spooky invasion

Chapter 458 Is the whole hospital crazy?

Chapter 458 Is the whole hospital crazy?
The sound of rustling footsteps was slow and procrastinated, but very dense, and felt very strange, making one's scalp tingle involuntarily.

Soon, Jiang Yue caught a glimpse of various corners in the distance outside the window, and figures slowly appeared from the darkness, as if countless ghosts came out of the darkness.

Through the darkness, Jiang Yue observed that these people had one thing in common, that is, their faces were expressionless, and even their walking steps seemed a little staggering, as if they had just stood up from the bed, and they were not in a normal waking state. More like a sleepwalking state.

Five, ten, twenty...

In a blink of an eye, the figures coming from all directions already exceeded three digits, and the number is still increasing. It seems that all the patients and staff in the whole hospital are like sharks smelling blood, and they are rushing towards this position. coming.

"Luo Chu..." Jiang Yue turned his head and was about to say something, but he saw that Luo Chu's expression was a little weird at the moment, and there was a sense of trance between his expressions, but he soon regained consciousness.

"Xiao Jiang, I feel something is wrong." Luo Chu rubbed his head vigorously, as if something was about to invade his brain, and he was trying his best to drive it out.

But immediately, his expression became empty again, as if his mind was blocked by some force at this moment.

A few seconds later, Luo Chu struggled back to his normal state.

Such a battle between heaven and man seems to be two forces fighting for control.

Luo Chu let out a low growl suddenly, pulled out the gun from his waist, and was about to blast it at his own forehead.

Jiang Yue realized something was wrong, stood beside him and quickly stopped him, unloading Luo Chu's gun.

At the same time, without thinking about it, he blessed Luo Chu with an aura of invulnerability from evil.

After Luo Chu received this blessing of mutual encouragement, that numb expression regained consciousness again, with cold sweat on his forehead and cheeks.

"Xiao Jiang, did you do something to me? Just now I felt a force trying to erase my consciousness and occupy my head. It's completely out of my control."

Jiang Yue was secretly startled when he heard the words, thinking what kind of strange power is this that can invade the brain?

Moreover, the aggressiveness of this terrifying force is too strong.

You know, Jiang Yue gave Luo Chu a magic talisman package before.In the talisman package, there are advanced evil spirit talismans.

It stands to reason that ordinary evil forces must be immune.

At least Jiang Yue has never encountered an evil invasion that even advanced evil spirit talismans can't stop.

If Jiang Yue hadn't seen the opportunity just now, and sent another blessing of mutual encouragement to Luo Chu, and added a halo of invulnerability to all evil, Luo Chu might not be able to resist.

The superposition of the two evil forces can withstand this wave of invasion, which shows how terrifying this wave of invisible evil forces is.

Luo Chuben was a firm-minded person. Under the protection of the advanced evil spirit talisman, he almost lost his mind in a short period of time, which really made people shudder.


Jiang Yue glanced at the wooden faces outside the window, and those puppet-like figures, and instantly understood something in his mind.

These people should all be controlled by some kind of force, their minds completely lost, occupying their minds and controlling their actions.

I can explain it.

That's why the expressions of these people are so strange, like sleepwalking.

Even if normal people are sleepy, it is not like this.

When Jiang Yue glanced at Liu Yunqian in the corner of the room, he found that Liu Yunqian didn't react in any way other than being nervous and surprised.

The abnormalities shown on Luo Chu before did not happen to Liu Yunqian.It seemed that the evil power seemed to avoid her, and it could even be said that it didn't patronize her at all.

This is obviously abnormal.

The influence of this evil force obviously includes the entire mental hospital.

It doesn't make sense to bypass Liu Yunqian alone, right?
Luo Chu also noticed Jiang Yue's surprised eyes, and looked at Liu Yunqian curiously.

Liu Yunqian looked at the surprised eyes of the two, and couldn't help but said: "Director Luo, Mr. Jiang, why are you looking at me like this?"

"Don't you feel anything unusual?"

"Which aspect?" Liu Yunqian was puzzled.

"In any way."

"I... I'm a little scared. What happened to the people downstairs? Are they bewitched?"

