
Chapter 437, The Rebirth of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth.

Chapter 437, The Rebirth of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth ([-]).

Looking at the frozen flames and the colorful clouds of smoke, the black dragon winked and raised eyebrows inside his fairy aura and made a grimace.

It can be seen that he can't hold back anymore, maybe his violent temper is about to explode, not necessarily!

"Frozen three feet is not a day's cold. Such a powerful freezing method, if I guess right, must be weird. By the way, where are the sisters in red? Didn't they say that they were sent by the leader a month ago? I helped sister Linlin! Where are they? Where are they going?" A voice came from outside the frozen world.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of many big feet crushing the ice and snow, one after another, came out of the frozen flame cloud, and came continuously from the west.

"Boss, look quickly! There is a dwarf standing on the frozen flaming mountain. Could it be Monkey King? Or else, it is the Bull Demon King." Outside the frozen flaming mountain, a strange voice said.

"Nonsense! Has there ever been a flaming mountain here? This is just a little devil who loves to die, and made such a big ice sculpture for us. Have you ever been to Shengjing, which is far away on Heilong Island? Every autumn and winter, there will be an ice sculpture festival. Maybe the little bastards from Heilong Island have played tricks on us."

Another voice from Yan Guilai, who seemed to have known him before, blamed the little devil who was talking about Westward Journey very angrily.

"That's impossible! Black Dragon Island is far away in the sky. It's not easy to transport such a large piece of dazzling ice sculpture to Mount Shura, our goddess of Shura! It’s possible. And it’s still so big, it’s impossible. How many great gods will have to work hard at the same time to make it happen! Add all the little devils in their Black Dragon Island together, and at most it will be frozen. The mountains, rivers and rivers of more than ten kilometers are incredible! Such a large area is impossible." Another strange voice said.

"How can it be impossible? What if the demon god they enshrined returns? Or maybe they have invented a magic ice machine." Another strange voice said.

"Impossible, impossible! No matter how powerful the ice machine is, it is impossible to make such a large piece of ice sculpture, and it is still a flame, smoke, cloud, and colorful ice sculpture. Even if the ice machine is used, it will take them tens of thousands of years." Impossible, impossible. If this is the case, wouldn't we be able to attack their Black Dragon Island again now?" Another strange voice also became suspicious, and vehemently denied it. The other party's conclusion, said.

"Don't beep here! Wasn't that a sword of ice in the hands of the motionless child that day? Did he do it? Who dares to go up and ask him?" That one seemed to be Some familiar voices called out loudly.

"Boss Fire, I'll go."

A strange voice agreed, as if it had already flown towards the Sword God.

The still and frozen air was rattled by his rapidly rising body, and after a while, he heard the conversation between him and the sword god.

"Child, why did you run to the grass outside our Fushi Mountain? Whose child are you, so bold!" said the strange voice.

"I don't know whose family I am a child! Do you know? Can you tell me?" Sword God pretended to be crazy and became stupid, and said to him pretending to be cute.

"How would I know? It seems that you must be a wild child without father and mother. Child, let me tell you, this kind of freezing method that goes against the sky is not allowed here, you should quickly accept your child!" The ice sculptures all over the place, where did they come from? Go back to where they came from! Otherwise, uncle, I’ll start screaming, and you will cry! Do you understand? Be obedient and go home quickly.” The unfamiliar voice threatened and frightened The ground spoke with the sword god.

"You uncle, you really don't know good and bad! Didn't you see that my sword was also frozen? You... what kind of eyes are you looking at? Is it glaucoma or cataract? Hehehehe." The sword god deliberately teased Woke up to him, and laughed like a child.

"Boy, stop making trouble! Hurry up, get down, and go home!" Another familiar voice called out.

"Hey hey! It's them, Huohai and Lieyan. No wonder the fire keeps burning! Maybe it's the credit of these two demons!" Sun Bie and Shui Mo said through sound transmission.

"Master, it's Huohai and Lieyan, the two big protectors of the old thief Xunyou! What should we do?" Hearing Sun Bie's words, Shui Mo immediately sent me a voice transmission.

"Coward! Isn't it just two little demon spirits with a bunch of trash? There's nothing to be afraid of! After a while, I'll be the first to go up and kick them to death, ha ha ha ha!" Hearing the sound, he laughed out loud and said.

"It seems that there is someone inside the ice sculpture. Brother, let's break the ice! Okay? Let's see what kind of person is frozen inside. Don't tease the children anymore! Otherwise, if you go back later, Linlin, that stinky woman, she will definitely Go to the old thief Xingtian and sue our imperial court." Another voice that seemed somewhat familiar said angrily.

"Don't! This method of freezing flames is too weird! You can't underestimate it." The voice that seemed to be the sea of ​​fire said.

"Our master asked us to come here to help Miss Linlin! Lie Yan, don't be arrogant. Otherwise, you will really fight with those naive brats in a while, but no one can care about saving you, kid La!" Huo Hai seemed to be laughing, and said in a strange way.

"Hey... I said the sea of ​​fire and the flames! Did you two brothers bring these people to break the ice? My ice is the extreme cold ice of the ghostly cold spring in the depths of the wonderland of the sea and sky. If you don't have that ability, it's best Don't get close to it easily. If you have to be brave, you won't be frozen to death in a while, at least you will peel off your skin!" A child's voice suddenly rang out directly above Huohai and Lieyan's heads.

The water tank not far in front of the Sword God suddenly cracked many holes as small as needle points.

These small openings are densely covered with the small water tank, as if the small water tank has been hit with a hammer, and the cohesion and centripetal force are a little unstable.

"Boy, are you the one who boasted on the heads of our brothers? I'm not afraid to stretch your waist and nibble your tongue." Huo Hai couldn't help it, and yelled loudly.

