
Chapter 440, The Rebirth of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth.

Chapter 440, The Rebirth of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth ([-]).

Under the clear light of the cold moon, Lao Wu and Bo Xun were holding their respective dragon-headed crutches, driving the fairy clouds to the east and west, and looked at each other coldly.

Under their feet, a group of monsters tore through the weak air, and there were many swords and guns, and you came and went to kill freely.

The masters of the demon sect confronted each other, and the demon spirits suffered. All the immortal demon breaths splashed by the collision of Lao Wu Wutian's immortal energy and magical thoughts turned into black smoke and dissipated in the wind, without exception.

Many demon spirits who originally belonged to the Wutian Demon Army camp were spoiled by the black dragon as soon as they rushed up, and most of them became his minions.

The black dragon hahaha smirked, and kept blowing bloody half-demon, half-demon, half-dragon magic dragon energy to them, making the demon spirits who rushed to Xiaoxian's team first turn their guns and run away. The little devil who came behind has gone.

The demons killed each other, screaming and killing, corpses scattered all over the field, and in a short while, this vast wilderness under a huge mountain of floating corpses was covered with blackness, and the edge could not be seen at a glance!

Xuntian and Qiti Xiao'er met and were about to cast a spell to save him, but it was still a step too late.

The Sword God's heavenly sword, which appears and disappears like a ghost, has already been entangled with Wutian. The two of them fought back and forth in the air more than 1000 meters outside the duel circle between Lao Wu and Bo Xun.

The sword god, a Zhentian sword, turns into two, turns into two, turns into four, turns into eight... In the blink of an eye, it transforms into thousands of fairy swords, circling around Wutiandi.

Wutian, like an old monk sitting still, sits on a black lotus flower. The flower of magic thoughts is like a sword, with twelve petals in a flower, and the petals are like a magic knife.

The magic knife and the heavenly sword attack and defend one by one, but the kill is gloomy and gloomy, and the soul of the sky is dark!
On the Sword God's side, streams of water-like blue clouds surged up continuously like water flowing through the years.

Wutian dragged the miasma-like ink-colored gas sprayed out by strips of squids, and it also poured into his body continuously, dyeing his whole body black, like a huge ink-colored human body inkjet painting generally.

"Old man, look, the green aura of the Sword God seems to be no match for Wutian's black aura! It's about to be completely surrounded by the black aura." Yuyan said to me very carefully.

"It's okay! Although there are many ink-colored gas, his black lotus heel has been taken away by the sword god. It is probably a bit mysterious to defeat our Zhentian sword! Hahahaha." Shui Mo laughed and said.

The two dragon-headed crutches of Lao Wu and Bo Xun were firmly placed in front of their masters, and they secretly exerted force on each other, fighting fiercely in front of their respective masters with great soul power. They all floated their heads out, and swept towards each other angrily.

"I'm going! Grandpa Wu and Bo Xun are fighting for vindictiveness! I can't tell, Grandpa Wu's walking stick is also a magic wand! Tsk tsk tsk tsk, amazing! Awesome." Shui Mo didn't blink his eyes , staring at the duel between Lao Wu and Bo Xun, laughed and said.

"Don't just watch the show! It's up to you to play in a while! You two, give me a moment to think about how to fight against Xing Tian!" I tapped Shui Mo's little head and said to him road.

"Master, we have never fought against Xing Tian, ​​how do we know how to deal with him? I think it makes the same if we are prepared or not." Shui Mo talked to me a little bit at a loss as to what to do.

"Hehehehe! It's okay, Shui Mo. After a while, the two of us can just fight and rush! Rescue my grandfather, and we win. It's okay, didn't you always look at us? What are you afraid of?" Yu Yan smiled disapprovingly got up and said.

"Hmm! Don't be afraid, Shui Mo. Shui Moxuan already knows this old man very well! When Mo Xian wraps up Xing Tian's armor, the two of you immediately go up and watch the west for him. You must stop Xing Tian. Don't let Xing Tian Fit with his armor, or you will be in big trouble." I said to them with a smile.

"Eh! Old man, how do we know that the old thief Xing Tian has come out?" Yu Yan rolled her eyes and asked me carefully.

"It's easy! You stand to the west of Xingtian's armor and Mo Xian. As long as you see a beam of seven-color beams flying towards you, sacrifice your sun and moon without hesitation, and fix that beam of light. Xingtian's The face will naturally appear in front of your eyes. At that time, the dragon claw hand of ink and wash will attack. Yu Yan, your Nine Heavens, Bright Moon, Sword and Sword, let's kill together. Remember!" I told them carefully.

"Remember, Master."

"Good old."

They all agreed with me and said.

