
Chapter 441, The Rebirth of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth.

Chapter 441, The Rebirth of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth ([-]).

The black ice-like magic flowers bloomed all over the sky, and each flower hides countless ghosts and ghosts. They may cry blood, laugh miserably, or cry bitterly, making the air under the floating corpse mountain scurry everywhere. Unbelievable, horrible and strange scene.

"Master, this guy's black lotus is covered in knives, my dragon claw hands can't even get close to him! What should I do?" Shui Mo shouted loudly.

"He can't even get close to you. Hold on, Shui Mo. You will win when Mo Xian takes off his armor!" I shouted to Xing Tian, ​​who was still struggling in the air, using each other's Dafa back and forth. Said in water and ink with the device fighting in dire straits.

"What you said is simple! Boss, don't just watch it! Come up and help me, even I can't stand it anymore." Yuyan begged me again, and said.

"Persevere, it will be fine in a while. Don't be discouraged, girl." I smiled and encouraged her, and said.

In fact, I understand in my heart that this is the only way to be reborn from the ashes of the avenue of heaven and earth. Only she can bring the ink painting with her to paint the Three Realms and clear the source, nothing else.

This catastrophe, no matter who comes up, the road to rebirth on the Heaven and Earth Avenue will become more rugged and full of unknown variables!

"you you you you!"

Seeing that I was standing still, Yu Yan knew that I would not intervene, so she sacrificed all the magic weapons she had collected for many years, turned her head and stared at Shui Mo and Xing Tian, ​​ignoring me anymore .

Each of the true heavenly magic weapons flying all over the sky has its own light of the great god, and they all surround the evil thoughts deep in Xingtian's black color at the center of the battle between the two sides.

The magic weapons of Zhentian showed their special abilities, and they sent Xingtian super gift packages one after another from time to time.

There are Laojun’s gourd, Heavenly Emperor’s Flying Sword, Pangu’s divine axe, Nuwa’s seven-color fairy stone to mend the sky, human emperor’s ancient bronze coin sword, and Houtu Emperor’s earth-centered dragon-slaying ball. There are also our bright moon scimitar from Jiuchongtian; 33-day Samadhi real fire sharp gun;

A handful of [-] kinds of weapons of various colors, like the magic weapons of the [-]th floor of hell, all trapped Xing Tian in the sky formation, and the ink color became thinner and dimmer.

This side of the Xingtian armor knew that the master had met the nemesis, and immediately accelerated the attack speed towards Mo Xianlong's fracture fan. Pieces of armor feathers flew towards Mo Xian and his dragon fracture fan like heavenly knives.

The fairy energy in the air was gradually squeezed into colorful cloud balls one after another. The cloud balls undulated one meter in front of the Mo Xianlong Fracture Fan.

Mo Xian kept waving the Dragon Fracture Fan, clenching his teeth and holding on to his last small space territory.

It can be seen that the situation on Moxian's side is not optimistic!

"Hahahaha! Little scholar in the real heaven world, do you think you can trap Xing Tian with just your three little apprentices? You are overthinking." Xing Tian saw that he was almost powerless to fight back after being beaten by his own armor. Mo Xian laughed loudly and said.

I coldly watched Mo Xian and Shui Mo assisting Yu Yan to save the Heaven and Earth Dao from the Heavenly Tribulation, this ultimate showdown with the Xing Tian Armor, I smiled noncommittally, without the slightest thought or thought.

"Hehehehe! Old thief Xingtian, don't get complacent too early, first! We haven't used our housekeeping skills yet! Hehehehe." Yuyan laughed coquettishly.

"That's right! Suanni, Qilin, why are you still standing there? Help!" Shui Mo glanced at Suanni, who was about to fall asleep under Yun's feet, and then looked at him, who had been paying attention to Yuyan and Xingtian Doufa Qilin couldn't help shouting loudly.

"Don't be funny, little master! Neither of us can do anything to you, let alone Xing Tian. You and Sister Yuyan can solve it by yourself! I'd better sleep on mine." Ink and ink, very self-aware, shouted at ink and ink very loudly.

"It's okay for the two of you to help clean up a few little monsters, right? Come on, if you don't come here, go and help Brother Mo Xian." Shui Mo used the real dragon claws to deal with Xing Tian, ​​while rushing loudly He called out again.

