
Chapter 434, The Rebirth of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth.

Chapter 434, The Rebirth of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth ([-]).

"Oh my God! Where are you? Why are there famines everywhere, landslides and landslides, and the devil is in power? You don't care about it? A beautiful big girl in my family just disappeared out of thin air for no reason! Ah! ... Woo ... wow ... wow ... roar ... Who is there two little devils in the sky and seven bodies? Woohoo ... "A woman's voice rang in my ear stand up.

In the turbid and filthy sky, an old woman sat on a dark platform at the highest point of the Linlin Shuramen Immortal Mountain, where the flowers of magic thoughts were blooming everywhere, and she couldn't stop crying .

It's strange to say that the old woman's cry can penetrate the depths of the magical realm. From such a strange leafless tree transformed into a strange leafless tree that is stationed at the gate of the demon world, the cry of the old woman can penetrate through her own body. From top to bottom, the layers of rock and black soil, which are close to several thousand meters, were transmitted to my ears very clearly.

When I was puzzled, the old woman cried again, crying and crying.

She cried miserably and said: "It is said that the gods rescue the suffering, but now that the gods are in trouble, who else can save us!? Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh Xingtian, if you rebel, you rebel! If you take the gods away, you take the sky too! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooyours Let it out, and harm the people of the world? Do you still have any sympathy? You have no conscience, a villain, a villain...!"

Suddenly, a subtle sense of sadness arose spontaneously in my heart, and a murderous aura erupted inexplicably from the bottom of my heart. This ghost fire of ignorance made me teary blue The color light instantly lit up the entire magic cave.

"Boss, you just made the arrangement, why do you want to change your mind all of a sudden? Don't be impulsive! Don't accidentally hurt that uncle and uncle, it will be terrible! You Obediently put away your evil thoughts and murderous intentions, and don’t mean nothing.” Qiuyue looked at Liangtangtangdu Magic Fantasy Cave, then at my gloomy face, and couldn’t help but worry about me. Whispered and whispered in my ear, he grabbed my sleeve and said coldly.

"Hahahaha! I didn't expect that as soon as I entered the base camp of the demon world, I would go crazy! This is the hope of the real world! I support you, sir. It would be better to give him the old Xingtian thief and his family! Hehehehe." The black dragon saw my true sky dragon soul with a pair of sky eyes and hot sky, which seemed to melt Linlin's magical fantasy cave at the entrance of the demon world, so he deliberately praised me loudly. road.

"Hei San, don't join in the fun! The old avatar is back, if this activates the soul of the Dragon Ball in the Real Heaven Realm, none of us will think about it! You don't even know the power of the Vast Sea Sky Eye and the Earth Blessing Immortal Eye. After opening all their energies, the Demon Realm will be destroyed. Do you think the Three Realms will be safe? That is the soul power of the Heavenly Realm that can only be activated against a powerful enemy of the Promise of the World, and it cannot be used casually!" Qiuyue died He grabbed my sleeve desperately, turned around and reprimanded the black dragon.

"Sect Master Yue, don't I also hope that God and the others can be rescued earlier! Besides, it's not like I haven't seen the old man with the eyes of the sky. At most, he seriously injured the old thief Xingtian. Didn't you say It's so terrifying!" Heilong didn't agree with what Qiuyue said, and told her the truth, and said to her as if he was aggrieved.

"I don't think what Heilong said is unreasonable. Anyway, we haven't seen Tianzun and them now. No matter how powerful the old immortal spirit power is, how can it be more powerful than Da Tianzun and the others! Hehehe, I also I don't think it's that serious!" The Holy Spirit smiled slightly and said.

"Brother Holy Spirit, you really haven't seen his duel with Andromeda and Pluto ranger, you won't experience that kind of horror! The little way of heaven and earth is the fairy pole of us Nine Heavens Immortals It’s all limited! Above 99 layers of heaven, the heavenless wonderland of rain, smoke and ink painting is just the most marginal part of a cake. The real world outside the sky is much farther and vaster than we imagined. He can’t use the interstellar fairy energy and soul power blessed in the Andromeda Wuxian Mountain, otherwise it will break the rules. Absolutely not allowed! Old, did you hear what I said?” Qiuyue said , grabbed my yin and yang ears, and yelled loudly at me, saying.

