
Chapter 139, Mother Earth is here.

Chapter 139, Mother Earth is here.

In the early morning of Zhuangyuan Building, the air is particularly good, and there is not much worldly smell of fireworks.

The life of non-humans is all for the sake of the world, and there are no selfish distractions in it. Therefore, in the eyes of secular people with inflated desires, this kind of life is tasteless and very boring.

However, for this reason, the gods and Buddhas of the gods are happy to go forward and forge ahead. They are fighting in the endless battle against desire and evil, and they have no complaints, no regrets, and no turning back.

There is a saying in the world of mortals: there is no mountain higher than people, and no road longer than feet!I often think: The person who said this will sooner or later become a god, because his world has been extending upwards, and one day, he will reach the Nantianmen.

However, at the Nantianmen at this moment, Yuyan is staring wide-eyed. She is facing the height and dimension of Uncle Tianyantong who can't see endlessly (Oh! No, looking down from Nantianmen, it should be the length and depth. right!).

"Uncle Tianyan, the Antarctic fairy is as long as the sky, and you are as tall as the sky! Hehehehe! My eyes hurt and I can't see where your feet are! And your body, I You can’t even see the side, you! Let’s turn back into a dwarf! I still like your dwarf appearance, it’s so cute, cute, cute, and lovable!” Yu Yan looked behind helplessly The dwarf's clairvoyant said to the ubiquitous celestial clairvoyant.

"Miss Yuyan, do you want to have such a huge divine body? And it can be big or small, you can change it at will!" Tianyantong took the opportunity to induce Yuyan to say.

"I don't want it! It's so big and so tall, ink and wash won't find me." Yu Yan said with a smile.

"Hey! What if Ink becomes like this? If you don't change, you can't find where he is anymore, what should you do?" Tianyantong continued to fool Yuyan.

"Let's go back! Otherwise, sister and husband will be in a hurry. What you said, I will let him teach me when the ink painting society changes." Yuyan said proudly.

She still only trusts ink and wash!This little girl.


A gust of fairy wind blew over the willow branches on the banks of the Qinhuai River, and the green willows rippled on the dark green water.

I watched two pairs of mandarin ducks, drawing blue waves one behind the other on the water surface, cruising happily to the east.

"Old, mandarin ducks play in the water, lovers will finally get married, the gift of heaven and earth, I don't know that those two blessed couples are going to play hand in hand in the world! I really envy them." Qiuyue said happily.

"Everything has its own destiny, it's God's will, it's not man-made to fly a fairy outside the sky! We're almost there." I said to Qiuyue.

"I believe you, old man! After this soul collection is over, I will tell Tianzun: I want to accompany you to travel around the world, everywhere in the sky and the world, and go to all the places I have never been to, even if it costs hundreds of millions Years, I am willing too!" Qiuyue leaned on my shoulder and said softly.

"Immortals are not allowed to have selfish and distracting thoughts, you should take it easy and stop thinking about it." I whispered to her.

While talking, Shui Mo sent me a message: "Master! The Emperor Houtu is here, and he will be in the hall soon."

Qiuyue is sticking a small cherry mouth to my ear, and she is about to say some nasty whispers!
"Ugh! You and Shui Mo also have a dedicated line? Hurry up! They're here." She broke free from my arms and said solemnly.

"Do you dare to tell me that you and Yuyan haven't opened a dedicated line?...Let's go! Don't make the old Huangdi wait too long, it will be bad." While talking, I quickly walked out of the Lengyue Palace with her.

She glanced back at me, and immediately changed back to her original, cold face.

Why!Women and fairies are the same, as long as they are female, they are fickle!
"Sir, this old man walks in the world on behalf of the heavens, but he never thought that one day he would be able to fight side by side with Mr.! Hahahaha! Miss Yue, Lao Huang is so polite!" Houtu Emperor Zhi laughed heartily and walked into the champion The lobby of the building.

"You are a senior, so I am very happy to cooperate with you to defend against the enemy. Please sit down and have a cup of morning tea first. After the other gods are all here, let's have lunch together!" Qiuyue said to her with a smile.

"Hey! Unexpectedly, Ms. Yue has been in the Hongchen Inn for more than 20 years, and she has become even more charming. No wonder Mr. Ba Badi came to meet you!" Houtu Emperor Zhi held Qiuyue's little hand and said in love.

