
Chapter 288, Letter from the North.

Chapter 288, Letter from the North.

The Antarctic Immortal finished the next task, and then drove the crane to continue the southern tour on behalf of the Great Tianzun.

Surrounded by the crowd, Yu Yan and Shui Mo stood facing the wind at the mouth of the Yangtze River. The two of them were so excited that they could not calm down for a long time.

According to the meaning of the old fairy, this is more dangerous than good, so we must gather all the brothers and sisters of the Immortal Academy, and send the predestined people who are saving the common people from natural disasters in the Daming Mansion to Senior Brother Fan, and enjoy the food of the gods. The joy of heaven's grace in the high sky and vast sea!
However, the people of Xuntian also assembled a [-] demon army in the Beidaihe area outside the Daming Mansion, ready to fight.

They also want to bring people with predestined relationship to the Asura Realm, intending to revive their glory, ask the sky to be high inside and outside the Three Realms, and try to draw the earth as the boundary, just like the God Guankou Erlang, listening to the tune and not listening to the announcement!

"Miss! Going this time, I have a narrow escape from death. According to reliable sources, Xun Tian has grown up, and he has also obtained a trace of super soul power and demonic thoughts from her old son Xun You, and he has grown up now. According to Netherworld According to the news from the world, she has transformed the male body into an extremely beautiful girl's body, integrated the five elements and eight trigrams into her body, harmonized yin and yang into one body, and has already reached the nameless state of neither birth nor death. Moreover, his There is also a well-educated expert to assist him, and he is now invincible in the three realms." The Holy Spirit and Yuyan reported Xuntian's recent situation in a low voice.

"Hey! After all, it's still a hundred secrets, let go of the soul power and demonic thoughts of the old thief Xunyou!" Heilong sighed and said nonsense.

"If Lao He and Leng Qiuyue were here, that would be fine." Yu Yan sighed helplessly.

"Miss! Qiuyue and Mister are no longer gods in the Three Realms. They have already entered the Five Elements and Eight Diagrams, and have become celestial beings. We can't count on them! This time, we have to rely on ourselves." Holy Spirit also Choking helplessly, he said to Yuyan.

"Hey! Look at me, I have to bring up Lao He and Leng Qiuyue to talk about everything that happens, and I'm making you lovesick again. I'm sorry, uncle." Yu Yan also choked up, and said to the Holy Spirit with a wry smile .

"It's all right! What's the matter? I didn't want to pay too much attention to the disputes in the Three Realms, so I built a little robot secretary for Datianzun early on. I have always dreamed of traveling in space with Qiuyue! If not With the appearance of the Holy Spirit and Little Ink, it is impossible for all of us to succeed Lao He Qiuyue, travel on behalf of the heavens, punish the evil and promote the good inside and outside the Three Realms! This is a good thing, everyone, don’t be sad. You are all thinking about him and Qiuyue, but you don’t know, this guy has been carefree for a long time, he won’t think about us anymore! If the Great Heavenly Lord hadn’t tied him down with Qiuyue, he would have broken through the 99th heaven by himself a few years ago. Don't cry, it's not worth it for this guy." Heilong smiled and persuaded Yuyan and Holy Spirit to come.

"Master, it's not fair for you to say that, he has saved you many times!" Yuyan wiped away her tears, laughed through her tears, and said to Heilong.

"Hey! I miss his kindness, but my brother doesn't miss the past and doesn't fear the future! He doesn't take this matter seriously." Heilong said with a disapproving smile.

"Yeah! Heilong really knows Mr. very well, after all, they are brothers, they are different." Holy Spirit also laughed and said faintly.

"Don't talk about being old! I will help them complete their unfinished missions. Master and uncle, let's gather our classmates from the Immortal Academy, prepare to cross the Yangtze River, and go straight to the Temple of Heaven outside the Daming Mansion to send those who are destined to return to heaven." !” Yuyan said with a smile as she looked at the surging Yangtze River in front of her eyes.

"Yeah! Yuyan, I'm going to send a signal to gather the little fairy students of the Immortal Academy. Everyone get ready to pick up the students." Holy Spirit also said very happily.

"Wait a minute, I don't really need so many little fairies and little fairy children when I go to Daming Mansion to send someone back to heaven! Holy Spirit, just pick a few and call them down, not all of them. , in any case, there will be no one to guard the Immortal Academy, and it is not suitable." Heilong said to the holy spirit solemnly.

"Yeah! What my master said makes sense. Uncle, let's just choose a few more together. There's no need to call them all down." Yuyan looked at Heilong and happily agreed to his proposal, smiling slightly. Then he whispered to the Holy Spirit.

