
Chapter 439, The Rebirth of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth.

Chapter 439, The Rebirth of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth ([-]).

The Black Silk Cloud Sutra is hidden and dormant in the depths of the obscure dark clouds, the mystery of which is self-evident.

I took a deep breath of Rootless Immortal Qi, and with ink and rain smoke, I rushed towards the dark whirlwind with big strides.

"Master, come up! Don't waste your fairy energy. Why don't you come up with me! Suan Ni is so big, and with the strength of a human, he can still bear it." Ink looked at me With wind on my legs, I ran wildly between the 狻猊 and the unicorn, I couldn't bear my hard work, so I asked me to ride on the back of the 狻猊 and ride with him, whispering to me.

"Little master! You said it very lightly. You probably don't know yet! Let's not talk about how many great gods are in the body of our husband, the three mountains, the five mountains, the four continents, the eight oceans, and the multi-dimensional The stars, rivers, sun and moons of space, etc., etc., if he really comes up, none of us will ever catch up with Sister Yue and the others." Suan Ni became very unhappy after hearing what Shui Mo said, and complained Speaking of his little master, he said.

"You bastard, if you don't want the old master to ride, just say it and make excuses for me, you?" Shui Mo patted Suan Ni's hill-like head lightly, and cursed.

"Oh! What I said is true. If you don't believe me, you can ask Qilin!" Suan Ni said aggrievedly.

"It's true, brother. That's why Mister doesn't have a mount. Otherwise, why would Tianzun build a unique super spaceship for Mr. in the Three Realms? You don't know, Mister's Last Spirit Light is actually Mr. It’s his mount! Moreover, the Light of the Last Soul is also the number one protector of the Master.”

Qilin kept his head buried in his journey, and he couldn't help laughing when he heard that Shui Mo told me to go up to Suan Ni's back.

After listening to Suan Ni's words, he quietly explained to Shui Mo.

"Okay! I trust you guys. I'll come down and accompany you to fly on foot." Shui Mo said a little bit into a corner.

"Hey! Shui Mo, please ride your suanni for me, don't delay our important event of saving lives! Do you think you can compare with the old man? We all have to wait for you in a while. You just stay there for me , Think about it for a while and how we should deal with the Xingtian old thief is serious." Yuyan glanced at him, couldn't help scolding him in a low voice, and said.

We didn't say anything, but we didn't dare to stop.

Because maybe the large army of demon spirits might really come out in full force!

Judging from these black clouds covered with colorful cloud lines, it is very likely that there are great gods inside.

The leader of the Demon Cult has been captured by ink ink, so, besides Bo Xun and Wutian, the god-level figures here are Xing Tian!
"Boss, look at this big black cloud with all kinds of colorful air currents rolling around. There won't be my grandpa in it, right?" Yu Yan's mind was active, and she doubted it without hesitation with a girl's innate intuition. I got up, shouted loudly and asked me.

"You guessed right, maybe your grandpa and the others were really imprisoned in this black cloud by Xing Tian." I smiled and said to her.

"Qilin, run quickly! Let's rush over to save my grandpa." Yuyan slapped Qilin and shouted loudly.

"Miss, this place is extremely filthy. Except for a large wave of demon spirits, there can be no gods! God must not be in there." Qilin took a deep breath, and immediately speeded up, and at the same time looked at Yu Yan suspiciously. Said it.

"What, what? If you don't believe me, take a closer look, the old thief Xingtian can still be covered by colorful auspicious clouds? Look, the person sitting inside the group of colorful auspicious clouds that keeps shouting is my grandpa." ?" Yuyan opened the Immortal Eye, and suddenly saw an old man who looked like Tianzun among the immortal clouds, so she said to Qilin with more certainty.

"Miss! That's not God, it's Xingtian old thief! He looks very similar to your grandfather." Qilin explained to her helplessly.

"I don't care, hurry up." Yuyan said ruthlessly.

"Brothers, go! Kill Zhentian little scholar, and the Three Realms will be ours! Go...!" It was Bo Xun's voice, which resounded deafeningly in this invisible world.

"Sure enough, you came prepared! Dean Wu, your opponent!" Heilong also shouted proudly.

