
Chapter 436, The Rebirth of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth.

Chapter 436, The Rebirth of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth ([-]).

It is said to be a big fire pond, but in fact it is not inferior to the Flame Mountain of Brother Hou back then.

Tongues of fire splashed like flying stars, and the heat wave was like the sudden explosion of cast iron boilers in thousands of steel factories. Wherever he went, there was smoke and fire, and people were devastated.

The surrounding area is filled with thousands of degrees of high-temperature fire, and even I, the son of the sun,... feel that my skin is getting too hot, and I feel uncomfortable all over my body!
"This place was originally the No. [-] sacred mountain of Shuramen, which was full of dark flowers of demon spirits, but it was sister Linlin's primordial spirit that manifested at the entrance of a magic and fantasy village outside the world!
What is going on?Why is this so!Could it be... Sister Linlin has cultivated the Vulcan Great Dharma Gate?That's why it became an active volcano like this. "Ghost Sword covered his eyes and cried miserably.

"In fact, Xing Tian wanted to test Mr.'s strength, so he designed it in advance. Brothers and sisters, come with me. I have a large jar of clean water from Haitian Miaoyin Wonderland here, which is drawn from the deep sea [-] kilometers away. The real heavenly water of the Three Realms on the tip of the imaginary sea of ​​permafrost, it can extinguish this sea of ​​fire." Ghost Sword said with a smile.

"It's as if it's true, Sword God, you're carrying the fairy altar on your back, and you've spilled all the water on it. Let's see what you can use to put out the fire. Besides, I picked up a broken jar on the way. Just say that it is a fairy in Haitian Miaoyin Wonderland, why don't you say that you are the number one in Xianwu? Bragging, showing off, and lying." Ghost Sword glanced at Sword God, and complained to him coldly.

"You don't understand! This is water without roots in the sky. It either flies into the sky and breaks through the clouds, or enters the sea and is eight thousand miles deep in the sky. Except for these two places, unless there is extremely high temperature in other places, he will automatically Go deep along the fire, and then use the fire to refine it into dragon crystal particles, and escape into the sea again. Otherwise, they will automatically ride the wind and go straight to the sky!" Sword God whispered to Ghost Sword .

"I want to ask, Master Sword God, who gave this to you?" Nen Yazai asked him curiously as he walked around the big jar on Sword God's back.

"It was given by an old woman. She said that her children were killed by Xingtian demons. She kept crying at home day and night, begging God to help her. She wanted to seek revenge from Xingtian .

Just after she cried so many times that she passed out, on a night with a bright moon and a clear breeze, an old man with a goatee knocked on the door of her house and told her after entering the house: let her go to the depths of the sea to cry and ask the sea god to help her To save her children!
The old man with the goatee also pointed out to her the specific method and path to enter the depths of the sea when he returned.

So, she went through untold hardships and trekked thousands of miles to the depths of the sea, and then clenched her teeth step by step, begging the sea god to help her and avenge her children Woolen cloth.

Sea God saw that she was determined, so he gave her this jar, and told him to go to the gate of my magic fantasy mountain, find a person with a little sword on the tip of his nose, and beg him to help avenge him!

So she took this jar with her, and avoided being chased and intercepted by the demons from the demon world all the time, and she carried it back with all her hard work!
You met me outside the Linlin Shura Goddess Mountain, so you gave this to me! "Sword God laughed and said.

"Sister Ghost Sword, this kid doesn't look like he's lying!" Linlin looked back at Sword God and Ghost Sword, and laughed.

"Hehehehe! How can anyone reach the depths of the heart of the sea? It is clearly...cough cough! Cough cough cough." Just as the black dragon was about to reveal the secret, the Holy Spirit pinched him fiercely and glared at him. glance.

"Who is it? Hei San, is there still a great god in our real world who has not been captured by Xing Tian? If so, we should ask her to help!" Yu Yan heard the mystery in Hei Long's words, and loudly cried out.

"Yu Yan, don't force you, Master Black Dragon! You can't say this, if you want to say it, Xing Tian will definitely destroy the sky, it's not as simple as Xing Tian." Qi Yue slapped Yu Yan and smiled strangely Get up and say.

"I don't believe it, there are people who are more powerful than Grandpa Sanqing and my grandfather! Is that old man with a goatee beard, the grandpa of our Xiaoxian Academy's dormitory? Tell me, is it right?" Yu Yan tugged Qiuyue's sleeves were stuck up, she said.