"Alright then! Just bring some students who graduated from Haitian Miaoyin Fairyland Xiaoxian Academy, and let's cross the river and head north as soon as possible." The Holy Spirit agreed to Yuyan's request and said with a smile.

"Miss, why don't you just call Lu Xiaobai and Nan Shiqing here? People are not as good as people, and people are not as good as people. We all know the bottom line, and there is no need to explain many things one by one. Naturally, they will It's done, isn't it? Besides, once you little sisters come, you can relax a lot! Besides, everyone is noisy around my master, so you won't be lonely on the road!" Shui Mo reminded Yu Yan with a smile Said.

"Shui Mo! You're right, it's good to ask Lu Xiaobai and the others to accompany us to send the destined person back to heaven." Yu Yan glanced at Shui Mo, and reluctantly agreed.

After listening to Shui Mo's words, the Holy Spirit smiled, and sent Yunsi messages to the students.

"Senior Brother Shuimo is more thoughtful. In this way, Muyun Beast will have someone to talk with her, good idea, good idea!" Nen Yazai clapped his hands and laughed.

"You...Nen Yazi, why don't you take me along with you in everything, okay? The two of us can't fight each other, so don't be good at me, I don't appreciate it!" Muyun Beast cried out nervously .

Seeing her blushing, everyone couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"You...you don't laugh! Sister Yuyan, don't worry about it, I won't come with you next time." Muyun Beast took Yuyan's hand and begged Yuyan to get up.

"Okay, okay! I'll take care of me. Hei San, stop laughing. And you two, little Suanni and Qilin, stop laughing." Yu Yan was only talking about others, but she couldn't help herself Giggled and laughed.

Everyone was making noise, and the other members of Xiaoxian's team had also arrived.

Pieces of white clouds floated down from the river sky and landed where Yuyan and the others were.

As soon as the white clouds landed on the ground, they turned into a few charming and beautiful little fairies and a few personable little fairy boys.

There is Leng Shuiyue, a little fairy like a moon palace and jade dew; Jiang Yueyue, a weak and quiet Jiangwu family; There are six little fairies in total, the spirited little fairy boy Shaobao master Nan Shiqing in Nantianmen Castle, and the beautiful girl Lu Xiaobai who chases the clouds and plays with the moon at the foot of Bailu Mountain.

Among them, Nan Shiqing is actually the same as Muyun Beast, but a tomboy disguised as a man.

However, when the emperor saw her, he was still a little uneasy!
Little Qingniu saw Tianzi's impetuous state, touched her lightly, and said to her in a low voice: "She is just like you, she is a little fairy! Don't let your imagination run wild. Everyone is watching!"

"Got it! You're the one who talks too much." The emperor gave Xiao Qingniu a look, and blamed him inexplicably.

"Hello Sister Yuyan! Hello Uncle Master. Hello Brother Shui Mo!" Xiao Huayi and Yu Yan are cousins, and she took the lead in greeting everyone.

"Cousin, brother Shui Mo asked you to come here by name! This time I'm doing business, it's better than staying at home, don't play petty sister, so I can take you to play forever!" Yan Yu looked at the green-haired and red-eyed This little cousin, who is both good and evil, immediately told her to come.

"Understood! Why do you look like elder sister Lao He Qiuyue! I know this time I'm doing business and I won't mess around! Besides, she is no longer a little girl, okay?" Hua Yi said with a smile. Yu Yan quibbled and said.

"That would be the best." Yu Yan patted her on the head and said to her with a smile.

"Hello, Uncle! Hello, Sister Yuyan! Hello, fellow seniors!" Leng Shuiyue smiled like a flower, and greeted everyone delicately.

"Shuiyue, you can't embarrass sister Qiuyue! This time you represent your Sect Master Yue, you know?" Yuyan said to her with a smile.

"Yeah! I know, Sister Yuyan." Shuiyue answered Yuyan with a smile on her brows and eyes.

"Hey! It's not the time of life and death, so please stop chattering, like those old women in red dust inns who care for their husbands and teach their children. It's important to save lives, so let's go on the road first. Let's talk longer while walking, bragging about doing business without delay!" Nan Shiqing yelled unhappily and said to the big guy.

"Brother Shui Mo, it's rare for us to go down to the earth to experience calamities. Why don't you take us to learn from those literati and inkmen in Hongchen Inn, set up a light boat, go down the river, and return home on a snowy night or go fishing alone in the cold river and snow. Good old man! Okay?" Jiang Yueyue said when she saw ink painting, acting coquettishly.