"Children, kill these little fairies and little fairy boys, and we will be able to go out of our way! Let's go!" This was the voice of the old thief Wutian, and he also yelled ferociously.

"Sword God, your enemy is here too! Kill him, and God will save you! Hahahaha." It was still the voice of the black dragon, and he shouted again with great excitement.

"Everyone is looking for an opponent, and no one will be left alive! Cut the weeds and get rid of the roots." The Holy Spirit also roared loudly, and said fiercely.

"The Rakshasa girl is mine! Dashan, you are in charge of sweeping away other demons with Black Dragon Holy Spirit Teacher and the others." Qiuyue also became very excited. She drew out the Mingyue Qingfeng Knife, jumped up and broke into the demon army camp I went inside.

"Miaomiao, Paixiu, follow Sister Qiuyue and protect her well. If she has any injuries, I only ask you young couple. Go!" The voice of the Holy Spirit came again.

Listen, the Black Dragon and the others have already fought against Bo Xunwutian.

I heard it, and without hesitation, I immediately accelerated my speed and rushed towards the depths of the black cloud.

"Hahahaha! I said, why is the young scholar so confident? It turns out that he invited the great god of ancient times to be his helper! Hahahaha." Bo Xun yelled from the depths of the black cloud, and immediately moved away With both hands, only the old black face came out.

Wutian and Sword God seemed to be keeping a low profile. The two of them sacrificed their magical weapons without saying a word, and they killed each other.

When the gods fight, the minions suffer!
The buffaloes are afraid of the heat, and the rice fields suffer...!
A series of howling ghosts and howling wolves could be heard one after another in the dark cloud bottom, and after a while the black cloud seemed to fade a lot.

"Raksha girl! Do you still remember the little girl in Tangled in Bailu Mountain last time? If you have the ability, if you can prevent my aunt from getting out of your messy and dirty magical curly hair this time, my aunt will let you go!" I admire you." Qiuyue saw the Rakshasa woman riding a white cloud horse from a distance, and immediately galloped towards her.

"Hehehehe! It's you. Leng Qiuyue, the last time I was in your territory, and there was a little scholar who stood up for you, now...! Hehe, sister! You came here to die on your own initiative. You. I want to see whether the little scholar will save you first or save your father first. Hehehehe!" Rakshasa girl once again appeared in the black cloud with a strange head, she sneered Said to Qiuyue.

"Last time, my sister didn't come back to her soul in time, and she didn't even return to her body! Hehe, this time, my sister will teach you how to behave like a slut." Qiuyue gathered her energy while talking. The Nine Heavens Bright Moon was sacrificed.

"Damn it! Dare to beat our Nine Heavens Princess of Lengyue Palace, I'll deal with you first, it's serious." Dali Ghost King appeared from the middle of the road without knowing when, and when he spoke, he had ten fingers like the stone pillars of Mount Tai. Ghost Claw, has already grabbed a huge monster head of Raksha Nu in the wind and thunder!

"Dali, don't worry about it, I'm going to tear the mouth of this coquettish fox with my own hands." Qiuyue waved the Mingyue knife in her hand and shouted loudly.

"Sect Master Yue, Dare the Vigorous Ghost King not to go up! Look who is standing behind me! Why is our little master Misty Rain not agreeing!" Said the Vigorous Ghost King, who had already cut Rakshasa girl's big head A slap came down.

After a cloud of dust, the Rakshasa girl stood opposite Dali Ghost King and Qiuyue with her hair disheveled angrily.

"Small sample! If it wasn't for your sneak attack, sister, I will definitely disappoint you! Your grandma, where did the lonely ghost come from, and dare to come here to play hard with my old lady." Demonic thoughts, three thousand strands of hair are like magic swords as thin as needlepoints, rushing to the ground one after another to kill the powerful ghost king.

"Old Wu, right? I heard that you and my master still have a few years of martial arts experience! Come, come, I will teach you your brilliant moves." Bo Xun yelled loudly, and a pair of skinny white claws grabbed Lao Wu coming.

"Well done! Well done." Lao Wu also roared loudly, facing Bo Xun vigorously with both fists, and said.

"Sword God boy, let's not be idle! Master who wants to save your master, come here! Kill him for three to five thousand rounds first." Wutian also yelled, and said with Sword God.

