
Chapter 320, Nether ghosts push the mill.

Chapter 320, Nether ghosts push the mill.

The tiankeng returned to normal inexplicably, just before the Xiaoxian class was ready to go.

Flowing clouds in the high sky, the once-in-a-hundred-year-old space station in the seven-dimensional space station of the Demon Realm also began to show up.

Half bright and half dark, half happy and half sad!

The Qiti child looked up at the sky, grinned, and whispered to Bo Xun, "Master, looking at the sky, it doesn't seem to be good for us!"

"It's nothing! It's just that the armies of gods and demons suddenly rushed into the demon world, and the two powerful waves of air collided with each other, which caused this strange mirror image that never happened in ten thousand years. This... is the legend In the yin and yang heavens in the world, one demon has ascended to immortality! They have their God, and we have our Wutian Demon Venerable. Cough cough! Cough!...Don't be afraid, seven bodies!...We follow Wutian Demon Venerable, Nine Heavens It will be conquered soon." Bo Xun said to Qiti with a smile.

Wutian sent away that clever Dou Lingluan, and when the group of demons had dispersed, he asked Shui Moxuan with a smile, "Is it you who ordered that Dou Lingluan to do what he did?... I think There seems to be a trance in your eyes, but the evil thoughts are boldly intersecting, you still want to lie to me, old man?... Cough cough! Tell me honestly, where did you abduct the daughter from?"

"Teacher, what is this called abduction? People admire your great name, and traveled thousands of miles from the land of no land to our Demon Realm. The purpose is to see your heroic appearance and grandeur!" Shui Moxuan laughed , Tong Wutian explained.

"Visitors from outside the sky?... Cough cough! Flying immortals from beyond the sky! It's okay! It's okay! It's just that no matter whether we succeed in this battle or not, you must not let him down." Wutian patted Shui Moxuan's head, gently Said to him with a smile.

"Teacher, I don't dare." Shui Moxuan replied in a low voice with his head lowered.

. . . . . .

Looking at the cloud and knowing the weather, under the blue sky and white sun, Shui Mo and Yu Yan rode monster mounts, striding forward to the depths of the seven-dimensional space station in the Demon Realm.

"Kirin! Tell me, how long can they live in this smog?... They seem to be rushing towards us! Look up, the clouds are dense, but you can't see the dragon waving its tail, it's not a demon The big army came rushing to us, so what else could it be?" Suan Ni, carrying ink on her back, walked tremblingly like walking on thin ice, seeing the sky on the opposite side covered with dark clouds, she said very carefully to the Qilin who was walking beside her .

"Bullshit! We are angels who have broken into the path of demons, so it is clear that the sun is shining on our side! People don't want to do good, and they stick to their old ways, so they are still ignorant! Have you heard that human saying?  … ..." Qilin said to Suan Ni with a smile.

"What kind of human language?... You are so strange, what's so good about human language? You don't speak fairy language, you have to speak human language! Hey...! You can even speak magic words!" Suan Ni was very asked puzzledly.

"What, what? People say: Humans and ghosts have different paths, how much love is endless! Don't go out in the dark, you will encounter ghosts! It seems that the way of ghosts and the way of demons have converged, and they have already rectified the army horses. , It is indeed coming towards us. If you don’t believe me, just wait and see.” Qilin strode forward and said to Suan Ni very disapprovingly.

"I said it! Why do my legs feel weak and I don't want to take a step! It turns out that it also knows that a strong enemy is coming from the opposite side." Suan Ni laughed at herself very embarrassedly.

"Miss! Listen carefully, there seems to be someone making loud noises deep in the dark clouds!" Shui Mo looked at the dark world opposite, and laughed at the rain and smoke.

"What they shouted was the devil's words, to the effect that there is no sky in the devil world, but I am the only one who is the only one, and they want to strangle all the celestial tribes!" Qilin laughed and said to Shuimo.

"Translate, translate!... Let's see if there is anything strange in the magic words they yelled?" Shui Mo looked at Qilin and said to him with a smile.

"What's the need to translate this? Isn't it just such a big boast! Let me teach you, it's a bit like our exorcism slogan! However, it seems to be more powerful than ours. It is even more provocative and provocative. Listen! This is how they call it: "The leader of Wutian, rule the demon heaven, strangle the heavenly immortals, break through the nine heavens, and there will be no sky from now on, and I am the only one!" Long live long live long live! '" Suan Ni laughed and shouted in Xianjia dialect in the tone of a demon.

