
Chapter 321 Chapter 321, Turning the world around, the gods will push the ghosts.

Chapter 321 Chapter 321, Turning the world around, the gods will push the ghosts.

Seeing the huge and incomparably large millstone constantly rotating in the open space between the gods and demons, making a creaking sound like grinding teeth, Loli looked at Sun Bie and saw that he kept nodding at her, so she took a big step forward. He walked over bravely and bravely pushed the ghost to the mill.

Xiao Huayi glanced at Bei Guofeng unhappily, shook her head as if she didn't quite believe him, and walked into Gui Tuimo's sphere of influence without any worries.

"Sword God, you will go to the northwest to dance your sword in a while, so as to attract the attention of those gods and demons who protect the gods and demons, and prevent them from pulling back the ghost mill when it overturned. If it doesn't work, then Let's kill them all, and simply kill them all." Lao Wu said in a low voice and quietly arranged for the sword god.

"Amount! Old Wu, why don't you find me an errand for the old black dragon! My hands are itching a little too much!" Heilong looked at the sword god and Dashan who had their souls out of their bodies, and was not far behind. Asked Lao Wu to come.

"You also have a good job! After a while, stop that ghost suit who is about to run away, and don't let him run away." Lao Wu said to Heilong with a smirk.

"Such a trivial matter, the custodian can easily catch him, and he can't escape him." Heilong promised, Yuanshen had already gone straight to the ghost suit.

Walking in the sphere of influence of ghosts, ghosts and demons who would pinch people, Luoli and Huayi were pushed together by a powerful force. They were struggling to walk and could no longer move their legs!
"Sister, someone pinched me! By the way, someone stabbed my hands and feet with needles! I can't walk anymore." Hua Yijiao panted to Luoli.

"Don't be afraid, Huayi. Concentrate, draw out your Nianli Xianqiyunjian, and quickly go to the southwest, and I'll go to the northeast." General Loli is well-informed, so she doesn't care, she comforts patiently Huayi said.

In fact, why didn't she get pricked with needles by ghosts and ghosts, making her hands flushed!

"But Sister Loli, I can't walk now! Besides, the wind seems to blow me back as soon as I move! Otherwise, I'll fly up and have a look!..." Huayi gritted her teeth , forced himself to endure the pain of being pinched by the ghost all over his body, and discussed with Loli angrily.

"Don't! Once you jump up, you will fall into their tricks. He just wants us to be furious! Then he will suck us into his ghost mill with a gust of evil wind to crush us into fairy pulp or something It’s over! Don’t do it. Don’t jump, dance the Qi and soul power of Yunjianxian, protect yourself, and walk slowly to the southwest. Use seven big steps to superimpose seven small steps to kill ghosts, Qiqi 49 steps, you can reach the destination. Remember, first take seven big steps, then take seven small steps, and so on, after seven or seven 49 steps, whether you can see its feet or not, you must swing your sword Cut it down, it's done once and for all. Do you remember?" Loli whispered to Huayi.

"Ah...? Sister, what the hell are you? You can kill ghosts! Then why don't you kill all the ghosts who choked us? I can't stand it anymore.... Oops, okay Itchy! It hurts and itches, so uncomfortable!" Huayi couldn't help but groaned and said.

"Ahem! Hold on. You take out the Immortal Qi and Cloud Sword first, and they won't dare to mess around with you. Ahem! I should go too. Remember, four, seven, and three, seven in total. It's about to stop at 49 steps." After speaking, Luoli drew out the fairy energy, spiritual power, soul power and cloud sword, and walked towards the northeast step by step, waving non-stop.

"Hey, hey, hey! You haven't told me yet, what should I do if I see Gui Tuimo's feet when I get there? Hey...!" Huayi watched Loli walking away step by step while waving the cloud sword, as if It was as if she hadn't heard her howl at all.

In desperation, Huayi took the courage to imitate Luoli, brandishing the cloud sword and walking towards the southwest step by step.

"Ahem! Who taught this loli the seven-step cut? It's too simple to eliminate violence. Hahahaha." Shui Mo looked at Yuyan and laughed.

"Don't look at me with such eyes, I didn't teach you." Yuyan denied it with some embarrassment.

"Who could it be? It can't be my master!" Shui Mo said deliberately pretending to be surprised.

"Don't bury the old man, okay? The old man will take a liking to these shabby things? It was I who realized the Tao by accident and just gave it to her. Otherwise, how could I kill this ghost in front of my eyes?" Yu Yan talked to Shui Mo unhappy.

"I said, what the hell are you pulling Lori to mutter about just now! That's how it is." Shui Mo couldn't help laughing loudly.

"If you don't teach her, do you want them to be devoured by ghosts? You know how to tell people to work, and you don't teach them how to kill the enemy. You really have it." Yuyan complained about ink painting. .