"Hahahaha! It is a great honor for me to be able to fight with you today, the leader of the demon world who is the only one who respects me. Sword God. Open your Wutian Demon Sword, and we will come down from the floating corpse mountain of yours alone. Let's decide the male and female!" The Sword God threw the Heavenly Sword into the air, and millions of Heavenly Swords flew away like locusts crossing the border.

"Hehehehe! Sure enough, the Heavenly Sword is number one. This majestic momentum is enough to instantly kill thousands of mountain gods and earth uncles! Not to mention our little demon spirits in the demon world! Well, well, let's kill a lot today." The sky yelled loudly, turning the black cloud scriptures into magic thoughts, the male and female yin and yang swords of heaven and earth were also densely packed like locusts crossing the border, and rushed towards the sword god.

"Sir, the vice president of the Holy Spirit and the others have already fought the old thief Xingtian. What should we do now? Shall we kill them immediately?" Qilin looked at the Zhentian Xianyun and the demon spirits in front of him, eagerly asking I said.

"Let's stop here! Let's talk later! Let Grandpa Wu and the others defeat Wutian and Bo Xun first, and then we will settle the score with the old thief Xingtian in the black cloud." I stopped and calmed down. said to them.

"Pixiu, Miao Miao, protect your elder sister Yue! Little Qingniu, called the Son of Heaven, has poetic and artistic feelings... You all come with me, kill these bowls at eight o'clock." When did he hold it in his hand, he yelled and rushed into the army of demon spirits!

"Tu Xingqingyun, Sun Bie, you follow Uncle Black Dragon, don't let him be given by the demon. Muyun Beast, Canaan, Yazai, Thrush, Lolita, let's kill the demon. Go!" Jiutian Mingyue's scimitar danced across the universe, and hula-la swept towards the large army of demon spirits.

"Wanjin! You call Shang Dashan, and the little penguin, go and find me Xuntian and Qiti, beat the fuck up hard, and let them know that the great god who knows our Haitian Miaoyin Wonderland can't be easily challenged Lah. Go!" The dragon girl also got mad, and ordered the little penguins to die.

"Eh! Old, Sister Long, Sister Meng, and Younger Sister are here too!" Yuyan said with a smile on her face, and couldn't help laughing.

"Concentrate on your and ink's missions! Immortal Mo, prepare to attack first. I think the Xingtian Armor will come out after the demon army retreats." I said.

"Okay, master."

Mo Xian agreed, turned into an ink-colored line, and flew straight into the air.

"Boss, shall I go say hello to Little Sister and Sister Long?" Yuyan Ghost asked me, feeling a little restless.

"No! You have a mission now. And Misty Rain and Long Nu are not members of your little fairy and little fairy boy team, so don't expect them to help you and Shui Mo soon." I said with a black face pretending to be angry.

"Okay, okay! Is it okay if I don't go? Look at your dark face, as if I owe you a few Xianyun coins." Yuyan complained to me unhappily.

"Miss, my little sun is ready, just wait for you and Xing Tian to come out! Are you ready, little Yueyue?" Shui Mo transformed the little sun's spiritual consciousness, held it in both hands, and said very reverently .

"Don't be nervous, Shui Mo! After you and Yuyan sacrifice the sun and the moon, you will use your Xianyun Tianjian to deal with Xingtian. The little sun and the little moon will respectively attack his magic weakness Zhaomen." Seeing that Shui Mo is still a little bit Nervous, I whispered to him.

"Okay, Master! I will remember." Shui Mo promised me in a low voice.

"Cough cough! Seeing the tense look of your master and apprentice, Xing Tian hid in the dark and saw it. Big teeth are about to laugh. Hehehe!" He took it out quietly and hid it on the back of her head.

Under the impact of the holy spirit and the others, there were not many demons left, and they were scattered far and wide outside the battle circle of Wutian Boxun and Lao Wu. place to go.

The dark clouds gradually dissipated, and a round of bright moon was in the sky, illuminating this originally dark and strange plain like the daytime of the Red Dust Inn.

The stars are sparsely distributed in this demonic sky, one by one, and the eyes blink, as if they still can't see through the battle between gods and demons that is being shown on this land, which is very disturbing. It's incredible!

(End of this chapter)

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