
Chapter 266, the mast and scull are wiped out.

Chapter 266, the mast and scull are wiped out.

Those who see mountains as mountains are people, and those who see water as water are immortals.

Those who look at mountains are not mountains, and those who look at water are not water are machines and devils!
The world of mortals is in chaos, and the wind keeps blowing.

Just when the infrared-like laser lines of the people in black were sweeping around, cutting all the high-rise buildings south of Xinjiekou Street to pieces, making them dangerous and frightening... ...!
Sudden!A tornado quickly swept across the sky above Jinling City, and then a hundred or so robot iron men fell from the tops of skyscrapers.

Boom!Boom! ...

After several loud bangs, part of the infrared rays disappeared, and dozens of huge pits were smashed out on the ground outside the Lengyue Palace, and thousands of machine parts were scattered all over the place.

"Everyone, work hard to develop high technology before we can leave the earth. When we leave, we must destroy this useless planet, and don't leave it to those individual fine landlords and old riches.

Don't be afraid, everyone, kill these extraterrestrial visitors and dissect them carefully, maybe you can find the best and safest way for us to fly out of the earth! "Among the crowd in black, a leading brother yelled loudly.

A machine is a machine, and they don't even know that the same kind that fell from the sky has already been smashed to pieces in front of them!
"What a shameless thing! Can you look up at the sky? What does the sky look like? It even flies out of the earth! It only takes a second for Grandpa Long to kill you, not even the memory time of a fish Don’t you know? You’re flying into the sky! I don’t think anyone wants you little robots to enter the earth. Who wants you? A humanoid made of lumps of mud, who wants to leave the earth ? Without soil and water, you are doomed to a dead end." The black dragon hovered on the top of the skyscraper, like a giant lizard, completely covering the clear light of the cold moon in the sky, without revealing anything Woolen cloth!

Outside Lengyue Palace, the ancient city of Jinling, which was as deep as hell, was shrouded in darkness again in an instant, except for the light blue light of Lengyue Xiaoxian Palace, there was no other light to be seen.

It was pitch black all around, and I couldn't see my fingers when I stretched out my hands.

"You can't fight like this. These are fucking human beings. They are iron bumps that can talk and think. It's not enough to treat them as soul worms! They don't even have souls! Why don't you find another way to kill them?" , we can't waste our super soul power, fairy energy and spiritual power on them, they are not soul insects!" Yu Yan said to Shui Mo in a low voice.

Xiao Nizi may have noticed some tricks.

"Yeah! Let me think about it again, how can I clean them up without any effort." Shui Mo said to Yu Yan thoughtfully and in a low voice.

"This is created by the soul worms to waste our immortal energy and soul power, everyone must not be fooled." The black dragon descended from the sky and returned the cold moon light to the ancient city, he shouted loudly.

"Although killing them is indeed a thankless thing, I still don't think they use these hypocrites to deal with us, and I am more inclined to agree that they want to deal with the demons of the city.

It's just that the false Taoist priests got out of control after upgrading their intelligence again and again. These false Taoist priests not only devoured the space where the soul worms lived, but also drove them out of high-rise buildings and monopolized the ancient city of Jinling. Clean concrete Rubik's Cube nothing more. "Shui Mo said patiently to his friends with a smile.

"As a demon king, I fully agree with the words of the little master Suanni." Qilin said, and jumped down from the sky.

With a light wave of his hand, he released a wave of drainage static electricity, which diluted all the current on the people in black and sent it all into the sea outside Jinling City.

On the calm and waveless sea, a monstrous wave rose up, and in an instant, it climbed over the small hill of Mufu Mountain Scenic Area, frantically poured into the decadent Zhongyangmen Street, and rushed all the way to Xinjiekou Street. come over.

In the small ancient city of Jinling, under the moonlight, all kinds of dense and subtle infrared green gratings disappeared, and the high-rise buildings on both sides of the street that were riddled with holes by the intelligent hypocrites collapsed in an instant. The periphery of the building is piled up into a huge circular arc that soars into the sky, just like a natural wall.

The black-clothed intelligent hypocrites who had previously defended Ink and the others were all buried, and none slipped through the net.

"I'm right. These guys are supported by electric current. Once the current is exhausted, they will be just a pile of garbage! Distorting mirror! It's a waste of my super soul power." Qilin laughed and said.

"Little Qilin's method is good. It seems that the sea water of the East China Sea has already entered the mountain city! However, if I guess correctly, the Holy Spirit will arrive soon with the children. Hehe! Ink ink, rain smoke, and human spirits are also coming soon. Everyone's resentment is spreading, and I guess they are coming soon. Let's prepare for the big battle!" The black dragon laughed loudly, leaped up the high wall, looked at the turbulent waves in front of him, and couldn't help but get carried away.