"No, no need! Brother Shui Mo, just let us help Brother Mo Xian! Hehehehe...hehehehe!" A group of little demon spirits jumped out of the black clouds, laughing and laughing. He went straight to the Xingtian armor.

"Hey hey hey! Xingtian Armor, your magic of stealing the sky and changing the sun is always one step behind. Without the Soul-Inducing Banner and the Black Cloud Sutra, you still can't last long! Ah?... Hahahaha." Qilin's immortal energy fluctuated for a while, and immediately reversed the passive situation. The immortal energy in the Dragon's Fracture Fan suddenly increased sharply, and the clouds flying all over the sky were swept by him, and they all slammed into Xing Tian head-on The armored bronze scale-shaped magic knife is gone.

After a harsh sound of metal collisions, all the bronze magic knives shot at Mo Xian by Xing Tian's armor were shot down by Yun Pian Tian Knife, falling down like snowflakes.

"Kirin, 狻猊! You two, hurry up and take away these bronze armors, and use my Dragon Scale Book to kill the heart and soul." When I saw the carp-like scales of the golden Xingtian armor, I immediately reminded 狻Yan and Qilin came and said.

"Come on! Suan Ni, you collect it first, and I'll collect what you can't finish." Qilin glanced at the armor piece of Xingtian armor and said with a smile.

"Then I'm not welcome!" Suan Ni agreed humbly, then recalled the method of killing the heart and seizing the soul that I had just written into their minds, and blew a breath of immortality on the golden armor here. Suddenly, the golden light all over the place fell on him in an instant, and none of them fell.

This product, there is no three or five pieces left for Qilin!

I smiled and fell silent.

Qilin didn't seem to care too much, and had been paying attention to the duel between Yuyan and Shui Mo and the old thief Xingtian.

"Hahahaha! Xingtian armor, a phoenix with shedding hair is not as good as a chicken. Look at you now, you don't even have a single piece of clothing! How ugly! It turns out that your brother is a pangolin who has cultivated the way of magic! Hahahaha!" Mo Xian laughed got up and said.

The dragon bone fan kept waving, lightning and thunder struck the unarmored body of the black Xingtian armor continuously, and streams of foul-smelling black blood gradually penetrated from the body of the Xingtian armor like ink. It came out, dripping and dripping.

"Every drop is a vicious curse, a mountain of corpses!!!!...You guy, how many innocent people's flesh and blood have you eaten in this life, you! You really deserve to die."

Mo Xian couldn't help being angry when he saw the villainous black spots of souls dripping from Xing Tian's armor.

He yelled, and immediately tore the dragon fracture fan in his hand to pieces, quickly took out the dragon bone, and with a flick of his hand, it turned into more than 30 dragon bone fairy swords, swishing and shooting at the Xingtian armor.

Xing Tian's armor relied on the gleaming bronze armor. Without armor, he had no power to fight back except for the magic sword transformed by the magic thought.

"Oops! I'm careless. I'm careless. This little scholar has a backhand! I didn't expect this traitor to be so profound! He can shoot down all the scales of my armor! Hey..." The criminal angel came out and dealt with it with all his strength Ink's real dragon claw hand and Yuyan's real magic weapon flying all over the sky, couldn't help but sighed softly, and said secretly.

"Xing Tian, ​​it's still too late to surrender. As long as you surrender, follow me obediently back to Jiuchongtian and continue to serve the Great Heavenly Venerable. All the past will be wiped out. Think about it carefully." I lost no time in persuading him.

"Little scholar, if I surrender to Xing Tian, ​​no one will surrender to you. Do you remember when you and Leng Qiuyue pissed on me when you were young? I get so fucking angry when I think about it, if I don't kill you and that little Leng Qiuyue Damn baby, I swear I won't give up!" Xing Tian concentrated all his magic thoughts on his own flowers of magic thoughts, and controlled these flowers of magic thoughts by remote control, desperately dealing with ink and rain, cursing us loudly Got it.

"Forget it! It's fine if you don't surrender. To be honest, if I do it myself, do you think you still have a chance to talk to me alive?" I deliberately stimulated him.

"Old man, you idiot. Taking advantage of his weakness and killing him, why are you pretending to be a fool? Hurry up and accept this old bastard. Sister, my hands are callused from beating me up." Launching the magic weapon of heaven, all the bottles and jars were shot out, and he blamed me without looking back.