During the short period of time we were talking, Dashan and Xuntian were fighting crazily together.

Wan Jin waved his invincible iron fist in the wind and thunder, and greeted Qiti with a single mind.

The little penguin was watching the battle from the outside, interspersed in the middle of the four of them's gambling from time to time, collecting their fallen immortal energy and magic thoughts aggressively.

Wave after wave of invisible sonic booms resounded in the sky, a sound of demon spirits turning into black smoke, and a sound of blue clouds and black clouds dispersing...!
The Rakshasa girl's three thousand black silk entangled tightly wrapped the Dali Ghost King tightly, like a huge blood-red silk cocoon, constantly floating and jumping in the sky, looking at the evil spirits. It's eye-catching.

"Master, the Vigorous Ghost King won't be entangled to death by the demon hair given by the Rakshasa girl!" Shui Mo called out cautiously.

"Brother-in-law, no, no, no! You'll know in a while. Isn't there still Sister Long's little penguin? No matter how bad it is, Sister Long and I are not the ones who eat and don't work! Hehehehe." Misty Rain saw ink painting She became worried and frightened for her great protector, so she pulled Long Nu and Meng Po to land gently from the cloud, and said to him with a smile.

"That's good! That's good." Shui Mo said with some disbelief.

"Don't worry about it! It's not like you don't know my little sister and sister Long's morality? Hurry up, I reckon that once the Rakshasa girl is defeated, the Xingtian old thief will take action!" Yu Yan pinched Shui Mo said with a smile.

"That's right! Don't you have opponents too, Brother Shui Mo, just concentrate on looking at the sky! Don't let Xing Tian in." Long Nu also laughed and said.

"Ah!...you... who will play tricks on my old lady again? Long-sleeved, purple skirt, you sisters, hurry up and help the little master Xuntian, take him far away into the sky, and never come back again! Quick...! I I'll give you a ride." The Rakshasa girl lowered her head, saw that the ground was densely covered with maggots and ants, and burst into tears.

"Okay, Master."

After a few delicate sounds, a few flowers of magic thoughts bloomed across the sky, and after a while Xun Tiandi's body also fell from the sky.

"Hehehe! Want to slip away from my Dashan's hands? You're so fucking daring to think about it." Dashan absorbed his immortal energy, and chased after him with a smile.

"Hahahaha! Really talented scholar, I didn't expect that your little fairy team was really built! Hahahaha, but I, Xingtian, will die today! Someone will settle accounts with you! Hahahaha." Xingtian armor The voice resounded through the sky from the ignorance.

"Small sample! Armor, come here, come here, I, Immortal Mo, have been waiting for a long time!" Shui Moxuan opened the dragon fracture fan in his hand, and couldn't help but laughed in ignorance.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and two muffled groans came down from the air.

Immediately afterwards, at this most critical moment, seven tiny rainbow-like threads of immortal energy, which are invisible to the naked eye, sneakily shot over from the dark clouds in the western sky.

"Stop him, brother. The old thief Xingtian is here!" Shui Moxuan jumped out of the ignorance, stood on the cloud and waved the dragon fracture fan vigorously in his hand, shouting loudly and loudly.

"Go!" Yu Yan softly called out to Shui Mo, and a crooked little moon, like a bright light in the darkness, flew into the sky with a whistling sound.

"Go!" Shui Mo agreed, and the little sun flew into the sky with a whoosh.

The sun and the moon meet, the sky and the earth are clear, and the piles of white bones in the dark cloud bottom of the Fushi Mountain Demon Cave deep in the clouds appear in front of the eyes of the big guy.

"Open the fairy eyes, according to Xingtian, don't let him sneak attack everyone." The holy spirit saw that the demon spirit suddenly disappeared, so he yelled loudly.

Lao Wu and Bo Xun meet each other, and they are fighting hard!

Sword God and Wutian also fought inextricably, so naturally they didn't care about Xing Tian's possession of demon spirits!

"Little fairy, little fairy boy, return to your place, come behind me and sir, hurry up! Yuyan, Shui Mo, what are you two still dawdling about? Why don't you give me a hand?" Qiuyue tightly grasped her Nine Heavens Bright Moon Dao took the lead and flew back, calling out to the other little fairies, Xiao Xian Tongdao.

"Penguin, Dali, Wanjin, you all come back too! Qiti and Xuntian have already run away, and they were sent away by the flirt Luocha Nu." Yan Yu also shouted that Dali Ghost King and the others had come, and said.

