
Chapter 452, relative revenge.

Chapter 452, relative revenge (seven).

The true heaven eliminates demons, and demons have no choice but to enter the world of mortals.

In order to quell the evil, fairies have to live in the world.

In the world of true heaven, immortals and demons, there is always no chance of a comeback in the way of demons. This is because the Dao of heaven and earth can be named heaven or earth, but no matter what, it is impossible to be named demons! ! !
"Hey! That's fine, Xing Tian's armor's evil thoughts have not yet been exhausted. It is better to die at the hands of demons and ghosts than to die at the hands of our immortal family! Otherwise, we will be with him in the future If you continue to get along with your mind, there will always be a lot of inconvenience! This may be the deep-seated reason why Tianzun acquiesces in the existence of the demon world. Hahahaha, Fusheng Wuliang Tianzun, the fairyland does not allow demon madness, demon madness must Stopped by the sky! Little Rakshasa, if you want to seek revenge from the heavens, you should find another place! It is definitely not possible in the heavens! Otherwise, you can take them to the Hongchen Inn. I will report to the Great Heavenly Venerable, let He issued a decree of the heavenly white clouds, and bestowed on you to wait until the depths of the mortal world to avenge the great hatred of losing a loved one, what do you think?" A familiar voice came from outside the sky, calmly Talked to Rakshasa.

"...If you continue to fight like this, I'm afraid you will lose your life waiting for Qingqing!" After a pause, the clear and familiar voice rang again next to Shui Mo's ears.

After a while, a burst of fairy cloud fragrance began to linger over the heads of the gods and demons.

After a while, the sounds of nature fell from the sky like raindrops, moistening the spiritual consciousness of all immortals, demons and heretics on both sides of the battle, and it did not dissipate for a long time.

It turns out!It's the ancestor of our family. She has come to the scene of the revenge battle between Shui Mo and Yuyan and the Rakshasa mother and son at some point.

She still has white hair, and she looks like a little girl like a lotus.

Behind her, followed closely by a divine turtle and a fire unicorn with blue seals of sea and sky.

Behind the fire unicorn, there are seventy, eighty, ninety celestial maidens, who outline the mountains, rivers, sky, stars and sea with a handful of zithers and loquats like smoke and rain. money comes.

Walking in the front are two ignorant beasts who help to guard the Dragon Ball, one on the left and the other on the right.

Other people can't see the existence of the two of them, so only in the world of immortal cultivators, people with regular habits can feel the two brothers' vigorous and powerful by coincidence. The earth's aura, faintly appearing in the depths of the minds of those who cultivate immortals, has occupied one side of the world forever!

"Big big sister! Why are you here too? Shui Mo and I can handle such trivial matters as dealing with the Rakshasa gang of demons! Big big big sister, why do you think you are here! You just Wait at home, we will go back in a while." Seeing the ancestor, Yuyan immediately flew up to the sky happily, plunged into the arms of the ancestor, and then flirted with her Liaojiao came, and said in a whimpering voice.

"Shui Mo, come up too! Rakshasa girl, Wutian, and boy Bo Xun, you are chasing and robbing my younger generation who robbed me of the Wonderland of the Sea and the Sky, don't you have an old face that is not ashamed at all? God sees it!" Xing Tian has served him for tens of thousands of years, so he will not drive you all to death. As long as you have a little self-knowledge, you should be grateful and stay in your magical world with peace of mind. Don't rush into my heaven to make trouble. What, Don’t tell me you have sucked people’s souls and collected magic stones to bless you, and you managed to live a thousand years of magic age. Do you despise yourself for living too long? If you are sensible, just step down and let me forget the past, forgive me You can't wait to die." The old ancestor stroked Yuyan's hair, and after calling Shui Mo, he unceremoniously reprimanded all the great gods of the Demon Cult, she said coldly.

"Hehe! You are that old guy who hid in the Wonderland of Haitian Miaoyin and dared not come out to meet people after the creation of the world with Emperor Pangu? Hehehe, your tone doesn't match your small body at all! Don't say it I, Rakshasa, don't give you face. You Haitian Miaoyin Wonderland dominates the heavens and I don't have the time to take care of them, but your little fairy Xiaoxiantong from Haitian Miaoyin Wonderland killed my husband. Mother and son will have their revenge too. You, take care of yourself, little girl."