"Oh...! It almost caused a catastrophe." I spit out the strange air of Wuji in the extraterrestrial nebula, quietly put away the eyes of the sky and the eyes of the earth, and couldn't help but sighed aloud ,road.

"Ahem...! I heard that this kind of eyes has crossed all the limits of Yin and Yang's interaction, and can kill the sky with one glance! I don't know if it's true?" Linlin trembled all over, His eye sockets became moist and red, and he choked up in pain, said.

"Miss sister, your internal organs, internal organs, meridians, and eight meridians will all fester into muddy ash in a while! You still want to know?" Qiuyue looked at Linlin's increasingly livid face, and couldn't help but talk to her sadly. Speaking up, said.

"Hurry up and put it away! Master, we are now in sister Linlin's body! If your big sun really melts all these stones, soil, clods and fine iron, then sister Linlin will die, right?" ? No, Master." Shui Mo had never seen me so horrified, so he couldn't help but begged me timidly, and said.

"Old man, if that's the case, quickly close your eyes! Don't scare anyone. We're about to get out of the magic hole." Yu Yan looked at my illusory form and spirit, and begged me Here comes the Tao.

"Yeah!...Ah, I can't clean it up! Hey..." I promised them, and immediately tried my best to take away the light of Yuyu Qionglou from the world outside the world for more than half a day, but I still missed a little bit and didn't clean it up. Woolen cloth!
"Ah... the Celestial Orb has been bred in the body of Linlin Shura's ancestor! Big guy, hurry up and grab it! Hahahaha." The voices of a group of demon spirits came in from the world outside the cave.

Listening to this voice, we should not be far from where they are.

At most, there are millions of cloud miles!
"A group of lifeless things, that is the infinite and strange light that kills gods and demons. If you enter it now, you will definitely die! Come back to me quickly, come back...!" It was the voice of the female ghost in red.

"Hey hey hey! Everyone speed up, we are about to reach the front of the Xingtian Floating Corpse Mountain Devil's Cave! Hahahaha, it's the voice of the red-clothed female ghost!" the black dragon exclaimed excitedly.

"Look what made you anxious, you can't wait when you see the disciples and grandchildren of the Rakshasa girl, and all your petty anger explodes all at once! You are all in a hurry, don't go in front of your husband! Be careful of being caught The sight of Mr. Wang is sure to be either death or injury. Be honest with me, don't rush to catch up with the swarm to die. Don't be killed by your ignorance before you start playing for a while. , that would be really wronged." The Holy Spirit immediately grabbed the black dragon, and immediately called Pixiu and Miaomiao back.

"Ah...! Ah...! Ah..."

Several screams came and fell outside the cave, the flower master of the magic thought trembled, the mountain completely disappeared around us, and the cave had already disappeared.

A round of bright moon in the sky drives a few faint white clouds, dangling above our heads non-stop, like a blue transparent sky lantern.

A round of red sun appeared, and its face was full of pockmarks, like a big ball of fine iron that was burned red by a fire, hanging in the sky, heat waves poured out from its body one after another crazily down.

"Ah...!" Huamei and the first to bear the brunt of the soul power, who were not too high, hummed.

"What did I say? They are all passive. Transform into heavy metal particles, hurry up!"

With Qiuyue's order, all the people around me turned into quiet and natural celestial fine iron marble particles, which fell behind me densely.

"Linlin, why don't you come down quickly, are you dying?" Shui Moxuan yelled loudly in Shui Mo's body.

Linlin is the soul power magic fairy of the planet of the wood system, and her body has already started to gradually burn up.

Although she also hid behind me, unfortunately because of the different attributes of the five elements, she had already lost the opportunity to transform into heavy metal particles, and could only become a wisp of magical fantasy fairy energy, erratically behind me, In order to use my body to cover and avoid some of the sun's divine light!

The filthy atmosphere in the air gradually disappeared, and the pervasive clouds and mists also began to retreat. After a while, the sky and the earth became clear, the sun and the moon converged, and at the same time, the stars became dazzling.

"It's so dangerous!"