Jiang Yue and Luo Chu looked at each other, and sure enough, Liu Yunqian didn't feel anything unusual.

Unwilling to give up, Luo Chu described what happened to him just now.

Liu Yunqian shook her head blankly, indicating that she did not have the situation Luo Chu said.

But she said immediately: "I seem to have a buzzing in my head once or twice, but the situation you mentioned doesn't seem to be the case."

Buzz twice?

What are the symptoms?
Luo Chu scratched his head with a wry smile, and Jiang Yue said in a complicated tone: "Maybe Ms. Liu is born immune to this kind of evil power, so that's the only way I can explain it now."

Liu Yunqian is a smart person, she could not help but ask: "You two, do you think this matter has something to do with me?"

Not to mention, Jiang Yue and Luo Chu were actually thinking about this possibility.

Especially Luo Chu, combined with those weird suicide cases last night, he couldn't help thinking in this direction.

Jiang Yue, on the other hand, just changed his mind and experienced it through mind-peeping techniques, but he didn't realize that Liu Yunqian was suspected of being a fake.

The pain of losing her daughter before, all the manifestations were normal reactions, and there was nothing artificial about it.

Therefore, even if Liu Yunqian has something to do with the current strange incident, it was definitely not intentional by this woman.

The things she dictated, including her real memory staying on the eve of Qingming Festival, should be more credible.

Liu Yunqian said in pain: "If you doubt me, just shoot me to death. Without Shi Nuo, I don't want to live anymore. I only ask you one thing, help me find the murderer and bring the murderer to justice .”

"Ms. Liu is worrying too much. This matter is a bit weird, but you are definitely not behind the scenes. We are still sure of this."

"You really don't doubt me?"

"At the beginning, I had some doubts, otherwise I wouldn't have come to the door. But now I'm sure."

"Luo Chu, the patients in this corridor committed suicide one after another last night. I suspect that their minds were also controlled. Ms. Liu was not affected because of her natural immunity, and she became the only survivor among the dozen or so wards in this corridor."

"Then next, will these people commit suicide?" Luo Chu frowned, and couldn't help but glanced out of the window.

Upstairs, they could already clearly feel that the crowd below had begun to slowly become agitated. The expressions on the faces of these people who were numb at the moment gradually became ferocious and irritable, and their faces began to distort. The hostility was brewing crazily.

This is by no means a suicidal emotion.

This is clearly brewing aggression.

I don't know what power is stimulating these people, making their emotions become manic, their expressions and movements are full of madness, as if they are about to explode at any time, and their faces are full of that abnormal madness color.

Some people winked, some grinned strangely, some whistled, some looked fierce, and some were gearing up...

The security guard was among the crowd, as if he had become the leader of the group, standing in the crowd, let out low growls.

The neck and arms shook greatly, as if something was brewing.

Following his growl, the others also let out similar growls. This kind of growl didn't sound like a normal human voice, but rather like the strange cry of a deformed child.

Standing upstairs and looking down, it looks even more weird.

"Stand back, these people are afraid they will go crazy."

Jiang Yue's eyesight is far stronger than the other two, and he has already seen that the following people are ready to move, and are already on the verge of breaking out.

There are a few cases that are particularly abnormal, especially the pupils are bloodshot, and the eyes are as red as if they have been smeared with pig blood, and they are like two balls of fire spinning in the eye sockets.

At this moment, the body of the security guard suddenly paused slightly.

The next moment, his body kicked up like a spring.

With a kick of his legs, he rushed towards their room on the third floor.

If it wasn't for the anti-theft window, he could even break through the window and enter.

But even so, his body hit the anti-theft window heavily, and the anti-theft window was severely dented, and several metal bars were on the verge of being broken.

The security guard growled lowly, his palm had already grasped the metal strip, and began to tear it.

In the blink of an eye, several of the metal strips were torn off, and the security guard's head and half of his shoulders had squeezed in, and his body twisted wildly, trying to break through the shackles of the broken security window in one fell swoop.

Jiang Yue grabbed Luo Chu's gun and shot the security guard in the head.

The bullet hit the flesh and blood body, but it didn't go out from the other end, but got stuck on the security guard's skull, and a blood hole that kept getting bigger and bigger appeared, dripping blood slowly.

