
Chapter 264, Intelligent Pseudo-Taoists.

Chapter 264, Intelligent Pseudo-Taoists.

Snowflakes are flying over the Jinling City shrouded in darkness, and on the dark Xinjiekou Street, we all turned into dust-like heavy metal particles, quietly staying beside a smelly garbage dump!

Of course, this smell is not a threat to us for the time being.

After closing all the minds, everything became calm.

When everything returned to deathly tranquility, the ancient capital Jinling City was shaken!

Immediately afterwards, countless falling objects fell from the sky and hit the street of Xinjiekou. In just a short while, the street was filled with strange creatures of all sizes, wriggling on top of various rubbish dumps. With...!
...! . . . . .

"Hey! Old man, wake up soon." Qiuyue kicked me and woke me up from my deep sleep.

I rubbed my eyes and changed back to my original form.

Shui Mo and Yu Yan laughed and looked at me with a dazed look on my face, without saying a word!
"Ah!...Are you all still asleep?" I asked awkwardly.

The Holy Spirit and the Black Dragon led everyone around, and they all looked at me with a smile without saying a word, and none of them said a word, which made me feel terrified...! . . . . . .

"What's the matter? Everyone is like a ghost, why don't you talk? Ink, tell me." I couldn't help it anymore, and shouted loudly.

"I said young master!...Don't shout loudly, please! After a while, these intelligent hypocrites who are full of streets will be healed by the ghosts, and they will attack you again! Go, go back to the underground fairy of the Astronomy Academy Let’s take refuge in the palace!” Qiuyue pulled me and quickly ran towards the Purple Mountain Observatory.

Holy Spirit and the others quickly followed.

I saw countless dark blue lights on Xinjiekou Street in the darkness, densely intertwined like will-o'-the-wisps, and they were still moving very quickly...

"What the hell are those?... What's wrong, Jinling City is this?..." I pointed to those ghostly ghost lights and asked Qiuyue in a low voice.

"It's the elves who are repairing their robots, and the little fairies are repairing our robot cats!" Qiuyue told me with a smile.

……Forehead!I may be really old.

The foothills of Zijin Mountain, where the snow is falling heavily, are still tightly surrounded by high mountains all around, just like a depression, but it is much more pitiful than the depression.

Because the surrounding mountains are too damn high, covering the Zijin Mountain in the sun-drenched periphery like covering the sky and the sun, resulting in a chilly, dark and terrifying place here, but it is also very It is suitable for the little fairies in the world of mortals to guard it!

When Qiuyue threw me on the marble tiles, Nian Yazai just stood up from the ground.

Seeing me in such a mess, he couldn't help but startled and asked: "Sir! Are you...? Are you making our sister Yue anxious!...?"

"It's okay! I lost a fairy on Xinjiekou Street. It's okay! It's okay! Hahahaha!... Are you much better now?" I chattered with him and said.

"Yeah! Little Brother Shui Mo went all out and ran around without giving up. I finally got my life back! Thank you to them, and thank you, Senior Uncle, and Senior Uncle Qiuyue!" Nen Yazi's teeth were sharp, Be able to speak eloquently and thank us.

"Don't be too busy to be grateful to Dade! Let me ask you, what happened to Jinling City? It looks like a dead city. How did you show us the city?..." I asked him bluntly about his dereliction of duty. Here comes the sin.

"...Ah!... Well... This... This is what the old elders said! After all, the Hongchen Inn has disappeared for more than ten thousand years! How can I tell you and Sect Master Yue?... From now on Where do I start?...?" Nen Yazi dragged his chin with both hands, and said in deep thought.

"Just tell me, is the current Jinling City a ghost town? Why is there darkness everywhere? Moreover, there are garbage dumps and domestic waste everywhere, not to mention the rotten smell. It used to be a good street. , now it’s turned into a garbage dump! How can people walk?” Yuyan and the others also arrived, and as soon as Xiaonizi heard the conversation between me and Nen Yazai, she rushed to ask Nen Yazai about it Here comes the Tao.

"Oh! It's like this. Sister Xiaoyue of the Lin family, our citizens and friends in Jinling City have all upgraded versions. They don't walk on the ground now! So there is not much to the garbage dump and waste on the ground. I care about it! Look at Zijin Mountain, there is still a little sunshine? It’s gone!" Nenyazai said to Yuyan with a smile.