Seeing Yuyan, there was a slight sullen look on her face, seeing Jiang Yueyue holding Shui Mo's hand, acting coquettishly like a child, remembering that Shui Mo is also a latecomer of the Jiang Wu family, she immediately turned angry For joy, the annoyance disappeared instantly.

"Shui Mo, if you are an older brother, you might not be able to swim the Yangtze River without your sister!" Yuyan said to Shui Mo with a forced smile.

"That's right! Shui Mo, you are the war god of Jiang Wu's generation, you have to take care of your little sister's feelings!" The Holy Spirit also noticed the subtle changes in Yuyan, so he pretended to be nonchalant and said to Shui Mo with a smile.

"But...we have to rush to the Temple of Heaven to save people!...this!" Shui Mo said to them very embarrassed.

"It's okay, and I'm not in a hurry for a while. Let's learn from ordinary people and practice Taoism for a while, and be a fisherman in a lonely boat on a cold river for a while! When we enter the East China Sea, we will return to the original road on the cloud and go all the way north. , you can reach the Temple of Heaven in less than half a day." Yuyan smiled slightly when she saw Jiang Yueyue's cute and cute appearance.

"That's a good idea. Then don't we have to get some light boats?" Black Dragon said happily.

"What's the point? Master, let's borrow some white clouds from the Muyun Beast and transform them into boats, wouldn't it be good? It's not difficult." Pai Yao also laughed.

"The boat is here, and the coir raincoat is easy to get, but it hasn't snowed heavily! This is a little regrettable." Muyun Beast said quietly to everyone.

"Yes, it's really not harmonious to fish alone in the cold river and there is no snow." Pi Jiaoniang also laughed.

"Lu Xiaobai, why don't we go to Nantianmen Castle to find your grandfather Nanji Xianweng to borrow some snow from the snow, wouldn't it be good?" Nan Shiqing said to Lu Xiaobai in a low voice.

"You know how to trouble my grandpa. My sister's cloud worms have changed a little, isn't it all right? It's so troublesome." Lu Xiaobai said to Nan Shiqing unhappily.

"Don't be so troublesome! Isn't Senior Brother Bei Guofeng here? Let's ask him to blow a gust of arctic kamikaze out of thin air, and make sure that the sky will be covered with heavy snow in a short while, and everyone will not be too cold. "Xiao Huayi also looked at Bei Guofeng with a smile and said.

"Impossible, my grandpa will blame me if he didn't beat me to death after he knew it! The true heavenly wind of the Northland scenery needs the order of the gods to be able to use the wind, otherwise it will be struck by lightning!" The Northland wind kept shaking said with a nod.

"Hey! Isn't it just the next heavy snow? As for the trouble! Let's secretly send a fairy language cloud letter to Fenghou Niang and Xueniang, and let them borrow us for a day or two of wind and snow, isn't it all right? ?” Lu Xiaobai was lightly tapped with a small hand like Lengshuiyue Yulu, and said with a smile.

"Ah...? Unless you sent this message, or sister Yuyan sent it, the other one dares to borrow it?" Lu Xiaobai shrugged, and said quietly to Shuiyue Xiaoxian.

"Borrow, borrow, who is afraid of whom!" Leng Shuiyue said disapprovingly, and was about to send messages to Fenghou and Xueniang.

"Don't worry! It's going to snow in a while. You see, the sky is already covered with red clouds. It's the end of the twelfth month in Hongchen Inn, and it should snow heavily." Heilong looked at the dense clouds in the sky, and then at Xishan Mountain A round of daylight outside, laughed and said.

. . . . . .

Just when everyone looked up at the sky, a cloud pigeon flew down from the cloud-covered sky, and landed on Shui Mo's shoulder with a cooing sound.

"Uh! It's Bailong's carrier pigeon. Ink, take the letter off its feet and have a look." Black Dragon withdrew his eyes from checking the weather, looked at Yun carrier pigeon and Ink with a smile, and whispered to Ink.

"It's a joint letter from Uncle Bailong and Uncle Qinglong, asking us to rush to Daming Mansion after the festival to send those who are destined to return to heaven! It is said that the Heavenly Lord ordered that the Hongchen Inn will be snowed for a ten-day period in order to rescue those who are suffering from the plague in Daming Mansion." What about the people of Limin? They also said that the Sun Star Lord and the Taiyin Star Lord will go down to sweep the snow after the Spring Festival is over!" Shui Mo took the letter from Yun Ge's leg and looked at it, and cried out happily.

"Happy mirror! He obviously wanted to give his granddaughter a great gift, but he insisted on using the plague as an excuse from the Daming Mansion." Suan Ni grumbled unhappily and complained redly.

This guy is afraid of the cold, he!

(End of this chapter)

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