
Chapter 323, God grinds with the rain.

Chapter 323, God grinds with the rain.

"Joke! What a f*cking joke! Mandrill boy, you're talking about mythology! It's not certain who is cheating, don't draw conclusions so early! Hahahaha!...Wood meets fire, fire catches fire! Very good, ...It's also very high!" Ghost Fu looked up to the sky and laughed.

The ghost fire and the pine wood meet in the air, the rosin overflows to send oil, the pine wood is crisp, simple and kind, and it suddenly burns endlessly with a beep beep.

The black air of magic thoughts in the air exploded instantly, and from time to time, the sound of weeping and wailing came from the darkness, and the heart-piercing pain seemed to faintly erupt in everyone's heart.

The mandrill clutched its heart, and fell from the sky like a fallen leaf in a daze.

Finally, he still exhausted the last strand of immortal energy and soul power, and fell on his huge spaceship of Wumeng that amusing you to play with.

Wumeng Mountain suddenly lost the master's control, and it was about to swell and restore its original, vast and endless stretches. Creaking and creaking, the original Dharma-protecting consciousness was activated from the inside out.

In just a short while, all the mandrills were submerged in the depths of the majestic Wumeng Mountain.

"Ink and ink, we can't let Shandrill and Wumengshan lose their souls in the seven-dimensional space station of the Demon Realm, or they will never be able to go back to the Southwest! Hurry up and pick them up." Lao Wu saw that the three souls and seven souls were already helpless. Mandrill, very anxious in his heart, immediately called out ink and ink.

"Shi Moshan, hurry up and replace Brother Shandrill! Hurry up." While speaking, Shui Mo immediately swung out a cool and incomparable blue-printed light, sweeping back Shandrill and his Wumeng Mountain.

All this happened only in the blink of an eye, and you are not allowed to think too much.

As the light of the blue seal manifested and disappeared in the sky above the seven-dimensional space of the demon world again, it ignited the black ice-like airflow of the seven-dimensional space station of the demon world again, and suddenly a rainbow of seven colors appeared in the sky, which is so wonderful!

The darkness gradually melted and dissipated from the sky above the seven-dimensional space station in the Demon Realm like ice and snow in an instant.

The face of the ghost costume was also fully exposed in the air. He still held the ever-changing black silk whisk in his hand, looked at the mandrill rescued by Ink with a smile, and yelled at Ink without hesitation: " Ink Danqing boy, your vanguard officer has already died in battle, so use whatever skills you have! Otherwise, with a wave of the ghost suit grandpa, three thousand elves with magic hair will come out, and none of you will run away! Hahahaha .”

While speaking, the black silk demonic swords were scratching densely and falling like rain, and they were about to sweep the vanguard of the entire Dashan Group.

At this critical moment, Shi Moshan laughed loudly, rushed to the sky, and yelled loudly: "Gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, fire demons can overcome wood gods, metal and stone can suppress evil thoughts, and you will be sparked!" The head hurts. The stone god strikes, slaying demons and subdue demons! The Taishang Laojun is as urgent as the law!"

It was too late and then it was too soon, densely packed stone mills that covered the sky and the sun fell from the sky, clanging sounds one after another, the stone mill and the black silk magic sword encountered in the sky, sparks were flying around, it was so lively stand up.

There are no more stone mills, no less, just three thousand stone mills, one demon and one demon, dancing in the air, the beauty is really beautiful.

The black silk magic sword is full of evil spirits, sometimes long and sometimes short, sometimes firm and tough, sometimes soft like water, sometimes fiercely stabbing and killing, sometimes going round and round, entangled with countless threads... It is ever-changing, and there are different methods!

Originally, a small stone-milled top spins like a spinning top, and when it rolls up, there will be tornadoes and storms. Let your black silk magic thoughts and swords change into thousands of flowers. I beat you to death!
These stone mills seemed to have eyes. When they sharpened their swords correctly, they instantly knocked down the black silk demonic swords on the ground, and the sea of ​​flames ignited blazingly.

There was a sharp and ear-piercing bang bang bang bang, which made people feel uncomfortable...!
"Where is the Black Dragon God of War? God of water to extinguish demons and fire, Yizhu Qingtian quickly help me!" Shi Moshan shouted loudly, and released a wave of large and small stone mills that were spinning rapidly, wrapping the stone mills in succession. Shan Dashen rushed straight to the ghost costume's face.

The dark clouds cleared from the seven-dimensional space station in the demon world, and the ruined walls filled with gunpowder smoke instantly appeared in front of the little angels, and everyone couldn't help being shocked.

"Hey! Brother Shi Mo, I thought you could be on your own! Just come and come." The black dragon cheered up and rushed out of the crowd with a whoosh, transforming into eight dragons. It started to rain cats and dogs in full swing.

