
Chapter 451, relative revenge.

Chapter 451, Relative Revenge ([-]).

The whole world celebrates in the black space, on top of the Lingxiao Palace in the Real Heaven Realm, the Great Heavenly Lord and the gods are busy cleaning up the messy hall, and they can't take care of the catastrophe of the Hongchen Inn for a while.

The carnival of ten thousand demons moves according to the time.

Shui Mo and Yu Yan were poisoned by magic, and they were still powerless for a while.

The colorful and colorful ghost fires kept sneaking in, and surrounded Suan Ni and Xing Tian's armor in the heart of ignorance in the depths of darkness, and their hearts gradually began to feel a little turbulent.

"I didn't expect that this ignorant ghost fire seven evil spirits really have two skills! When I first joined us, I still detested the nameless and old-fashioned scruffy ghost! Hey... It's really a person who can't be judged by appearances, The sea water is immeasurable!" Luocha Nu stood firmly in the depths of the darkness, and smiled slightly with Wutian.

It is said that although Rakshasa girl has given birth to so many little demon spirits, her body and face are still so coquettish, and her smile is so charming that she frequently gives birth to charming girls, no wonder Wutianbo Xun's generation is always obsessed with it, and obeys her words. She's so daring!

People, demons, demons....

In fact, they are all the same. All of them use the five poisons as their magic weapon to freely mix in the world. Most of them are those who dominate the world. The more evil they are, the more they can dominate the world.

This, perhaps, is recognized by all the great demon kings who have come out of the world, the kind of short-lived domineering and extremely powerful magic weapon for dealing with the world.

"Meet the overlord! Cough cough. I can't say, I have to fit together! Master Suanni, where is your Demon River ghost fish scale? Hurry up and let him fit with me." Xing Tian armor shot out a wave of golden light , completely illuminated the darkness around him, he shouted with his Suan Ni master in a hurry, and said.

"Yeah! Brother Xingtian, you just have to take on the challenge, leave the matter of combining the two armors to me! When the Seven Ghosts disappear, it will be a good day for the two of you to combine. Don't worry, leave it to me! Hahahaha. Suan Ni laughed loudly and said.

"You...Master, you are drawing cakes for me to satisfy my hunger! These are ghosts and demons flying all over the sky! Your cakes should be rotten in a while. I was cooked by these seven old ghosts. Look at what you drew The biscuits can still be delivered. Eh, er, take your time, brother Qigui, don’t worry, don’t worry, you have to come one by one, hahahaha!” Hearing Suan Ni’s words, Xing Tian’s armor could not agree to it. But he was not idle, he spoke quickly, and the golden light flying all over the sky greeted the colorful phosphorescent flames of the seven ghosts like silk threads.

A flower shelf is always a flower shelf, and it will collapse when touched.

As soon as Xing Tian armor heard that the back was strong, it simply opened up the golden years, and the golden snake was in full swing, jumping up and down.

"Hahahaha! The Xingtian armor hides the armor, and there are armors outside the armor, a total of 970 four armors, each armor is a golden dragon, and the seven old ghosts add up to a total of seven, seven, 490 ghost fires, How can I endure these more than 4000 golden snakes to feed my hunger! I'm afraid... Hehehehe!" Shui Moxuan couldn't help but raised his head to the sky and shouted loudly.

"You guy, are you sending a signal to others? Are you afraid that others won't be able to eat us?" Yuyan managed to squeeze out a sentence from between her teeth, and scolded him.

"I'm deliberately disturbing their hearing and hearing! By the way, Wutian and Bo Xun, Xuntian and Qiti, etc., who don't know the power of Xingtian's armor. If they don't retreat, they are naturally prepared! Miss , I called it, it is natural that the old department of Xingtian Armor will rise up among them and respond to Xingtian Armor! There is a lot of profit but no harm, so you can rest assured. Next, you will see how Xingtian Armor protects the Lord. Lah. Hehehehe!" Shui Moxuan explained to Yuyan in a very strange and small voice.

In a valley more than 1000 kilometers away from Haitian Miaoyin Fairy, which had been illuminated by golden light for hundreds of kilometers, the black clouds gradually receded towards the west.

The Rakshasa girl Wutian on the left and Bo Xun on the right stood at the foot of the cloud more than 100 meters away. talk.

Just above the black cloud where they were standing, Xun Tian sat on a grand master's chair made of black cloud material carved with insects and ants, and he also looked very intently at Xing Tian's armor and his subordinates, the seven old ghosts, ghosts and ghosts. Master, you come and go to fight with each other!
Who will the Xingtian Armor chase? When Xingtian fought against the Nine Heavens, Rakshasa, Wutian, and Bo Xun hadn't been born yet, so they didn't have any strength against the Xingtian Armor!