"Damn, it's nothing more than being angry at the Jiuzhong Tianxian Academy. In the desert boat, I was forced to swallow my anger, and I was useless for a long time! This time, my sphere of influence in Haitian Miaoyin Wonderland It has been expanded by billions of times, hehehe! This earth belongs to our family. If anyone dares to touch my little apprentice's Jinling Little Moon Palace, I will tear his three souls, seven souls and aura, and let him live forever Superborn and reincarnated as soul worms. Hahahaha!" Heilong murmured as he looked at the endless sea and sky outside the wall, and swelled on a whim and shouted loudly.

"Go up and have a look! It seems that the humidity here has suddenly increased, and the groundwater has also increased! Could it be that the Yangtze River has burst its embankment?" Yuyan said to Shuimo worriedly, and she had already pulled away and flew up. Go above the towering wall.

"Ah!...Miaoyin Wonderland..." Standing beside the black dragon, looking at the endless sea and sky, Yuyan exclaimed in shock.

Shui Mo and Nian Ya Zai also took the little unicorn and the little 狻猊 to fly up to the wall, staring dumbfoundedly at the vast ocean in front of them, they couldn't help but burst out laughing.

The fence seems to be specially made, and it is extremely strong.

It seemed to be trembling slightly, and gradually became vibrating non-stop.

"Will it collapse! If the surrounding wall collapses, my Leng Yue Palace will become my Dragon Palace! Ah..." Yu Yan cried and said.

"Children! Don't cry, Master will go down and show you." Heilong said, without saying a word, he jumped into the water and swam all the way.

A group of Yaksha shrimp soldiers and crab generals are surrounded by the water, each holding a hammer baffle, and they are reinforcing the wall and packing it!
They were all too busy to see the arrival of the black dragon.

The black dragon turned into a small water snake and patrolled around the wall before returning to the wall.

"It's okay! It's okay! It's the craftsmen of Haitian Miaoyin Wonderland, who are strengthening the dams of the sea for our Miss Yuyan! Hahahaha. This old ancestor is amazing." The black dragon stood wetly in front of Yuyan and Shui Mo , laughed.

"Ah...? Uncle Teacher, you mean this has become the territory of your Haitian Miaoyin Wonderland? Isn't Jinling City finished?" Xiao Suanni hesitated for a moment, but couldn't help but shouted.

"Um! What are those floating on the sea? Look quickly...!" Yu Yan pointed at the dense black spots in the distance, and shouted at Shui Mo and the others.

"Fairy eyes! What are you looking at?" Shui Mo said with a smile to Tianyantong and Diyantong.

"Little sir! Do you still need to work hard on such a small matter in the red dust inn? If you concentrate on taking a good look, don't you know everything? No...! Look at the top of the tin boat in the front Isn't that pretty girl standing there our Senior Holy Spirit?" Tianyantong complained to Shui Mo in a low voice very unwillingly.

"Ah! Really! Ink, where did Uncle Holy Spirit get so many boats? Look, they are coming to us soon, they are so fast!" Yu Yan half-clasped her hands , with their ten fingers spread apart, rolled into two small binoculars, they are concentrating on watching the Holy Spirit and their boats sailing towards the Lengyue Palace!

"Uh... Uncle Master." Shui Mo followed Yu Yan's example, just as he raised his hand, the Holy Spirit had already jumped onto the wall.

"Dragon Girl and the others are also here, and they are staying in the clouds right now! Miao Miao, command the little fairies of Tmall, transform the boat into a shield, and guard the city wall. In addition, send all the hundred and ten spirits who are still alive to Niu Shou Mountain Go, let the old mother of the white cow and Xiaotian guard them, and assign some little fairy cats to help guard Niu Shou Mountain. Little Qing Niu, you and Pixiu sit in the outer perimeter of Niu Shou Mountain. Don't let a demon into Niu Shou Mountain. Go! "The holy spirit loudly commanded the deployment of troops and generals.

"Heilong, your nephew Sunbie from Luofu Mountain sent a message to Yuntian, asking him to hand over Luofu Mountain to the local land, and bring Luoli and his spirit soldiers back to the Zijin Mountain Astronomy Institute to help us guard the Zijin Mountain. Let the demon spirits enter the foothills of Zijin Mountain." After Xiaoqingniu and Pixiu left the waters of Xinjiekou in a small boat, the Holy Spirit and the black dragon gave orders in a low voice.

"Are they so fast? I'll send a message to Sun Bie right away." Heilong said, referring to the cloud as a book, and then turned the cloud book into a stream of immortal energy and shot towards Luofu Mountain.