Since the Rakshasa woman jumped out of the devil's womb, she has never seen or heard of her ancestors, so she didn't take her seriously, and started talking to our ancestors very provocatively, road.

"Raksha, don't be unreasonable. This is the sister of Pangu Earth, the ancestor of the human emperor, gods, demons, and monsters, and the empress who is respected by both inside and outside the Three Realms!" Wutian suffered from us on the coastline outside the Haitian Miaoyin Fairy , so she immediately stopped the Rakshasa girl and said sharply.

"Hahahaha, it's not once or twice that I have been fighting with the little fairy Xiaoxiantong of the Haitian Miaoyin Fairyland Department. My ancestors never asked me once. Why did I go out in person this time? Why? Boy Bo Xun, you are polite here. I have met the Lord of Heaven and Earth." Bo Xun politely met with his ancestors, and prostrated himself on the black cloud blanket, not daring to move. Woolen cloth!

"Bo Xun, I watched you and the Buddha fight all the way from the Daleiyin Temple in the West Heaven, and repeatedly entered my holy land in the east to take refuge. I didn't feel sorry for you, but I just felt sorry for you. Don't think badly again, it's breaking my rules! Otherwise, I'll take your soul and exile it to the deserted island of Andromeda, so that you can't survive or die. Remember, take your seven-body child with you, Get back quickly, and continue to practice asceticism. In this way, I will forgive you the crime of disrespecting the jade girl and the little son-in-law." The ancestor said coldly to the Raksha girl.

"You...!" Rakshasa was still going crazy, but Wutian hugged her waist, and tightly covered her big blood-red mouth, not daring to let her speak again.

Bo Xun knows how powerful his ancestors are!Naturally, I dare not mess around.

Xuntian was ready to move, but when he saw Wutian and his mother, he also fought and retreated!
"It's pretty much the same, don't make extra troubles! Ink, Yuyan, bring your friends and let's go." Holding ink in one hand and Yuyan in the other, the ancestor disappeared into the sky long ago without a trace Woolen cloth!
As soon as Xing Tian armor saw the old ancestor, he left the devil's fetus, and went back to Suan Ni's body alone early in the morning, so how dare he be so nervous!

A celestial girl who detected the leakage of immortal energy flicked her pipa, and the sound of the sounds of nature turned into a series of strange blood-dropping white light waves, and Youhu penetrated into Suan Ni's body.

Early in the morning, Suan Ni's Ghost Fish Flying Scale and Xing Tian Armor's Immortal Armor were merged into one unconsciously.

Linlin saw my ancestors, and knew that my Dharma protector was saved, so she recited the mantra, and also drove up an auspicious cloud, and tried to follow it from a distance.

Suanni and Qilin smiled foolishly, looked at each other, and also jumped into the air, chasing eastward.

"Hey! Why do I feel that my body is so much lighter? Qilin, what's going on?" Suan Ni's voice floated from the eastern sky, causing the Xingtian armor on the ground to feel tight, and then the whole body It became stiff.

The devil's fetus dies from being soulless, not from an opponent, nor from peace, so it's better!Without resentment or annoyance, it walked very peacefully and peacefully.

Linlin took the magic fairy all over her body to change the flowers of non-stop reading, red like a lantern for a while, and blue for a while like fireworks. It was really beautiful. She followed the ancestors step by step, and it seemed a little strenuous. up.

"Qilin, Suanni, you two go and help Miss Linlin." The ancestor seemed to have eyes in the back of his head, as if he saw Linlin struggling, so he spoke to Suanni and Qilin, smiling slightly Smiled and said.

Qilin and Suanni followed behind them respectfully, and hesitated for a while.

"Old Ancestor, Qilin and Suanni, we two can't afford the flower of Miss Linlin's magical thoughts! What's more, there are many guardian gods of the husband living in it! That can be moved." Suanni looked at it. Taking a look at Linlin's red and blue flower of magic thoughts, she couldn't help but spoke the truth to her ancestor.

"Qilin, you and Suan Ni each have a burst of fairy energy, and give sister Linlin a blessing, otherwise he won't be able to run. Hurry up, don't try to beat me." Yuyan turned her head and saw Linlin who was panting. Followed behind Suan Ni and Qilin, and then looked at Suan Ni's playful smiling face, he couldn't get angry, so he scolded them.