So they didn't dare to act rashly, they could only watch the show honestly.

Xuntian and Qiti's understanding of Xingtian's armor is even more ignorant, almost blank!

Otherwise, he wouldn't dare to match Xing Tian's armor if he killed the seven-body child.

However, what Qiti himself didn't know was that the Xingtian Armor didn't use his big move against him at all!At best, it gave him two successes.

To deal with the Seventh Old Ghost's ghost fire, in fact, the Xingtian armor doesn't need to use all the flying armors!
It's just that this guy has selfish intentions, he wants to follow ink and wash forever, so he wants to combine with Suan Ni's ghost fish scales, so he used three successes to release all the flying armors!
Looking at the golden snakes flying all over the sky, Xingtian armor asked his new master with a smile, and said very proudly: "Suan Ni boy, how about our more than 700 golden armor sky fire darts? With the master, your ghost fish Who is better than Feilin? Hahahaha."

"The ghost fish is a god among demons, ghosts and ghosts, and your flying armored golden snake is a god between demons and immortals. Naturally, there is no comparison! Who is better at subduing demons? Appropriate, once my ghost fish scales are dispatched, blood must be seen, otherwise it will not end. Hahahaha, there is no comparison between the two, no comparison!" Suan Ni said to him with a smile Yes, said.

"I was originally a Jinshan drug tyrant inside and outside the Three Realms. I didn't kill demons and only celestial beings. Therefore, when fighting demons, I really need to learn more from Brother Guiyu! Slaying demons and defending Taoism is not Xingtian Armor's forte. !" After hearing what Suan Ni said, Xing Tian Armor came to his senses, and said humbly with Suan Ni.

The golden snake in the sky intertwined with ghostly ghost fires fluctuated ups and downs, colorful and hot and cold, sometimes the ghost fire was green and the screen was green, and the golden snake spit out red pistils. After a long time of entanglement, finally the world was completely refreshed, and a bright moon was in the sky. Lang Lang's star hangs in the sky, and the air is much fresher and brighter.

The huge black cloud where Rakshasa, Wutian, and Bo Xun were standing also became smaller circle after circle, and gradually the black aura inside it became much more indifferent.

Surrounded by Shui Mo and Yu Yan in all directions, all their knives, guns, swords and halberds were out of their sheaths, each of them opened their eyes wide with anger, gritted their teeth, but remained motionless, surprisingly quiet.

"Miss, are you better?" Shui Mo felt a wave of spiritual light quietly entering his body from the bright stars and moon, and a stream of sweet spring-like air flowed slowly in his limbs and bones. Feeling refreshed and refreshed instantly filled the whole body, so he asked about Yuyan.

Yuyan glanced at the stars and the moon in the sky, and then looked at the layers of crooked mouths, noses, and vicious monsters around her. She winked her eyes at the ink ghosts and ghosts, and said in a low voice: "What a fart! I feel as if my body has been emptied, as if I have only an empty shell left, and I feel so weak that I will fly away when the wind blows!"

"Hahahaha! Mother, this golden boy and jade girl was swept away by the giant poison of the devil's gu, and within ten days and half a month, I'm afraid they will never recover! No way, let's take advantage of their weakness and simply kill them. Do you agree?" Xun Tian couldn't help laughing after hearing the conversation between Yuyan and Shui Mo, and asked Rakshasa.

"My son, absolutely not! Although the golden boy and jade girl have been brought down by us, but among their mounts and guardian gods, there are traitors from the demon world, and the poison of the demonic smallpox has no effect on them. We still have to deal with them first." Let them talk." Luocha Nu looked at Shui Mo and Yu Yan, and said to Xun Tian in disbelief.

"Okay! Then take these two idiots first and clean them up. Seven old ghosts, can you do it? Can you take away the Xingtian armor as soon as possible? If not, just say a word, so we can send more people, and we can't delay any longer. Otherwise, once the old witch from Haitian Miaoyin Wonderland arrives, our entire army will be wiped out!" Xun Tian couldn't help but urged the seven ghosts and fire greens to come, and said helplessly.

"It's okay! It's okay. Master, it's fine!" Ghost Fire Green agreed loudly.

"No! Qiti, you'd better go down and help out." Wutian's eyes are poisonous, and he has already seen the trickiness in it. Qiti and ghost fire green partnered to barely draw with Xingtian Armor, so he ordered

The child with seven bodies faltered obsequiously, and didn't dare to say anything at all!

"Coward! Didn't he just follow the old leader for tens of thousands of years? There is nothing to be afraid of! You dare not go to me." Inside a black cloud that was about to dissipate, a blood man cursed angrily. One head crashed straight down from the air.

There were too many golden snakes and relatively few will-o'-the-wisps. In the end, the golden snakes prevailed and extinguished all the colorful will-o'-the-wisps of the Seven Old Ghosts, leaving none left.

