
Chapter 145, Deep Sea Dragon Crystal.

Chapter 145, Deep Sea Dragon Crystal.

The ancestor is actually Haitian's number one leader, but most people don't know it.

Only those wise and wise men who have gone deep into the sea and sky, and those who have attained the Tao can realize it.

In fact, the secret is that after a monk settled down on the driftwood in the South Pacific, he was suddenly awakened by the sea breeze and saw the scene where his ancestors were playing with blue whales on the sea.

At that time, he couldn't believe his eyes, so he kept thinking that it was just a dream, he was just dreaming about the sea god!

This cultivator himself is convinced of this! ——Because the ancestor he saw in his eyes was just an eight or nine-year-old doll!What's more, the ancestor sent him back to the Loess Plateau with a breath of immortality.

Just think about it, if you were wandering in the sea and suddenly met a little girl hunting a great white shark, would you be scared to death?And which little girl is riding a big turtle the size of several buildings...!
It is impossible for you to think of the little Nezha in Fengshen Yanyi, because the ancestors don't play weapons, let alone Hot Wheels!
Later, when a monk came down from Mount Zhongnan, when he had made a small achievement, he spread the dreamlike story all over the river, north and south, up and down the Yellow River, so the world learned about it.

The ancestors now receive a lot of incense supplies from the world every year, because of that Taoist priest.

Therefore, the ancestors didn't blame any monk, because he didn't have any malice.

Perhaps, people who don't know how to do it will see her as the lovely little dragon girl next to the Bodhisattva!
Unless you have seen Little Dragon Girl.

While we were chatting in the Arhat Hall, the blue hearts of the ocean that we hung on the Luohan pine tree were releasing countless deep blue rays of light due to the blessing of the jellyfish cloud lamp, turning a huge The Arhat Hall was completely illuminated!
"I told you, whether it's right or not, you can't hit me. Otherwise, I won't tell you." Shui Mo said to Yu Yan in fear.

"Quickly tell me, I promise you not to die." Yuyan said impatiently.

"Have you heard the legend that the cloud follows the dragon and the wind follows the tiger? Everything in the real world, think about it carefully, what else exists without relying on white clouds?" Shui Mo said.

"Eh! Don't say it, it's true." Yu Yan became more obedient.

"That's right. But in this world, the sky and even the underworld, if there is no water vapor supply from Longtian Wonderful Sound Realm, they would have been wiped out long ago, and you might still be there?" Shui Mo said in a low voice.

"Without me, would there still be you? You are conceited. Go ahead." Yu Yan gently pinched the ink with her fingers.

"Ordinary people think that the white clouds are very light, but they don't know that if a pot of white clouds falls together, it will flood a small county town. Humans only know that the gods and gods admire the dragon clan who is in the wonderful sound of the dragon sky, but they don't know what it is. Why is this happening! In fact, it is the bodhisattvas of our Longtian Miaoyin Realm who have worked together to support this piece of blue sky and blue sea. Moreover, Haitian Yise transports a lot of cloud gas to Tianjie every year for the little immortals in the fairy world to buy and sell. Even smoking!" Shui Mo said with a smile.

"Ah! No wonder the immortal gods of Jiuchongtian are so kind to us! So it's because of the old face. It's a pity that those mortal idiots, who eat blood and kill themselves, think that the gods are as stupid and stupid as them! Really hopeless.

It turns out that the people who sell Yunsi Yunjin in Tianjie are all from Haitian!Don't tell me, I thought they were Taoist priests or the ghosts of businessmen after their deaths! "Yu Yan covered her mouth and said in a low voice.

"Ghosts can't go to heaven, unless they are the king of ghosts. And you need a few CD-ROMs, otherwise they won't be able to get through the first heaven." A little dragon girl said to Yu Yan with a smile.

"Um! Dragon Girl, how do you know this?" Yu Yan became a fairy world novice when she first came to Haitian Miaoyin Realm.

"Because we can go to the underworld! And we can go in and out of the heavens at will, so you know!" Xiao Longnu continued.