Not to mention that Sun Bie received the order to rectify the army and horses and headed towards the foot of the Zijin Mountain, but only said that everything was properly arranged in the Lengyue Palace, and everyone stood on the Changti outside the Lengyue Xiaoxian Palace, quietly waiting for the demon spirits of the Demon Palace 's arrival

Just when everyone was waiting impatiently, a beam of blazing azure blue thermal sky burst out suddenly from Lengyue Xiaoxian Palace, directly reaching the Nantianyun Road of Jiuchongtian, scaring the castle master of the south gate to run away. Climbing and stumbling, he went to report the situation to Lingxiao Palace!

The Jade Emperor was so frightened when he saw the sky light from the Lengyue Immortal Palace collected energy left by the old castle master of Nantian for his daughter Hongchen Inn during the catastrophe, so he smiled and comforted him for a while, and then gave him a bottle of Nine Heavens Flat Peach Lu, and ordered him to go back to the Nantianmen Tower to take good care of Leng Yue Xiaoxian Palace.

Li Jing and his son listened to the report from the old castle master of Nantianmen Castle, so they ordered Nezha to lead the heavenly soldiers and generals to guard the enchantment of the Jinling Haitian Miaoyin Fairyland, in case any demon spirit infiltrated and accidentally slipped into the Lengyue Fairy Palace too!

For a moment, fairy clouds floated above Jinling City, and heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals guarded the four gates, guarding the last pure land of Yudu Jade Soul like an iron bucket, and it did not leak!

"Eh! Master, Master Uncle. Leng Yue Xiao Xian Gong also brought a great protector! Otherwise, look quickly, Little Master Nezha also brought heavenly soldiers and generals to guard Jinling Leng Yuetian!" Yu Yan pointed at the sea of ​​clouds The heavenly soldiers and generals in the depths laughed and whispered to the black dragon and the holy spirit.

"Oh! Nezha is here too. The road to heaven is safe and sound. I should also go to the Western Bliss Road to guard the gate. I can't let the evildoers of the Thunder Sound Realm of the Western Heaven and the demons of the Demon Capital join together, or the Buddha will punish the Buddha's guardian The golden boy and the jade girl are powerless. Namo Amitabha Buddha! Brothers, let’s go!” The Buddha raised his head and looked at the cloud-covered sky, joined hands with the Holy Spirit and the black dragon to bid farewell, and flew into a cloud to go straight to Xiaojiuhua in Ma’anshan And went.

Little Jiuhua, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva listened attentively, and a group of strange mountain spirits were waiting for the arrival of the Buddha outside the mountain temple!

The Buddhist sect of Zizai Xiaojiuhua forged the God Realm to prevent the demons from entering the small fairyland of Jinling City's Haitian Miaoyin from the south. The dragons danced together, and the Buddha's voice was mighty, and the momentum was really impressive!
The south gate is peaceful, so there is no need to tell them.

The moonlight is like practice, the way is natural, the sea and the sky are the same color... Such a quiet and peaceful ancient city of Jinling, because of the Lengyue Xiaoxian Palace, it has been preserved in the long river of history. Several places for humans to live temporarily The highland, the fairy land rises from the flat ground, proudly standing in the southeast of the sky.

"Hey! Unexpectedly, all the gods in the Wonderland of Haitian Miaoyin couldn't stop the melting of the icebergs, and the north and south poles became a desolate place of rare earth!" The holy spirit sighed and said to himself.

"It's okay! We have guarded a piece of pure land, and the jade soul is still there. The flood and beasts will recede just around the corner, so don't worry too much about getting angry." Heilong patted Holy Spirit on the shoulder and comforted her softly.

"Master, Uncle, there are Buddhist disciples at the South Gate, what about the North Gate and the East and West Gates?" Yuyan asked worriedly about the Black Dragon and the Holy Spirit.

"Oh! I'll go and see, you are all here to prepare for battle! Just in case." The black dragon agreed to Yuyan very calmly.

"Master, I'll go with you." Shui Mo eagerly said to Heilong.

"You can't go! You are the male master of Jinling City. Once the golden boy and the jade girl are separated, the mana of the Lengyue Xiaoxian Palace will lose its mana, no. I can go alone, there are already people stationed there, I just went to take a look and remind them to pay attention to defense, and I will be back in a while." After finishing speaking, the black dragon had already turned into a fairy cloud and floated away in the direction of Yangzhou.

Everyone held their breath and concentrated on looking at the water surface of the sea and the sky, carefully guarding against all possible accidents.

The sun and the moon shine together, once again showing a peaceful fairy style in the high sky of Lengyue Xiaoxian Palace. . . . .

However, the air is uncomfortable, and there is still a little anxiety and uneasiness.

 New book, please recommend, collect, and reward!

(End of this chapter)

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