The Xingtian armor, who was about to collect the golden snake, saw the blood man and rushed down desperately from the air, and immediately split the golden snake into two, one part protected the ink and rain, and the other part condensed into a beam of light, shooting straight at the blood people.

"It's a blood demon! Suanni, Qilin, take care to protect the master, I'll take him in." Shui Moxuan sneered, jumped off the bridge of Shui Mo's nose, and was about to fight.

"Hey hey hey! Brother Moxian, how can you kill a chicken with a sledgehammer? I, the Golden Snake Demon Dazzling God and Demon Light, can destroy his blood demon primordial spirit. You don't need to do it yourself! You should protect our little boy!" The master is important." Xing Tian armor said to Shui Moxian disdainfully.

"It's so arrogant! Xing Tian Armor, when you were born, the world had already been civilized, and when I was born, the world was still one, and it was still in the shape of a chaotic chicken. Tell me, if you don't take into account the good-looking face of the old leader Xing Tian Some, I have taught you a long time ago. Hahahaha, Huangkou kid, you are also arrogant in front of my blood demon, and you are arrogant. You are really desperate! You." The blood demon couldn't help scolding Xingtian armor loudly Here it comes, said.

"You are... a life form before the Dinosaur Era? Isn't that a group of ancient blood souls cobbled together from the remains of a group of caterpillars? What's the big deal? It's not Pangu, why should I be afraid of you? Come on, come on, let's compete with my Golden Snake. Hahahaha!" Xingtian Armor also cursed sharply, saying.

"I'll go, although you won the battle of light, earth and fire, it's only because of your magic weapon. Boy, you don't rely on heretics to fight wars! If that's the case, wouldn't the trilobites want to unify the Three Realms? Haha Hahaha, low-level creatures are always low-level creatures, and they don’t know how to use their brains! To kill and slaughter gods, you still have to rely on the super magic weapons in your hands! Hahahaha, don’t worry about blood demons, wait for my seven brothers to go up together , completely tore this arrogant traitor into pieces, and you can kick the tiger to death later! Hahahaha. Brothers, get out the ghost sword and kill this old boy." Ghost Fire Green was beaten by Blood Demon and Xing Tian The clamor of the armor was so angry that it roared loudly, and said.

"Damn it, I don't know how to live or die. The Golden Snake has changed seven times, and it will challenge the ghost sword with a generation of ten thousand. The pardon of the family, quickly draw the sword." Xing Tian's armor was also stimulated, and he couldn't help but cursed loudly. ,road.

The blood demon happened to touch the golden light emitted by the golden snakes, and his whole body was in pain as if being burned by heavenly fire. The blood of the monster on the surface of the god body seemed to be ignited, which really scared him a lot. Jump.

Just when he felt that the layer of devil blood on the surface of his body was about to be burned by the golden light, the golden light suddenly disappeared from his eyes, and the air in front of him instantly returned to calm.

The blood demon was already frightened, but in order to save face, he pretended to be innocent and fought with the ghost fire and green seven brothers haha: "Okay! Let's see if your seven brothers can destroy the skin of the old leader! If you can’t fight, let us know in advance, and a certain company will come to help immediately.”

The Golden Snake Tianguang returned to Xing Tian's armor, and then disassembled it in four directions. It was still a solid Golden Snake Dart, full of firepower and not mixed with any evil thoughts at all. Swish then shot at the seven ghosts.

The seven ghosts have always been alone, until now they were divided into seven, revealing seven ghostly figures like black ice.

They stood side by side, each with a blue acetylene air knife in their hands, emitting smoke freely and continuously.

The seven ghosts were all covered in black clouds, and they couldn't see their true faces clearly, and it was the one in the middle who spoke all the time, while the other six seemed to be dumb, and kept silent all the time.

The will-o’-the-wisps in the middle rushed at them, and when they retreated, they also retreated, repeating and constant, as if they had been rehearsing for a long time, it was not chaotic at all, and the order was almost perfect.

When the first wave of Golden Snake Dart crossed the air and flew towards the blue sky knife-like Nether Ghost Knife in the hands of the seven ghosts, the seven ghosts waved their swords at the same time.

When the Golden Snake Dart touched the Ghost Saber Qi, all of them burst into flames, and instantly turned into drops of golden water and fell into the loess.

"I'm going! I really underestimated you seven old ghosts! I can't say, I have to protect myself first! Master Suanni, I will fight with them!" Xingtian Armor shouted, and will protect the rest of Shui Mo and Yu Yan. The golden snakes were also taken back, and they risked their lives to pounce on the Seven Ghosts Youming Ghost Knife.


Yu Yan was so frightened that she couldn't help but let out a scream.

(End of this chapter)

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