
Chapter 265, The new owner of Jinling City.

Chapter 265, The new owner of Jinling City.

The past of the world of mortals has gone with the wind, and nothing can be turned back into mud.

Xiaoxian came back not as a demon, but only for one night of Jinling Moon.

Speaking of which, Yuyan and Shui Mo got a new mount for the great gods, and they went back to the Immortal Academy for further studies, and finally they can be independent, so Qiuyue and I left with peace of mind, and stopped worrying too much about the little fairies in the world of mortals.

Leaving Jinling City, I took Qiuyue to the north of the vast sea beyond 99 Chongtian, to find our ideal new home that is carefree and unrestrained.

Ink ink and Yuyan reorganized Lengyue Palace, and then waited for Yuyan to integrate her scent, body, fairy energy, spiritual power, soul, etc. into the various subtle sensors of Lengyue Palace. Shuangshuang walked out of the Lengyue Palace, ready to embark on the bumpy road back to the underground cave of the Astronomy Academy!

Nianyazai has been quietly waiting for the two of them outside Lengyue Palace.

In order to prevent those outsiders from discovering the Lengyue Palace, Nian Yazai worked hard to pull out one after another fairy energy barriers, blocking all the high-tech light beams such as light barriers and infrared scanners of the mortal and false Taoists from outside the Lengyue Palace.

"The two of you finally came out! If you don't come out again, brother, I will almost be unable to hold on!" Nian Yazi put away his fairy energy barrier, panting heavily, whispered to Shui Mo and Yu Yan.

"Hey! Nenyazi, what are you doing? Wasting your energy for nothing. Those robots can't see the Lengyue Palace, they just think there is nothing here!" Yuyan laughed and said to Nengyazi .

"Why! Senior brother?" Nen Yazi asked puzzled.

"Because... my Lengyue Palace is the Jade Soul Capital among the Jade Soul Capitals!" Yu Yan proudly said to Nen Yazai overjoyed.

"Ah...! How awesome! If I hadn't said it earlier, I would have wasted hundreds of years of cultivation." Nenyazi also laughed.

"Don't listen to Yu Yan. Brother, your guardian is useful. If you don't believe me, take a look." As Shui Mo said, he turned his head and pointed at Leng Yuegong and Nian Ya Zai.



Nianyazai and Yuyan both screamed at the same time.

"That's right! I didn't lie to you two." Shui Mo looked at the crystal-like Leng Yue Palace that gradually became transparent like water, and said to Yu Yan and Nian Ya Zai in a low voice.

The phantom of Leng Yue Palace, which was originally pitch black, gradually became much weaker, and became more and more transparent. After a while, it began to slowly release strand after strand, sparsely at the same time. There was also a very faint blue light coming.

"Lengyue Palace... what's wrong?" Nian Yazai looked at Yu Yan and Shui Mo in surprise and asked.

"She has been silent in the nether world for more than 1 years. Now that she is resurrected, it will inevitably take some time to repair her body!" Yu Yan looked at her Leng Yue Palace and explained in a low voice.

After a while, the blue transparent light beams became bigger and bigger... Finally, it formed a rolling blue flame-like ball, which sparkled on the dry bank of the Qinhuai River, like a star falling into the world of mortals. Like a comet, it radiated radiant light, and it became destructive.

In just a short while, all the surrounding dark skyscrapers were melted and disappeared!
"Is it trying to destroy Jinling City?... Hurry up and stop it!" Nenyazi exclaimed loudly in fright.

"Don't get excited, brother. Maybe it's going to take back the territory it originally designated! Alas!...It turns out that it is the great god above Jinling City who will always protect the people of Jinling City!" Xiao Suanni He lay down obediently at the feet of Shui Mo, his big belly pressed against the cold ground and he groaned and said.

"It's really rare and strange. Jinlingyue, who guards Jinling City, is our little master! You must say it is her Lengyue Xiaoxian Palace. Little Suanni, you really have never seen the big world!" Little Qilin Obediently standing beside Yu Yan, he said to Suan Ni with disdain.

"Eh! Demon King, don't you think that you are so amazing after being with a beautiful little fairy master now? Isn't my master also a handsome young man in Yushu Linfeng?...! Go...! I won't lose What will I give you? Otherwise, you can play your broken game with my little master again, and see if you can still win? You know how to use the situation to suppress others, and you still think this is a desert ship? See what you get What a shame." The little 狻猊 got angry with the little unicorn and said unhappily.