"Don't you still have you! Hahahaha, I've heard you whispering to her, otherwise she wouldn't have let her go with her paintings! You pretend I didn't hear you guys discussing how to get rid of this ghost Grinding gadgets? Distorting mirror." Shui Mo laughed and said.

"You little ghost, are you playing tricks with my sister? You are getting more and more courageous!..." Yu Yan pinched Shui Mo, and complained to him with half anger and joy.

"Sister, there's someone!" Shui Mo said shyly as she saw Yu Yan's cheeks flushed.

"Eh! Eh...! Shui Mo, you said that such a big god mill, if you put it outside Lingxiao Temple, it would be good to help our gods grind cloud beans or something! Don't you think so?" Yu Yan intentionally Pretending to be serious and straightening his hair, he talked to Shui Mo with a smile.

"Hmm! You have a good idea. Take me to ask Dean Lao Wu and Uncle Sheng Sheng." Ink Mo agreed, and quickly walked over to Lao Wu and Sheng Sheng.

"Although this idea is good, we still have to report it to the Heavenly Venerate. In this way, we will raise it in the Demon Realm first, and it will not be too late to move it back to the Heaven Realm after its demonic resentment disappears. It's better to send a reliable person to report to Tianzun first, and you can't blindly make decisions on behalf of heaven." After listening to Shui Mo's opinion, Holy Spirit patiently explained to him.

"Okay. Let's see if we can accept it first." Shui Mo agreed, then turned back and smiled at Sword God and Dean Wu, as if he had another idea!
"Master, if you want to subdue this big guy, you must first change the blood of the guy who is pushing the mill and let him convert to Buddhism. Otherwise, this big mill will always be a ghost mill, and it is impossible to become a god mill!" Wu Xin understood, laughed with Shui Mo and said.

"If you want to exchange blood for the Demon Dao, my master can do it, but I wonder if Grandpa Lao Wu and Uncle Sword God can do it?" Shui Mo asked Lao Wu and Sword God with a smile.

"Cough cough!... Hierarch, ordinary gods can't do this kind of thing! I can kill people, exorcise demons, and dismember people's corpses. The sword god has never done such a thing as changing blood and heart, and I can't do it." What!" The Sword God laughed, and told the truth to Shui Mo without any concealment.

"What about Old Wu's grandfather? You have raised so many little human dragons, don't tell me you can't!" Shui Mo stared at Old Wu and said to him with a smile.

"Hey! This has always been an old patent! Although I have seen him fiddle with it a few times, I really don't know how to steal the day! I have no choice but to send him a message." Old Wu Dean He also said embarrassingly.

"Don't worry about that much for now! Ink ink, let this grinder stop before we talk about it." Yu Yan whispered to Ink ink and shouted.

"Yeah! Let's do this first. If we can subdue it, we'll talk about the rest." Said Shui Mo, trotted back to Yu Yan's side.

"Otherwise, you should communicate with that little devil who is pushing the mill first, and persuade him well. If he is willing to surrender to us, we will give him a big gift! Otherwise, you can communicate with the magic mill's spiritual thoughts and thoughts. If he Willing to submit to Jiuchongtian, give him the position of Tianmo God, and enter the Si Nongfang of the Heaven Realm to be a great god who grinds ghosts and demons. You try it, and I will send a message to Tianzun and them." Yu Yan looked at Shui Mo, sweetly He smiled and said.

"Then give it a try! To be able to cultivate to this level, it must be a spiritual thing that can be mastered at a single point!" As Shui Mo said, he opened the gate of Shen Si Xian Qi Soul Power and let it out secretly A ray of fairy thoughts let him sneak into the mind of the little devil who was pushing the mill without anyone noticing.

At this moment, Luoli and Huayi also insisted on their respective positions.

When Luoli looked up, there seemed to be a huge leg-shaped object that was darker and thicker than the dark cloud in the dark cloud, and it was very arrogant in front of her eyes, so she waved the fairy without hesitation. The Qiyun sword slashed straight at the incomparably huge leg.

At the same time, Huayi's Immortal Qi Yunjian also slashed towards the giant leg spirit in the southwest.

"It's almost here! The demon millstone is about to fall!" The little devil who was pushing the mill suddenly felt that the triangular support under the millstone seemed to have weakened legs, as if it was about to fall down.

"Ghost grinder! You'd better surrender! You mantis arms can't stop us from unifying the demon world. Surrender! I'll save you from death." Shui Mo whispered in the mind of the little ghost who was grinding the mill. Laughed and said.

"Who are you? Why are you in my head? What do you want to do?..." The kid was so frightened that he couldn't get out of his wits, so he didn't care whether the mill could be pushed or not!
He widened his eyes, looking around for the guy who wrote the voice of Nianli into his mind, and wanted to kill him with one move, kill him!