"No...!" Qiuyue directly denied Yu Yan's suspicion with a very unhappy gulp.

"It's useless to say more, let's go quickly! Sword God, take out the cold spring water from the cold spring in the permafrost in the heart of the sea and the earth! Put out the real fire of samadhi caused by the fierce collision between the gods and demons in this world." I said. Said to Sword God.

"Okay, sir." The sword god agreed, and jumped up, carrying the altar on his back, and rushed straight into the sea of ​​flames.

"Wow! This sword god teacher is so powerful, he is not afraid of the real fire of samadhi, he is even more powerful than Monkey King Red Boy! Hahahaha." Bei Guofeng laughed loudly.

"That is, it takes more than 9 years for this cold spring water to receive 49 altars, and this kind of cold spring water must be matched with 9 years to produce 49 altars of the Sanqing Realm to fill it up. It’s frozen in the cold spring! Let alone the cold spring water, it’s hard to get close to it.” Lao Wu calmly popularized the Haitian Nether Cold Spring and the Sanqing Realm Altar with everyone.

"I'll go, when Grandpa Wu said it, I suddenly realized it. Such a mysterious and strange sea and sky ghost cold spring, looking inside and outside the Three Realms, isn't it only our ancestors of Haitian Wonderland Wonderland who can call it up? Is it? Moreover, I guess only Laojun’s grandfather can refine this kind of Sanqingjing altar! You all said, don’t you?” Yuyan smiled and started talking again.

"No matter whose gift it is! Let's keep up with the Sword God. Sister Linlin, are you still with us? If you don't want to offend Xing Tian and Bo Xun, let's just say goodbye! See you someday." Qiuyue With a slight smile, he urged everyone to come again.

"Sister Linlin, you should come with us! Don't you know? Whose family is this day? Hahahaha, Xing Tian is just a devil, and he deliberately kept his disciples who are cultivating him. It is impossible to win the Three Realms. If you don’t believe me, take a closer look at Mr., and you will understand.” Ghost Sword laughed and said to Linlin, Goddess of Asura.

"This...! Mister!...cough cough. Heaven and earth have yin and yang eyes, yin and yang ears, yin and yang nostrils, yin and yang eyebrows, yin and yang mouth, yin and yang faces, yin and yang arms and yin and yang legs...! Hmm, I understand, I will tell you all If you go together, it will be God. I will lead the way. Shui Moxuan has been away for too long. He has never seen the vicious ten thousand Gu array under Xing Tian and Bo Xunbu, so don't take everyone to the dead end in the magic cave of Fushi Mountain in the Demon Realm. "Miss Linlin pondered for a moment, then said to Guixian and us.

"That's good! Miss Linlin, you and Shui Moxuan lead the way, don't shoot when encountering demon spirits, pretend that you have not surrendered to the true heaven, and say that we are chasing you from behind, and lead us into the demon cave all the way. Other demons We have to deal with the spirit itself. Let’s see, is this feasible?" The Holy Spirit turned his head and glanced at me and the black dragon who were following them, and said lightly by chance.

"This is the best! Then we can catch them by surprise. Hehe, I agree!" Shui Moxuan jumped off the bridge of Shui Mo's nose and said happily.

"Shui Moxuan, you and I lead the way, don't talk nonsense! If you dare to leak the truth later, I will be the first to kill you." Linlin clenched her pink fists and gritted her teeth at Shui Mo Xuan explained.

"How dare you! Don't say it's with you, even if it's a different person, I wouldn't dare! This is a big event of life and death!" Shui Moxuan laughed and said.

"Mo Xian, when you are with Miss Linlin, you must respect her opinion and don't act recklessly. Let me tell you, he is your brother Pixiu's senior sister! If you dare to act recklessly, do you think Brother Pixiu will beat you up?" I laughed and whispered the immortal words to Shui Moxuan.

"Ah...? Master, you mean that Pixiu and Miss Linlin are brothers and sisters of the same school? Then... why does Brother Pixiu seem to not know Miss Linlin? You don't want to scare Mo Xian?" Shui Moxuan lost his voice. He stood up in amazement and said.

"You idiot! What the master said is only for you to know, you are really good! I can't wait to spread it all over the world! Hurry up and leave. Open the way ahead!" Shui Mo was furious by Shui Moxuan , was almost about to beat him up, and said to him harshly.