Xing Tian was attacked back and forth by ink and rain, and gradually became a little exhausted.

"Yu Yan, Shui Mo! Speed ​​up the attack on Sudoku, don't give him any chance to breathe. If you persist for another ten days and a half a month, this old guy will be so weak and powerless! Hahahaha." Looking at Xing Tian's funny and busy hands and feet Acting, I couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Xing Tian, ​​I didn't expect you to hold a grudge! You still have a heart for you for our careless actions when we were young? Your heart is too incompatible with your status as a demon, you! Hahahaha." I deliberately enticing him to speak.

Xing Tian was almost out of breath after being beaten by ink ink and rain smoke's magical weapons of fairy energy and spiritual power. He focused on dealing with ink ink ink and rain smoke's strange attack methods without saying a word, and ignored what I said got up.

"This guy, finally reacted!"

I muttered to myself secretly.

"Shui Mo, Yu Yan! You two speed up your attack speed, don't give him any chance to catch his breath." I yelled loudly.

"Little scholar, I know that you have no good intentions, and you are deliberately playing tricks on me! Hahahaha, I will not be fooled by you." After Xing Tian finished speaking, he suddenly flew out from the middle of ink and rain. .

"Ink and ink! Ten thousand demons return to one, and the old thief's demonic thoughts are about to start flying. Your clones are all dispatched to fight against the old thief's evil thoughts." I loudly reminded ink and ink who was very devoted to killing.

"Oh! I almost forgot, my avatar hasn't been dispatched yet! I'll immediately activate the super avatar mode in Wutian Wonderland, Master." Shui Mo agreed to me very happily.

"Yuyan, don't limit the magical artifacts to those within the 99 heavens! The ones from the Heavenless Wonderland, as well as the fairy energy of Andromeda, can be sent to him at once." I then shouted loudly to Yuyan .

"Got it, old man."

Yuyan agreed to me, and the mountain-like magic stones and meteorites flew out of her Yuanshen kit, chasing Xingtian.

On this side, Mo Xian cut off the feathers of Xingtian's armor with the Dragon Bone Immortal Sword, and gradually forced the Xingtian's armor down to the ground step by step.

"The Xingtian armor without the magic knife is just a pile of fat. I said Xingtian armor, your master won't last long if he doesn't surrender! If you still have a little self-knowledge, I advise you to surrender! Otherwise, there is one way of thinking." " I saw that Xing Tian refused to surrender, so I turned to flicker Xing Tian's armor and said.

"I believe you ghost! You shameless poor scholar, I will never raise the white flag to surrender to you! I'm mad at you." Xing Tian armor stood more than 100 meters away from me panting, very angry said.

The keel and sword of Moxianlong Fracture Fan cut iron like mud, and formed a huge and incomparably large Driplongtian Miaoyin Buddha magic array above the head of Xingtian's armor, just like a constantly rolling sea and sky Yinyang Taichi diagram, will invite us to share with you Yuyan and Ink Painting were all separated abruptly.

"Cough cough cough...cough cough...cough!"

Xing Tian armor kept coughing, and his breath began to become a little messy and low.

The original arrogant face has also begun to undergo some major changes.

"You still look like a human being in armor, but you're a fucking ball when you take off your pants! You're so ugly, how dare you fight me? Get some water and look in the mirror! Shameless guy A pangolin is still a pangolin after it has cultivated to the Tao! However, at this moment, it depends on whether you can get back the scales on my body that originally belonged to you." It's the armor of Xing Tian, ​​so he ran on the Xing Tian armor without holding back, said.

"Stinky boy! Grandpa, I'll kill Xiao Moxian later, and then I'll deal with you." Xing Tian armor stood on the spot and said with shortness of breath.

"Okay! Let me let you take a breath before I talk. If I kill you now, you will not be convinced if your mother is dead! If you really have that ability, it's okay to let you rest for a while." Suan Ni laughed and said.

"Rest? Why don't you come and play a game of chess with your devil grandfather! Anyway, you don't have the strength to fight anymore, right?" Qilin also fell down at this moment, and said to Xingtian Armor with a wicked smile.

"You guys are playing hooligans! You don't play cards according to the routine." Xingtian Armor talked to Qilin very sluggishly.

The sun and the moon passed our heads for the hundredth time, and they greeted each other with a smile: "You are still far-sighted, and you have started training successors early in the morning!"

(End of this chapter)

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