"Don't be wishful thinking! You won't be able to find me. Unless...you change your past, practice hard, and take refuge in my Buddha. Otherwise, you will never have the chance to see me again in your lifetime." Shui Mo said to him with a smile.

"Are you a Buddhist? Hahaha... We ghosts and monsters don't believe in the Buddha. A stinky monk who can only paint cakes for us. What is there to convert to? And that Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva doesn't even know how to recite to us." How many times have I tried it, but I don't see any effect.

The little ghosts and demons among us, those who deserve to go to hell should not go to hell, those who should be skinned and cramped should be skinned and cramped...!You...you guys who don't dare to show your face, I think it's better to forget about it. "The kid who was grinding the mill stopped, and said to Shui Mo very bluntly.

At the same time, Momo's thoughts were in a trance, and his magic thoughts and soul power were scratched by the two swords of Lolita and Huayi. The devilish aura was stinking everywhere, like a torrential river flowing to the low-lying places to cause disasters!

"Qilin, did you fart again? Why is it so stinky?" Suan Ni clasped her mouth and nose with her hands and yelled unhappily.

"You're just farting! It's that big mob monster whose demonic barrier was cut by Lolita and Huayi, and he's venting his demonic energy! If you don't know, don't talk nonsense, you'll make a joke." Qilin also covered his nose, Wuwuwu talked to Suan Ni.

"I'm going! It's so smelly, it's no wonder that Luoli and Huayi are not suffocated to death!" Suan Ni sighed very seriously.

"It's okay, it's okay! I'm still there!" Bei Guofeng yelled loudly, and a gust of wind rolled up on the flat ground, blowing all the stinky and demonic barriers to the side of the magic army camp.

The other half of the black air also dispersed in all directions, moving northward for dozens of miles! ....

...! ....

"Wow!... So this big mill is also a mountain! Then he should be managed by your Mountain God Group." Lu Xiaobai pointed at the monster Shimoshan that showed the true face of Lushan Mountain, and screamed loudly.

"Where's that little ghost who pushed the mill? Why is it gone? He must have run away!" Yang Jianan, Pi Jiaoniang and other fairies also yelled loudly at the same time.

"Hey hey hey! I can't run away. Since Shi Moshan has started venting his demonic energy, it is enough to prove that Luo Li and Xiao Huayi have succeeded. At the same time, if that little devil is not persuaded by Brother Shui Mo's tongue twister, then I It is estimated that he may be in bad luck.

Everyone stand back and wait and see what happens!Within 3 minutes, you will definitely see the effect. "Little Qingniu until now, the tense Xuan in his heart finally relaxed, he smiled, and said lightly to everyone.

At this moment, the ink and ink writing into Shimoshan Yuanshensi started to start, it asked Shimoshan faintly and said: "So you are a mountain god, your name is Shimoshan, right?... just a majestic mountain god who entered the demon world to practice, Why do you want to help the evildoers and strangle innocent gods? Aren’t you afraid that their souls will linger and come back to seek revenge for you?”

"Hey, hey! I said Xiao Jin... Oh! No... No, no!... I said my leader! Don't you know that this place is someone else's territory? Dharma protectors are gathered, I am a little mountain god, and I go deep into the depths of the demon world alone, you think I am an iron camp! It is already very good to save my life! Then I can take care of so much!

Oh, right!In fact, that little ghost can't completely control me, it's just because some ghost uniform gave me the Maoshan Taoist talisman!However, I have never hurt innocent gods and people at all!
The ones I grind into blood powder and plasma are all big villains who work for the outside world and are brought into the seven-dimensional space station by the Demonic Dao to bless their cultivation!If you don’t believe me, you can go to the Three Realms and check it out. Those evil spirits who have entered the seven-dimensional space station of the Demon Realm and have no news of them these years!

Hehehe, apart from Brother Dashan's handwriting, 90.00% of the rest are Shimoshan's masterpiece.Ha ha ha ha! "Shi Moshan laughed and said.

"Hey hey hey! Little general Lolita, Xiao Huayi! Stop stabbing! The magic barrier disappears, and if you stab again, you should stab your big brother Shi Moshan! Hey hey hey! Hey...!" Shi Moshan jumped up, Accidentally bumped the head of the little devil who thought he had controlled him for tens of thousands of years into the feeding port.

"Crunch!" The sound of grinding teeth sounded again.

All the immortals were shocked!

Shui Mo saw the little ghost head-heavy and head-heavy into the magic cave in Shimoshan, and immediately withdrew his thoughts.

"It's dangerous!" Shui Mo laughed and said.

"The leader turned the world around, Shi Moshan is going to push the ghost now! Hahahaha." Shi Moshan screamed loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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