"It's unreasonable! The enemy is coming soon. If you can't deal with them, I will obey you." The little qilin smiled and said to the little 狻猊 very disapprovingly.

"Okay! You two, I won't be polite if you quarrel again. Suanni, even if your master is arrogant, he is still my servant. Don't brag about my sister here. If you don't believe me, just ask him, he If you dare to say half a word, I will see how I will deal with him. Little Qilin, don't be complacent, just shut up for me. The two skills are not very good, but the little master of your family is very capable! Listen! Listen, what is the sound. Hurry up!" Yu Yan said to everyone in a hurry.

"There is an enemy approaching, and it's coming fiercely! It's very murderous." Nen Yazai listened carefully with his eyes closed, and whispered to Shui Mo and the others.

"Someone doesn't want us to go back to the Astronomy Academy! Brother, can you guess who it is?" Shui Mo asked Nian Yazai in a low voice.

"Don't guess, it must be among the spirits. Repel the enemy first, and then search slowly." Nianyazi said, and immediately transformed from the air into a strange weapon like a branch of a pear blossom, pinching it tightly. into his own hands.

"Hey! Fighting, it's going to fight again! I don't like this vicious way of fighting. It's better to fight with the little unicorn, it's more enjoyable." The little 狻猊 laughed and said to himself He sighed and said.

"I don't like it either! To fight, you have to fight someone who is worth fighting. Otherwise, you can just kill someone." Little Qilin also laughed and said.

"Hahahaha! You two are absolutely right. Fighting is for playing with friends. Occasionally fighting can promote the relationship between each other. As for the enemy, beating him is a waste of time, just kill him instantly. Hehe, little 狻猊, little Qilin, you two are the same kind of people as Brother Nen! Find a chance, and the three of us should have a good fight. Hahahaha...!" Nen Yazi also laughed and agreed they said.

"That makes sense! For monsters and enemies, you can't be polite, just kill them instantly. Fighting, that's a child's trick. Adults and wives and children are more or less the same. It's okay to spar with friends occasionally, but it's okay to fight with enemies. You can only meet on a narrow road and the brave wins! If you don’t kill others in seconds, others will kill you in seconds, which is also in line with the law of survival of nature! Distorting mirror, you three are amazing! You can have this kind of awareness. It’s amazing, amazing!  … ..." Shui Mo whispered admiration to Nen Ya Zai and the others.

"Don't talk about life insights one by one here, the enemy has already defended us, what to do? The words are more pleasant than the others, but I don't know how to act! Qilin, you and Suanni are enemies The monsters are coming, don't let them get close to the Lengyue Palace." Qiuyue said to the little Qilin and the little 狻猊 in a low voice.

"Uh...Little Qilin, you can figure it out! My little master didn't give me an order this time. I don't necessarily have to follow your little master's words!" Little Suanni smiled badly. Said with the little unicorn.

"You are a fun mirror! If you are timid, you will be timid and timid. You have to find an excuse to shirk it. Are you interested?..." Xiao Qilin said to Xiao Suanni with a disdainful smile.

"狻猊! Stop the enemy with Qilin, don't let them approach our Lengyue Palace." Shui Mo took a look at Yuyan who was about to go crazy, and hurriedly stood up from his half-pedaled posture, and ordered loudly Xiao Suan Ni came and said.

"Okay! It seems that my family's status as the leader of the family has not been subverted yet! Suanni, Qilin stop them a hundred meters away, and don't let them approach the Lengyue Palace. This is our only base, and it is also the future. The only way to return to the Nine Heavens is now! Hurry up." Yu Yan hurriedly urged Xiao Suanni and Xiao Qilin to come.

"Yeah! Don't worry, I won't be able to get in even if I keep one of them." The little unicorn and the little 狻猊 agreed, and they had already flew into the air, one on the left and the other on the right, one breathing fire and the other spitting water, braving the white jade-like Lengyue Palace It was protected.

"Hey! You are not only the talker of our family! You are also the talker of the entire Jinling City." Shui Mo said with a smile as if cheering up Yu Yan.

It's exactly the same tone as when Mr. and Miss Qiuyue were talking! ...!
"It's a robot, not a human spirit. There are no monsters either." Nianyazai, Yuyan and Shuimo whispered.

"Don't worry about what kind of living body he is made of matter, you just say: Is it a friend or an enemy?" Qilin and Suanni asked Nyazai in unison.

