
Chapter 115, The World Outside Jinling City.

Chapter 115, The World Outside Jinling City.

The desolate black dragon of Niu Shou Mountain has become history, and it was also written into the textbook of Hongchen Inn. The title of the book is "Dragon Punishment", and it is now placed on the counter of the hotel.

The shopkeeper had nothing to do, flipping through this strange book quickly, with a slight smile on his face from time to time, and his complacent expression inevitably aroused suspicion - he is the true God of War Black Dragon who narrowly escaped death!
Outside the hotel, there is a row of green bamboos and red rhododendrons in full bloom. There is also an artificial lake that is about ten feet square. There is a embankment of green willows planted on the lakeside.

The shopkeeper raised his head, gently closed the "Dragon Punisher" in his hand, and looked at Qiuyue and me with a smile.

"Boss, I want a room near the lake for a long stay." Qiuyue tied the horse to a willow tree by the lake, walked into the hotel, and knocked on the counter to ask.

"Guest officer, how long will you stay here?" The shopkeeper is a greasy man with a goatee beard, he looked at Qiuyuebai's thick little face with a smile, and asked with a half-smile.

"It's not that I won't give you money, how long do you care about my stay? Look again, look again and pick out your eyeballs and feed them to the dogs!" Qiuyue said fiercely to the shopkeeper.

"Don't dare! Don't dare! Guest officer, please come inside! Please come inside! Come with me." The shopkeeper said, and took Qiuyue and me to the second floor.

"Creak!" After a loud noise, we came to the door of an upper room. The shopkeeper took out the key to open the door and led us into the room.

"Guest officer, what do you think of this room? Looking up, you can see the head of a cow, and looking down, you can see swimming fish. The spring sun is shining in the sky, and the oriole is singing among the tender leaves of the sacred tree. You can sit and watch the flowing clouds during the day, and enjoy the moon at night. Hua... Tut tut tut! How is this room?" the shopkeeper asked Qiuyue with a smile.

Seeing that I had nothing to say all the way, he just flattered Qiuyue alone.

As expected of a businessman, you can tell at a glance that I am not in charge of the family.

"How much is a day?" Qiuyue asked.

"Not much, not much, just one or two pieces of silver is enough. It includes three meals a day, as well as fodder for the horses, and a special ticket to the Immortal Hotel." The shopkeeper said to Qiuyue with a smile.

"Well! It's not expensive. Keep the key, we'll live in this room. Prepare some good meals, our master is picky, money is not a problem." Qiuyue looked around and squeezed me Squeezing his eyes, he said proudly to the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper left the key very politely, and then flattered Qiuyue: "This lady, who can be seen from a wealthy family at first sight, doesn't bring any counter-offers. I said Miss! I said it, little old man." Don't be angry, just this gentleman, although he looks very energetic and pleasant, he is still not worthy of your noble, elegant, and extremely gorgeous temperament, miss!"

"He's a member of my family. Don't look at him as short, but capable! The things in his mind, someone will give Miss Ben a whole house of real money!

Hehehe!With your little ink, don't show off in front of him.I said shopkeeper, quickly get a basin of hot water and wash us up! " Qiuyue said, and threw him a silver ingot, which was worth twelve taels.

The shopkeeper took the silver and went to collect it with a smile.

"Comfort first, and then go to the mountains. Old man, let's go to some fairy restaurant to try something new. Okay?" Qiuyue jumped on the bed and lay down without taking off her shoes.

"Well, I'll just take a nap on this rattan chair for a while! Let's wash our faces before we go." I looked at the sun just over the top of the eastern mountain, and said to Qiuyue with a smile.

"Hmm!..." Qiuyue started snoring while talking.

Why!Her vulgarity is getting more and more serious, and her fairy spirit is getting less and less...!
It seems that the world of mortals is poisonous, not the Taoist ancestor.

But I can't leave, because I have accepted the task of the Great Heavenly Venerable, so I can't let the pick go!
The most important thing is that I want to bring Qiuyue back to Xianshan, and continue the fairy relationship!

I sat down on the wicker chair, thinking to myself.

"Guest officer, the hot water for you two is here. There is also the special Niu Shou camellia from the shop, and the Heishi spring water from Heilongtan. This kind of tea is second to none! This is brewed with Niu Shou pearls, and it is a first-class drink in the suburbs of Jinling. You two have a good taste..." The shopkeeper brought up all the household items and treasures of the store, and introduced them to me one by one.

"Thank you shopkeeper, the greeting is very thoughtful." I said politely to him.

After a while, Xiao Er brought hot towels and some odds and ends of useful items.

After Xiao Er went downstairs, the shopkeeper asked me again: "Guest officer, are you two eating in the small shop, or going out? If you are eating in the small shop, I will prepare it for you two when I go down." Prepare."

"No, we'll go out to eat later. Come back to eat at night." I said to him politely.

"Okay, guest officer. What do you want to eat tonight? I'll let the guy go shopping." The shopkeeper said.

"Ah! Fresh fish from the lake is fine, and other fruits and vegetables are fine." I simply ordered a few and told the shopkeeper.

In fact, he doesn't have what I want to eat here!I want to eat nectar Night Breeze, but he can't get it.

"Okay, guest officer. Remember to lock the door when you go out, and store valuables at the front desk, not in the room, it's not safe!" the shopkeeper told me.

After speaking, he went out.

I washed my face and continued with my epiphany.

Qiuyue slept for a full hour, and when the sun was high, she rubbed her eyes and called her old.

Why!My job as a secretary is tiring!

"I'm here. Qiuyue, have you rested? What are we going to do next?" I stood up from the wicker chair and went to the bedside to serve her.

"Oh! I'll wash my face with cold water first, and we'll see what happens." She supported me, got out of bed in a daze, and asked me where to wash my face.

I helped her to sit on the rattan chair, then poured her a basin of warm water and placed it in front of her.

"Hey hey hey hey! Old man, you're so kind." She finally cleared her mind a little, and she smiled coquettishly at me with disheveled hair.

"Hurry up and wash your face! The water will cool down and freeze your hands." I handed her the towel and said to her with concern.

A person who is busy all day long, once she is free, it is easy to think wildly and her temper will turn bad!

I know that to survive in the wild, Qiuyue and I must be back to back.

The most taboo thing for immortals to cross the world of mortals is the wilderness, where it is easy to cause trouble.

"Go to some Immortal Hotel later, and see if there is anything worth learning." Qiuyue greeted me while taking the towel from my hand.

In fact, Qiuyue also runs a hotel, so she is very concerned about food, after all, what she eats is this bowl of rice.

I quietly waited for Qiuyue to finish washing and dressing, then opened the door and walked out of the hotel.

There is a new face on the counter of the hotel, and the previous shopkeeper has disappeared.

"Treasurer, where are our horses? The master and I want to go out for a stroll." I smiled at the new-faced shopkeeper.

"Oh! Are you the guest officer on the second floor? There are two horses, one white and one black, aren't you?" the shopkeeper asked to verify my identity.

"Yes!" I promised him.

"It's still grazing under the willow tree by the fish pond! Guest officer, go early and return early. It's uneasy in the mountains at night." The shopkeeper said to me with a smile.

"Okay. Thank you shopkeeper for your reminder." I thanked and walked out of the inn.

(End of this chapter)

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