
Chapter 324, Great Evil.

Chapter 324, Giant Evil ([-]).

The sky is long and the clouds are falling, and the autumn water is dew.Immortals fly away from the sky, and the cold moon returns.

Once the light of the sky is released, there will be no distinction between good and evil among the people in the devil's way, and they will repent and go to the sky from then on!

Dao can be very Dao, and there is Dao in the way of magic!

The mountain and the ghost costume shot up to the fifth heaven all the way from the seven-dimensional space station of the devil world, and crossed the cloud mountain to drive out the sea of ​​fog.
Mountains whistling, tsunami, mountains, wild beasts, ghosts and ghosts are green, and ghosts want to laugh wildly if they refuse to accept it.

The two people were evenly matched, and when they happened to kill each other, two Taoists, one green and one white, came out of the Zijin Luan Hall of the Fifth Heaven, smiling.

The Taoist in Tsing Yi held a circle of heaven and earth in his hand and looked at it freely and carefully. A purple gold gourd dangled in the wind around his waist. The sky eyes between his brows and eyes seemed to be still asleep, and the whole person seemed very happy. The ground is very elegant, leisurely and elegant.

The white-clothed Taoist has eyes half-opened and half-closed, and a bronze sword with a dragon head and a handle of the sea god on his waist is eager to come out, as if he can't hold it anymore, he is very majestic, and his majesty and majesty are natural in every frown and smile.

Seeing the ghost costume, he couldn't help laughing and said: "It's better to come early than to come here! Venerable White Dragon, help me quickly! Take this monster in front of you, and your brother will have a mount in the future! Hahahaha .”

"White-clothed Daoist, so you are Bailong Tianzun, and the one next to you doesn't need to guess, I should know, you are Master Qinglong!" Dashan Warcraft also laughed and said.

"Dashan! You call me uncle! The ghost costume is Mr. Guo's old servant, and we can be considered old acquaintances! Second brother, this is not easy to handle! One side is our own, and the other is Old acquaintance, it's not good to help anyone, it's not suitable!... What do you think?" The Taoist in green looked at the Taoist in white, and couldn't help but secretly laughed.

The Taoist in Tsing Yi turned out to be Qing Long, and the two brothers happened to come out of the Zijin Luan Temple where five parties and five elders killed a game of chess, and they were about to return to Haitian Miaoyin Wonderland!Then I met the monster Dashan and the ghost costume and hit the ground all the way to the gate of Wuchong Tiangong!

"Then be a peacemaker! What do you think of this?" Bai Long asked Qing Long with a smile.

"If possible, this would be better!" Qinglong coughed dryly twice, put away the five elements and eight trigrams mirror in his hand, and said lightly.

"Then... we brothers are one for each of us, let them lie down first, then you can choose first." Bai Long looked at Qing Long, and immediately said loudly as if he couldn't bear it any longer.

"Uh!... Uncle Qinglong, Uncle Bailong, don't tell me! I won't fight anymore, you two uncles, you can just use one person in the ghost suit." Dashan Warcraft's brain was active, and he had already pushed towards the ghost suit while speaking. A huge mountain of clouds, then hastily pulled out and said hello to Qinglong and Bailong.

"How can I be a ghost? How dare I go against Qinglong and Bailong? Dashan, you kid is too unkind! How can you tell me to stop when you push such a big mountain? You fucking Did I dig a hole?" The ghost suit backed up again and again, roaring at Dashan angrily.

"Yeah! So, you two kids don't want to beat anymore? Little ghost suit, are you sure you don't want to beat anymore?" Bai Long opened a cloud fan with a bang, and fanned gently Facing the wind, he smiled and asked about Dashan and ghost clothes.

"No more fights! No more fights if you kill me." Warcraft Dashan and Ghost Fu promised Qinglong and Bailong in unison.

"Okay then! Let's all go back! The new leader of the Demon Realm, Xiao Shuimo, was decided by God after discussing with our elders, together with the Sanqing High God and the gods, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in Lingxiao Palace. If you To be an enemy to him is to be an enemy to the heaven, man, earth, and the world inside and outside the entire Three Realms, and we have to think about it carefully." Bailong said with a smile to the monster mountain and the ghost clothes lightly.

"No matter how many promises Wutian has made to you, and how big a pie you have painted, those things are impossible to realize in this world. For this, you still need to have some ideas in your heart. Otherwise, you will die when the time comes. It would be embarrassing if you don’t even know how you died! Moreover, such a child’s play is not very advisable.” Qinglong also smiled and comforted the ghost costume.

"The two gods, it's not that the ghost clothes must deliberately work with Wutian! Brother Shuimo told us: Tianzun intends to use Wutian to train a group of little immortals, and he also said that if he can train all these little immortals into We will all be rewarded if we have made steel! Even if we die from refining, Tianzun will reward us according to his discretion!..." Guifu explained loudly to Qinglong and Bailong while avoiding Yunshan who was pushed by the mountain. Get up and say.