"Golden boy and jade girl subdue demons to save the world, no one else, quit the Three Realms! All go to Wutian Wonderland to watch the battle. Everyone, hurry up, we only have [-] seconds to transfer." Qinglong and Bailong came flying from the clouds , Youhu lifted the top of our heads while speaking, grabbed the black dragon, and went straight to Wutian Wonderland without looking back!
Seeing Qiuyue, she spun around hand in hand with the Holy Spirit. It only took [-] seconds for a wave of yellow sand to roll up on the sand in front of the Fushi Mountain Devil's Cave, and all the innocent little fairies were swept away. All the little fairy boys were swept away, and they went straight to Wutian Wonderland!

I know, Xingtian old thief and Xingtian armor are about to fit together!

Yu Yan and Shui Mo both possessed heavenly energy, spiritual power, cloud sword and heavenly sword, waving wildly and murderously like a windmill, a dragon claw created nothing out of nothing, using water as a sword, ignoring it like a dark cloud that has not yet emerged from its soul Xing Tian only killed the past...!
"Hey! This child. Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers! Sword God, we are also preparing to return to Wuxianland. After a while, the golden boy and jade girl will accept Xingtian and his armor, and we will rescue you back to the Lingxiao Palace. Get ready, I will count one or two Let's go together, San." With a shake of his crutches, the old oolong gave out half of his own wulong fairy dragon fighting spirit, and resisted Bo Xun's fight.

Bo Xun is not stupid, he also used the same method to deal with Lao Wu's dragon-headed crutches, while he himself had already flown out of the sky, chasing Tianhe Qiti and the others.

Seeing that the sword god was going to run away, Wutian wanted to entangle him to fight, but the old thief Xingtian's demonic thoughts were too domineering and powerful, coupled with the little sun and little moon of Yuyan and ink and the soul power of their true golden boy and jade girl It was too domineering and powerful, so he had no choice but to feint a shot, turned around and ran away without a trace.

"Rakshasa girl, you still don't want to leave?" I reminded Rakshasa girl whose head was shaved bald by Qinglong Zhan and Bailongji, and reminded her to come.

In fact, I was also worried that this girl would fight us to the death, and she would kill the old thief Xingtian even if she was desperate to be wiped out!
"Ah...? Oh oh! Thank you for reminding me." The Rakshasa girl woke up like a dream, turned into a red light and shadow, and disappeared among the dark clouds in the sky, and she didn't know where she was flying to!
"Hahahaha! Xingtian armor, when will you wait until you don't return your soul? Do you want to wait for others to stop killing and wait for you to lay fish?" Xingtian revealed his face from an invisible dark cloud, and said coldly.

"Oops! I've been entangled by this Moxian kid, so I can't use my strength!" The Xingtian armor kept attacking Moxian one after another, bringing out the spirit of Yugong Yishan, constantly impacting Moxian's fairy spirit Liping came and said.

"You don't know how to use the Nine Heavens Flying Armor? You are an idiot." Xing Tian looked up at the sun and moon halo in the sky, and said impatiently.

"Shui Moxuan, you boy is also the disciple of a poor scholar! You fucking lied to Wutian, and kept me in the dark! After cleaning up the little golden boy and little jade girl, I will definitely put you The corpse is in pieces. Just wait!" Xing Tian watched his armor hit the Mo Xianxian's spiritual power shield time and time again, but he couldn't enter Mo Xian's sphere of influence, so he couldn't wait and cursed impatiently. road.

"Shui Mo, Yu Yan, take advantage of his distraction, speed up the attack, and increase the output of soul power, immortal energy and spiritual power." I laughed and said.

"Don't worry, Master. I promise you won't kill him! Hahahaha." Shui Mo seemed to be excited to kill, and shouted at me loudly.

"Old man, stop talking! I feel like my heart can't take it anymore! This old thing's magic barrier is too strong, it seems like an iron wall is constantly pressing down on us!" Yu With a mournful face, Yan begged me in a shrill voice.

"Perseverance is victory! Yuyan, sacrifice the flying star that Haitian Miaoyin Fairyland big sister gave you, hurry up!" I shouted to her loudly.

"You old man, where do I have flying stars? Hurry up and shut up, okay?" Yu Yan angrily ignited at me.

"Miss! Could it be the Dragon Crystal Sorcerer's Stone? Those few Sorcerer's Stones you stole from your ancestor!" Shui Mo said loudly to Yuyan.

He finished playing the dragon claw hand over and over again, so he had to do all the kung fu in the Longling Book from beginning to end.

"Hahahaha! It's just a kid's trick. Little scholar, is this the apprentice you taught? It's nothing more than that. Hahahaha!" Xing Tian laughed wildly.

Black clouds gradually spread over the sky, engulfing all the ink, rain and smoke in it, the sun was white and the moon was clear, and the bright sky seemed to be filled with the flowers of magic thoughts.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

I was also a little restless, and couldn't help coughing violently.

(End of this chapter)

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