"Okay! It's good for you little sisters to talk. Ah and Qiuyue come with me." The old ancestor said to me and Qiuyue.

"The tortoise takes good care of the children, don't be frightened by people and water ghosts." The ancestor told the tortoise before taking me and Qiuyue upstairs.

It turns out that the Arhat Hall is a natural attic with three inner floors and three outer floors. Generally, children can only walk on the outer three floors, and the inner three floors require some powerful gods to enter.

Because there are tornadoes, kamikazes, and trade winds from the nether world, they are constantly intertwined, blowing non-stop, and if the soul power is not strong enough, they will not be able to enter at all.

"The roots of the ears must be clean so that we can enter the inner three levels. Otherwise, we will be influenced by evil." The ancestor said to Qiuyue and me with a smile.

"Ancestor, is this the magical door to know good and evil?" Qiuyue asked the ancestor with a smile.

"Yes. Don't pay attention to them. They want to be contaminated with the fairy spirit of you and Ah." The ancestor pointed to the spirit of the little fairies of Haisi flying like butterflies by the roadside, and said with a smile.

All kinds of strange filament-like air currents were constantly moving around us, as if they were all talking in a low voice, but it seemed that there was no sound...!
Passing through one after another dreamlike bubbles, we finally entered the core area of ​​the inner third floor, where there are three small Podocarpus pine trees that are more than one meter long, arranged and combined in a regular manner according to the three talents of heaven, earth and man.

"Old ancestor, is this your handwriting?" I asked in great surprise.

"No, this is naturally generated by the collection of Qi from heaven and earth. Of course, it also has something to do with me. More than 600 years ago, I accidentally discovered the inner three layers, and then I practiced here every day in retreat and rested my soul. Later Some gods sent ten crystals, and arranged them neatly in the core area of ​​the inner three floors. After more than 100 years, this little Luo Hansong, which represents the three talents of heaven, earth and man, was born. These are actually It's all God's will, and it cannot be violated! Later, the juniors of Longtian occasionally entered Qingxiu, and they all said that it really meant a blessing for people to live in a blessed place." The ancestor said to us with a smile.

"Look up at the top of the Arhat Hall. Are there ten little stars?" The ancestor pointed to the small water-curtain roof on the inner three floors and said with a smile.

"Ah! Ancestor, aren't you the Dragon Crystal Sorcerer's Stone? Legend has it that they are Xunyou's altar-shaking magic weapon in the demon world. How could they be here with you?" Qiuyue asked the ancestor in bewilderment.

"That's why for so many years, demon spirits from the demon world have been unable to invade the Three Realms and reach the Nantianmen! Back then, those who sent these magic stones to Miaoyin Wonderland were all first-class true heavenly heads. There is your father, the great Tianzun of Yuqing Palace! The purpose is to prevent Xun You, the master of the demons in the demon world, from collecting the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth, and keep in a state of ignorance forever, so that he will not pose a threat to the Three Realms!" I interrupted.

"Ah, that's right. Your current opponent, Rakshasa, is a little devil who avoids Emperor Asura, and collects demons everywhere. She wants to resurrect her old master and fight against the heavens! Recently, she was in Luofu, outside the Three Realms. The mountain is more active, you have to be careful." The ancestor said.

"Luofu Mountain? Later, I will ask Diyantong and Tianyantong to inquire about the news. Know yourself and the enemy, and you will never lose a hundred battles." I said.

"Let them pay attention to safety, that place is a muddy pond full of immortal energy, mind, soul, and soul power. There are traps everywhere, so be careful." The old ancestor told me.

"Okay, old man," I said.

"Hey! Old man, let's talk about the Rakshasa girl later. Ancestor, please tell us some little secrets about this deep-sea dragon crystal! I'm very interested in this." Qiuyue said.

In fact, she was asking for instructions on how to use the Dragon Crystal Sorcerer Stone for ink and rain!
I smiled, and accompanied her to quietly listen to the old ancestor explain the specific usage of the Dragon Crystal Magic Stone.

(End of this chapter)

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