"Junior Brother Mo Xian, let's go quickly!" Linlin pulled the Shui Mo Xuan, and disappeared into the smoke billowing in the flames of the heaven and earth demon gods.

"Brother, let's keep up too! It is estimated that the sword god will suppress this sea of ​​flames in a while." The holy spirit laughed and talked to me.

"Let's go! Black Dragon, you, Sun Bie, and Earth Xingqingyun, if there are monsters chasing after you, the light of the blue seal will serve you." I said.

"Don't worry, brother. I will take care of everything, don't be afraid."

Heilong agreed to me, and took Tu Xingqingyun and Sun Bie aside, and when everyone caught up with us, they followed us closely.

There are no clouds in the sky and no gods, and there are only choking smoke and burning flames of the Samadhi real fire that burns petrified iron.

"Old man, is the Sword God's Haitian Youming Cold Spring working? The flames haven't weakened much!" Qiuyue also became suspicious and asked me.

"Don't talk, it's useful to keep it." I said.

After hearing my words, the Holy Spirit woke up like a dream and reminded everyone: "Everyone, put on the mask of immortal energy and protect yourself, hurry up!"

After listening to the teacher's words, all the little fairies and little fairy boys put up their fairy covers one after another. The sky blue fairy umbrellas opened in the smoke billowing in the real fire of Samadhi, looking like wonderful real umbrellas. The sky blue lotus is like, what's so good about it!
"Look, that's Uncle Sword God! The strange jar on his back is gone! Will we be burned to death by the real fire of Samadhi?" Asked Tianzi to scream until now.

"It's okay, this Sanqing altar itself is a fairy thing, and there is no need for the great god to carry it all the time. Look, isn't that floating in the depths of the billowing smoke the Sanqingjing altar?" The altar that was about to put out the fire, Muyun Beast pointed at it and laughed.

"The celestial qi shield is all supported, the bigger the better, don't be frozen by the Haitian Youming cold spring, then you will die." Heilong walked at the back, and he also yelled loudly.

"We can't get too close! Otherwise, the cover will be too big to open!" Nianyazi also shouted loudly.

"Yeah, we still have a second, so don't move if you can. Just add some soul power to it, and the same goes for increasing the thickness." Qiuyue said.

"Yes, yes, thicker." The Holy Spirit immediately agreed with Qiuyue and said.

"Everyone, don't move, stay prohibited! Sir, Sister Yue, I'm going to die with this fire. Hold your breath and stop talking." I don't know if it's the altar or the Nether Cold Spring's voice, as thin as a gossamer, like a whisper Generally, it has been passed into the knowledge of each of us.

Everyone listened, and no one dared to act rashly anymore. They obediently shut down their consciousness like a hibernating snake frog, leaving only a trace of consciousness as fine as dust particles, watching the overwhelming fireworks, magma and surroundings with cold eyes. Surrounded by boiling hot molten iron.


When we all calmed down, a series of sharp and piercing ignorant voices erupted one after another outside our fairy energy hood.

Immediately afterwards, a series of crisp "click, click, click..." sounds resounded through the sky outside our celestial energy shield.

A stream of brown secretion-like air flowed slowly from the inside of the altar like water snakes in all directions.

First of all, the large expanse of thick smoke that rolled and surged into the sky seemed to have stopped moving and became still.

Immediately afterwards, it was absolutely still and descended all the way, until it reached the flames and the blood-hot magma and molten iron.

Stillness, still continuing, from one to two, two to three, three to four, four to five, nothing to six, six to seven.

At the count of seven, the static and sudden nuclear bomb exploded like a mushroom cloud, and spread out in all directions in an instant.

In just the blink of an eye, our immortal aura seemed to be completely surrounded by some cold icy flames, and it was already extremely turbulent!
Standing on top of the red ice, fire and colorful ice smoke, the sword god also opened the hood of fairy energy, and looked at us who were buried deep in the ice world, unable to laugh or cry.

The altar seemed to have turned into a dwarf, but it returned to the normal pattern of its head and feet, and stood upright stiffly.

"Hey... I can finally straighten my waist, and let him breathe a sigh of relief! I have been standing upside down for thousands of years! Today I can finally return to the normal mode of the Dao, so uncomfortable!" Wan Qian said.

I'll go, what should we do like this?If there are monsters breaking through the ice, we will all die!
Looking at the layers of still ice, fire, and colorful smoke all around me, I was very worried and silently sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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