"That's right! We Huo Hai Lie Yan, the two gods, have never met any decent opponents. Boy, you are dead!!" Lie Yan also loudly showed off his spirit of fighting mobs in the past.

"Hey... A good word is three winters warm, and a bad word is June cold! Children, I am doing it for you! You don't want to count it as a ball, why are you swearing? If it weren't for my sword being frozen, you Now you are already dead... Oh! No, no! You are not human, you should be dead demons. Hahahaha!" Sword God laughed loudly.

"Hey hey hey! This sword god has failed, and he deliberately provoked others to come to his death! Hahahaha." Heilong couldn't help but also laughed.

Although the voice that came over was very small, I also knew that this guy must have said these words with a wild laugh.

"Don't die? Heilong, don't speak loudly, your breath will freeze as soon as you breathe out, and your oxygen will become less and less. At that time, it will be too late for you to regret it." Holy Spirit hurriedly sent a voice transmission to remind he said.

"Hahahaha! The tone of children talking about Journey to the West is not small, I like you. However, your sword is not frozen, and you can't fight with us big brothers! Adults beat children, your parents And the people around will laugh at us!" Huo Hai laughed loudly with great satisfaction.

"Hey!... If you don't believe me, let's make a bet. After a while, the ice on my sword will melt, and we will make gestures. If you can win against me, the kid, I will take you to catch the real Tianjie elder and his family. How about that beauty, Miss Leng Qiuyue?" The Sword God said to them with a smile as he put both Qiuyue and me to use.

"Boy, if you can really take us to find that unlucky Zhentian scholar and his wife Leng Qiuyue, we will always let you win in the future. How about it?" Huo Hai laughed and said.

"Do you keep your word?" Sword God said with a smirk.

"Keep your word, keep your word! If you don't believe me, brother will pull out the sword for you right now, how about it?" Lie Yan also laughed.

This guy, definitely wants to take advantage of the cold weather to sneak attack them!I will continue to tease them to see how powerful their demon sea and flames are.

Yes, that's it.

That's right!

…Sword God’s mind quickly changed his thoughts, and he couldn’t help but snickered and said: “I said, brothers! You are really stupid, my sword is refined at a high temperature of hundreds of degrees with open flames from heaven and earth. It's done, the whole body is full of anger, isn't it frozen by the freezing? How can you be able to pull out my ancestral sword? I don't believe it."

"Boy, I want you to know the names of your brothers. I am the pure Yang Huohai of the Demon Sky Rakshatian, and he is Lie Yan. The three thousand bright fire insects behind our two brothers are not covered! You first Take a step back, and I'll melt the ice on the sword for you. You take a step back, back up now." The sea of ​​fire smoked from all five orifices, and shouted nonstop.

"Brother! I'm not talking about you, your eyesight is indeed not good. Didn't you see that my hands are frozen and have become one with the hilt?" The sword god put away his smile, Speak to them solemnly.

"I'm going, brother, this kid is so slick, he won't believe us at all, let's not save him. Just light this frozen flame for him, I want to see how he will be when he is swallowed by everyone. Don't you believe us!" Lie Yan said to Huohai angrily.

"Two elder brothers, what is this? As soon as the little ones rush forward, I guarantee that these ice will melt away obediently. The two elder brothers don't want to use their great soul power and aura to destroy irrelevant people and things. I'm on my body." A small fiery red fire bug less than one meter in length came up with an idea with Huohai and Lieyan.

"It's okay, little flame. Brother Lieyan can hold it. Isn't it just a strange iceberg like a sea of ​​flames? We will let it disappear immediately before our eyes, and really make it a sea of ​​flames. From then on, we will Let it never come back in this freezing weather." Huo Hai laughed loudly.

"Have you discussed it? Who will come up to perform first? My hands and feet are about to freeze. I beg you, can you hurry up?" Sword God squinted at the densely packed fireflies behind Huohai and Lieyan , laughed.

"Brother, you put him down first. We'll talk about the fight later. Let's melt the fiery red iceberg first." Huohai ordered Lieyan to speak.

"Come on! Brother, you can just look at brother's."

As Lie Yan said, he took out a fiery red incense candle from his cuff, and it dangled in the air, as if it had grown into the palm of his hand, and it disappeared after a while!

"Hahahaha! Let me tell you, brother, you have failed in your performance! Isn't that right? The candle has not been lit yet, so you don't know where it fell! Ah...hahahaha." Sword God laughed loudly on purpose road.

Howling loudly or laughing wildly has always been the best magic weapon to hide one's true thoughts. It can make people unable to understand the subtle changes and true feelings deep in their hearts.

This method has been tried and tested by people in the Jianghu!

Otherwise, why before the master duel, most of them held their heads up to the sky and laughed wildly for a while before starting to fight?
...Sword God secretly thought in his heart, and laughed louder and louder.

"Stinky boy, what do you know? I'm an advanced method of refining candles into divine fire. You're a child. You know what a fart!" Lie Yan scolded the sword god angrily.

However, his hands were not idle at all, and he kept rubbing them vigorously.

Seeing the sword god, he couldn't help taking a closer look. The two brothers Huo Hai and Lie Yan came.

Huo Hai was wearing a fiery red gown, and his hair stood upright about [-] centimeters, like a burning torch!
Lie Yan is wearing a gray gown, and his hair is also fiery red, but there is a faint light blue circle inside, which is also like a ball of raging fire. The faces of the two brothers are as black as charcoal.

"I'm going! It turns out that the coal from the sky is refined. Hehehehe, I want to see how you guys melted the real sky ice that was condensed from the cold spring water of the sea and sky! Hahahaha."

Seeing the flaming man rubbing his magic candle drippingly, as if faint blue smoke began to rise above his head, the Sword God couldn't help laughing to himself, thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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