
Chapter 435, The Rebirth of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth.

Chapter 435, The Rebirth of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth ([-]).

The cloud coins that Yuyan mentioned, in fact, in the real world, they do not exist in a large-scale principled sense, and they are not very circulated.

This is just a little trick she learned from the Hongchen Inn on a whim when she was building her Wutian Wonderland recently, and took it to her Wutian Wonderland to try out.

This game has just started to be implemented. It is a kind of fairy cloud coin used by primates to buy and sell essential items such as fairy dew, white clouds, magic tools and so on.

Yuyan's fairy cloud coins are carefully crafted with the fireflies from the sky, the real fairy energy, and my seven-color sunlight. They are very beautiful but not easy to circulate.

Because in the heavens, everyone relies on clouds to exist, and they are all used to being free and lazy, and they are not very used to buying and selling elixir with currency!

The key point is that the immortal spirit power comes with you, the super soul power depends on cultivation, the white clouds in the skyless fairyland float around, and there is no one to supervise, whoever wants to use it by themselves, as long as you can digest it!
"Okay! You have to send me some of the Xianyun coins you made first. You send it to me first, and I will return it to you later. Do you think this is good?" I laughed and said to Yu Yan Said amiably.

"Boss, you lied to me. You don't know how to make it yourself? We have worked so hard on jujube coins." Yuyan protested to me with her mouth pouted as if she was a little angry.

"Then why don't you do it like this! You can still make a deal after you have a look. I won't charge you for the use and purchase tax of my Tianyang Shenguang, and you don't care about the few pennies I ask you, okay?" I imitated her tone and said to her in a low voice with a childish smile.

"Boss, you're playing tricks." Yu Yan became more and more angry, pouted her mouth, turned her head, and stopped talking to me.

"Hehehehe! Old man, don't make trouble, it's important to get down to business." Qiuyue touched Yuyan's little head and said to me with a smile.

"Don't worry about who is crying! It's more important for us to rush into the Fushishan Demon Cave." Heilong also echoed Qiuyue, and said loudly to all of us impatiently.

"Then... hurry up and follow me, guys." A little girl with a few tall flower feathers on her head appeared in our line at some time, and she spoke to us tenderly. Shouted loudly, said.

"Are you... a demon spirit or an earth immortal? Did Senior Brother Zhen Yuanzi call you here?" Tu Xing Qingyun looked at this strange face who seemed to have known Yan Guilai before, and couldn't help but asked.

"What kind of demons, earth immortals and ghosts! Soil Xingqingyun, you earth turtle, you are a demon god at the gate of the demon world and the world of Asura! Hehehehe...you are sister Linlin." Shui Moxuan endured I couldn't help but laughed out loud, said.

"Yes, I am Linlin. However, the entrance to the Demon Realm has been burnt down by the master, and I escaped by luck. Come with me, everyone," Linlin said. , as early as the big strides galloped away to the west!

"What am I talking about? She will join us! Hahahaha." Shui Moxuan laughed treacherously.

He kept patting Shui Mo's forehead, as if he had encountered an invisible wall, and couldn't help shouting again, saying: "With Sister Linlin joining us, it will definitely be like a tiger with wings, no magic can stop it!" Ah! Hahahaha."

"Ehhhhh!...I said Mo Xian, are you so excited? People don't pay attention to you! Didn't you see?" Heilong deliberately smirked, teasing Shui Moxuan and said.

We didn't care much about it anymore, we just chased after Linlin in the direction where Linlin was running.

The name of Floating Corpse Mountain is not true, it is obviously a fairyland with endless sea of ​​clouds, but the world's demons and immortals insisted on giving it such a terrifying name!

The gossip is really not reliable at all.

I muttered to myself secretly.

"Uncle Heilong, didn't you see her smiling at me when she was on the mountain? You don't understand what a girl thinks." Sitting cross-legged on the bridge of Shui Mo's nose, Shui Mo Xuan said with a smile and nonchalantly.

"Hahahaha, you understand you understand! You have been undercover in the devil world for thousands of years, and you have learned a lot of crooked ways. You shut up for me first, and I will let Shuimo quickly take you to catch up. Ask carefully She, ask her if she is willing to go back to Wutian Wonderland with us!" The black dragon hurriedly followed our big guy, teasing Shui Moxuan while saying.