"Ink painting...? You are now making an enemy of him. You said he taught you to put the right...? Are you out of your mind or did I hear wrong?..." Da Shan couldn't help laughing and said.

"Um! That ink ink is the leader of the little fairy we want to cultivate! Brother ink ink said that he is now the number one military advisor of the leader of Wutian sect! If you don't believe me, you can ask him yourself." Gui Fu said confidently.

Qinglong laughed hehehe, looked at Bailong noncommittally, and fiddled with his five elements and eight trigrams mirror without saying a word.

Bailong waved his hand lightly, and lightly sent the cloud mountain that had been crushing the ghost suit back to the sea of ​​clouds, and glared at the ghost suit in displeasure.

Guifu had never seen Bailong's eyes that could kill gods and demons in his life, his heart skipped a beat, and he was covered in cold sweat, as if he had just been drenched by a downpour.

"Put it up and put it away! Isn't it just winning a rare item from Emperor Cang? Why don't you keep showing it off? Shui Moxuan cooperates with Wutian, I'm afraid the old apprentice will suffer. You still play, When the time comes when the old man and Tianzun come down for questioning, you won’t be able to escape, let me tell you! Stop playing, go down and find out what happened. Walk around.” Bailong pulled Qinglong and was about to break into the seven-dimensional space station of the demon world!
"Don't go! Second brother, where are the old Wu and the sword god down there? Your crooked traitor disciple won't be able to make a fuss. It's better to let the old son-in-law teach him how to behave If we go, what will you do when we meet? Do you still have to go down and kill him...? He is your favorite student? Hahahaha, although he first worshiped Wutian as his teacher, But you also accepted him later! Don’t go, I advise you not to embarrass yourself.” Qinglong laughed and persuaded Bailong.

"That's true, you can't kill your own apprentice! Then we might as well go back to Haitian Miaoyin Wonderland to see our ancestors. You mean that too, right?" Bailong looked at Qinglong and said helplessly.

"Ghost costume, let me save some face for Mr. Guo. Together with Dashan, go and help the golden boy and jade girl to rule the devil world! Stop talking nonsense with the little ghost and Shui Moxuan, those two are Wutian lackeys, don't be fooled by them You have been fooled by the rhetoric, and you have become enemies of the whole world. The consequences are disastrous, you have to understand. Who is the old man? My son-in-law! My son-in-law! Who is the ink painting? My son-in-law’s future son-in-law! In the lower realm, together with Xiaoxian and classmates, help the golden boy and jade girl to rule the world! Don’t be confused." Qinglong explained a lot of truths to the ghost suit with good words, and then pulled the reluctant Bailong and drove the cloud back Haitian Miaoyin Wonderland has gone.

"Ah... haven't I been cheated?" Seeing the back of Qinglong and Bailong going away, Gui Fu trembled with fear, and hesitantly muttered to himself.

"You were either cheated or cheated. Haha mirror, don't talk about you, Wutian Boxun is played by him in his hands, you are a ball!" Dashan saw that Bailong had taken away his Yunshan , feeling angry, he picked up the ghost suit and said.

"Hey...! Let's not talk about it, get up wherever you fall. Brother Dashan, if you still want to fight, the ghost suit can accompany you to the end. But...!" The ghost suit said with a blushing face.

"Hit your sister! My cloud and mist mask was taken away by Master Bailong. It was all caused by you, old boy. Still beating? He hesitated, but what? Come on." Da Shan scolded the ghost angrily. The service came.

"...Ah! Since the two gods asked me to help the little golden boy and little jade girl, I must find a proper reason to convince myself! Otherwise,...hey, how can I say this?" The ghost costume was very tangled. Said in a difficult way.

"Persuasion? Hurry up, go down together, admit your mistake to our ink master, and tell him what you just said to my uncles, and he will forgive you." Da Shan said, dejected The land will fly back in the clouds on its own.

"Wait for me! Dashan." Guifu said helplessly, and then he also drove up the cloud and followed Dashan.

. . . . . .

"Eh! Ink, Dashan and Ghost Clothes won't go to Lingxiao Palace, will they? Do you want..." Yuyan whispered to Ink cautiously.

"Ah! No wonder our fairy eyes can't see the two of them anymore! It turns out that they hit our house! There are indeed two brushes in this ghost costume." Bei Guofeng and Tu Xing Qingyun couldn't help shouting cried out.

"They're not that powerful yet! It's up to the fifth heaven, and it's terrible to hit the gates of the five elders' courtyards. Everyone, don't be careful!" Shui Mo laughed, and he said to Yu Yan and the others indifferently.

In visibility!

Shimoshan, Jitou and Xiaopiqiu, master and servant, come and go, and they are also in the middle of killing.