"Ugh! Niao Yazi, you said they stopped walking, so where did they go? Could it be that they all really turned into little birds flapping their wings and flying in the sky?...Didn't they hit sunspots one by one just now? Did Dian Guang dispose of their robots on the garbage dump? How do you say they don't walk on the ground anymore?" Yu Yan asked him puzzled.

"Also, why did they all hide in the caves? There are so many high-rise buildings in the sky, and they don't live in any of them! They don't enjoy the blessings, are they all sick?" Shui Mo also whispered He interrupted and asked about Nian Ya Zai.

"Ahem! That's how it is. Miss Yuyan and Brother Shuimo, they are immortal existences now! Moreover, they don't need to eat a few meals throughout the year, just drinking some water every day is enough. Occasionally flying, it depends on electricity or the sunspot treasure box! If you take a closer look inside those high-rise buildings in the sky, there is still a trace of light? No, there are only some infrared or green light waves, because The people who work there are all intelligent robots built by human spirits! They are known as the world's most intelligent and false Taoists! All immortal cultivators will shy away from them when they encounter them, and dare not meet them head-on! Otherwise, they will have to be strangled to death!" Nenyazai said to us with a smile.

"According to what Nenyazai said, aren't these human beings almost as good as heavenly immortals? And if the intelligent hypocrites they create attack the sky, there is no way for us to stop them! What should we do?" Heilong cried out cautiously.

"Impossible! I saw them just now, they are most afraid of light waves. Hehehe! Is there any light wave that can reach the wind power of our Lord Nine Heavens Wind Queen? Human spirits naturally don't have any, so they made such a What light waves and whatnot." Yu Yan said to us with a smile.

"Don't be so troublesome! Such a tall skyscraper, prying the core of the earth, shaking it casually for them, and riding a roller coaster for several hours in the whole city, wouldn't they all be buried! ... My senior brother can do this Done." Pai Yao said disapprovingly.

"That's right! Bring them two bottles of the rootless sea water in the Wonderland of the Sea and Sky, and keep them all drowned! What's the matter?" Shui Mo also said loudly.

"Let me tell you! Let's just remove the four guards of the Heavenly Immortals of Yudu, and let the demon spirits of the Demon City come in and out freely. It won't take three to five days to keep a city full of people and no one will be left. I reckon, their The robot is not much better." Xiao Qingniu also joined in the fun and said.

...Everyone is chattering, all kinds of weird theories, all kinds of strange things!Every move is a big move that kills people! ...! . . . . .

"Children, you can't use these outrageous big moves casually! You will be punished by God, and it will really not be fun if you turn all of you into human spirits or demons and hide in such dark places. What!" Heilong knocked on the marble tile slowly, and said a big truth with a smile.

"Don't talk about those useless fallacies. Yuyan, ink, guard the sky and the land of Jinling City, we are going back." Qiuyue said coldly.

"Ah Yue! Lengyue Palace...hasn't been handed over to Yuyan yet!" I reminded Qiuyue.

"Oh! Look at my brain. I was disturbed by Yuyan's hometown, Nanli Xiannian, and completely forgot about the business! This time, I don't need other people to follow, me and the old man with ink Just go with Yuyan. Nen Yazi, can you still walk? Come with us. Jinling City is full of mystery every step of the way! You have been staying in this place, you should compare If you are familiar, why don’t you go with us?” Qiuyue said to everyone in a low voice.

It was originally an extremely empty cave in the Academy of Astronomy, but at this moment, people came back one after another.

They are still the same one by one, doing their own thing independently, coming and going in the cave, going round and round!

"Then let's go!" Nenyazai stood up and opened the way ahead.

"Hey! Young man, although you are immortals, there is nothing wrong with walking around Jinling City, but be careful of the infrared rays and green gratings that shoot out from the tall buildings, and don't touch them, or you will mess up again!" The gray-haired old man circled around us, reminding Nian Yazai to come.

"Thank you! Old man." After Nenyazai finished speaking, he took the lead and walked out of the underground palace of Zijinshan Astronomy Academy, and strode towards Xuanwu Lake Park.

"Let's keep up! Go out and close your eyes for a while, so that you can adapt to the current external environment. Don't drive your fairy eyes and celestial eyes, it's not safe." I explained to everyone.

"It's still this dwarf who can see clearly, this method is feasible." A man just walked around us, and he said with a smirk.

Passing through a decadent train station, and climbing up the pile of garbage dumps in the dry Xuanwu Lake, we finally turned into the dark Xinjiekou Street.

"Hey hey hey! Wait a minute." Nen Yazi told us to stop.

With us all stopped, he picked up a brick and threw it out with a bang.