"Old man, men and women can't distinguish between men and women! You hold my sister's hand like this, do you think our house is always a decoration?" Yu Yan looked at the empress emperor's beautiful face, and said to him very rudely.

"It doesn't matter! She is hundreds of millions of years old, and it's not easy to be able to move people's hearts." I secretly pinched Yu Yan and said with a smile.

"Why are you pinching me? Boss, are you still a man?" Yu Yan, that little brat, immediately exploded.

"Miss Yuyan, my ancestor, I am just like you and Qiuyue! We are both women." Houtu Emperor Zhi was also amused by Yuyan, and said with a smile.

"You...you are a woman? Why are you wearing women's clothes? Hey!...It doesn't look like it. Unless...unless you are...!" Yuyan complained in a whisper.

"Hehehehe! Little Yuyan, you don't think my old woman is a eunuch, do you?" Emperor Hou Tu looked at Yuyan's puzzling little eyeballs circling around in their sockets, and he couldn't help laughing and said.

"You... I didn't say that!" Yu Yan said in a sophistry.

"Yuyan, don't talk nonsense, don't show any respect to your ancestors. If you talk nonsense again, sister, I'll take care of you!" Qiuyue said to Yuyan seriously.

"Understood, sister." Yu Yan stuck out her tongue and made a grimace, she was really more honest.

"It's okay, Miss Yue." Seeing that Qiuyue was angry, Emperor Houtu quickly said with relief.

"Old Ancestor, please sit down quickly! I am doing my best to amuse the children. Shui Mo, you and Uncle Shi also sit down! Let's drink some tea first, and talk about the specific layout of the altar for collecting souls. I still have a lot to say I need to ask my ancestors for advice!" I said to them as I sat down.

In fact, Emperor Houtu Zhi was a great beauty tens of thousands of years ago in the True Heaven Realm. All the great gods know this!It's just that her husband often travels around on her behalf to publicize the emperor's will, so many people don't know whether the real Emperor Houtu is a man or a woman!
In addition, in her later years, she often manifested herself as her husband, so it was not surprising that there were so many misunderstandings.

I looked at this beautiful woman who intentionally looked like a boy who was born in the world, our ancestor in the real world, and couldn't help but secretly wondered: She is obviously a beauty like the autumn moon, why did she change herself into a vigorous old man?

The specific reason is only known to her!No one dared to inquire, and no one dared to ask her.

Even her former favorite student like me, he dare not mess around...!
"Sit down! Since the mother of the earth is here, I, Leng Qiuyue, will invite everyone to taste the jade liquid nectar from our Lengyue Palace. Wait a moment, I will come when I go. Old, it's better to chat with the ancestors first Hey, you haven't seen each other for many years! Mr. Shi, sit down for a while, Qiuyue will come when she goes."

"Miss Yue, as long as it's convenient, we're all on our own, so don't be too polite." Shi Gandang stood up and said.

"No problem!" Qiuyue agreed and went upstairs quickly.

"Old! I'll go with my sister." Yuyan stood up and was about to go with Qiuyue.

"Sit quietly and listen to the teachings of your ancestors! Don't go." I said.

"Okay!" Yuyan and Shi Gandang said unhappily after sitting down almost at the same time.

"Miss! In front of Mother Earth, you should stop playing your temper. Think about it, the whole earth belongs to your ancestors. In the eyes of your ancestors, the jade shops in your family are still Isn’t it a drop in the ocean? Don’t be stubborn. Listen to my master and the others, you won’t go wrong.” Seeing the rain and smoke puffing, Shui Mo couldn’t help but talk about her.

"It's okay! Shui Mo, you can also treat me as a bad old man! What your master said about us today is not allowed to be spread outside, otherwise, the world will not live in peace, and everyone will be busy again!" Emperor Houtu Whispered to Ink and ink.

"Understood, old ancestor." Ink and wash are always of one mind.

Yuyan still hasn't realized it yet, she actually has a lot of things to do, and she will trouble my ancestors and me in the future!
Still sitting there angrily, wanting to say something to Shui Mo, seeing my complexion, I had no choice but to swallow the words that were almost on my lips.

The sun has already risen from the top of the eastern mountain, and it is full of red light, squandering the golden light all over the place, sweeping away all the darkness and filth that cannot see the sun for us.

The earth is full of vitality, preparing for the final concentration.

(End of this chapter)

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