"You are really old. I don't care about you!..." Shui Moxuan said helplessly.

In his heart, the consciousness of gods and immortals was already in a mess, and he was afraid that the flower of the black girl's magic thoughts floating in front of him would respond to the words of the black dragon, and he didn't feel anything about himself!
"Ah! Old, did the black girl Linlin make a mistake? Or did she have malicious intentions at all? There were many fairy-like cloud worms along the way, but I didn't see a single devil worm or a dead body. Ah! And the sky is also blue and blue, it doesn't look like a place where demons gather!" Yuyan followed Qiuyue, Holy Spirit, and Miao Miao, and turned around to ask me in disappointment.

"That's for sure! I've been here before, but I don't know who picked up the tens of thousands of bones on the ground! It turns out that from here, there will be a large number of corpses of animal spirits from time to time. Well. Cough cough cough, did it...was taken away by Xing Tian and the others?" Shui Moxuan also became very puzzled without explaining, and started talking to us, said.

"Ah...! Then... could it be that Xing Tian got him into the big iron pot of Wulong Mountain to cook soup?" Tianyantong said at this moment in shock.

"Heck, heck, heck...!"

"Clack cluck cluck cluck cluck!"

...Muyun Beast and the others couldn't help but pursed their lips and laughed secretly.

"It's all bullshit!...Follow up, this is the one and the other? Are you going to the Fushi Mountain Devil's Cave? It's not reliable at all." Hearing the nonsense of the black dragon, the Holy Spirit couldn't help but blame him. road.

"That's right, dead black three, you saw corpses and blood all over the mountains and fields in a while, I think you are disgusting! Hehehehe." Master Yuyan stopped barking, and laughed and scolded Heilong.

"Yu Yan, that's your master? No big or small, you are now the leader of Xiaoxian's team! Don't let Ink and the others laugh at you. You don't look like you are in charge at all!" Qiuyue looked at Glancing at Yuyan, he reprimanded her.

"Got it! You're really long-winded." Yuyan pursed her lips, and really stopped talking after she finished speaking.

Everyone was flying in the air on the black mysterious ice flower, the cold feeling gradually disappeared, and there was a big fire burning freely not far ahead, it seemed that someone was lighting a fire there to keep warm!
"Ah!... With such a big fire, there must be thousands of people to keep warm together?" Nian Yazi said angrily, as if he was heartbroken.

"That's right! It's such a reckless waste of resources to have such a big fire, but there's no one there." Muyun Beast echoed Nianyazi and said.

"You want to let them go to Wutian Wonderland once, let them feel how uncomfortable it is without vegetation, without oxygen and aura, how dare they waste it like this?!!!" Yang Canaan also cursed angrily Yes, said.

We flew for a while, and the anger was getting bigger and bigger, so hot that we were sweating all over our bodies.

Flying for a while with the frenzy, we can see the big girl Linlin standing quietly beside the fire from a distance. She should be waiting for us again!
"Er... Sister Yue, are you hot? Look at the mistress of the Flower of Demonic Thought, she doesn't even sweat at all." Yu Yan knew that at this moment, she couldn't bear the heat. It was hot, and then asked Qiuyue in a low voice.

"I'm fine! No matter how hot this fire is, it can't be as hot as the old Nine Heavens Immortal Fire and 33 People's Divine Fire! The fire of symbiosis, no one in the Three Realms except the old dares to get close to it easily. Do you think I am hot or not? The little girl’s film place is full of insignificant and weird questions. Hehehehe!" Qiuyue was caught tightly in her In the hand, Yu Yan's small hand like a green magnolia flower, smiled and said.

"Oh! I know, you are extremely yin and always extremely yang, you are not afraid." Yuyan laughed and said.

Heilong and Pixiu flew in front, and he saw Linlin standing beside the fire from a distance, so he asked loudly:

"Miss Linlin, is this the Flame Mountain? It's so hot. How do you usually get to the Flame Mountain?"