"Okay, okay! You are the master, we dare not refuse to listen! Just go." Suan Ni agreed with a mournful face.

"Amount! Suanni, you got the Xingtian Armor, and your skin is tough? Are you not afraid of being smoked? How dare you talk to the ancestor and the young lady like that? Hurry up and put in your strength. Otherwise, I will really beat you in a while. "Shui Mo glanced at him angrily, and cursed.

"Cough cough! Shui Mo, don't be angry! Don't be angry! Suanni and Qilin are right, they can't help sister Linlin, I'll go." Shui Moxuan jumped from Shui Mo's forehead, agreed and then He quickly went to meet Linlin.

This guy is afraid that others will not let him go!
The old ancestor saw it in his eyes, a smile crossed the corner of his mouth, and he pretended not to know, and flew straight towards Luohan Hall with ink and rain.

"Oh my god! Is this little girl really that powerful? Everyone just watched her take away her enemy like this? Wutian, Bo Xun, are you two really so afraid of death? And you, my mother .You... just believe in Master Wutian's nonsense so much? What should I do now that I have killed my father?...I am so mad at you." Finally, Xuntian couldn't bear it any longer, and put on his demon cult leader The shelf came, and he started cursing as he walked around, said.

"Master, shall we chase after him now?" Several sly and graceful ghost girls jumped out and shouted loudly.

"Give me peace! Xuntian, don't blame your mother! You all remember, stop here! You can't go further east. If you go further east, you will be the forbidden land of Haitian Miaoyin Wonderland! It's a pile of bones, and it will be all right to come to us old guys and cry." Wutian couldn't help but yelled at Xuntian and the others for coming.

"Senior Brother Wutian, is that little girl really that powerful? Why can't I see through it? Isn't she just an ordinary little girl when I look at her? She doesn't have any fairy spirit at all!" Unable to bear it anymore, he asked Wutian with a smile.

"Senior Brother Bo Xun, you have fought with the youngsters in their family. Tell me, is she really that powerful? I also can't see through her! It seems that she is really just a mortal girl." Wutian also helped Rakshasa, mother and son, and asked about Bo Xun's arrival.

"Hey! Brother, I think you can find out if you ask Xingtian Armor. When he followed Teacher Xingtian to fight against the Emperor of Heaven, Xingtian Armor followed Teacher Xingtian all the time! I heard that this little girl was there." Bo Xun also laughed got up and said.

Even though Bo Xun said so, in fact, he himself couldn't see through the true strength of his ancestor.

"Don't even talk about it! Isn't Xing Tian's armor frozen here? Let's call him over and ask, can't we find out?" Xun Tian was completely dizzy with anger, turned his head and rushed directly The physical body of Xing Tian's armor went away, and he yelled and said.

"Xingtian Armor, come here, I'm here to ask you something? Get up, get up." Xun Tiantian didn't hit anywhere, and punched the iron and stone body of Xingtian Armor, said.

"Crazy, crazy! This world is crazy. It's all crazy. Xingtian's armor has also turned into a lump of iron lumps. Oh my god! It hurts me to death." With the sound of a roar, Xuntian Xiaoer reported his hand Awow yelled, said.

"Okay! Xuntian. You just punched the iron bump on Xingtian's armor and made a big fist mark." Qiti looked at the fist mark on the body of Xingtian's armor, and couldn't help it. He admired loudly and said.

"Seven-body brother, what is this? Brother just messed with it casually, you wait and see, if this guy still doesn't move, I will destroy his real body immediately. Xingtian Armor, can you afford it? Don’t pretend to be dead, if you don’t say anything, I’m really going to send you back to the West.” Xuntian Xiao’er wanted to find Shui Mo and Yu Yan to avenge his father’s death, but now the ancestors of Haitian Miaoyin Wonderland took the enemy away with a few words, Moreover, he had been entangled with Xingtian Armor for a long time before he finally got to the Great God of Haitian Miaoyin Wonderland, so he vented all the will-o'-the-wisp in his heart on Xingtian Armor, and finally couldn't hold back the anger in his heart, and relentlessly shouted roared up.

"Luo Sha, do you want to persuade him? Don't be blinded by hatred, this child. If something happens, you will be in trouble." Wutian looked at Xuntian who was completely controlled by the fire of hatred, and looked at him cautiously. Asked about the Rakshasa girl.

(End of this chapter)

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