
Chapter 418, Weird Events.

Chapter 418, Strange Event ([-]).

"Don't open your fairy eyes! Don't look at them, hurry on your way." Seeing the monsters running wildly in the dark world outside our fairy barrier, Qiuyue reminded everyone in a low voice.

"Brother Beiguo, are you saying that the locust corpses chased them over? Is this true? Didn't they all get blown to death by your gust of Northern God's wind? Why are you still chasing them over? It's so strange. " Yuyan asked curiously about Beiguofeng.

"It's too late! They saw the North Country Wind." Heilong cried out.

"Hey...!" Yang Jianan looked at Bei Guofeng, sighed, and ran towards us quickly.

"Sir! These grasshoppers are black, and they seem to be piercing through your fairy barrier! What should I do?" The Muyun Beast also cried out, softly.

"I've said it all, don't look at them, don't look at them, you just don't listen, it's good now! Go directly into the world of monsters running wild, it will waste your energy. Cough cough... I'm really mad at me." Qiuyue was not in a good mood He talked to Muyun Beast and the others.

"Miaomiao, you take Muyun Beast and Yang Canaan to break the queen. Buddha and Daozi, you two losers protect Yuyan and ink. Poetic and picturesque, you two losers protect Mr. Black Dragon and Holy Spirit, and me and us Open the way ahead and get out of this dark forest. Old man, pay attention to find the specific location of the flower of magic thoughts left by Xingtian, and immediately pack it and fly over if you find it.... If it doesn’t work, just open your end The light of the spirit. The rest of the little fairies, Xiao Xiantong, are guarding the four gates and are responsible for vigilance. The golden boy, jade girl and Mr. Zhentian can’t reveal their secrets in front of these low-level monsters! But it will affect our chances of success in saving Zhentian people."

Seeing that my fairy energy barrier was about to be broken through by an unknown monster, Qiuyue couldn't help but yelled loudly.

"My generation really has swords, guns, swords and halberds out of the body, and Yun Lai Yun goes to the rest of his life to kill these little guys! I call one, two, three, and everyone will do it together. Hahahaha!" The black dragon can't smell the breath of war, As soon as he smelled the smoke of war, he couldn't calm down anymore!

"Hey!... Black Dragon, take care of the devil in front of the road first, and don't worry about the monsters running wild in other directions! Remember, don't be red-eyed, and start messing around again." The Holy Spirit said, pulling him out. With the Jiutian Mingyue Saber, the wind and thunder billowed and took the lead to kill to the front.

Seeing the black dragon, he also killed it without hesitation.

Qiuyue glanced at me, and told me again and again: "Be careful with the little girl, don't let her mess around."

After speaking, he waved the Jiutian Mingyue Dao in his hand, and slashed towards the long road ahead in a chilly manner.

"Muyun, where are your Muyun magic whips? Send them a wave of dark clouds in winter, and finish them off right away! Let's not compete with them one by one! Otherwise, this trip will be blocked here. A little bit It's not worth it." I turned my head and said to Muyun Beast.

"Okay, sir. The rest of you, follow the sir and the others. I'll take Canaan and finish the painting." The Muyun Beast said, and a whip of the Muyun God piercing through the sky rattled like a sky. Spread out.

"Canaan, Huayi, protect me!" Muyun Beast coldly glanced at the black monsters and monsters of different sizes in all directions, and whispered to Canaan and Huayi without looking back.

"Understood, sister Muyun."

"Okay, Miss Muyun."

Canaan and Huayi agreed, Hulala pulled out their respective fairy cloud swords, opened their postures, and followed the Muyun beast from left to right, standing firmly beside Muyun, watching the front and back intently Ant-like monsters on the left and right.

"Black clouds are densely covered, cloud worms devour demons, heavy rain and hail knocks on the demon's door, and the Taishang Dao ancestor is in a hurry like a law!" Muyun Beast recited the magic spell and immortal words loudly, and said.

"Ah!... Which is the disciple of the Sun Shepherd, the shepherd cloud beast that herds sheep in the heaven. Brothers, if you catch her, the big fish that slipped through the net can be enjoyed by us! The leaders have said that whoever takes her Let him go, in the future, when the infinite magic way of heaven and earth passes through the three realms, we will send him into the world of mortals to become a king! Hahahaha, everyone will work together to smash this barrier of innocence for me before the army of cloud worms arrives. It's a success! Brothers, for the throne of the Emperor, go!" In the darkness, a tiger-wolf voice screamed loudly.

"Hey hey hey! The army of cloud worms has arrived. Brothers and sisters, hurry up and catch up with the gentlemen and them." Muyun Beast put away the magic whip, and flew towards us with Canaan and painting.

"Go! Go. The blue light in front is the exit! Everyone follow." Qiuyue took the Holy Spirit's hand, and shot it out like two blazing blue transparent lights.

"Old man, follow up quickly." Heilong said, also turned into a divine light, and shot out with a loud sound.

I held ink and ink in one hand and rain smoke in the other, and flew out in an instant at the speed of lightning and flint.

Immediately afterwards, Muyun and the others also followed.

The blue, transparent and radiant place turned out to be a dilapidated palace. Although the palace is not very big, it is a bit like the Lingxiao Palace of the Nine Heavens!Although it is dilapidated, the majestic momentum is still there, but the sky flag and the lintel carved with dragons and phoenixes are missing.

In front of the gate of the palace, it can be seen that there is also a lake, but the water inside is a little cloudy, and it is also pitifully rare.

"Look! Take a closer look. The water in this lake is so muddy, someone must have washed things here just now." Heilong stood by the edge of the lake, looked at the water that was about to bottom out, and kept nodding his head. The head spoke to us.

"Eh! Sister Yue, old man, look quickly. Hei San is right, there are still a few big foot prints here." After hearing Hei Long's words, Yu Yan also rushed over immediately. He cried out in shock.

"Hmm! Someone washed things here just now." Qiuyue looked carefully at the big wet footprints on the ground, nodded and said softly.

"Look carefully, these are not human footprints, but trilobites!" Suan Ni laughed and said.

"Nonsense, is there such a big trilobite? And, do trilobites have legs? You really know how to talk nonsense. Don't you know that trilobites have become fossils hundreds of millions of years ago? Really, I don't bother to talk to you." Qilin gave Suan Ni a contemptuous look, and said with a cold snort.

"It's really a trilobite. When Xing Tian turned into a soul demon, he used its skin to make a pair of armor, and used it as a barrier to fight against the Dao ancestor Yuan Tianzun for many years! Later, it was Miss Yuyan and her grandfather who found it. I found out its weakness and picked it off from Xingtian, and Xingtian was finally taken down by our gods! Qilin, you forgot, this guy even went to our desert boat to steal blood fish! !” Suan Ni explained to Qilin with certainty.

"Ah...? If it is really it, we must all be worried. This fellow is invulnerable, and his soul power and magic thoughts are like Optimus Prime. It is difficult to deal with it by sweeping a large area!" Qilin carefully looked at the ground as large as an adult. Strange footprints, a touch of hesitation flashed across his eyes, and he whispered to us a little bit disappointed.

(End of this chapter)

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