
Chapter 403, Mister returns.

Chapter 403, Mr. Returns ([-]).

The great way of heaven and earth, if you don't fight, you're done, and if you fight, no one will survive!

I secretly groaned in my heart.

Yes, no matter who he is, he can't make Qiuyue jealous, otherwise the catastrophe of Hongchen Inn will last for thousands of years and there will be no people left! ! !
Perhaps, this is because our Haitian Miaoyin Wonderland is closer to human beings!

My heart actually started to ache.

I can be merciless in the face of how awesome monsters and ghosts, but I still can't deal with the human race.

Even though they often make the outer lake of our Haitian Miaoyin Wonderland turbid, filthy garbage is floating everywhere, and occasionally they will leak some holy light, and no fish survived...! ! ! !

Opening up my divine sense and fairy eyes, I sneakily sent a wave of heart-warming words to the mortal world under the moon in Jinling, which slightly eased the cold moon order of Qiuyue.

Qiuyue and the dummy emperor fought vigorously, and wave after wave of Lingxiao flowers rained down on the dummy emperor, as if the super soul power and immortal energy didn't cost money, it was very luxurious and beautiful!

Although, only the little fairies in Lengyue Palace can bear such beauty!

The waves of air rushing along the face, like a burst of cold, made me sneezed loudly!

"Ah Choo!..." My hands and feet were cold, I felt short of breath, and felt a little weak.

"I'll go! You won't use your little sun to warm up the fire?" Qiuyue released another wave of Lengyue Order, turned around and said to me with a smile.

This little girl has never fought a demon at the level of a celestial being, she is very excited!

"Ahem! I'm afraid that it will affect the power of your Lengyue Order." I said honestly.

"Then you released a wave of the sun's light?" Qiuyue said with a smile like a flower, cheering me up.

"This is a drag! The Demon Realm Wutian sneaked into one of my magic holders under the moon in Jinling! It was transformed by a trace of wandering spirit from Xingtian's armor, not Xingtian's magical thoughts. Hehehehe, he wants to steal Xingtian again with this tall building. Armor, intending to save Xing Tian! Hahahaha." Tianyantong jumped out of my forehead and said to Qiuyue.

"Then our eldest lady went out in person, didn't she use a sledgehammer to kill chickens? Hahahaha." Hearing Tianyantong's words, I pretended to be relaxed and laughed.

"Why do you see it?" After a pause, I seriously asked about Tianyantong again, and said.

"My sir! Think about it, why did he sneak into Jinling Yue and come down when you and Sect Master Yue were in poor health? He also built such a big magic sky building, and it was a building with magic stones added. The big soul power of the devil is invisible to the magic sky building. Then you combine all the abnormal behaviors of Wutian at the foot of Wulong Mountain. Aren't they trying to confuse everyone and make the big guy think that he is obsessed with the stunning beauty of the Rakshasa girl and has forgotten about attacking the sky and saving the world? Is it the mission of the Lord?...Think about it carefully, the mandrill pot cover mountain foothills were harmed by them so that not a single blade of grass could grow, God didn’t move, is there any conspiracy that is not known to the gods?" Tianyan Tong said angrily. I said it.

"Ha ha mirror! I almost believed what the little man said! Hahahaha, but you are guessing after all, who can guarantee that my imperial palace is not a masterpiece created by the joint efforts of gods and earth? Hahahaha..." False While struggling to deal with Qiuyue's Lengyue Ling with the super strong extreme yang magic fire and magic thoughts of Xingtian armor, he laughed loudly and said.

"If Wutian came to Jinling Yuexia Ancient City at this moment, then... this must be his masterpiece! We can make the movement a little bigger and let him know that Qiuyue and I have begun to recover Jinling City." I said. He laughed and said with Tianyantong.

"You... are you too damn vicious? You want to coax all the devils and grandchildren of us from the devil world to come here, so that you can catch them all in one go, don't you? You, you, you... You are too ruthless, aren't you?" The fake Xingtian armor was crying, and while it kept attacking Qiuyue, it yelled loudly, saying.

"Diyantong, you escape from the ground and see what Wutian and the others are doing at the moment? By the way, try to create some public opinion in Wulong Mountain that Jinlingyue has been recovered by me and the eldest lady, and see his reaction. "I ordered Ji Yantong to come.

Qiuyue and the fake Xingtian armor are fighting in full swing, and they can't care about other things anymore! ! !

They fought faster and faster, and they tore down the huge room in the Motian Building to pieces.

The dining table and the walls were frozen and then melted quickly by their mutual yin and yang aura, and they had turned into a magma-like beige liquid, flowing all over the place...!
"Sir! Then I'll go." Di Yantong agreed to me, and quickly fled to the southwest.

"Tianyantong, fly to the sky and take a good look at what is abnormal at the foot of Wulong Mountain. If Wutian leads the magic army to kill, report immediately." Then I quickly issued an order to Tianyantong. .

"Okay, sir." Tianyantong took a look at my serious face, without saying a word, Youhu flew up to the towering roof of Motian Building.

"Where are we? Sir, what should we do?" Shunfenger and Qianliyan asked me in a low voice, and said.

"You two, now search for the mortals in this building and take them all to Jiangbei. I guess this building won't last long. Hurry up!" I said to Shunfenger and Clairvoyance.

"Hahahaha! Old man, you can arrange it! However, even if you rescued these soul worms, it would be useless. Why? Because they no longer have consciousness and thinking, and will only follow the route we designed It’s time to act! Hahahaha.” The fake Xingtian Armor laughed and said.

"This...!" Shunfenger and Qianliyan looked at me, reluctantly made a very idiotic gesture, and asked me.

"I don't care about him, I have my own way! You just take them out." I quickly said to the two of them.

"Small sample! Grandpa will take you two in for a while, so it's not too late to deal with them." Said the fake Xingtian armor, and instantly increased the attack's soul power and heat wave, and circles of steaming heat, burning Lengyue Ling Qinglu Binghuan kept rushing towards Qiuyue, and the beeping sound kept ringing in my ears!
I know that the scarce invisible material of this building is about to crumble under the scalding of the high temperature of tens of thousands of degrees and the low temperature of tens of thousands of degrees below zero!
Not a single stone fell, and not a single bit of wall ash fell to the ground. The walls of this building gradually melted and disappeared, revealing black and huge pillars of black clouds covered with black clouds. It was condensed together by a kind of tornado windmill constantly rotating at high speed, forming so many thick and strong black whirlwind pillars! . . . . .

"Fuck...this is too fucking powerful!" I couldn't help cursing and said.

(End of this chapter)

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