
Chapter 404, Mister returns.

Chapter 404, Mr. Returns ([-]).

At the foot of Wulong Mountain, Wutian and Rakshasa are still lying on the big black stone slab, enjoying the magic hot spring bubble bath.

The Guogai Mountain at the foot of Wulong Mountain was completely turned over by Wutian and turned into a real big iron pot.

A large pot of flesh and blood of humans, animals and beasts was steaming inside the pot, and white foam was bubbling out.

Tianyan couldn't see the filthy aura with his eyes, so he couldn't help but blinked, and a tear flowed down his face.

It is said that good people will be rewarded, and evil people will be punished by evil people.

This statement is not false at all, Tianyantong has not shed tears for tens of thousands of years!
This time I saw a big cauldron for humans, animals, and beasts, and it was still a nine-mature big cauldron cooking a pot of blood food. Several little devils in the ground kept going to the big fire pond under the pot cover mountain that was turned upside down and turned into a big iron pot. , kept sending fire to burn the mountain boiler.

Tianyantong couldn't bear to see that it didn't matter, the moment he shed tears, a miracle happened.

Tears of Heaven streaked across the evil spirits of the evil ways, passed through layers of smoke and dust, and finally landed on the naked bodies of Wutian and Rakshasa.

Tianyantong was frightened to death.

Any one of these two can kill him in seconds.

Maybe, people will take out his pair of transparent water-like divine eyes for self-use, or stew them with wine!
Tianyantong knew that within a minute, he would die without a place to bury him!

Simply, let's go down and find out.

It's a death anyway, I'd rather die in battle than wait helplessly for others to die for me...!
In the red-black mist, next to the big iron pot that can cook millions of giant beasts, on the blood-colored gelatinous water of the Red Sea, there are more than 5000 little blood men wearing red viscous liquid cross-legged, They were all very quiet as if they were old monks who had settled down.

Tianyantong looked at the bodies of Wutian and Rakshasa who were lying on the big stone slab stretched all over the place, and couldn't bear to look directly at them.

But for the sake of the real heaven, for the sake of all the gods and Buddhas, Tianyantong still relied on his courage, and flew straight to the stone where they were lying with his eyes closed.

"Wutian old thief, Rakshasa girl, you two shameless things, get up for me! Put on your clothes, hurry up! Nima, I can't bear to look directly at you. Do you still want to show some shame????" Tianyantong roared loudly and said.

However, nothing else responded to him except the desolation of silence and the bubbling sound of corpses tumbling in a large iron cauldron!
"Did you hear that? Rakshasa girl, you shameless bitch, get up and put on clothes for me, I want to challenge you. Hurry up, Gou Ridi, you are so bold, it's no wonder that you are born in just a few decades!" There are so many dolls! Hurry up! Why don’t I throw you into the pot!” Tianyantong yelled loudly, not daring to open his eyes at all.

His divine consciousness and spiritual energy created a barrier of immortal energy and soul power for himself to protect himself, in case Rakshasa Nu Wutian suddenly attacked and killed him instantly with one move!

Not to mention that Tianyantong was standing on the side of the big rock where Rakshasa and Wutian were lying, cursing Wutian and Rakshasa, but he didn't dare to open his eyes.

Yes, it is unbearable to look at it from a distance!What's more, it's right in front of them now...!
It is only said that the Eye of the Earth came all the way from Jinling Moonlight to the foothills of Wulong Mountain in the southwest. Along the way, the granite rocks continued, and the Eye of the Earth went around and around. After a lot of effort, it was out of the ghost gate , walking carefully and slowly down the pot cover mountain.

Poets all said that there is a gate of ghosts at the foot of Wulong Mountain, and the gates are guarded by yakshas and ghost fires. The gate of ghosts is closed, the gate of ghosts is open carelessly, it seems that there are no ghosts living here, the gate of ghosts is closed, scabies mites are crawling everywhere, and the door frame is covered with green spider webs, it looks so desolate and deserted!
"The land of ghosts was originally a deserted place, so there shouldn't be any major problems, right?"

Diyantong was on his way, hesitantly asking and answering questions, and muttering in a low voice.

However, the closer you get to the foot of Guogai Mountain, the more you feel something is wrong. This is where Wutian and the Rakshasa Demon Army are located!

how is this possible……?How could it be impossible to see even a demon?Not even a little monster!
The scariest thing is that there is no magic energy or barrier at all, which is impossible!
……? ? ? ? ?
The more I walked, the more I felt something was wrong, and the more I walked, the more uncertain I became.

He looked around carefully, coming all the way from the ghost gate, it seemed that there were claw marks left by monsters passing by in the rock cracks in the soil, and there were some rotten sludge on the ground...!
No, I have to hurry to Guogai Mountain on the Red Coast, maybe I can find some clues there.

Thinking of this, Diyantong accelerated his forward speed, and arrived at the foot of Guogai Mountain in a short time. From a distance, he heard Tianyantong swearing on it, one bowl on the left at eight o'clock, the other bowl at eight o'clock, The scolding is very exciting!

Diyantong couldn't help laughing secretly, and yelled at the ground: "You idiot, Wutian and Rakshasa have all run away with the devil sons and grandchildren! What are you still scolding up there?" ? Find them quickly."

"Wutian old thief, do you think you can fool me by turning into my brother's voice? Hurry up and get dressed for me! Otherwise, I'll throw you two shameless things into the cauldron now and cook it!" You guys. Hurry up! Don’t be so fucking jerk! If you have the ability, get dressed and fight your grandpa for [-] rounds. Hurry up, you two shameless bastards.” Tianyantong took Diyantong as a Wutian tested himself, but he still didn't dare to open his eyes to see, just kept cursing, almost made Wutian and Rakshasa girl kneel down!

"Hey...! You idiot. Smell it, besides the smell of human flesh, beast meat, and even the rotten meat of ghosts and ghosts, where is there a little bit of demonic aura of ghosts and ghosts? You are still here scolding mother, Are you out of your mind?" When Diyantong rushed to the foot of Guogai Mountain, he found the location where Tianyantong was, and immediately popped up, scolding Tianyantong loudly.

"Ah! This fairy energy breath is really my brother! Brother, Wutian and Rakshasa, these two goddamn stinky bitches, are lying naked on the big rock in front! Don't look, I can't see it, I can't see it, it will destroy the immortal magic and soul power to illuminate the door!" Tianyantong still didn't dare to open his eyes, and said loudly to Earthyantong.

After hearing Tianyantong's words, Diyantong immediately closed all the eyes of the gods and the eyes of hell, and opened a pair of naked eyes, only to see the scene in front of him, just like a beautiful water lily, on a black lotus stone, there are two stunning beauties lying naked, a man one girl.

"Hmm! That's right. The male is Wutian, and the female is a Rakshasa girl. It's just that they... they are dead, right? Why is there no movement at all? Moreover, there is still a little soul power and magic thoughts There is no breath of the flower!????" Di Yantong muttered and said.

To the naked eye, the Rakshasa girl is indeed as beautiful as a fairy, but this naked body is too big, so big that the naked eye will not believe that it is a human being, it is just a huge body art sculpture.

"Ahem! Diyantong, are you brave? How dare you look at them so closely?" Tianyantong asked Diyantong in a puzzled way, and said.

"Hey! I said brother, what's the point of this? I have my own way." Earth Eye Tong didn't care about the nonsense of Tian Eye Tong, and went up to touch the flesh of Rakshasa and Wutian.

This touch made him so frightened that he almost fell off the boulder!
(End of this chapter)

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