
Chapter 287, Subduing Yak Essence.

Chapter 287, Subduing Yak Essence.

Tu Xingqingyun turned into a puff of green energy, and was about to release his big move to help Sun Bie, when the cunning old man Hanyanbi saw that the momentum was not right, he fled away in a burst of white smoke early.

"It's a pity! It's a pity...! He slipped away, otherwise I would have found out the whereabouts of Xuntian from his mouth. It's really a damn pity!" Sun Bie couldn't help but sighed repeatedly. .

"Junior brother! This one can't let him slip away." Sun Bie shouted loudly.

"Don't worry, I'll keep him as a mount for Miao Miao! Hehehehe! Otherwise, why would you hang out with the squad leader! Is it like this?" Pixiu said to Sun Bie with a giggle.

"You want to accept me? Grandpa also wants to accept you! Hehehehe! There is a mount of Pixiu, and a mount of a tortoise, uh! There is also a mount of the Earth Dragon King, which is really good!" King Yak The vision opened up and screamed loudly.

"Ability! Do you think that if you become a stupid hot air balloon, you can really go to the sky? If you don't worship the young master, you will only be able to do your best on the ground. No matter how big you become, you can still go to the sky. Can't do it?" Pixiu thrust the big iron hammer beside him and shouted loudly.

"Don't you believe it, you can transform into the sky and into the earth!" The yak king said displeasedly, and he kept growing taller.

When the people on the top of the Shogunate Hill were just watching, they saw a huge furry building-like bull's head protruding from the ground on the flat ground of Wuma Ferry.

Immediately afterwards, a flame gun appeared, which could not be surrounded by more than a dozen people, and the red tassel was bursting with red flames.

"I'll go! Bull Demon King? Qilin, your good opponent is a good target! Are you still up?" Suan Ni suddenly became excited.

"Don't force me, this is Brother Pixiu's mount, I don't care to fight with him! If I really did it, he would have been wiped out!" Qi Lin said with a disapproving smile.

"According to what you say, Brother Pixiu is not as good as you?" Suan Ni said unhappily, picking up Qilin.

"I didn't say that. Brother Pixiu is trying to subdue him, otherwise he would have killed him long ago." Qilin said to Suanni.

The two still wanted to quarrel, but at this moment, the upper body of the Yak King had already grown beyond the Shogunate Mountain, and a fire-pointed gun was as high as the Shogunate Mountain!
"This guy, does he want to touch the clouds and break the sky? He doesn't know how to ride the clouds, so he grows beyond the clouds? It's really stupid." Yu Yan giggled and said.

Just when the Yak King looked into his eyes and was standing on the top of the shogunate mountain looking at the group of little fairies who were complacent and self-righteous, a super big hammer grew from the ground like smoke and fire. It covered the head of the Yak King.

"I'm going! This is going to compete with Grandpa Niu, is this?" The Yak King put his mind away and yelled loudly to prepare to grow again. The voice of the sky came down from outside the sky.

Immediately afterwards, King Yak's fire tip ignited spontaneously in an instant, and it was really dazzling.

The Yak King groaned and fell to the ground. His huge inflated body instantly swelled up. He lay on the lawn of Wuma Ferry like a caterpillar, and a beautiful dog gnawed on the mud.

It turned out that the head of the hammer fell from the sky and knocked him to the ground.

"Little God of War, be merciful! Be merciful! The old fairy just let him make you a mount for decades! Don't let him kill him, don't do it! Don't do it! It's up to Mr. On top of the skin, leave some thin noodles for my old man, and let him live!" A white-haired old man came from the fairy mountain in the south by cloud, and before he arrived, he kept asking for the king of yaks. Pixiu begged bitterly.

"Hehehehe! Taibaijinxing, brother Pixiu is not underground, but above the clouds in front of you!" Muyun Beast looked at the Antarctic fairy who was staring at the yak king who was soft like a ball of cotton candy on the ground, and kept talking. laughed loudly.

"Damn girl! If you don't tell me earlier, cold sweat will break out on the grandfather's forehead!" The Antarctic Immortal took a look at the Muyun Beast, and then bowed to the Pixiu in the cloud.

"Uncle! The boy just wanted to take him in, so he never thought of killing him! You always relax." Pai Yao lowered the cloud head, and landed lightly beside Yuyan and Shui Mo, and Nanji Xian Weng cupped his hands and asked.

"So, the old fairy can't be more grateful, I can't be more grateful!" Nanji Xianweng also lowered his cloud head, and said to Pixiu with a smile.

"Master Uncle!" Yuyan said tenderly to the Antarctic Immortal.

"You can't do it! Auntie, grandma, you can't do it! The old fairy is broken! The old fairy is broken!..." Seeing Yuyan wanting to worship, the Nanji fairy immediately grabbed her, his face pale cried out loudly.

