticky time.

She never imagined that the potted plant she gave would end up being her daughter's burial place?

Liu Yunqian had a complete emotional breakdown and cried loudly.

After a long time, she finally wiped away her tears, and said with force: "So, according to the results of your current investigation, you believe that Huang Xianman is the murderer, right?"

"Nine times out of ten." Jiang Yue nodded, "If you can help us find him, maybe the truth will come sooner."

"I will help you find him. Whether it is him or not, I must ask him face to face."

Luo Chu saw that Liu Yunqian had somewhat returned to normal, and suggested, "Xiao Jiang, why don't we go back to the game first?"

Liu Yunqian nodded and said, "I'll go back with you. Don't worry, I'm very conscious now. I'm definitely not a mental patient. I also know what I'm doing. I can be responsible for my actions and I will never make trouble for you."

Jiang Yue stood up suddenly, quickly ran to the door, closed the door gently, then jumped to the window, and quickly drew the curtains.

At the same time, all light sources in the house are cut off.

"Hush!" Jiang Yue made a silent gesture.

Luo Chu saw that he was acting so cautious suddenly, knowing that something happened, he subconsciously pressed his hand to his waist.

Liu Yunqian had been "mind-locked" before, and her body had entered a strange era. Her consciousness was still before the Ching Ming Festival, and she hadn't really experienced the weird era, so she was somewhat ignorant.

At first, seeing Jiang Yue closing the door and opening the window, some inexplicable misunderstandings even occurred.

But she immediately understood that these behaviors were not aimed at her at all.

The metal anti-theft window outside the curtain was suddenly hit by something, making a crisp crashing sound.

Jiang Yue immediately told Luo Chu and Liu Yunqian to hide behind the wall instead of standing by the window.

Then I looked down through the curtain and found that the object hitting the anti-theft window was a small wooden bench.

Then, Jiang Yue looked through the gap in the curtains, through the dark night, and saw a figure standing crookedly downstairs.

It was the security guard who locked the door just now. The small bench smashed on the anti-theft window and fell to the ground. It was already smashed to pieces.

The metal bars on the anti-theft windows were obviously dented.

It can be seen how exaggerated the force of this smashing is.

With the strength of a normal person, it is not bad for a bench to be thrown up to the second floor. If it hits the third floor and still hits it steadily, and it can even smash the metal bars in, it is obviously not the strength of a normal person.

At this moment, he was gesticulating with the fire ax in his hand, as if he was going to smash the fire ax in the next step.

Jiang Yue was not afraid of him smashing the fire axe, but he was more concerned about the security guard's expression at the moment, which was extremely weird.Looking at his strange and blank smile, it is obviously not what a normal person should have.

This kind of weird smile reveals a kind of inexplicable and frightening gloomyness.It's like the mentally retarded murderer in many horror movies.

Obviously, in such a large mental hospital, it is absolutely impossible to hire a mentally retarded person as a security guard.

Then, the current situation of the security guard is obviously not normal.

Jiang Yue's mind was running fast, and he immediately remembered some strange things that had happened here.

Just as Jiang Yue was thinking, the security guard swung out the fire ax violently!

The destructive power of a fire ax cannot be compared with a small bench.

The anti-theft window, which was already recessed, was suddenly smashed into a big hole by the fire axe.

The fire ax slammed into the room and nailed to the wall with a bang.

If Jiang Yue hadn't told Luo Chu and Liu Yunqian to hide behind the wall in advance, if the ax came over and was hit, it would have killed someone on the spot.

The security guard grinned, and didn't seem particularly satisfied with the smash.

Immediately, he twisted his neck, turned his head, and at the same time shook his left and right shoulders a few times in an extremely exaggerated range. He didn't know whether it was a demonstration or a stretch.

At this moment, Jiang Yue felt a strange sound coming from all around. The sound came from all directions, as if countless footsteps were constantly approaching the direction of this building.

Jiang Yue suddenly felt extremely uneasy.

 Haha, today is a good day.Happy birthday to myself.

(End of this chapter)

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