"Pioneer of Dou Lingluan, it seems that there are still our people down here! They are also shouting the slogan that Teacher Mo Xuan made for us!" The little ball rolled up to Dou Lingluan, and said to her in a low voice.

"Looking at the posture, it doesn't look like us demons, but it looks like the ink and wash group at eight o'clock! Maybe some of us were caught by them. Oh! By the way. Stab, when you and the little ball came back Is our ghost hitting the wall still around?" Dou Ling was talking nonchalantly, and suddenly asked the stab head.

"Hey! Don't talk about it. If the ghost hitting the wall is still there, Xiaopiqiu and I wouldn't be in such a mess. Looking at their posture, our ghost hitting the wall must be more or less dangerous!" Incomparably said to Dou Ling.

"It doesn't matter! The ghost hitting the wall is just a wall that will not move. You will meet them when you go down." A ghost king riding a donkey upside down jumped off the donkey's back, and touched the magic weapon from his pocket. Come out, while whispering to Dou Lingluan.

"Ghost costume! You have to be careful, this group of children are very immortal, and their aura and soul power are very powerful, so don't underestimate the enemy. If you can't beat them, come back, and I will send someone to replace you to fight them." Dou Lingluan was very cautious. Said to the ghost suit.

"Don't worry! Brother Dou. The ghost suit has its own measure. If you can beat it, you can hit it. If you can't beat it, you can run away. Hahahaha, otherwise the ghost suit won't survive today!" The ghost suit agreed, and then drove the donkey out of the black cloud With a push, Jingzhi fell from the dark clouds.

Immediately afterwards, he threw down the magical instruments in his hand, a small and exquisite stone mill model and a small clay figurine.

The little stone mill clay figurine rises when it sees the wind, and when it falls to the ground, it has grown as big as a Niu Shou mountain.

Half in the light and half in the dark, they firmly stopped in the middle of the road that Xiaoxianban was moving forward, motionless.

"Wow...! That mysterious little ghost head who pushed the mill." The fairy eyes of the Muyun Beast opened wide, and the ghost who was hiding on the side of the black cloud had a real and clear look at it!
"It's just a prop! The real behind-the-scenes player is still sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai in Yuntou! Hahahaha, uncle! You old man should have seen him. One of Mr. Guo's followers has now surrendered to Wutian." Ink Mo said lightly Said with Shepherd Cloud Beast and Holy Spirit.

"Is it a ghost suit? Isn't he the soul collector of the underworld? Why did he come to the seven-dimensional space station?" Holy Spirit asked in puzzlement as he looked at the self-righteous ghost suit in the black cloud.

"Hahahaha! The little ghost costume is nothing more than a shabby and rotten ghost Taoist priest! You can show off your skills in front of our immortal class! You really don't know good or bad at all, so you should just accept it." That's a ridiculous nonsense!" Dean Lao Wu couldn't help but also burst out laughing.

"Alright!... Hierarch, why don't we just let our little fairies and little fairy boys experience his No. [-] artifact in the underworld——'Ghost Grinding Mill'!" The black dragon saw the big man in the ghost costume. Mopan jumped to his feet and cried out very loudly.

"Alright! But everyone must be careful, don't confront it head-on, and don't be sucked into its vortex, otherwise the gods will pass by, and the priesthood of the fairy road can only end here!" Shui Mo loudly He reminded the big guy and said.

"Brother, where is its vortex? It's so big, half dark and half bright, I can't see it clearly!" Lu Xiaobai had never seen such a huge stone mill like a mountain, and he couldn't see it clearly for a while, so he Sillyly asked about ink and wash.

"That's right! With such a big body, it must have powerful celestial powers to push it! Uncle Dashan, have you seen this ghost mill before?" Yang Jianan also asked timidly. Dashan Warcraft came.

The grinding disc is indeed too big, the kind that can't be seen at a glance.

What's more, it is half in the fairy world and half in the devil world!

"To be honest, I have never seen this guy before! It will not approach my territory easily, and I have always kept my promise. I will not casually step out of the Eastern Glazed Light World of the seven-dimensional space station of the Demon Realm!! !” Da Shan looked at the old ghost of the meat grinder in the netherworld, and laughed dumbfoundedly.