"Enemy! This is the end, will we still have friends in Jinling City? Kill them. Suan Ni, Qilin, kill them, don't show any mercy." Nen Yazi gritted his teeth at Suan Ni and Qilin laughed loudly.

With the radiance of the moon in the Lengyue Palace, the ants are all cheering and jumping in the alleys among the skyscrapers of Jinling City...!
The city, which was still as silent as death just now, suddenly became full of vitality and began to make noise.

Within a range of more than 500 meters around the Lengyue Palace, the ground was flat and the moon was shining brightly, but there was also a dense and discordant black cloud in the surrounding sky.

Under the black cloud, stood a group of black-clothed knights. They surrounded the Lengyue Palace in an airtight manner.

"It's better to be a foreigner on the day of your death. Wherever you came from, let us return to Jinling Robot Man, otherwise, next year today will be the day of sacrifice for everyone!" A black face with thick eyebrows and big eyes came out from the crowd in black. King Kong, he sneered and shouted at Shui Mo and the others.

"It's a group of false Taoist priests, a group of robots carefully crafted by human spirits in Jinling City!" Nen Yazi whispered to Shui Mo and Yu Yan beside him.

"Well! Just look at the various luminous spots on their bodies. Now that we have discovered our Leng Yue Palace, we can only let them come and go." Shui Mo said lightly.

"Ha ha mirror! Since you know that you are a visitor from outside the sky, you still dare to talk big to the world, and die!" Xiao Suanni yelled, and released a wave of water curtain smoke from high altitude. With a wave of his hand, the smoke was sent away lightly He went to the crowd in black.

The guy who stood up and said big words was the first to be eroded by the smoke bombs. I saw him open his mouth, and before he had time to speak, he turned into a puddle of rust and muddy water.

On the rusty ground, blossoming yellow flowers blossomed!

"Hey! It's still the Iron Age, and it hasn't evolved to...!" Xiao Suanni yelled triumphantly.

"Shut up! Don't reveal the secret." Qilin was afraid that Suan Ni had slipped his mouth, so he deliberately interrupted his words and shouted loudly.

"Meet the nemesis! Brothers, step back with the iron suit, and the plastic brothers step forward. Block this man's chemical iron magic water." A man in black with yellow teeth and skin jumped out and blocked the smoke bomb Before that, Said Bi puffed out a breath of foul air, and forcefully blew the blue smoke in front of him a few meters away. . . . .

"Grandma, is this trying to drive us all to extinction?...Even I, the little master of the Jade Soul in Jinling City more than 1 years ago, dared to attack, and turned the world upside down!" Yu Yan whispered to Shui Mo angrily .

"Don't be angry! You are now the owner of the entire Jinling City, Jinlingyue! They are just unwilling to fight for the right to speak here! Let Suanni and Qilin take care of them." Shui Mo comforted Rain flue.

"Hey! It's still you, the little servant, who treats me well! It's okay, just take it as a test of the strength of these two idiots!" Yu Yan laughed, and snuggled into Shui Mo's arms, closing her eyes in bliss Eye.

Human eyes close, fairy eyes open.

A blue and transparent light beam illuminated the Lengyue Palace in the moonlight, and the full moon over Jinling City seemed to suddenly become much larger, covering the entire dark Jinling Ancient City in its white jade clear light. .

"Little girl! This time I have provoked a master. Hurry up...!" Before the man in black plastic with yellow teeth could yell to retreat, a red and blue divine light shot out from the center of the little unicorn's brow. Melted him into a pile of slag!

"Hehe! The Demon King is still the Demon King. He never says hello when he makes a move, and kills him with one move. Admiration." Suan Ni looked at his own smoke that was about to clear, and said to Qilin with a smile.

"Learn a bit, this is the style of a king. Like you, you know how to talk all day long, and the moves you make are like a girl, without any power." Qilin also laughed and said to him.

"Brothers, fight them. Turn on all the lasers and cut open their heads and internal organs." Another man in black jumped out of the crowd and shouted loudly.

"Line in a row, don't hurt your own people." They yelled and stood in a long row, ripping up their black suits and opening their chests.

"Immortal Qi Mask!" Nenyazai whispered to Yuyan and Shui Mo.

After a while, all kinds of dense infrared rays swept towards Shui Mo and them in patches.

Wherever the destructive laser weapon passed, stones were broken, roads were broken, walls fell and dead wood burned. . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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