"Crunch!" After a series of shrill sounds from a stone crusher, in the darkness, a robot emitting red, blue, and green tiny rays of light was crushing the bricks in its hands, turning them into dust, blowing out a breath of foul air, The dust in his hand fell on a pile of garbage.

"Damn it! Don't litter, or I will strangle you to death." The robot roared.

"Dude! Why are you setting up a pinch on this road? It's inconvenient for us to cross the road!" Nianyazi and the robot said.

"What's my brother's little brother? They have a name, they call me Xingyu." The robot said to Nianyazai unhappily.

"Okay! Xingyu, I'm Nenyazai. Aren't you guarding the Qinhuai River? Why did you come to Xinjiekou Street?" Nenyazai asked Xingyu.

"Just now, two extraterrestrial beings entered Xinjiekou, brought a heavy snowfall, and released a wave of strange light waves. Our robot brothers and sisters in the whole city were brought down by her mother and daughter. , Xinyu from Shouxinjiekou Street was punished by the boss to go to Shuiximen to sell ducks, so he transferred me from Qinhuai River! Nen Yazi, where are you going? I will turn off the infrared and Green grating." The robot Xingyu said to Nianyazi with a smile.

"Let's go to Zhuangyuan Building Ruins Park." Nian Yazai said to him with a smile.

"There are laser weapons in the Zhuangyuan Building Ruins Park, you have to be careful." After Xingyu finished speaking, he walked into the ICBC, a cultural relic and historic site on the side.

"Now all the banks have been transformed into the control centers of intelligent and hypocritical priests by human spirits. Wait for a while and wait until the infrared rays and light barriers along the way are turned off before we go. Whichever is safer." Ning Yazi Said to us with a smile.

"Hey! Immortals can't be treated like rocks by others!! One accidental target by them will hurt my muscles and bones for a hundred days. I don't want to lie on a cloud bed to heal my wounds! I'd better wait for these robots to shut down. Let's go after we get their infrared rays!" Yu Yan shrugged like imitating ink painting, and said to us in a low voice.

When we lead the Lengyue Palace out of the netherworld, the sky above Jinling City will be filled with a bright moon, and dozens of human beings will fly up in the daytime. Looking at their gray hair, it is roughly estimated that they must be at least five or six thousand years old!

Qiuyue walked into Lengyue Immortal Palace with Yuyan, and the three of us big men were waiting quietly outside.

"The big moon and the small moon are all Jinling moons, which can help all living beings to benefit the sea, cut thousands of miles in a day, do not kill living people or familiar ones, and specialize in killing demons and hypocrites.

The scorching sun is like a fire and a small day, guard Jinling City and come down!Now that the moon is bright and cold, there will be no red sun in Jinling.

The successor is Jinlingyue, who saves all living beings across the fairy bridge.He will meet every day and every day, and he will ascend to the Tao and be grateful! ..."

Dozens of human beings who had ascended to the Tao rushed towards the Nine Heavens Immortal Academy, chanting non-stop strange sentences that poetry is not like poetry, and Ci Pai is not like Ci Pai, drifting away vaguely.

"Ah! These individuals have soared. According to their intentions, I still have a lot of work to do with Shui Mo!" Yuyan said to Qiuyue and me with a smile.

"We should go! Qiuyue, give Yuyan the Lengyu key of Lengyue Palace too! This little girl has lost everything, don't look back to the day she forgot the password of the door opening sound of Lengyue Palace, then Slap in the face." Seeing Qiuyue and Yuyan also walking out of Lengyue Palace with a smile, I whispered to Qiuyue.

"Leave it all to her! Don't worry." Qiuyue said to me with a smile.

"Then let's go! What I promised you has not been fulfilled!" I held Qiuyue's hand and said to her with a smile.

Qiuyue nodded with a smile, and the little bird snuggled into my arms like a human being.

The Lengyue Immortal Palace was born again, releasing beams of incomparably cool Lengyue Qingguang, illuminating Jinling City extremely brightly and transparently.

Under the clear light of the cold moon, Qiuyue and I wandered back nine days away and went our own way.

"Hey! The fairy couple... so beautiful!" Yuyan and the others were outside the Lengyue Palace, watching our backs as they went away, and kept saying with emotion.

Yes, these children have just begun the arduous task of protecting the lives of all the people in Jinling City!

The sky is still the sky of the past, the moon is no longer the moon of the past, and the people in Jinling City are devastated, and they are no longer the life forms of the past!
. . . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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