
Chapter 190, Set up a home for the children in Xian Academy.

Chapter 190, Set up a home for the children in Xian Academy.

Just when everyone was having fun, the Yunqi Tianqi suddenly fluttered up, making a loud noise.

Yuyan, who was about to step into the Yunhu Temple of Heaven, stopped immediately, looked at the flying Yunqi Tianqi in the hula la mountain in puzzlement, and froze in his heart motionless!
"Yuyan, come back! Come back quickly. The imperial court has an urgent official document to transmit, be careful that the cloud horses will bump into you." The Holy Spirit suddenly called out loudly.

At this moment, the rolling and galloping cloud horse roared towards Tianjie from the Three Gorges Dam inside the Lingxiao Temple, like a flood discharge from the Three Gorges Dam.

When Qiuyue saw her, she hugged Yuyan and floated to avoid the shops on the street.

The Holy Spirit, Miao Miao, Pixiu, etc. also immediately floated into the opposite jade shop, and Shui Mo had no time to dodge, and immediately turned into a cloud nail and firmly nailed it to the cloud road in the middle of the street!

"Hey! Everyone pay attention to safety, there are nails on Tianjieyun Road, be careful not to step on the nails!" A voice came from the gushing clouds, resounding through the sky.

Shui Mo broke out in a cold sweat, and immediately drove all the nails into Yunlu, not daring to show anything.

After a violent shock, Shui Mo hid in the middle of the cloud road without daring to raise his head, only hearing the sound of galloping horses one after another, and from time to time some people said goodbye to each other in frenzy and left.

Shui Mo listened carefully, and it turned out that they were all out to deliver letters, saying that they were going to hold a fairy meeting!Moreover, it seems that it should be held on Tianjieyun Road.

The turbulent and endlessly rushing Yunma Yunyun beast kept jumping out of the Lingxiao Temple and roaring along the Tianjie Street. It took a full time for a stick of incense to make a fuss before it gradually taunted and finally returned to calm.

Shui Mo emerged from the ground, exhaled foul air, and said, "It's dangerous! I was almost trampled to death by Bai Yun."

"Who told you to be stupid! I don't know how to dodge and dodge. Did you get scratched on the scalp or something?" Yuyan ran out from the store, and took a close look at the ink from head to toe. Only then did he sigh in relief, and complained to him.

"Okay, okay! Everyone, don't get close to Yunhu Lake if you have nothing to do, and don't touch the Yunqitian Banner, for fear that the probing horses coming in and out of Lingxiao Palace will bump into us. Qiuyue, let's go back! There is no edict, You can't get close to the Lingxiao Temple, lest we be caught by the guardian gods as monsters, and it will be embarrassing." Holy Spirit said to everyone with a smile.

"Strange! Sister Yue, Uncle Holy Spirit, why aren't the people on the street afraid of Yunbeng? Is Shui Mo the only one who is so afraid?" Yuyan recalled the scene just now with lingering fear, and asked in bewilderment Qiuyue said.

"Yuyan, that's because we are the only ones who have entered the range of the shroud of the Lingxiao Temple, and we have also caught up with the promotion of the Lingxiao Temple, and accidentally entered the same channel where the Jade Emperor issued orders, so we are the only ones who go out with the Xuandi Zhao's Yunce Xianjun is in the same space-time channel, so only we can see these Yunben. The other people actually don't know about the scene just now. If you don't believe me, you can ask which shopkeepers Give it a try." Miao Miao also said with a smile.

"I said, why do they walk on the street without avoiding clouds, horses, cars, and cars? That's how it is." Jiao Tianzi said with a smile suddenly relieved.

"Remember, don't get close to Yunhu Lake and Yunqi Tianqi lightly, it's not safe." The Holy Spirit reminded everyone again.

Just as he was speaking, a small peach-like pink cloud suddenly flew towards the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit stretched out his hand to gently catch it in the palm of his hand.

The peach-like little cloud melted like a snowflake, and silently blended into the palm of the holy spirit, as if it was originally a part of the holy spirit's body, so natural and harmonious!
"What's wrong? Holy Spirit." Qiuyue asked her in a low voice.

"Notice from Lingxiao Temple: Tomorrow at [-]:[-] p.m., there will be a meeting of immortals in the sky above Jinling City. It will be held by the God of Sanqing at that time, and I am invited to participate." The Holy Spirit agreed with a smile.

"Oh! Who will go?" Qiuyue asked the Holy Spirit.

"As long as they have the rank of immortal, they should have been notified by the organization. Of course, sir, they can't escape." Holy Spirit said with a smile.

"Let's go to Lao San and Hei San! Let's discuss it." Holy Spirit continued.