This shot obviously didn't kill the security guard, but aroused his ferocity, gnashing his teeth and roaring at Jiang Yue.

A pair of pupils were completely congested, like a beast that had lost its mind.

Seeing that the guns couldn't break through the security guard's forehead, Jiang Yue quickly returned the guns to Luo Chu and told them to retreat out the door.

Jiang Yue himself jumped back to the wall of the house, grabbed the fire ax with both hands, and forcibly pulled the fire ax deeply embedded in the wall.

With a roar of the tiger, he strode up, pouring great strength into his arms, and smashed down the security guard's neck face to face.

At this time, the security guard just broke through the metal bar of the anti-theft window, and his body squeezed in.

As a result, Jiang Yue's ax was originally aimed at the neck, but it hit the back.

The force of this ax was extraordinary, with only a click, the security guard's spine was cut off abruptly, and a big hole was cut out along with the flesh and skin, and the security guard's internal organs could be seen almost through the back .

After the security guard was dominated by the evil force, not only his speed became faster and his strength became stronger, but his defense power was also significantly increased many times.

With such a big wound, a normal person would have long since lost his combat effectiveness.

But the security guard broke free from the shackles of the anti-theft window, and when the ax came down, he couldn't fully control his mobility, so he suddenly pounced and landed on the mattress.

The blood from the wound immediately covered the mattress and bedding.

This guy was obviously aroused fiercely, his body struggled, and he was about to pounce on Jiang Yue again.

Jiang Yue failed to kill this guy with one axe, but he didn't stop, and followed the second consecutive axe to strike right at him.

That ax was very clever, and the momentum of the security guard's rush just exposed some flaws.

The ax slashed hard on the security guard's neck.

This force almost used up [-]% of Jiang Yue's strength, and he slashed at the security guard's neck, and immediately sent a big head attached to the security cap flying.

The huge head rolled to the side of the bedside table.

Even so, the rest of his body didn't disappear, and he rushed forward with inertia.

Jiang Yue turned sideways and hit the wall hard before falling heavily.

Before he even had time to be happy, there were bursts of low growls from downstairs.

Bang Bang Bang!
Figures kept rushing up from downstairs, bumping into the anti-theft window.

This posture is like a moth flying into a flame, without hesitation, without hesitation.

Fortunately, the force of the impacts was relatively primitive, most of them hit the anti-theft windows, and some even hit the wall through nothing.

There were also some who bumped into the opening opened by the security guard just now, staggered and struggled to enter the house.

At this moment, Luo Chu and Liu Yunqian had already exited the room, Jiang Yue couldn't be bothered to fight, so he turned around and ran out of the room, closing the iron door behind him.

Although this door will definitely not be able to stop these irrational humans, it is good to delay it.

Luo Chu and Liu Yunqian had already run to the corridor, hesitating whether to find a room to avoid the limelight.

Jiang Yue waved at them, signaling them not to stay.

Liu Yunqian's body still looked a little weak, but this woman was obviously stronger, and she was obviously struggling to run, but she followed without saying a word, gritting her teeth.

Obviously staying in the hospital bed for too long, her hand and foot coordination ability has not even returned to the normal level.

Soon, Jiang Yue and the others arrived at the stairs.


The floors of these high-end wards are not very high.This building has only three floors.

Going down now will probably be blocked.

The surrounding area of ​​the entire building must have been filled with these insane people.

These people have obviously lost their minds, and even more inexplicably become extremely destructive and aggressive, as if attacking normal humans has become their primitive instinct.

If it was one or two, or even ten or eight, Jiang Yue thought he could handle it, leading the two to easily break through.

But just looking at it casually, there are three digits in that direction, not including the opposite direction.

Counting all these things in all directions, Jiang Yue would never believe that there were not hundreds of them.

If all the patients and staff in a hospital had this virtue, the number would definitely reach a terrifying level.

Therefore, knowing that going upstairs will only delay the situation, but going upstairs is the most sensible choice at present.

Going downstairs is immediately surrounded, and going upstairs can delay one or two.

Normal people would choose to go upstairs, it is better to be honest than to be engulfed by these lunatics on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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