"Master! What's the matter? She's a junior. Why is it so strange to kowtow when she sees her elders? It's so funny to see how nervous you are!" Said the Antarctic fairy.

"You girl with a female companion dressed as a man, you don't kowtow when you see your grandfather, you know how to mess with your grandfather, and you don't learn from Miss Yuyan? See if I don't deal with you when I look back." Nanji Xianweng looked at Mu Cloud Beast reprimanded her very seriously.

"Grandpa...! He is a boy." Muyun Beast complained angrily about the arrival of the Antarctic Fairy.

"Hello, Grandpa!" Nian Yazai also sneaked back, and asked while bowing to the Antarctic Immortal.

"Yazai, your brother handed you over to Teacher Holy Spirit, how are you doing? Have you found a mount that suits you?" Nanji Xianweng patted Nianyazai's head, and said to him with an amiable smile .

"Is that all right, Grandpa?" Nen Ya Zai dutifully said to Nanji Xianweng.

"No rush, no rush! Take your time, and let Miss Yuyan help you find one, Hongchen Inn still has a long way to go! There are plenty of opportunities." Nanji Xianweng said to him with a smile.

"Understood! Grandpa." Nenyazai grinned, agreeing to the Antarctic Fairy.

"Ahem!... The one on the left belongs to the grandpa on the right, your grandpa's, who is your grandpa? You are not ashamed to say it is true?...!" Muyun Beast coughed on purpose, Nenyazai sneered and said.

"I like it, you little girl, I'll ask you something later, grandpa." Before Nianyazi could speak, Nanji Xianweng had already pretended to be angry and said Muyun Beast again.

"...Ah! Immortal, let's stop caring about our family relationship, that yak spirit is dying! The cute bun on his head has grown up!" Heilong said with a smirk.

"What Heilong said is that this immortal is here to do business, and it's true that he didn't come to see his granddaughter! Walk around, go down and see how this beast has been hammered by the Heishuihe War God's hammer now. " Said Nanji Xianweng, and then floated down the Mufu Mountain, and landed lightly next to the soft body of the Yak King.

Pixiu had already put away the hammer and floated down.

Yu Yan cast a glance at Shui Mo, and Shui Mo also floated down.

Heilong looked at the holy spirit, and saw that the holy spirit also pouted at him angrily, knowing that he should go down too, so he followed ink and ink down obediently without saying a word.

"Miss, let's go down too! After all, the manager of the Tian Family is here." Holy Spirit whispered to Yu Yan.

"Mmm! Uncle, let's all go down too!" Yuyan said.

"Little Qingniu, why don't you hurry down after seeing your cousin." Holy Spirit glanced at Xiaoqingniu, and said to him very rudely.

"Ah...? My cousin? I don't even know him!" Little Qingniu Zhanger Monk said in confusion, and reluctantly followed.

"I'll go too!" Ming Tianzi said, and flew down following the little green cow.

Yuyan and the Holy Spirit brought the rest of the people, and they also fell down.

"Sun Jie! We are all here, why don't you come out? Come out quickly. The ladies are all down, and the Antarctic fairy is here too, hurry up and come out with Tu Xingqingyun!" Seeing that Sun Bie hadn't Come out, so he sent a voice transmission to him.

"Damn it, damn it! The old fairy is the one who makes amends, Xiao Ke is still helping his junior brother protect the Dharma underground! I don't know the old fairy is here. Seeing that he is late, let's make atonement!" Then he bowed to the Antarctic fairy and asked.

"Those who don't know are not guilty! What's more, you are still a great god! Hahahaha, I will be grateful to the old fairy for taking care of Yazai and Muyun Beast in the future! What is the crime? Don't be polite, don't be polite!" Anji Xianweng and Sun Bie returned the salute.

"It's easy to talk about! My uncle told me, the kid naturally obeyed, so I must keep it in mind! Don't dare to make mistakes." Sun Bie replied in a reasonable and restrained manner.

"Everyone, don't be too polite, it's important to save the yak first." Yu Yan reminded everyone with a smile.

"Yes, yes! It's important to save people, it's important to save people." Nanji Xianweng looked at Pixiu very embarrassed while talking.

"Uncle! My big iron hammer, mountain hurricane, tsunami, and lightning strike only used one layer of soul power and immortal energy. King Yak will wake up in a while, so don't be careful." Said it.

"Well! That's good, that's good! Otherwise, if you break the mount Laojun gave you, don't panic yourself, Laojun will feel uncomfortable, right. The key is that Laojun has been invited several times. Agreed, this time it was Sect Master Yue who asked Laojun to ask for it, so Laojun reluctantly gave up and agreed to lend it to you to play for decades!" Nanji Xianweng said to Pixiu seemingly heartlessly.