Because ink and wash is supported by the Mountain God Group, Dao Qi soars, and one thought is eternal.

The original filthy smog-like black clouds at the seven-dimensional space station in the Demon Realm gradually became as clear and transparent as a mountain spring, just like the Yellow River meets the ice and snow sky.

The darkness disappeared, and even the gunpowder smoke permeating the depths of the ruined walls disappeared, and a piece of Xinmotian with fresh and refreshing air was restored.

"Ahem! It seems that the ink painting has been integrated with the seven-dimensional space station, and there is no need for the old men to help here! Shi Gandang, we can go back to the Shura world or the game world first!" Asura The emperor kept stroking his silver beard, and said with a slight smile to Shi Gandang.

"Then let's go! Master Uncle." Shi Gandang bid farewell to Shui Mo and the others, waved with Pai Yao, supported the old Martial God Shura, and in a flash he had already floated hundreds of meters away from the seven-dimensional space station in the Demon Realm.

The thorn head and the small ball surrounded Shimoshan's gods and fought at the foot of the cloud in the two layers of heaven. One threw the black cloud balls of magic thoughts at Shimoshan one by one, and the other used all his strength to turn the magic thoughts into black. The cloud-killing arrow shot at Shimo Mountain without hesitation...

"Brother Shi Moshan, be careful! There is mandala magic cloud poison in the black cloud ball! There is also corpse poison in the ghost killing arrow. Don't be hit or shot by them, or you will be in big trouble. "Pixiu has seen these five poisonous black cloud hidden weapons in the Asura world, and knows their power, so he reminded Shimoshan and shouted loudly.

"Thank you, brother." As Shi Moshan said, Youhu retreated a hundred battles away, and turned into a gigantic diamond-encrusted mill, spinning rapidly.

The air was entangled in it, and along with Shimo Mountain, it also spun rapidly, forming a very huge top-like black hole, which spun into a stationary tiankeng in the sky.

As he spun rapidly, from time to time, waves of small stone mills like rice grains would be shot out, all of which were spinning as fast as a top.

Once the small black balloons of Stone Mill and Poison Cloud encountered each other, they burst and disappeared, disappearing without a trace.

The cloud and arrow sounded jittery, but they just shot into the small stone mill, and then suddenly disappeared from the sky, wandering in a daze for a while, and then disappeared without a trace.

The thorn head and the small ball were affected by the crazy rotation of Shimo Mountain like a tornado, and suddenly the ground became heavy and light, and the lonely soul who was involved in it followed Shimo Mountain and spun quickly.

"Surrender, so that you two will not die." Shimoshankou spit out lotus flowers, and with compassion, he persuaded the prickly head and the little ball with kind words.

"That's a beautiful idea! My master's trump card hasn't been released yet... Surrender? You think too much." The little ball began to swell wildly as it spun around with the wind.

"Small sample! You two have no chance to come back, why don't you say it as fast as I say?...Distorting mirror!" Shi Moshan sighed softly, shaking his body quickly.

The little ball couldn't bear the ups and downs in Shimoshan's high-speed rotation, and was dizzy and inattentive. Yuntou slipped and fell into the huge dripping hole of Shimoshan.

When the stab head saw it, he put away the magical arrow, and rushed over immediately, with a plop, as if he fell into a big pond, splashing countless scattered clouds of immortal energy.

With his arms stretched out, he wanted to drag the little ball out of the vortex in the sky driven by Shimo Mountain!
...However, after a jolt, the little ball fell into the vortex of fairy energy that was spinning around.

. . . . . .

"Ah...! (><)... Is this going to change the sky?" Xun Youxuntian, father and son, were at the forefront of the demon army. As if it had been washed clean, the ground suddenly became brighter, and the father and son exclaimed softly at the same time.

"There is a giant evil reborn! Xuntian, if you encounter an enemy in a while, if you can't beat it, run away! This time, the devil spirits in the demon world are about to suffer, and if you are not careful, you will be pierced by the light of the great god of Qingtian immortal energy. The soul is gone! The goddamn thing is really going to change. Remember, if you can't fight for a while, run away immediately! Go back to Fushi Mountain or Miluo Mountain." Xun You, the old thief, ghostly, He whispered to Xuntian and said.

"I see, old man. You and my mother are the same. Don't hold on. If it doesn't work, we will retreat. It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge. If it doesn't work this time, let's go back and practice well, and it won't be too late to make a comeback." Xun Tian also In a low voice, he gave instructions to the old thief Xun You.

 God rewards hard work, work hard to code words.

  Thanks to the prehistoric girl and Songlin Qingyuan for their company all the way, and for their full support!

  Thanks for reading, and thanks to my editor, Teacher Banxian!

  Thank you readers for your silent attention and support. Your reading is the driving force behind the writing of Tea Buddha Life!

  There are still a lot of things to thank, so I won’t say much, hard work is the kingly way!

(End of this chapter)

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