
Chapter 153, Fighting for control of Yudu.

Chapter 153, Fighting for control of Yudu.

The smell of blood began to gather towards the heavens, coming from the immoral places where ordinary people were murdered everywhere!
Immediately after a huge wave of great soul power, the icy cold and damp wind turned into a burst of thick smoke that burned the corpses one after another!
These cunning Asura devils are hiding in the black billowing smoke. They have a lot of bloody smell all over their bodies, and they are releasing a charming haze...!
That's right, after they are full of blood food, they are here to show us their prestige.

"Emperor Tuhuang in the northeast, stop them all. Emperor Xuanwu, Shi Gandang, prepare to fight! The first wave must wipe out these little devils, otherwise their follow-up little devils will continue to fight!" This kind of unscrupulousness." After the wind quickly turned the Zhentian wind wheel on the protective layer of the heavenly soul altar, and a wave of refreshing divine wind was blown up from the southeast, helping the northern war gods.

Houtu Emperor Zhi wanted to clean up this group of scum a long time ago. If it weren't for the difference between man and nature, I guess he would have also cleaned up those little Japanese devils who were hit by demons and killed without batting an eye...!
I saw Emperor Hou Tu angrily whipped up a gust of wind from the ground in the northeast, whistling past, and blew those Asura devils who followed the evil spirit power back to Jinling City in one breath.

"Hahaha! After the wind, you don't need to take action. I will send the old lady back to the west." Houtu Emperor Zhi said angrily.

"It's her again, this old lady! Brothers, kill her, and every one of us will be the Emperor of the Earth from now on! Hahahaha!" A familiar voice came from the darkness, drifting, but His exact location is unknown.

It's him, the evil that is against me.

Emperor Houtu Zhi is happy!

A more intense bloody smell came again, and a more powerful tornado storm was rolled up, rushing towards us fiercely and darkly.

"Black Dragon! Send the soul power back to the sky. Quick!" I retracted the pipe for receiving the soul cloud, and called the black dragon loudly.

"The black dragon has to order! Wait for me to come back." Heilong said, and quickly took back his soul-catching ladder.

"Whoosh!" With a sound, the cloud disc spaceship soared into the sky.

I know that he is rushing back to fulfill the promise he made under Jinling City!
"Shui Mo, Paixiu, you rush to Jinling City immediately, and send all the people with the black dragon mark out of Jinling City. Hurry up!" Seeing that Qiuyue also took back her soul-attracting Xingyue Road, I ordered Shui Mo and Paixiu loudly.

"Yu Yan and Miao Miao also follow me into the city, please ask the white dragon to rain some rain to baptize the ancient city for us, and restore the peace of this white jade world." Qiuyue also ordered Yu Yan and Miao Miao to say.

"The killing is too heavy, the resentment is soaring, the soul power that has not been collected from the heavens has joined the devil's camp, everyone should be careful." Earth Eye Tong suddenly appeared and said to us after being silent for a long time.

"Okay! It depends on who the owner of Jinling City is! The great work has been completed, and the soul collection altar will be closed immediately. Everyone will fight hard to kill the enemy, and kill all these things that don't care about it, so as not to cause them to be burned again. Creatures." I called like an angry bird.

"Sir! Don't keep one of them? But how did we dispel their evil thoughts?" Pai Yao asked me very embarrassed.

"Don't bother to think about these things! When the Buddha passed away, his old enemy told the Buddha: once the magic age opens, he will make all his disciples and grandchildren wear cassocks and go to the Buddha's site (temple) to enjoy the world The fireworks that pay tribute to the Buddha confuse the hearts of the Buddha and destroy the innocence of the Buddha! And the Eastern Soul Field is especially serious. They are all demons with Buddhism, guys who cannibalize people without spitting out their bones! Forget it, give them some leeway, we don’t want to attack Temples and Taoist temples are enough. Let their own kind go to transcend their trash teammates! Let’s just strangle the blood-sucking demons in the city, and wipe out all the evil ones. As for their evil thoughts, someone will naturally refine them. "I said to Pai Yao patiently.

"Understood, sir!" Pai Yao promised me, then jumped out of the cathode core of the eight array diagrams that gradually disappeared, and walked towards me.

"Master! Aren't you taking us there?" Shui Mo asked me when he saw that I was indifferent.

"You and Paixiu are Gods of Heaven and Earth. You are the future gods of war. You have to try to solve the problem alone. Master has other things to do." I said to Shui Mo.

"Where am I going?" Shui Mo asked me.

"Hmm! Ask Paixiu for more advice, he is a veteran of the underground world." I told Shui Mo to say.

"Old man! After finishing business, go to Zhuangyuan Building to find me. I'll wait for you there." After Qiuyue finished speaking, she also jumped out of the core area of ​​the eight formations collecting soul altar with Yu Yan and Miao Miao.

"Ah, can we also retreat?" Hou Tu Huang Zhi asked me on behalf of the eight guardians.

"Great Emperor, Fenghou, Liaofan, Qinglong, Bailong, Shi, Wudi, Zhuque, Baihu, you all leave a mud tire in your respective positions, let's all retreat!" I said.