"Nonsense! If we could pass easily, would I still stop to rest? This is only a little bit of the distance! However, there was no such a sea of ​​​​fire here in the past! Strange, so strange. "

Linlin looked at the huge flaming mountain-like fire in front of her, and answered the black dragon's question reluctantly, and said.

"Yes, Uncle Black Dragon. It used to be a magical swamp, so there was no such a pile of wildfires!" Shui Moxuan agreed with the black dragon with sweat on his forehead.

"That's weird. It didn't exist before, so why did it pop up now? It's so cold, it's so cold, it's hard to light a fire, but it doesn't warm up. What kind of magic operation is this!"

It was only at this moment that Suan Ni dared to speak loudly.

"Could it be that they ran away in fright when they saw us coming to kill them?" Little Thrush frowned, and asked as well.

"It's not some kind of divine fire, nor is it some ghost fire. It's a spark left by a mortal when they grilled wild game and poultry here. It just came alive when it mixed the spark with oil and air. The firefly is burning here." Linlin explained dismissively.

"Ah...! It turned out to be an open fire for mortals to cultivate immortality. It's so simple! The sea water in our Longtian Miaoyin Wonderland can extinguish it." Yang Jianan laughed and said.

"How can it be so easy? Take a closer look, what are the materials that ignite the fire?"

Shui Moxuan had entered and exited the dark clouded land between Fushi Mountain and Miluo Mountain many times in the past, but he had never seen this pair of strange fires before, so he looked carefully and finally found it for him. Seeing the abnormality, he immediately refuted what Linlin Yang Jianan said just now, and said coldly.

"Yes, yes. Oh my God! These are really not ordinary firewood, but a big immoral fire pit lit with animal bones and human skulls." Just after the Muyun beast flew up to a high place, it frightened Gain and loss yelled loudly, crying and saying.

The Muyun Beast flew in mid-air, opened her divine eyes, and took a closer look. It was extremely obedient. A large piece of white bones seemed to be doused with gasoline and ignited. The black smoke soared into the sky and the clouds were gurgling, and the flames Flying around, many ghosts and spirits rushed left and right in the fire, looking very weird and terrifying!

"Really? Then everyone, don't get close to it easily. This is the devil's purgatory viper fire that slaughters gods, destroys gods and worships Buddhas. Once you enter, you can't get out." The Holy Spirit immediately pulled Watching Qiuyue and Yuyan retreat dozens of steps in a row, they also shouted loudly.

"I'll go! If this is the case, we will have to take a detour if we want to enter Fushi Mountain and Miluo Mountain." Hearing what Holy Spirit and the others said, Poetry and Painting couldn't help but sighed and said.

"Old man, what should we do now?" Qiuyue looked into my eyes and asked me in a low voice.

"It's simple! Please put out the Babu Tianlong water, and we can walk over." I whispered to her without hesitation and said.

"Old man, don't forget, Babu Tianlong has also been captured by Xingtian now!" Heilong smiled and said to me.

"That's not easy! Just take a detour." Suan Ni laughed and said.

"Detour? Brother, if we take a detour here, it will take us a few months! If we don't pass through this fire pit, we can only go back to the Hongchen Inn and find another way!" Shui Moxuan said helplessly. .

"Then besides the road of Hongchen Inn, are there other passages?" Qilin was also anxious, and he also asked.

"No! If you don't believe me, ask Ghost Sword, she's here too." Linlin laughed coldly.

"Sir, we're here too." Sword God walked over with a big water tank on his back, smiling and said to me.

"I have seen the Eighth Prince of Zhentian, I have seen the nine-thousand-year-old Sect Master Yue, and I have seen all the gods, gods, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas! The little girl has offended me by turning forward, and I hope everyone will not hold grudges." Ghost Sword is indeed a delicate little girl. Girl, she greeted us one by one, chirped like an oriole, and said.

"Sister Linlin, you're here too!" Ghost Sword said after greeting everyone, and then he greeted Linlin.

"It turns out that you really surrendered to the True Heaven Realm. It seems that they really didn't lie to me." Linlin gave in to Ghost Sword, laughed dumbfounded, and said.

"Don't be so busy asking about the cold and warmth! Let's think about a way! How can we get past this bird fire pond." Suan Ni said impatiently.

(End of this chapter)

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