Shenshui overcomes earth fire, Ghost Clothes looked at his Vulcan swords with dust and black silk magic thoughts, were smashed to the ground by the stone mill of Shimoshan, originally thought that they could take the opportunity to burn the mountain gods, they were caught off guard, but the black dragon did not expect After jumping out, a downpour extinguished the fire of the last black silk magic sword that I was so proud of...

"Damn it! Grandpa fought with you." Guifu yelled wanting to cry without tears, holding up a bare and needless dust whisk, sighed and slammed into Shimoshan head-on.

"Stab! Help." Dou Ling yelled loudly, and also rushed to Shimoshan.

When Shui Mo saw it, he nodded to Dashan Warcraft, indicating that he could attack.

The Dashan Demonic Beast shook its body, and became as transparent as water. A small person shot at Dou Lingluan with the speed of light.

When Shui Mo saw him, he smiled, and went back to renew the life of the mandrill.

At the bottom of the ruined walls filled with gunpowder smoke, a group of gods and fairies stared intently at the two sides of the battle, as if they were ready to save people at any time, all of them concentrated without blinking their eyes.

The party fighting chaos is really completely messed up at the moment!
Except for Black Dragon and Dashan of Warcraft, almost all the masters in the Shui Mo Dan Qing camp didn't make any moves. Dou Lingluan was really helpless and helpless this time.

Facing the powerful attack of the monster mountain, it is difficult for Dou Lingluan not to be messy, it is as difficult as going up to the blue sky!
Dou Lingluan tried his best to support himself, struggling with the wave after wave of impact from the monster mountain.

He began to doubt Wutian's grand goal of ruling the world by destroying the world...!
With the sharp sword out of its sheath, immortals can't help it!
The sailboat-like hills of the Dashan Group carried their masters, and rushed into the chaotic advance camp of the demon army with a whimper.

As soon as a wave came down, the small mountain spaceship flying all over the sky beheaded all Dou Lingluan's subordinates, and countless black smoke of lonely souls fell straight into the underworld.

On the battlefield, there were only three pairs of enemies who were evenly matched and fought all the way to the third heaven, fighting to the death, the outcome was irrelevant!

The black dragon intercepted the prickly head and the little ball and fought; Shi Moshan entangled the ghost costume and killed the sky and the earth;
The two sides meet opponents, will meet good talents, you come and I will not give up if you don’t kill each other, Diliu is like seven big spinning tops, constantly fighting and entangled in the sky above the seven-dimensional space station of the demon world where the moon and stars are sparse. .

Ink and ink rescued the Wumeng mandrill, Shi Gandang and Martial God Shura guarded him back and forth, and sent him back to the colorful clouds in the southwest.

All the mountain gods strangled the advance troops of the demon army, and they all pushed down their cloud heads, and stood neatly behind Shui Mo and the others to watch the battle.

The corpses piled up all over the place like a mountain, Dou Ling's subordinates went to seven or eight, and no one survived...!
After this wave of impact, the dark and dull world of the demon world became much clearer and clearer, and the green energy forced the demon barrier, and it crushed all the way west as if entering a no-man's land.

. . . . . .

Wutian rode the Lion Mountain monster, and Shui Mo Xuan leisurely walked towards Shui Mo Danqing and the others, talking and laughing along the way, very self-confident!
Full of self-confidence is a good thing, but if self-confidence is too much, awe will be slowly eroded by self-confidence, and finally it will become arrogant and self-righteous.

Looking at his densely packed monsters of demonic ways, he closed his eyes slightly complacently, and hummed his original song of enchanting demon thoughts!

Very arrogant and conceited, the magic door of his mind gradually became narrower and narrower, and finally closed the door of his heart.

"Master! Immortal energy strikes ahead, and the black clouds of evil thoughts seem to be unable to withstand it! Quickly, look, our black cloud barriers have been completely cleared away by those little fairies!" The Demon Army Xiaoxiao, who hurried back from thousands of miles away, was panting and reported to the lawless Wutian leader who was the only one who ruled the sky.

"It's okay! It's reasonable to be defeated by the Shanshen Group with only a few thousand Xiaoyongs in chaos. You don't have to be careful. Little brother, you go back to the floating corpse mountain to rest and wait for the good news that our army will drive out the invading foreign enemies! "After Wutian finished speaking, he accelerated the pace of marching eastward, and urged Xun Youboxun and the others to speed up from time to time.

. . . . . .

"Amount! Uncle Heilong, the rain is falling well, and we didn't even get a drop of it! Hahahaha, it looks like it has eyes, it is indeed a divine rain!" The corpse yelled happily.