"Which one of you will go first? Try whether your fairy bones are hard! Come, come, come one by one. If you can be strangled, then your immortal energy and soul power will surpass many great gods in the Three Realms! Haha Haha." Heilong also laughed.

"Bullshit! Hei San, why don't you give it a try yourself? It's nice to hear! Is this ghost pushing the mill just for fun? If you don't understand its power, you will approach it rashly, right? Do you know who will die?" Yuyan complained unhappily about the black dragon.

"Okay! Okay! Let me tell you the trick. You have never seen a stone mill before. Do you know how to grind tofu? If you haven't ground tofu before, you must have eaten it, right? Keke! Keke! ...Follow It doesn't matter how it turns, just don't drive against it. In addition, don't try to enter its body from a high place, otherwise you will just enter its vortex. Once you enter the vortex, if you can't escape If you don't, you can only be smashed into pieces and ashes. This mill is made of fine steel and spirit stones, and it is an ever-changing existence. The small stone mill for grinding tofu can also leave some slag on the beans. A little bit of flesh and blood! So, you have to be careful, don't be careless." The black dragon rambled for a long time, but didn't say why.

"Hahahaha! They're all a bunch of idiots. How can there be a brat who can't grind his brains to grind soymilk? Let me tell you, you should surrender as soon as possible, otherwise you will all become immortal blood demons in the world of Asura who want fresh hot soymilk! Haha Haha." Standing in the dark cloud, the ghost costume watched the Mingtian magic weapon he had thrown twirling around, blocking the progress of the little fairy class, and shouted proudly.

"Ghost costume! Don't deceive yourself. Just you little devil who grinds your soul power and magic thoughts that are less than [-]th level, you want to involve us all and grind them into soy milk? You are too self-confident. Ladies and gentlemen Nephew, is there someone whose soul power is less than thirty levels?" Dean Lao Wu couldn't help laughing wildly.

"Grandpa Wu, Lolita and Huayi, the weakest among us, both have 31 second-level soul power and immortal energy, but the force value is just a little bit worse." Lu Xiaobai also laughed, without hesitation Then he answered Dean Wu and said.

"In that case, let little general Lolita and Huayi go up and practice, lest Mr. Guifu say that we are bullying his little apprentice! Hahahaha!" Dean Wu couldn't help laughing and said.

"Old Wu, you just lived in the world for tens of thousands of years, why are you so pissed? Don't say that the ghost suit didn't remind you to wait, and you will be strangled by my meat grinder in a while. , If you regret it, it will be too late! I advise you, it is more reliable to send a few more powerful players to fight. Distorting mirror!" The ghost suit laughed and said.

"Loli! You and Huayi's attacking ghost must not attack from the top, but attack its chassis from the ground. Find its three legs and break one of them to succeed." Shui Mo laughed and said to Luoli and Huayi Said in a low voice.

"But... Senior Brother, it is such a huge monster. Even with three legs, I guess it would be as big as the Shogun Mountain. How can I find it? How can I interrupt him if I find it?... How do I feel that senior brother and Grandpa Old Wu sold me and the Huayi sisters!..." Loli looked at the huge monster in front of her, and said to Shui Mo absent-mindedly.

"Senior Brother Sun Bie, you and Bei Guofeng will protect the two sisters! Unless it is absolutely necessary, you two brothers are not allowed to rescue each other." Shui Mo smiled, and arranged for Sun Bie and Hua Yi directly in front of Luo Li and Hua Yi. Bei Guofeng went to Dao as a flower protector for the two sisters.

"Nianli Xianjian transforms sword energy to protect yourself, don't be swept away by the unknown wind. Then one goes to the northeast and the other goes to the southwest, find its southeast support, cut it off with a sword, and let it sleep forever in the southeast. I I don't believe it, the East China Sea is so big, it can't hold a ghost mill? Distorting mirror! Suan Ni, let me down, I want to watch the battle." Shui Mo shouted happily.

"Dashan, look to the southeast. Don't let other monsters occupy the southeast. It will be embarrassing if you help it up again." Lao Wu told Dashan in a very low voice.

"Da Shan understands it! Don't worry, the old dean." Da Shan agreed, and the primordial spirit came out of his body, and he stood in the southeast, firmly stationed on the boundary mountain between the gods and demons!

(End of this chapter)

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