
Chapter 419, Weird Events.

Chapter 419, Weird Events ([-]).

"Hahahaha! It's rare that heaven and man still remember my third master. Not bad, not bad! It's the demon king Qilin who played a chess game in the Three Realms, right?" A strange, dark and terrifying voice came from a distant blue The flaming mountaintop came over, and said very harshly.

"Really? I said it was him, right? Qilin, he stole our blood fish at that time, and this will give him some color. He almost broke your mess last time, but it's a pity to let him He escaped. This time, use your endgame to trap him to death. I will help you protect the law." Suan Ni smoked from his nostrils, and started to puff up clouds, and said to Qilin with a smile.

"Then... you are not allowed to escape this time! You don't need to protect the law, you go around behind him, block him, and don't let him run to the floating corpse mountain again." Qilin glanced at Suanni, and said to him cautiously .

"Don't worry, I won't run away this time! Mister is here, who dares? Do you want to hang out in the heavens in the future?" Suanni promised Qilin.

As soon as he opened his mouth, the smoke cracked even more, with a hint of incredible flavor like chili.

"Cough cough...cough! Dead Suanni, get the hell out of here! I'm choking to death." Shui Mo jumped off Suanni and cursed.

Seeing Yuyan and the other little girls, they couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Go! Qilin. Cough cough, don't embarrass your little master! You have to say the big words, you must do it.... Eh! Cough cough cough! This dead Suanni...cough cough! Hurry up Get the hell out! Cough cough... Cough! You are crazy, you have to look at the target when you zoom in! You are choking to death." Yuyan jumped off Qilin, and also scolded Suanni.

"I'll go there now, I'll go there now. Sanye old monster, don't run away this time if you have the guts." Suan Ni said, and flew out with smoke all over her body.

We were all buried in the pungent smoke by his excited smoke, and no one dared to speak easily.

Far away, in that dark forest, in a world where you can't see your fingers, the army of cloud worms and the army of grasshoppers just collided fiercely, and the sound of thunder after another rumbled one after another. Passed it to us.

"I'll go! Sister Muyun, will your cloud worms lose to the army of grasshoppers? Don't let us be flanked by demons back and forth, it will be embarrassing!" Yang Jianan held his hands Nose, said to Muyun Beast in a buzzing voice like an old lady.

"Don't worry! The cloud worms deal with the army of grasshoppers, and all the beasts and ants in the army of grasshoppers, even if they are immortal, they will have a layer of skin back! Hehehehe, if you want to chase us, maybe it will be almost the same in 100 years. "Mu Yun smiled and said very calmly.

"Everyone stop, don't talk! Take a look at the Xingtian Armor of Qilin Suanni." Qiuyue looked very curiously at Suanni and Qilin whose temperaments had changed drastically, and said to the big guy with a smile.

This Qiuyue has always suspected that there is something wrong with the mounts I chose for Yu Yan and Shui Mo. Now that they heard that they had fought against the Xing Tian Armor, they couldn't help but became interested. Turning his head, he watched Suanni and Qilin very curiously.

"Old! I finally know why you chose Qilin and Suanni as the mounts of the jade girl and golden boy! Hahahaha, the nemesis of Xingtian old thief! Hahahaha." Heilong didn't realize it until this moment, and he couldn't help laughing happily got up and said.

"One by one, don't be too happy! This is just a thought of Xingtian. Xingtian's armor has more than 3 scales! It is not surprising that he has been defeated. The three-leaf old monster is in ancient times. He is also a very good demon god! Qilin and Suanni complement each other well against him! Let's see how they fight. From now on, the battle between gods and demons will really begin." Qiuyue said coldly Said to us big guys.

"Old, what do you think?" After a pause, Qiuyue looked at me absent-mindedly and asked.

"Hmm! Yes, yes." I said without distraction.

"Hey! I don't care about you. Yu Yan, Shui Mo, look carefully, Qilin and Suan Ni know where the weakness of Xing Tian's armor is! Xing Tian armor like this has too much Xing Tian's evil thoughts. So, If you don't have enough clones, you won't be able to deal with Xing Tian!" Qiuyue turned her head and talked to Shui Mo and Yu Yan.

"Hey! Kilin, it's not that easy for you and Suan Ni to surround me. You two blind people don't even know me, the big brother of the trilobite, Yiye, so you have the nerve to run out to show off to your death! Hahahaha." On the opposite side, the guy who claimed to be Yiye talked to Qilin and Suan Ni in a very arrogant and domineering way.

"Hit him, and it's over. Suanni, Qilin, we support you two." The ten earth dragons of Tu Xingqingyun also became very excited, and said.

"me too."

"Me too."

"Very supportive of you."

Idols, Tianshi and other gods and beasts also applauded and cheered, said.

"Don't force me! Qilin, come here and die quickly. Suanni boy, grandpa will deal with you later." Yiye said, opened his mouth wide, and rushed towards Qilin in a green field. up.

"I really don't know how to live or die! Damn it, if Grandpa Qilin sets you and me on fire with divine fire, we will lose. The end game of Tianqi, siege the dead wood, and lure the devil into the game." Qilin shook his body and turned into a young boy facing the wind. , a feather fan and a scarf, looked at the One Leaf troll in front of him with a smile on his face, a chess endgame had already laid a big net over his head.

The three-leaf old monster has actually cultivated a terrifying magic spell. On a face that looks emerald green and flawless, vegetable green light shines brightly in the moonlight. He steps on a bluestone slab, but moves like flying. In the siege of Tianqi endgame, he came and went freely and leisurely, and the whole person seemed to be very comfortable....

"Qilin, you better be careful. These trilobites can skateboard! You can't be careless." Yu Yan looked at the strange and funny trilobite old monster in the sensual moonlight of the night, and exclaimed aloud, Quickly reminded that Qilin was coming.

"Little master, don't worry. He won't be scared for long by keeping the Qilin in custody."

Qilin agreed to Yuyan, waved his big hand, and flew out of several blue clouds in an instant, and went to the endgame of Tianqi lying above Trilobite's head.

After a while, the self-proclaimed Trilobite's hip-hop and show-off skills gradually solidified and became stiff, and his movements became much slower.

On the top of his head, there were a few chess pieces scattered, one left and one right naturally separated, rolling like wheels rumbling in the depths of the white clouds.

The black and white impermanence of Tianqi's endgame suddenly leaked out, covering his whole body in the bottom.

Old monster Sanye, it's really impossible not to accept the trick!

He seemed to be locked by the Qilin and Tianqi pieces, no matter how much he jumped, he couldn't escape from the envelop of the endgame of Tianqi.

"Your mother! Is there anyone who forces others to play chess with you? You can't do it if you don't play chess. Okay, okay, I will destroy these broken chess pieces of yours." The old monster Sanye howled angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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