"Silence! Don't disturb Master Heilong and they are cleaning up the mess. Muyun, you and Xiaotian are chasing Baiyun, go up to see how far Wutian's large army is from us. Go!" Holy Spirit Said to Muyun Beast in a low voice.

"Oh! Alright." The Muyun Beast reluctantly agreed, tugged and called the Son of Heaven, and hand in hand, they rode the cloud and headed west.

Seeing that Shimoshan had been in a mess for a long time, the black dragon couldn't help being angry, and wanted to show off in front of the holy spirit and the students, so he grabbed the middle of the two, and after taking over the mess, he beat and tyrannized.

Feeling motivated to kill, he couldn't help but use the light of the blue seal.

"Dragon Claw Hand, the sea and the sky are infested with dragons, killing ghosts and subduing demons is not a matter of discussion! Look at the trick..." Heilong threw out a fairy cloud sword, let it fight back and forth with Dou Ling, pretended to retreat, However, when pushing down the safe area, he sneakily smashed the low-level blue seals of the light of the blue seals at Dou Ling.

Dou Lingluan was wielding the magic sword, and when he was fighting with the black dragon's fairy cloud sword, suddenly a series of extremely cool blue lights flashed past his eyes, and Dou Lingluan suddenly felt that his eyes seemed to be blindfolded It's like I can't see anything.

He also imitated the black dragon, throwing the magic sword out, and fought with the black dragon's fairy cloud sword on his own.

However, he set off a powerful demonic barrier, surrounded his body, and protected the primordial spirit airtightly.

"I was irradiated by a strong light, and the rhythm of the piece was suddenly interrupted! The light of the blue seal is indeed no small matter, so I have to fight to the end. My eyes are dull, and it may not be so easy to run away!" Dou Lingluan said quickly in his heart Changing his mind, he said to himself secretly.

However, he is not an existence of the same magnitude as the black dragon after all. The blue dragon claw handprints of the first wave of blue light broke through the protective layer of his magic thoughts, like a surging river, and they have already hit all of them without exception. on him.

The messy and grass-like clothes were firmly held down by the blue dragon claw handprint, and they burned in a short while.

Dou Lingluan felt a stinging pain from the fire all over his body and his brain hit his heart.

Secretly said badly, it was already too late when he wanted to escape.

The soul-snatching dragon claw handprint did not let go of a single bit of his soul, and knocked out all of his soul from the primordial spirit, floating in the seven-dimensional space station of the demon world after a rainy day, like a blind cat bumping into a dead mouse Running around, going east and west, looking so pitiful like headless flies!
"Hahahaha! Dou Chaoluan, your grandpa Heilong made you completely messy, and your soul flew into ashes and smoke! Haha mirror, you are still a little tender to fight with Grandpa Heilong." Heilong said, using thoughts to transform Qi, twisting Qi into a sword, and turning Dou Chaochao The three souls and seven souls who were already busy like a bereaved dog and anxious like a drowned chicken were put on one by one, and they were put on a long string like a mutton skewer, swaying in the air with the wind. .

Dou Ling's mind was erratic, and his heart was struggling and wriggling in the air helplessly and wanting to cry without tears.

"Shui Mo, do you want to take him in?" Heilong leaned over and asked with a smile on Shui Mo who was standing on the ground.

"No more, master. Dou Ling will only lead to chaos wherever he goes. You can't keep him. There are many monsters in the world of demons, and monsters attack each other. Many of them are written by him. Just kill him." Shui Mo said mercilessly. Black Dragon said.

"Okay! The little apprentice said something, the master will send him back to the west."

As the black dragon said, he fused the Immortal Qi Cloud Sword and the Blue Seal Light into one, twisted them into filaments, aimed at Dou Lingluan's Primordial Spirit Demon Obstacle with many desires, and inserted it with a pop.

"Ah!" A miserable scream pierced the sky, and Dou's messy body fell to the ground.

The black dragon couldn't help laughing, put away his fairy cloud sword and blue seal light, and floated down gracefully.

"Dashan, take the ghost clothes for me." Heilong yelled out excitedly after he wiped out Dou Lingluan in the first battle.

"No problem! Make sure he converts to our real fairyland alive and kicking. Distorting mirror, ten thousand mountains suppress ghosts, Laojun is as anxious as a law! Forgive me." He couldn't help but yelled loudly.

"Thousands of mountains suppress ghosts, if you don't accept it, you have to obey it! Hahahaha..." Dashan also screamed wildly under the exaggeration of the black dragon's pride.

Shi Moshan took over the prickly head and the little ball to fight, and also wanted to capture the two of them alive, so he pinned the small stone-mill sledgehammer to his waist, took out a handful of autumn leaves from his pocket, and blew on them Immortal Qi transformed into a large piece of small stone mills, and it only greeted the prickly heads and the small ball heads.

(End of this chapter)

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