"Okay." Qiuyue also said seriously.

... $ ... $ ... $ ... $ ...

The bright mirror hangs high, and the white clouds are rolling and galloping in the sky. The fairy conference will be held in the sky above Jinling City. Many great gods, small immortals, bodhisattvas, heavenly dragons, and Buddhas are driving cloud carts, cloud chariots, horses, sedan chairs, cloud dragons, and lotuses from all directions, three mountains and five mountains. All over the world rushed over, and the sky above Jinling City became extremely lively with clouds coming and going to the sea of ​​clouds...!
As the former chief secretary of Jiuchongtian, I was naturally invited to this Heavenly Immortal Conference.

Sitting in the Tianjie teahouse, watching the black dragon caressing the cloud piece Xinhan in his hand, he said to me enviously: "Sixth brother, can we also participate in this Tianxian conference?"

"Didn't it be said in the cloud book? You can bring your followers to participate. Of course it is possible. If my guess is correct, the Holy Spirit should have received the notification from the second secretary." I took a sip of fairy tea and said to him with a smile he said.

"Yeah! I'll find out when they come back." Heilong also took a sip of the fairy tea and said to me with a smile.

"Old! Tell me, will the Three Purities Gods participate in this conference? Will the Jade Emperor also come?" His eyes were dark and blue, and he asked a little excitedly, his voice trembling.

"You line up all the gods and Buddhas, and there will be no one missing." I said.

"Is the old ancestor coming back?" Heilong asked me a little bit without confidence.

"Do you want her to come? This Heavenly Immortal Conference is a pre-war mobilization meeting! The ancestors have long since ignored the political affairs of the Three Realms and only read sage books. The Jade Emperor will not bother her old man." What!" I said to the black dragon with a smile.

"Hey! It's a pity. It's a pity that she doesn't come to such a grand event." Heilong said a little disappointed.

"It's okay! Jinlong, Bailong, and Qinglong will come with the Jade Emperor. Are you afraid that no one will recommend you? Don't you just want to lead the battle? I'll just recommend you when the time comes." I see He glanced at the black dragon and said to him impatiently.

"What you say is what you say! Don't lie." Heilong said happily.

"Small sample! Return the third brother! You don't believe what the sixth brother said?" I couldn't help laughing again.

Just as they were talking, Holy Spirit and Qiuyue came back with the children!
They chatted and laughed, and walked into the Tianjiekou teahouse.

"Hey! Isn't this the teacher of the Holy Spirit from the Immortal Academy? What wind brought you here? Hurry up! Come inside! Please come inside!" Dr. Cha trotted forward to flatter the Holy Spirit, smiling Said.

"Old man! Don't worry about it, we're here to find someone." The Holy Spirit said, walking straight to our position.

"Damn Hei San! Boss, you two are free, Shui Mo was almost run over by Yunma Yunche just now! If you don't believe me, you two ask him, the good apprentice you have taught is stupid." Yu Yan rushed forward , cried out loudly.

In the teahouse, there were also quite a few people of the level of gods drinking tea. After hearing Yuyan's words, they all looked at us with unison!

"You talk too much! If you didn't go to see the Yun Qi Tian Banner, would the ink and wash collide with the Maxima that conveys the imperial edict? It won't make people worry about it anywhere." Qiuyue complained to Yu Yan.

"I saw that there were little cloud worms and little cloud beasts in the cloud lake, and they ran there because they were so rare! How do I know where is Lingxiao Palace?" Yuyan said quibbly.

"Sit down, don't quarrel. Holy Spirit, I have received an invitation letter for the conference." Black Dragon said happily to Holy Spirit.

In fact, he wanted to confirm whether the Holy Spirit had also received the invitation letter!This black three.

"Ahem! Ahem!..." I coughed on purpose.

"That's great! We can all go to the heaven above Jinling City to participate in the meeting. Hahahaha! Sister Holy Spirit has also received the invitation letter!" Qiuyue said happily.

"Eh! Why doesn't Sister Qiuyue not have it? Could it be a leak." Yu Yan asked a little disappointed.

This little girl, she is afraid that Qiuyue will be lost!

"Miss, don't talk about Qiuyue, even you are included. It's all here!" Heilong threw the cloud piece to Qiuyue and said with a smile.

Yuyan caught it, opened it up, and said in bewilderment, "Family portrait of the golden boy and jade girl? Old, Sister Yue, I...we...what does this mean? What the hell?...Hehehehe!... Return the family portrait?"

"We were originally a family. Lao and I are the golden boy and jade girl who have passed the time. You and Shui Mo are the jade girl and golden boy at that time. What is it if it is not a family portrait? Hehehe!" Qiuyue laughed heartily and explained to Yuyan said.