"It seems that this celebration banquet will not be finished. Let's all follow Ah's instructions and retreat separately!" Houtu Emperor Zhi said with a smile.

"Great Emperor, let this be my Fenghou's fault! All of you who are here today, when I get through this catastrophe with you, how about inviting everyone to my Fenghou Palace for a congenital vegetarian meal?" Fenghou knew that I still had something to do. So he said to everyone.

"Don't dare! Don't dare! They are all following orders for the peace of the heavens, and they are not doing housework for the husband. There is no reason to eat." Emperor Xuanwu said with a smile, and rushed to Jinling City in the lead.

The rest of them also bid farewell to me and drifted away one after another.

Unlike human beings who are thoughtful and thoughtful, the battles in the world of cultivating immortals are much simpler and rougher, and everything depends on the soul, which is similar to the martial spirit that humans often say!

However, there are still many intrigues and tricks in the martial arts arena in the human world, but these are useless in the heaven, because everyone's territory is too big, and almost many people may not be able to encounter such a time in trillions of years. Twice!

Unless there is a large-scale war, everyone will come together for the common benefit, gather outside the Nantian Gate, and block the enemy.

I waited for them to leave before re-releasing a layer of 99 layers of heavenless soul power, covering the heavens.Then he hid in the light of the last spirit and flew back to the Nine Heavens.

...! ...! ...!
"Brother Pixiu, how do we deal with this group of monsters! Where do we start?" Shui Mo and Pixiu jumped over the castle and stood on the decadent Zhonghua Road, asking Pixiu anxiously.

Pixiu looked at the monsters who came back after being swept away by the tornado, giggled, and said to Shui Mo: "Let's start from the Zhonghua Gate! This group of beasts, if they don't let them be wiped out, Jinling will never be peaceful." Day." Pai Yao said.

"Brother, go ahead! I don't have any experience in fighting devils yet!" Shui Mo said sincerely.

"Open your eyes! Aren't you the inheritor of the deep-sea dragon crystal magic stone?" Pixiu threw a wave of iron balls at the wave of dark clouds that rushed towards him, and whispered to Shui Mo.

"Brother, how do you know? My master said not to release its soul power in the human world!" Shui Mo said.

"Oh! It's because the old man is afraid that you won't be able to control it. Forget it, the light of the blue seal is enough for the other party to drink a pot! Use your light of the blue seal to deal with them." Pixiu patiently taught the ink painting.

"This is fine, just try its power." Shui Mo laughed happily and said in a low voice.

"Brother has cleaned up this wave, you clean up the next wave. You open the door of your heart and pay attention to the release of soul power and the way to deal with the super devil camp." Pixiu said, silently watching the just repulsed The devil camp chanted his Heishuihe God of War mantra.

Pixiu kept chanting, and black winds gradually gathered behind him and Shui Mo unconsciously...they accumulated more and more...continuously circling Pixiu and Shui Mo!
Although Yinfeng was gentle and temperless, he could clearly hear the subtle sounds of swords, guns, swords and halberds clashing and colliding... faintly, he could also hear shouts and applause...!
Shui Mo looked shocked, and lost his voice and said: "Pixiu, don't you only know how to fly iron balls? Why are you still... still..."

"Don't talk! Follow me. Your blue seal light is stronger than mine!" Pixiu said, and then said: "Go!"

There was a gentle and delicate wind, and suddenly there was thunder and lightning, and the sounds of gold and iron horses were heard everywhere, whistling and rushing towards the black whirlwind of the devil.

The two winds were intertwined and entangled incessantly, launching a real tug-of-war of great soul power, the old woman's battle...!
Screaming, shouting, crying, screaming, neighing of horseshoes, the sound of knives and guns entering the body, the piercing sound of weapons being broken and impacted... All kinds of sounds intertwined and suddenly appeared in the dark cloud billowing sky It sounded like thunder.

Just like this, the two winds are constantly fighting and entangled...!
After a stick of incense, the clouds cleared and the fog cleared, the red sun shone on the white snow, and it was peaceful.

Occasionally, the sound of a few scattered knives and guns falling into the snow came from a distant place, very subtle, very subtle!
"Brother! You are so powerful!" Shui Mo said loudly to Pai Yao again.

"You are also very good, but you have no actual combat experience. How about you give it a try?" Pixiu said to Shui Mo with a smile.

"There are no enemies anymore! It's not easy to use." Shui Mo said in a low voice.

"Ah! No enemies? We haven't met anyone with great soul power and flow. Get ready, let's move on!" Pixiu collected his soul power and immortal energy, and striding towards the Confucius Temple with his ink and ink.

The dead bodies in the place, there are many old women and girls who were raped, murdered and thrown away. They can be seen everywhere naked along the road!

The windows and gates of many houses were blown down by grenades, and even the roofs of the simple and rough houses were knocked down a lot... You can't see a chicken or a dog on the street, and they all turned into demons and them The lackeys of Japan's plate of food.

The ghost soldiers who were full of food and drink, gathered in groups to rob finances and look for women in Jinling City... Such beasts, you can just rape them, why do you kill them after gang rape? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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