Heilong sighed with trepidation like walking on thin ice, and said.

"Did I say something? I told you not to be impulsive, don't be impulsive, you just don't believe it! Especially the old man, who...was you stimulated?" Qiuyue looked at her nine-day bright moon as white as paper in the sky, and then He complained about us very angrily, said.

The red-clothed female ghost and the group of little devils who had spoken in the air earlier had long since disappeared.

"Hahahaha! Those little ones, we don't need to do anything! They were completely burned by the Wuming fire! Hahahaha." Nianyazi laughed loudly and said happily.

"Are you still ashamed to say you? Who wanted to rush out to be buried with the Mo Lings just now? Next time, anyone who dares to rush out without waiting for Sister Yue and Teacher Sheng Sheng to speak will be imprisoned for a day and a year." Mu Yun The beast picked up Nian Yazi very angrily, and said.

"That's right, Sister Yuyan hasn't said a word yet! Everyone knows how to make noise." Yang Canan echoed Muyun Beast without hesitation.

"Stop talking, luckily everyone is fine! Qiuyue, hurry up and give Linlin some of your True Heavenly Ice, otherwise she will be burned to ashes by the Nine Sun Immortal Tiangang fire! Hurry up...!" I withdrew the last ray of leaked immortal consciousness and soul power, and cried out to Qiuyue as soon as my brain recovered its thinking ability.

"Now you know that you are in trouble? Do you know that you are begging me? Just now, I have shaken you! I will deal with you later." Qiuyue said, and gently sent his cold moon ice into Linlin. After a while, a black and thin ice beauty appeared in front of the big guy!

"Hahahaha! No wonder the little pervert Shui Moxuan has been talking nonsense with her for so long! It's really good, it's really beautiful. A full-fledged black beauty, very much like a beauty blank carved from a black meteorite. Seeing that most of the heat had disappeared, the black dragon immediately changed back, looked carefully at Linlin Yuanshen who was frozen by Qiuyue, and laughed loudly.

"Hey...it's a pity, everyone didn't know that Lao Wu already possessed the evil-like lethality of this extraterrestrial visitor, and his soul power has been cut off a lot!" Lao Wu couldn't help laughing, and sighed Said.

"Sister Yue, if you want me to say it, you! You can't let your husband take action casually anymore!" Muyun Beast complained to Qiuyue in shock.

"I know, I know! He usually doesn't shoot randomly! This time, I don't know if there is a problem with that meridian, and I'm so nervous. It may really be an accident! It's an accident, it's an accident." Qiuyue Yi He repeatedly apologized to the little fairies and little fairy boys, and said very sadly.

"Sovereign Yue, it's not that you're crazy, it's not that you're insane, it's because someone is crying in Linlin's hair and confused him!" Tianyantong jumped out of my forehead and sat on my butt On the tip of my nose, I stomped my feet and burst into tears, said.

"That's right! We are not even prepared yet! Boss, you are really irresponsible to everyone this time." Earth Eyes also jumped out, messing with my hair, and it was very annoying. Angrily complained about me.

"I didn't do it on purpose. I was moved by the crying of the old woman, and I suddenly missed my master. That's why I'm like this! Brothers and sisters, I'm really sorry, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it, really." I apologized to the big guy repeatedly, and said.

"Look at my hair? It's all messed up by you, as if it was burned by fire! Boss, you have to give me Yuncoin for perming my hair, otherwise I will never end with you." Yuyan cried He grabbed my hair and howled loudly.

"Miss! I've always provoked you, don't even rape me! I'm also a victim." Di Yantong hid in my hair, and was pinched by Yu Yan , rubbing the ground, the pain made him yelp, and said.

"That's right, that's right! Black Dragon, who could be crying in Linlin's hair? You can actually make the old man cry!" Qiuyue suddenly asked about the arrival of Black Dragon, and said.

"Ah! That's right!...Old Wu, you are a creature of the same age as Lao Wu! Tell me, who could it be, so awesome?" Heilong suddenly turned his head and looked Dean Di Laowu laughed wickedly and said.

"I... I'm wondering too!"

Lao Wu spoke helplessly, explaining to Hei Long innocently.

(End of this chapter)

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