"What Uncle Master said is true. Pixiu was originally just a mount for the great gods. This time, he followed Mr. and Sister Yue for his meritorious service in the world of mortals. Only then can Paixiu know that he needs to continue to work hard so that he will not fail Laojun and Sister Yue. Master's cultivation and great love! Thank you, Master." Pixiu politely saluted Xianweng again.

"You two don't come and talk nonsense anymore, the yak spirit is about to get up, take him in quickly, otherwise he will be dying again in a while." Heilong finally couldn't help it, and he couldn't bear it anymore. Said impatiently to Pixiu and Laoxian.

"Don't worry, don't worry! Daozu gave me a magic weapon, and the custodian will be more honest when he sees it. Pixiu, hold it for a while, and I will help you take this idiot together." The old fairy said, Then he took out a thin golden rope from his bosom, and directly handed it to Pixiu.

"Tie the fairy nose rope of the Bull God? Hehehehe, he is the Great Immortal Niu!" Yuyan couldn't help laughing when she saw Laojun's magic weapon.

"That's right! Miss, don't be surprised for a while, don't scare him." The old fairy said to Yu Yan in a low voice.

But when everyone was ready, the Yak King woke up.

"Grandma, bear, who sneaked up on me? A man is a big man, sneaking up on people behind his back, what kind of hero is he?" The yak king cursed loudly and wanted to stand up, but his four legs didn't listen to him at all. Commanded, with a thud, he fell to the ground again with his feet on his back.

"Beast! Look what is in Paixiu's hand? Do you dare to play tricks in front of Miss Yuyan? Are you too courageous?" The old fairy scolded the yak spirit loudly while doing the trick. .

"Hmph! Isn't it just going back to Dousita Palace to continue to enjoy the blessings? What's the big deal! As for Miss Yuyan, I just want to seek revenge from her, what's wrong? That time I was in Yuncao Xianping outside Dousita Palace Grazing on it, he and Lu Xiaobai came out of Laojun’s house, listened to Lu Xiaobai’s instigation, and poked my ass with an embroidery needle from Embroidery Yunjin. Just poke it! I accidentally kicked her, she Where do you go to Laojun to sue me, saying that I kicked her for no reason, so I was sent by Laojun to Tianqi Dijun's house to watch the gate of hell for hundreds of years! If I can still get up, I must beat her If she pauses, it will relieve the ruthlessness in my heart! It’s already giving her face to play tricks in front of her. After a while, I will kick her a few times, so that Grandpa Niu can feel a little more at ease. Distorting mirror." Yak King said indignantly.

"Oh! So you still remember that incident! I apologize to you, okay? At that time, Lu Xiaobai and I met for the first time. We were both young and ignorant. Uncle Niu, please forgive me Let's go! Okay?" Yu Yan said very sadly to Yak Jing.

"Forgive you? Why? You let the old cow poke your butt to try?... Emy, don't think about it, it hurts a lot! At that time, my butt blossomed." The Yak King was very upset said.

"What, what? How dare you poke the young lady's ass? Are you fucking tired of working? Or do you think your life is too long?" Qilin jumped up and said without getting angry.

"That's right! You've lived too long, kid. Come on, grandpa Suan Ni will send you to the underworld to guard the gate for a few more years." Suan Ni also became furious and said.

"You two, more people bully less people." Yak Jing simply lay on the ground and said without intending to get up.

Yes, he knows that these two things are difficult to deal with, they are the distorting mirror in the distorting mirror!
"Unless...! Unless you want to give me delicious fodder in the future, I will go with you." Looking at Suanni and Qilin who are more aggressive and domineering than himself, the yak spirit did not dare to be tyrannical anymore. Said a request that is not a request.

"Hey! King Yak, take a look at what your new master has. I will guarantee that there will be good grass and food for you to enjoy in the future. Take a look, what is this?" Smilingly, he fiddled with the pure gold cow rope in his hand, and said to the yak king.

When the Yak King looked up, he saw his magic weapon, he let out a cry, and obediently transformed back into a real yak, put on a pure gold leading rope, and obediently followed Paixiu.

"Haha mirror! Haha mirror! Alright! I have taken the Great Immortal Yak, and I should go back to Tushita Palace. The last thing is God's business. Miss Yuyan, your grandfather wants me to tell you that if you want to return as soon as possible To return to your divine position in Heavenly Court, there is still one thing to be done..." The old fairy said to Yu Yan and Shui Mo with a smile.

Pixiu got the mount, and happily dragged it around in front of Miao Miao, talking about it, so he didn't care about other people's feelings!
The shogunate mountains are high and the sky is clear, the river is surging and rushing endlessly, facing the endless sea and sky, the blue sky and white clouds.

(End of this chapter)

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