"Sir, when shall we set off?" the Holy Spirit asked me.

"The letter said that the meeting will be held on the night of the full moon in the Immortal Residence on August 15. Let's go back to the Immortal Academy first, and it won't be too late to set off after packing up our bags! After all, we all know the roads well, let alone There is a cloud disk spaceship!" I said with a smile.

"Old man, why don't we go back to the Immortal Academy quickly! It's better to settle the children first, let them get familiar with the environment of the Immortal Academy first, so that they won't fight later and come back to the Immortal Academy one by one, not knowing what they should do." Where to hide, it will be embarrassing." Heilong said.

"What the black dragon said is, let everyone set up a home in the sky first, and if we have a place to live, we won't have to live in the cloud disk without seeing the sky." Holy Spirit also agreed with a smile.

"Let's go! Old man, I'm going to take Yuyan and Ink Painting to the Lengyue Palace. I haven't been back for a long time." Qiuyue said.

"Yeah! Yes. Let's go!" I said, then stood up and was about to go out.

"Ah! This...isn't this our old gentleman from the Nine Heavens? I heard that you went to the lower realm to collect your soul power. How was the harvest?" An old gentleman with a goatee and a goat head stood up from the seat next to him, and I saluted.

"Old shepherd, don't come here without any problems! This year's harvest of soul worms, soul power and aura is very good, and our cloud disc spaceship is almost too late!" I said to him with a smile.

Yu Yan looked at the goat horns on his head, then at the dragon horns on the black dragon's head, then at the small antler on Xiaobai's head beside him, her mouth moved, and finally she didn't ask any more questions!
Everything, just get used to it.

"Uncle Yangshan, it's just in time! I'm the dean of the Holy Spirit of the Immortal Academy, what are you doing! You can prepare a few separate dormitories for me later, and some students from my side will move in today." The Holy Spirit smiled at the sheep. said the old man.

"Okay, Dean of the Holy Spirit. I'll call the logistics support department to arrange it." Uncle Yangshan melted a wisp of white cloud from his palm, pulled it, and pulled it into a tablet cloud computer, crackling on the keyboard After knocking for a long time, he put it away and said, "It's been arranged."

"So fast? It's too much fun!" Yu Yan and Shui Mo said in amazement.

They have never seen a cloud computer, so it is normal for them not to understand.

"Sir, Dean Sheng, I will go first. When you arrive at the academy, the children's room will naturally come to pick them up." After Uncle Yangshan finished speaking, he went out and strode away.

"He is going to arrange accommodation for other children. Let's go." The Holy Spirit smiled and said to us.

"Let's go! Go to the Fairy Academy to have fun." Qiuyue also stood up, dragging ink and rain into the cloud disk.

We all followed quickly.

When the cloud disc spaceship landed on the Xianyun platform of the Xian Academy, there were already large and small cloud houses beside it, and everyone's name was marked on the cloud roofs.

"As soon as you come out of the cloud disk, you will walk into the bachelor apartment prepared for you by the Immortal Academy. This is a single-family villa, the Cloud House. Everyone, take a good rest! Tomorrow, the Cloud House will take you to participate in the new Immortal Academy's experience report conference. At that time, I hope that you will all perform well and speak positively." The Holy Spirit said with a smile.

"I heard it all! Let's all go to rest! Think about tomorrow's report carefully, don't be nervous, whoever can't say anything by then, I will punish the students physically." I also smiled. said the children.

After the children had all entered their dormitories, they scattered around the cloud disc spaceship and went quietly.

The holy spirit took the black dragon to her villa Xianju.

In the territory of Jiuchong Tianxian Academy, only the students and teachers of the Immortal Academy can be assigned to Xianju Yayuan. When my cloud disk is here, it is the God of Light of the Last Soul.And the Holy Spirit is one of the vice presidents of our college, and his cloud disc spaceship has been standing in the college all the time, right at the Holy Spirit's light seat.

Because I am a visiting professor of the Immortal Academy, I don't have to sit in class, and I can freely enter and leave the Immortal Academy in my Xianju Yayuan.The light of the holy spirit is not good, because it is a cloud dwelling born and raised in the college, and it also has the function of guarding the fairy college, so it can only move within the range of the fairy college, and cannot go out of the fairy college.

"You are the only one who can come and go freely in the entire Immortal Academy!" Qiuyue shaved her hair, and then walked into her personal nest inside the cloud disc spaceship.

I hesitated for a moment, then quietly followed in.

 Headache today, post later.I can only hope that it will not be interrupted!

(End of this chapter)

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